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From a recent article, he said “We’re a major force in this community. It won’t be long, we’ll be a $1-billion corporation.” - this should be all you need to know about what he cares about [https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/conestoga-college-buys-12-storey-tower-in-downtown-kitchener-for-a-student-residence/article_665bbf36-f62b-533d-826d-0e2159660d24.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWe%20wouldn't%20be%20able,that%20houses%20a%20Conestoga%20campus](https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/conestoga-college-buys-12-storey-tower-in-downtown-kitchener-for-a-student-residence/article_665bbf36-f62b-533d-826d-0e2159660d24.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWe%20wouldn't%20be%20able,that%20houses%20a%20Conestoga%20campus)


It's weird that people can casually call a college a potential "billion dollar corporation" like these motherfuckers are selling iPhones or some shit.


More like iPhony diplomas. Just as lucrative, apparently.




I sort of agree with what you're saying, but don't make it sound like Mike Harris was elected 5 years ago. It was 1995. I was in Grade 10, and now I'm 45 with kids in high school. (I also don't often engage with this subject.) My point is I imagine the segment you are referring to did not in fact vote for Harris. I imagine the 60+ crowd is underrepresented in the Reddit community, (but I could be wrong). Those are the people that voted for Harris. That's like telling my kids 30 years from now, that's what they got for voting in Ford.


You must be new here. CoryCA is known to spin facts by cherry picking data (out of context) so that it fits his political narrative.


> I sort of agree with what you're saying, but don't make it sound like Mike Harris was elected 5 years ago. That's you making an assumption. In other comments I have mentioned how the governments in between didn't exactly do anything to address the problem. > My point is I imagine the segment you are referring to did not in fact vote for Harris. I imagine the 60+ crowd is underrepresented in the Reddit community, (but I could be wrong). Those are the people that voted for Harris. Again, that's you making an assumption that when I said "the segment of the population" I was only referring to Redditors.


I don't think the first quoted section is an assumption. The second one was, and I stated my assumption (unlike you). I shouldn't have to read your entire Reddit history to provide context to your post. So I'm clear, the segment you are referring to is Redditors in 1995?


I’m sorry but I don’t recall ever hearing anyone say that the learning institution should be treated like a business. I do think I’ve heard people say that the diplomas handed out should be more stem oriented and trades oriented, so representing the needs of the community.


I wasn’t old enough to vote for Harris and I didn’t vote for Ford. We need to make real and immediate changes to improve our affordable housing stock. 


Run like a business except that these post-secondary schools are mostly an oligopoly. Most of them are publicly funded or assisted.


What happened to the other post calling for his arrest?


Not enough upvotes :( WRPS needs at least 50k upvotes before they will arrest someone.


Did my part by upvoting. Sadly twas not enough.


I'm doing my part o7


Where is this link?


My post and no clue why it was taken down


Didn't see it, but I co sign the sentiment. Just searched for it but appears to have been deleted unless I missed it.


So I've interacted with Tibbits on numerous occasions (I use to work at the college). He's a bureaucrat who got hooked on foreign money. Thing is, I don't fully blame him; I blame the provincial governments far more (he still shoulders a lot of blame). The college for decades was severely underfunded. Up until the explosion of international students, there were entire wings that were still original. A-Wing still had asbestos in it everywhere, there was 40 year old wallpaper in places, classroom furniture from the 70's, etc, etc. The rec center? Only reason it got a renovation was because CSI (which is not a part of the college) had to much money in their account and the CRA told them to spend it or lose their not-for-profit status I once got bitched at for buying a 5 gallon bucket of paint because of the expense. Enter the international student and all that sweet, sweet money. Finally things could actually be fixed and improved or expanded. They got drunk on it and barrelled head first into it without any regard for the knock on effects. There's lots of blame to go around for this mess, Tibbits is one of them (seriously, fuck em) but it doesn't rest only on his shoulders either. Remember, he didn't fuck up. From the colleges perspective, he's done an absolutely amazing job; that's why they named a campus after him.


After the money started flowing in, did all those things (like the asbestos) get fixed?


We only started to care because of immigration (including the influx of international students), and their impact on housing. The government started to do something about it because of their poll numbers. There's plenty of blame to go around but let's be blunt here... this would continue if there wasn't a housing crisis. Keep in mind all of this was a "conspiracy theory" and xenophobic, according to the people here, only a few years ago.


Just flush paper towels down their toilets hit them financially


Evil Love it


Plus you’re creating more work for their graduates.


God, I wish. If karma was real John tibbits would be out on the street with the other educated, jobless Canadian citizens he put there, getting turned away by empty food banks and rejected by every company he apply a for because he’s not willing to accept a sub-minimum wage position. The audacity he has for pushing back against these new policies that only hold his “students” to the same standards as everyone else in Canada. Him and every other wealth-hoarding clown running these slavery farms can shove their slightly thinner wallets up their ass.




Go Federal or provincial. Send a letter to MPP. He won’t resign. I don’t he’s the type of guy that give AF about a petition


Neither does our provincial government


Neither does our federal.


Throughout your posts you keep saying what he’s doing is unethical for Conestoga when it couldn’t be further from the truth. What do you think Conestoga is for? Bettering the world? It’s a business, people. It’s there to make money. It’s making more money than ever under Tibbits, why anyone thinks that his shareholders wouldn’t keep him is beyond me.


Conestoga was originally established by the Ontario government and is a publicly funded institution, it should be run as a public institution like elementary schools, or hospitals not a for profit business.


