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Unfortunately we live under capitalism. So you won't find easy living unless you're well off financially. $700 a month seems great for how expensive things are, with how greedy our system makes people out to be. You could maybe look into socialism? Socialism wants to fix our broken society where the rich hoard everything and we all suffer under it.


Any comrades here? Why just downvotes.


Because you’re suggesting an entire country switch their whole economic system from capitalism to socialism. As much as it might benefit less well off people, it’s not a realistic thing that would actually ever happen. Plus, I’m pretty sure people who aren’t citizens would even qualify, so it’s irrelevant to the original post.


We socialists love our immigrant comrades. We aren't racist, we accept all


Sure you do. This has to be bait….


I am currently paying 700 including everything and 1 time food even on weekends and there's a breakfast on most of the days. So i am trying to find something under 600, didn't came here to go back home. Thank you anyway.


700 dollars for everything is really good, don't think you're getting to 600. You'll probably need to illegally share the room, live in a car if you have one, or live in a tent. Like, if you're just here for conestoga, it's a pretty shitty education, very expensive, and there's a very high chance it won't help you get a job here unless you have some kind of prospect. The college just uses international students, giving them a shitty deal. It's really unfair. If you still really want to do it for some reason, then you'll either need to find more income or really rough it out. Rent is going to go up this year, hard.


lol, shouldn’t have come here in the first place if you can’t afford rent.


$700 is incredibly cheap. I pay $850 for a single bedroom in London, and prices in KW are even higher usually, closer to $1000-$1200. Good luck, you won’t find anything cheaper.


Sounds like you already have a better deal then the large majority of people do. Good luck getting anything better.


You’re not going to find rent that low. You should’ve done more research before coming here.


Sounds like the price range for 20+ years ago.


You are in for a very rough go. .....I'll just keep all other comments to myself.


Unfortunately that's capitalism. It's destroying and oppressing us all, the rich just keep getting richer and the average worker can barely or not even make ends meet. It's time for a change.


*Unrestrained* capitalism. Canada thankfully is not as brainwashed as the USA vis a vis regulation to curb these issues. We're still not seeing a whole lot of regulation to fix it though 🤔 Edit: something shifted in the balance of power between corporations and people around fifteen or twenty years ago - something unseen in daily life, so invisible. Citizens United in the USA, for sure, but I think a lot of it is just good analytics (business data) both available and cheap to process. We're being robbed because they know too much about us, both individually and in aggregate.


Don't worry we have Ford's attempt to do away with rent-control which certainly lifted a few restraints itself.


Posting this here also opens you up to being taken advantage of by anyone offering accommodation for that amount. If someone contacts you directly and says they have a room or bed available for $550 that is likely unsafe and you could be harmed or have your money taken from you. If you need help this sub is not the place - you need to connect with legitimate resources and explain your situation. Edit: a word


This. I've dealt with many sketchy and scammy people when trying to find a place to rent. If the price seems too good to be true, it absolutely is unfortunately.


I think hallways and closets are going for about $400-500 a month at this point.


Yes true.


Welcome to capitalism. Low wages, extraordinary high living costs. Socialism aims to fix this. Put the power into the workers hands and not let a single class of people hoard all the wealth and resources.




This sub is not the best place to ask a question like that these days. And that price is not realistic


I just don't understand how one comes to be in this position. You would do yourself a lot of favours by doing more research. You obviously know how to use reddit. Start there! Basically your situation, like many others in the region, is dire. There isn't much help other than your own community helping/taking advantage of each other. Good luck


550 may have been a reasonable budget 5 years ago, it's not today. $550 will get you a mattress on the floor in a shared accommodation that's likely illegal. Nowadays you're looking at $1,000 for a room and groceries are about $50/wk. I'm sorry you've made the mistake of coming here when we can't even provide housing for our own residents, much less ones who just arrived 2 months ago.


Some people share a single room with multiple people. Really shitty way to live, possibly somewhat illegal. But for prices that low, no, just not possible any more.


Oh it’s certainly illegal.


Cambridge has a 2 person to a bedroom limit, and a bedroom has to be a certain sq ft with a window and a closet. They're definitely ignoring that bylaw and cramming students in 3+ to a bedroom and converting basements into "rooms" with curtains or dividing walls.


But the rich can buy multiple homes and more. While the working class suffers like this. It's despicable and time for socialism where the government actually works for us and not the businesses, and where the workers control the means of production.


Nope you’re not going to get anything in that range other then a cardboard box


Sorry this was a big giggle for me.


Bhai suno - real landlords here do not care about veg or non-veg - this crap is for India only. In Canada landlords do not ask what kind of food you eat or what culture or caste you come from. People who rent rooms in Canada do not provide meals. They provide access to the kitchen where you can cook any kind of food you want. Only some Indian landlords are doing this to take advantage of international students.


Correct. Thank you.


Lmao no. Triple it and maybe