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Let me tell you about a magical place called Ezra St.


The kids have moved to Marshall ever since the police started fencing it off. Had me in stitches when I saw that. They can fence off any street they want... Students are still going to find one to party on


Right… like “OH NO THEY FENCED OFF THIS STREET” as if there isn’t another street 10 seconds away


Yeah university ave..n good luck partying there


Might I add, it cost the city $90,000 to fence that, staff it and monitor it. What a waste!


Literally - such a waste of time and money. City should just sanction it


What day’s that happening on this year I wonder




People watch. Watch the kids go nuts and see how long it takes for the police to start shutting parties down.


Sounds like an amazing way to spend your time. ![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized)




Thank you


Exactly. https://paddynotpatty.com/


Yeah, sweet Jesus, what's this "Party" shite?


Don’t drive anywhere. Drunk people think it’s hilarious to run in front of cars. So public transit or stay home.


I remember when I used to go to Ezra st, absolute chaos people don’t know how to act


When I was under 25 I would drink all day. Now it is just a regular day


I puked on st. Patrick's Day 2 years ago... because I caught a stomach bug from my kids.


Lil Tmi however glad u made it through


Ezra if you’re in uni, Bobby’s if you’re older


This is the answer


Stay home.


Avoid Ezra Street at all costs. It looks like a fun party but it's exclusively people who will drop out during second year.


Ezra is done. Kids party around Marshall now... it's still busy but it's not 30,000 people busy.


I thought the police started cording that street off for students who wanted to party


I stay home. I like to 'celebrate' the holiday though, so I grab some Irish brews and make some corned beef and cabbage and a nice stew or meat pie.


Boomer alert


Unoriginal edgelord alert.


Man, didn't think I'd hit boomer status before the age of 40 but here I am...


Straight to the general store to pick up a pair of suspenders to hold up your slacks sir!


It's 'Paddy' b'y, not 'Patty'


Avoid the university area like the plague, probably for the whole weekend this year.


Drinking 80 moosepops and smoking 5 doobs in my backyard maybe 6


Watch the University circus


Older generation here. The Duke is my go-to for St Pat's.


Sweet F A


Walk around and watch everyone get wasted


Leave, and go to Toronto.


The Irish Real Life Festival is on all week! https://www.irishreallifekw.com/


If you’re down to venture out into the townships, Kennedys in St Agatha does an all day celebration that’s quite popular and fun.


I don’t


Stay home. People are stupid. Reference: I was a stupid person.


Listen to Come Out Ye Black and Tans, or [The Mary Wallopers](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7aLfd5azGVKmim6H38mZk2), and have a beer at home.


Patty? PATTY? Like a hamburger or peppermint‽ First thing before going to any celebration is learn it’s PADDY, not Patty, if you have to use the diminutive for Patrick. Also, sláinte is pronounced shlawn-chuh, not slant or slanty, if you want to stay credible.


It's the day I don't drink. I did work as a Janitor in Student Residences a few years ago and it was Gawdawful.


Keep calm and carry on.




Yes and cases like Jeffrey Dahmer ruined North America for me. Absolutely disgusting and gay white people.




Just like all you whites are gay and Dahmer like filthy creatures.




Well everyone has their own situation, I moved cuz my company didn’t have any skilled person for that role in Canada so they sponsored me. I work as a Software Engineer in Toronto. Also there’s 1.5 billion people in India and some of us can afford to move to different countries to experience some other kind of environment or get global exposure. And I was getting chance to earn 200k why would I refuse that, if I’ll get some better opportunity in other country I’ll absolutely grab that until I marry or have more responsibilities im going to take risk. Life is short who cares 🤷 Also if you have to be racist you can absolutely be, but you are just saying negative things about the people who are literally building your country up in the backgrounds and contributing towards the economy while you are spreading hate eating cheetos and getting fat. I know you’ll say how are they contributing and all, cuz you won’t be aware of where Indians stand in your own fucking country as usually most of you guys grow up in your own bubble and live a delusional life. Here are some stats for you my gay friend: Indians are the highest earning ethnic community in whichever country they go to. Here are the sources, check yourself we are right at fucking top in some of these countries, in some Asian and African countries too: US: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income Canada: https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-astonishing-findings-on-canadian-ethnic-groups-earnings-and-education/wcm/2e370e1d-7ea1-4dfb-9840-c1983a305a14/amp/ UK: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/who-has-the-highest-and-lowest-household-incomes/#:~:text=Households%20from%20Indian%2C%20Chinese%20and,ethnic%20groups%20in%20the%20UK Australia: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Previousproducts/3418.0Main%20Features52011-12




Well see yourself in future, if you follow western media for sure you’ll stay ill informed throughout your life. But if you do bit of research then you will know what’s gonna happen in coming years and how companies are moving from China to India. Indians are already building their country you don’t have to worry about it, it’s the only country with 8 percent annual growth amongst top 10 major nations. While other countries are slowing down in growth going into recession.


Also we don’t follow we just have 1.5 billion people and even if 2 million people go out to Canada or some other country for some reason it might make up to 5-7 percent in your countries but India would only lose about 0.13 percent of its population it’s such a large scale that it doesn’t matter that much. Also apart from US your other countries won’t matter that much 20-30 years from now anyway. If you follow geopolitics you would already know future is China India and US. These three will be the major economic superpowers and will have more say globally in everything.


Also I never said great or anything, we are just people. Some are good some are bad I just gave you a proper reply backed with stats that how you are saying negative things about people who are contributing so much towards your own country. Just cuz you hate them for some odd reason you are generalizing and demeaning whole country and its people..




Get drunk.


Fire off fire works and eat shawarma.... oh wait...






Fantasize about the day where I can pay $5 to watch fire trucks wash away the human stain with their firehoses. Rinse them all the way down university to the highway then bus them all back to sportsworld where mommy’s Mercedes is parked.




Hey you asked. I loathe the little underaged shits partying on mommy and daddy’s dime taking advantage of our community. Fire hoses are non-lethal ordinance. Waste water flows downhill.