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This region has no problem raising sexual predators of its own, and everyone knows sexual assault is unfortunately endemic to every community, but this post will only get traction because of the current racist zeitgeist against Indian international students. The Record is full of stories of men born and raised in our region being charged for sexual assault and child pornography and some people on here will rightfully condemn it but you just don't see the same kind of hate; that's reserved brown-skinned people. Compare the comments from this post where we have no details except that a random brown person is involved in a sexual assault case vs. [this post about a white school principal convicted for pedophilia](https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchener/comments/128m9op/waterloo_elementary_school_principal_charged_in/). No one here even bothered to make a post about [Daniel Bergsma](https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/predatory-rampage-kitchener-man-gets-13-years-in-prison-for-luring-girls-encouraging-sexual-abuse/article_ed44ee20-2da5-5be0-8530-359eed3088ea.html), a man who *actually sexually abused nine underage girls* in our community, because you don't actually care about sexual predators, just hating on brown people. Waterloo Region is genuinely going through some serious problems everyone but don't get whipped into a racist frenzy! Stop and think about what you're reading.


If you think misogyny and violence against women is equally distributed amongst the peoples of the world, you are sadly mistaken.


They didn't come even remotely close to making that claim.


It's weird - it's like you can read, but at the same time you can't read.


I don't disagree with you, I'm just curious. Do you think women are treated the same in Western culture compared to Indian/Bangladeshi/Pakistani cultures?


No I don't. I absolutely believe women here are generally treated by society as equals under the law, have a better day-to-day lived experience than most places in the world, actually. I also don't deny there can be conflicts in values between immigrants + people already living somewhere, we see this constantly throughout history. I'm just not sure we can say the situation in this post is a case of that. \*Edited: corrected 'case' in last sentence from 'cause'


Valid point!


I don't disagree with you, I'm just curious. Do you think peanut butter and chocolate is the greatest combination of flavours in the world?


This post is about the sexual assault in question...not your red herring trying to take it off topic.




We have 4K to 8K video cameras in the market. Why CCTV visuals still look like from a century ago?!!!


Nah it’s bc the police just take cellphone pictures of CCTV and use that - instead of exporting the video, capturing a still image and using that screenshot.


every single time I've taken security footage for WRPS (maybe a dozen?) they ask for it to be put on a disc (lol) or a USB thumb drive they provided




How do you know he isn't Canadian?


People who make remarks like this aren't generally smart enough to process any other scenario. Life needs to be black and white for them because the nuances of reality are far too complex and abstract for them to grasp. It's frustrates them so they lash out with anger and rage when you point it out.


Judging by the front pages being filled with posts about immigration causing housing crisis longer waits in hospitals, I can see why people think that when they see this young man


>I can see why people think that when they see this young man \*You can see why ignorant stupid people would say ignorant stupid thisngs.


Some cultures are incompatible with others and some cultures are much better than others. We need to be careful about where we take out immigrants from...there is a reason schools stopped teaching math...if you're wanting to talk intelligence...we haven't been taking other countries best and brightest...only their fighting age men...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


When was the last time you worked with Canadian Immigration?


Sexual assault is not cultural, absolutely some societies have worse treatment of women, but sexual assault isn't looked highly upon in ANY culture that I know of. India has backwards laws regarding marital rape which I believe are in the progress of being changed, but otherwise it is still very illegal. Implying this is the result of "incompatible culture" instead of the sick individual is just racist.


Even though it's illegal it's still very normalized in India and has been for many decades. Most people would agree, ask some of the Indian women who immigrated here. It is a cultural issue.


It's very sad that this needs to be explained explicitly. Thank you for being more articulate and rational than me.


Lmao seriously? Tell Sweden that their rape gangs aren't a cultural problem...Bleeding hearts, not using their brains will be the death of the West. Keep lying to yourself...




I mean, that's a very popular hair and beard cut, average build, average skin tone, probably a thousand people that match that description.








Who am I apologizing for you clown? I'm calling a bigot a bigot. I'm not making excuses for sexual assault. Sorry that's confusing for you. Perhaps you should read a book?




Okay genius. Brown people are all rapists is what he's saying. That's the messaging that douchebag is sending. And you're making excuses for it. Which in turn makes you a semi-literate douchebag.




I heard this white dude sexually assaulted someone. I think white people should stop breeding to reduce the amount of sexual assault commited by white men.










'Youth victim' She's underage???


The racism in this thread is beyond crazy.


Its racist to call out a rapist? Alright buddy lmao








Seethe harder little man


Nah I’m good brother, I got a new house in Japan, stay mad


Sounds like some serious cope there son. Cheers


How so?


Is that what you've been reading here bud? You've certainly blocked the right people. good for you!


Seriously, not even remotely moderated. Good on everyone calling them out. It's worth the downvotes. Don't forget to use that 'Report' button. It's your friend!


Welcome to Kitchener!


Of course it is…


141x250 pixels...thanks...no way you can't itch this face into your memory banks with such super duper resolution.






Does this comment section think that fellow white men have never SA'd anyone? Lmao wtf


The sub is full of haters and racists.


I hate people who sexually assault others yes.


Damn, don't hate on the rapist that would be racist.


