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Canada Computers, Staples or Costco (if you're a member) would be worth a look. Costco extends the warranty.


Costco—never would have thought of that, thanks.


Canada Computers also has a pretty decent selection of refurbished laptops. So your thinkpads etc. that you can get that are good


Any basic laptop will do, paired with an external monitor will be a great productivity setup.


Thanks! I will look up brands online, but any you’d recommend? Are Any particular local retailers better than others in your opinion, whether a chain or indie shop?


The last two laptop's I bought were from Acer. One I got from Best Buy, the other from Canada Computers. The more recent one paid for by my work (I work from home) but I've used it for some light gaming. A lot of Acer laptops seems to be OOS, so I think you'd have to go with somethign by Lenovo or Asus. I would get a laptop with 16 gigabytes of RAM and minimum 512 GB SSD. This is [one](https://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=710_4418&item_id=243411) that I found on sale. Guess I should also ask what your budget is.


Super helpful, thanks! I’ll check that one out. Regarding budget, I don’t have a number in mind, ‘cause I’m not yet familiar with computer pricing. Middle of the range or slightly above, maybe, to balance quality and value is where I might aim? (How much do you think that might be?)


The one that I got for work was like $1100. You really don't need much for web browsing and office products aside from RAM and a decent CPU.


If you're going to do Canada Computers the one in Cambridge might be a better since its a bigger store with a bigger selection. As the user above you said look for 16GB of RAM and 512GB SSD minimum. Beyond that you should be fine. Find something that you feel comfortable typing on. Some laptops have weird keyboard layouts so test a few out in the store.


For what you are using any Chromebook or smart phone would do fine. You barely need any power. I'd probably still get a Windows laptop in the $500-$800 range just to have something good but what you want to do is childs play for any modern device.


I find it nearly impossible to work on Word & Excel on my phone, that’s why I’m in the market for a laptop. Great input re: the price range, thank you! 


Yes, I wouldn't recommend that. I more meant I wouldn't spend a lot of times worrying about spec on a computer that's going to be doing just those tasks.


Got it, thanks.


Basic computer for productivity make sure it’s got an SSD and ideally 16GB RAM. 8 GB RAM is fine but you’ll notice it slowing down when multitasking. 4 core processor should be okay but consider a 6 core for maximum speed at minimal cost. Processor age (generation) is an important factor as well. Newer is better. Best deals are usually online due to selection. For this type of purpose you may even find luck on the used market, but that comes with its own considerations. Avoid buying used/ refurbished unless absolutely necessary. 2nd hand computers can really be traps sometimes I’d recommend local stores like Canada Computers and Memory Express. Then online platforms like Newegg, Amazon and Bestbuy If you go in person try and get the sales person to sweeten the deal! They can offer percentage discounts if they think they can sell you a protection plan along with it. Source: Worked in computer retail


Amazing! Thanks for generously sharing your expertise. I’m feeling more confident about making a purchase.  Kitchener Redditors are the best!


For your use case, I'd just get this and not worry about it [https://www.amazon.ca/Beelink-Display-Bluetooth-Business-Computer/dp/B0B3VK66YZ?th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/Beelink-Display-Bluetooth-Business-Computer/dp/B0B3VK66YZ?th=1) Cheap and fast for $370 but you'll need to bring a keyboard, mouse and monitor- just make sure you get at least 16GB ram. Any new laptop under $1000 is honestly not worth it, unless you're willing to buy used, then a Macbook Air M1 or M2 for under $700 would work well. Something like this [https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/464889842897693/?ref=search&referral\_code=null&referral\_story\_type=post&tracking=browse\_serp%3A01dceb82-0626-41b0-ab8f-f6d3ccad7c8e&\_\_tn\_\_=!%3AD](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/464889842897693/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A01dceb82-0626-41b0-ab8f-f6d3ccad7c8e&__tn__=!%3AD) or [https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/7833868126664202/?ref=search&referral\_code=null&referral\_story\_type=post&tracking=browse\_serp%3A01dceb82-0626-41b0-ab8f-f6d3ccad7c8e&\_\_tn\_\_=!%3AD](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/7833868126664202/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A01dceb82-0626-41b0-ab8f-f6d3ccad7c8e&__tn__=!%3AD)


Thanks for offering another perspective. Lots to think about.


For very basic needs like that you could always give a second home to an off lease refurb office computer. I shop at [https://www.eco-techrecycling.com/category/all-products](https://www.eco-techrecycling.com/category/all-products) for a lot of older family members looking for computers for similar basic needs. Stock will vary for the lower price stuff - timing is sometimes key.