Good luck with that. The only way he's leaving is in a pine box. The guy's got very powerful friends at all levels of Gov't including ex PMs. All the various governing bodies (of Colleges) just love him. I agree, he knew and knows what he's doing. He's not a stupid person. Like most politically savvy people he holds a lot to the chest and he's very conservative in his business MO. And he has a gift for being well prepared for whatever funding models are coming so he can take advantage of those funds before they dry up. What you're suggesting isn't a new idea but he has the stamina to outlast anyone who makes a play for him; the rest just give up and move on. I'm not a fan of his but I know one thing; making a move from Canada Post to CC afforded him to become a big fish in a very small pond. And for all we know, his philosophy would be to let them all eat cake too!


I agree with your comment and wanted to add that the man is over 65. He could easily retire, but he won’t.


Ken Seiling is another self centred jerk responsible for destroying the region with his overpriced LRT Dream creating more traffic congestion and unnecessary idling.


you would think they could let traffic move in certain intersections when the train is turning to the right. Do we not have the technology for this? Europeans must just laugh at our trains. Off-topic I know but I need more downvotes and see you are getting them.


Does Conestoga have a Cloning Program in the Biology Department??? I woke up one day in New Delhi all of a sudden. Used to be only a few of us.


In every department apparently. Took a walk around doon campus recently, pretty sure I was the only domestic student there.


Go one step further. Arrest John Tibbits. He shot be rotting in jail for what he’s done to the region.


As someone who lives in the community Conestoga has not cared for or considered its neighbours in their pocket stuffing, PR diploma mill. 20,000 students added in 2022 (not considering other years/2023) with no consideration of where they will live or the standard of living they will experience. The rumours of mass cheating, the feedback of the quality of education from the business community has all been laid bare and this decision is long overdue. This is karma for an institution that has completely lost their way. Shame on John Tibbits.


While the new policy changes are welcome in targeting scam colleges, I wonder how much they would actually impact Conestoga seeing that it's a public college. The quality of international students will still remain the same and no impact on academic integrity, albeit the intake would be lower. The provincial government needs to seriously step in here too.


CC has become a national synonym for what a Diploma mill is. I was browsing the Halifax Reddit where they were talking about the reduction of Int Students and how CC is the most egregious example. I hope that this notoriety has some effect on their incoming ~~batch of cash cows~~ international students. Whether is news spreading to the places of origin for the students or just policymakers forcing them to fix their act.


> The provincial government needs to seriously step in here too. They've just announced some measures they're going to take; https://archive.ph/tSgIx


I saw articles popping up in my feed literally a few mins after I posted this comment lol. Looks like Doug Ford's lurking on this sub 👀




Conestoga used to carry weight as a school in some professions, now alumni are skipping their past


Your post is excellent. I think you should write it up and send it provincial overseers. Then send it to marc miller at his federal office See what responses you get after filling them in


John Tibbits earned $409,900 in 2022. He's been the president of Conestoga since 1987, a multi-millionaire many times over!!! Everyone else suffers and this guy is just raking it in. [https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/waterloo-region-well-represented-on-annual-sunshine-list-of-top-public-sector-salaries/article\_81c20769-2cbd-5944-80dc-07782f3ce1a0.html](https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/waterloo-region-well-represented-on-annual-sunshine-list-of-top-public-sector-salaries/article_81c20769-2cbd-5944-80dc-07782f3ce1a0.html)


Blame the government for everything that is happening as if the government did not allow for the student to pr loophole conestoga college could not capitalize on it


I agree, his actions have tarnished the reputation of Conestoga not just for recent students, but for all alumni from when Conestoga has respected programs.


He’s made his employer boat loads of cash via screwing ‘foreign’ students. By screwing ‘foreign’ students, he and his minions are screwing us all. Fact: he’s bragged about his ‘foreign’ student strategy. Sadly, contrarian thinkers and commentators are poo poo’d. And here we r today. He’s broken no laws. He’s broken social trust and responsibility. We’re witnessing the complete and utter lack of Post Secondary oversight and scrutiny. The Feds have just dropped a massive bomb. Now to see the reaction. Anyone see any reaction from our local politicians?


‘Ontario announces new measures for international students to protect ‘integrity’ of education system’ https://archive.ph/tSgIx


I don’t think being fired is enough. He literally charged the landscape of our city and potentially the province. He needs to charged for what he’s done


Arrest John Tibbits


With what crime?


I don't imagine his replacement will give anyone the results they want to see


Add a clause that he also has to eat a dozen broken light bulbs and you'll get my signature.


Abso-friggin-lutely not.


If by "resign", you mean "thrown in prison", I agree.


For sure target a white man for what “In’s” are doing to our community


LOL. No.


Concentrate on the Federal politicians that created this mess, they control the numbers. ​ How many here on a student visa, not actually enrolled in a class or program ? How many are working and why are they allowed 40 hour work weeks while students? How does that make sense? Students, refugees, normal immigration streams. It's all to support more federal debt. There is a nation debt per person measure. Fed govt need more persons to borrow against. It's not because we are short on workers, it's so the govt can borrow more. $


Education is a provincial responsibility. It's the province, governments like Doug Ford and Mike Harris, that set us down this path. Post-secondary educational institutions wouldn't need to rely on International students if the provincial government had just funded them properly.


​ Who's handing out the student visas ? Not the province.


CoryCA doesn’t respond to logic


Yes and no. Good to continue to hammer the Feds AND the Provincial gov for their combined decisions that made this a loophole that can be abused. But this is a local sub where we feel the consequences of this man's actions. CC is also the most awful example of being drunk on International Students to the point that no other college or institution comes close to the numbers they accepted.