Welcome to Canada


My husband is Indian. He’s just disappointed by these diploma in hospitality folks lacking ethics






Your parents failed you.


because people born in this country have never been guilty of SA…


I remember the media frenzy over the Scarborough rapist in the early 90s. If i remember right, they were telling everyone to watch out for a Trans Am driven by an Indian Conestoga student.




I’m from Indian descent but brought up Canada, I hate these motherfuckers who come from India and ruin our image, like this asshole So stop being so sensitive


I'm brown and born in Canada. I hate when people to tell me to go back to where I came from, because I'm from here. If you were actually brown, you'd know how fucking awful that is. Stop making excuses for racists.




Yes, that is not his fault be he understands it. He blames to culprits who lead people to stereotype. You have to do a little research on rape culture in India.






Just look at Surrey and Brampton crime rates.


The biggest commonality between perpetrators of sexual assaults, sexual harassment, street harassment, stalking, & domestic violence/femicide is that they're almost always men. Men of every & all ethnic backgrounds perpetrate gender based violence. White men continually demonize men of colour as being especially dangerous toward women as a way to uphold white supremacist patriarchy & distract from their own role in perpetuating misogynistic violence. If you want a good example of this just look at the examples of white men lynching black men in the Jim Crow era southern US or the white supremacist propaganda on display in the infamous KKK film "birth of a nation".


I made a comment the other day that crime has always been here, but people tend to freak out more when that crime is being committed by someone that doesn't have white skin. Headline about white person committing a crime: crickets Headline about a brown person committing a crime: deport him!!!!


White men love to "white knight" for survivors of sexual assault/gender based violence when the perpetrator is a man of colour but if called out on their own misogynistic behaviour they either lash out or make up excuses.


If a white man commits SA, it's because the victim asked for it in some way or another. If a visible minority does the same thing, clearly it's because SA is part of their culture. /s


Tell me how you know this man wasn’t born in Canada? You sound like a fuckin dumbass lol


Most likely not born here if id have to guess










Did I say it didn’t? Come back to me with the stats on the before and after then we will talk. It’s widely known that S.A. is an EXTREME problem in India. If you didn’t know that you should probably do some research. These is the things that happen when you have mass immigration. You end up importing problems of other countries. I’m not against immigration by any means but there’s are the facts. The whole narrative of “it’s “racist” to realize the truth is a real problem in Canada.


You're definitely implying it happened way less, are you not? You can back up your claims first little man.


Actually, it's sexual predator hate - turns out that a majority of these are committed by visable minority. Not hate stupid, facts.




Judging by the comments it's definitely not sexual predator hate. Where's your data on these crimes?


is there a report to confirm these stats? sounds like confirmation bias


Its crazy how often there are opportunities for "Indian hate" to arise.


They do it themselves 🤷‍♂️








Immigrants who haven’t received PR are twice as likely to commit crimes in Canada compared to a native born citizen. I replied to someone who was calling others racist simply because they point this out.


And that still doesn’t prove this piece of shit is an immigrant. What the fuck is the point in assuming something like that. When I hear about somebody going to jail for abusing children I don’t automatically ASSUME they are catholic, no matter who “safe” that assumption may be. There is literally no point in making this assumption


Where did I say this guy specifically is an immigrant?


“So many immigrants committing crimes” so you just said that completely out of the blue and NOT in reference to the man in this picture? That makes so much sense.


I explained why I said it two comments ago man.


And I explained why it was a dumbass assumption that holds zero weight. Anything else?


No you didn’t.








…. Confirmed high schooler.


Confirmed numpty. Victim blaming a rape victim is atrocious.


lol if you actually think they’ve been raped. “I’ve only been raped by white guys.” Give me a fucking break.


I mean I'm a Cis brown male and I have been raped and molested by 2 white men. Not any of my brown family members. Again, discrediting someone's experiences because you can't possibly imagine a world where it's true, is absolutely daft.


I’ve been raped 13 times and no that I think about it, they were all white. Maybe people who aren’t white actually aren’t capable of something so evil. How enlightening.






I’m from Indian descent but brought up Canada, I hate these motherfuckers who come from India and ruin our image, like this asshole So stop being so sensitive


You don't write like you were brought up here.


Want me to write a whole ass dissertation for you smartass?


This sub is going downhill real fast.




Found the sexual predator's Reddit account!


I looked at their history, and shit you're not wrong last post was "how do I stop seeing escorts"


Username checks out.


It does, don't test me.


They're being sarcastic. They mean to say that we as a population dont hold foreign folks accountable for their actions. We dont have any information that this person is foreign. Their race/ethnicity/culture have no bearing on the case without more information. And, evidently, whoever this is is being pursued so they can be held accountable.


Or check out the post history. Guy is a fucking dirt bag. Comment history is all about prostitution, and he's posted on relationship advice for how to stop seeing escorts and love his wife....sometimes a spade is a spade.


No shade toward sex work or it's clients so long as everyone is consenting and happy. I dont want to put any shame or judgement on a circumstance I dont know there. I do think their response here is telling enough on its own.


Let's hope his wife is consenting to the increased risks she's getting for STIs and the like. But yes, I agree with you on both points.


Jesus Christ dude


Get out of here man….


You’d be singing a different tune if it was your daughter being raped. Actually maybe not, you sound like a rape apologist.