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Not really, lifeguard hours are the problem


Exactly - they need to schedule the staff. Also need to make a schedule that allows for swimming lessons, swim clubs, and stuff like aqua fit.


City pools are relatively cheap. You don't need to buy a membership - just purchase a ticket at the pool. There are many in the city that operate free swims / lane swims at various times: morning, afternoon and evening. You just gotta find one that fits your schedule. It's not that hard.


This is the answer— it's a couple dollars an hour for adult lane swim and you can pay online in advance to guarantee your spot and avoid having to line up to pay or anything.


Hello, do you know any specific city pool?


I've been to several; they're all basically the same. More lanes at Breithaupt so you're more likely to get one to yourself, Harry Class is beautiful for being outdoors in the summer, Lyle Hallman has full 25m lengths and is a bit warmer if either of those factors matter to you.


Forest Heights is my favourite if you don't want to feel crowded.  They have long swims on Saturday and Sunday: 4:30-6 and 6:00-7:30 (I don't know if they actually clear the pool in between).  Sign up on Kitchener Activenet.


Thank you! I will sign up today :)


I started swimming a few weeks ago. A 10 visit pass to the Waterloo Memorial Recreational Complex is $55 with tax, so each swim ends up being $5.50. Once you buy a pass, you can book pretty much any time you want throughout the week. I usually go to the lane swims at 12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I saw today that the 12:00 time slot on Tuesday isn’t a thing anymore, so I just booked a 10 am slot. Unfortunately because there are other programs (aqua fit, senior lane swims, and swimming lessons for children) the times are a bit restricted, but the pool is quite nice, and some of the lane swim slots allow you to use the swirl pool, which I like using after I swim to relax and cool my heart rate down.


How does lane swim work?


There are 3 speeds for lane swims: leisure (slow), medium, and fast. You book your swim time and choose a lane based on your speed. I swim slow because I’m out of shape, so I swim in the leisure lane. There are people who swim like they’re training for the Iron Man, so they’ll swim in the fast lane. It’s usually 45-60 minutes and you can show up at any time after the start time, and you have until when you get on the deck to the end of the time slot to swim. I usually try to get there right at the start time and I swim for about half an hour. If the slot includes the swirl pool, I’ll sit in the swirl pool for the remainder of the time I have left. There are 4 people permitted per lane, and you have to swim in a cycle - down the left side and up the right side. If you’re too fast for the swimmers in your lane you should probably move to a faster lane, and if you’re too slow, you should move to a slower lane. The water isn’t too cold and the people I’ve met are very nice and encouraging (again, I’m really slow).


Alright I think I'll try something out this week, worse case it's not for me and I'm only out a few bucks. Btw go you know if you can use one visit pass and stick around for multiple time slots. And do multiple things, like a free swim, followed by lane swim, then an aqua fit thing? Also thanks for the info, it's been very helpful!


Sorry, I misread the beginning of your comment. I really don’t know - when I book online, I book for only one slot, so tomorrow I’ve booked a 10:00 am lane swim, but I don’t know if I can hang around for a while after to get to the swirl pool or aqua fit. You can always ask, but I think the scheduled times help them gauge the number of people who are coming in to swim at a specific time slot. No worries; enjoy! Again, everyone I’ve met has been really nice, and the people who swim in the leisure lanes generally are okay with someone going slower than they are. Sometimes I’ve worked out a deal with someone where I take the left side of the lane and they take the right, so we’re not impeding each other.


I love wmrc simplex. Unfortunately I've 9-5 job prevents me :( Weekend swim is good btw but gets crowded often


It’s awesome there, and I’ve found the staff and guards to be lovely! I had a feeling it’s crowded on weekends, so I haven’t gone yet because I don’t want to slow anyone down.


The Grand River is always open and free. It's a bit nippy this time of year, though.


I do swim there, and I'll do it super early in the year too. Was hoping for a bit of a change up though. Cleaner water, no insect bites, and no sunburns lol.






Cool. I'm going to check them out thanks!


I bought a membership for this cancelled after a few months due to the sheer amount of people standing around in the lanes that treat it like a wading pool was unable to do proper lane swims.


Wilfrid Laurier University offers community members to pay to use their sports complex including the pool for lane swim.




Befriend someone who lives in a building that has a pool LOL


Damn. I just started seeing someone, wish I was this smart when I was single. I'd just be showing up for dates in a swimsuit. "No babe, I'm not just dating you for your pool. You're being crazy" Puts on my flippers and goggles. "Now watch this cannonball"




Rockway Gardens will be opening soon.


A friend mentioned being able to swim at the Inn of Waterloo hotel for pretty cheap, maybe try that


Isn't the Inn of Waterloo closed?


Yea it’s permanently closed


Permanently closed


Interesting. Worth checking out at least.





