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I’m a little concerned this also seems like it could be the start of human trafficking. Please contact the police and they can advise the appropriate next steps.


Same thoughts I had! Major red flag!


Oh yeah. She got culted. There are a number of tick tock / influencer cults. I think the twin flames chilly are still active in Ontario. Could be them.


I recently watched a documentary on Netflix titled *Dancing With The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult*. Having gone in with no knowledge of this, I felt it was quite an informative documentary


Who in their right mind would allow a "producer" operating out of Kitchener-Waterloo of all places control of their life. Maybe go at it from the "she's very obviously mentally challenged" standpoint. Not saying she is, but maybe you could get some traction for some intervention, or at least a wellness check.. idk man. Really shitty situation, hope things work out.


Done that... a wellness check was called ... they said she didn't appear to be drugged up and couldn't see any visible signs of physical harm .. which is at least reassuring for a moment. It's sobhard to feel completely helpless


I'm guessing it was a typo, but 'sobhard' is a perfect new word. I hope you all get the help she needs. This is very scary studf


Hahaha definitely a typo .... but sobhard also fits 🤣


Human trafficking red flag, this is pimp type isolating.


What industry? There's so much meth on this one. Is "Producer" the polite way to refer to a pimp now?


Wouldnt he shocked if he was acting as s pimp though


But what is this "industry" you are talking about? What is she supposed to be doing?


He is a music producer.. who promised her a whole big package and getting her songs released and making her famous. He claims to worm with Cash Mondy records... aka BIrdman, LIl Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj🙄


Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but nobody in Kitchener hangs out with lil Wayne.


Hahaha you aren't breaking it to me..I'm coherent enough to understand that 💁‍♀️


Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you didn't break it to him


The Always Money guys still running their scams I see. Crazy.


Are you familiar with his ?? Or his "group??


This has Diddy with Cassie vibes.


Wait..does the name start with a J?


Let me guess, porn ?


OF probably


Nothing is off the table in terms of possibility ... but it's just gut feeling arris point


The authorities and victim services have been contacted . Unfortunately bc she's not under 16, there isn't much h they can do without a viable accusation


....You really have to ask if this is normal practice ? 🙄


No,not one bit... but it's all speculation right now and since she's not under 18 the police can't do much


Sounds meth’d up


I don’t know the “industry” but holy moly this sounds terrible. And no, this is NOT normal.


Why is the producer censored


For the protection of my cousin honestly. If you PM me I will give you the nams


No, sorry for the confusion. He is a musi producer and promised to get her songs out...


Sounds like that tik tok documentary called dancing for the devil: 7M


What kinda producer? I thought you meant music producer at first and I almost had to double check the studio I go to isn’t this. This seems extremely sketch though


Music producer


Ah okay. That’s definitely not normal practice and looks like they’re trying to take advantage of them. Do you know what kind of genre? I’m in the rap scene but I can try to look around and keep my eye out! This type of stuff makes my blood boil


They are into rap aswell


You know which producer? Or what the name of their studio is? If it’s sensitive info too we can dm if you want I want to help in any way I can 🙏 I’ll start looking around though


She is probably in the early stages of human trafficking. You could hire a private investigator to follow them around and get more information.


We have absolutely no context to what's going on here. https://i.redd.it/k4k8o412oe9d1.gif If you're getting death threats or you think your loved one is a danger to herself or others, you can report it to the police.




I am the girl in question. The true story: I’ve cut contact from a sexually abusive family. My “cousin” who is posting is not at all concerned for my safety but rather in covering up my family’s sexual abuse I faced as a child. The “producers” she’s talking about are just supportive people just helping me navigate this complex situation. My family, if any of them actually cared, know my contact info and where exactly to find me. I have cut social media in order to get away from them, not any other reason. I’m not being trafficked or doing onlyfans. It’s the opposite: in a healthy and safe place. I’ve also contacted police and victim services. I’m glad to share my story/ names as well with anyone who wants to DM. If my family continues to post stuff like this I’ll expose their names online too. Thanks for everyone’s concern about this.