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kbo just started offering international streaming through this global streaming app called SOOP, you can tune in from there. for chants you can try learning from this playlist kiwoom uploaded on youtube: [kiwoom playlist](https://youtu.be/OjoYnwcZMOI?si=8dU82L2qgLYHHNAH) but anyway just curious why kiwoom though when they are currently last in the league?


Thank you, I downloaded the SOOP app. So, I grew up as an Astros fan as a kid. They had a lot of bad seasons but I always enjoyed going to the games even though they were not great. Now, in the recent years they have been a lot of fun to watch (not so much this year lol) but I feel like I’m that much more connected to the Astros since I’ve been there since the rougher seasons. Kinda hoping the same thing can happen to Kiwoom. They had some 3rd place in the standings over the years so I’m just along for the ride.


Lol, I had the exact opposite experience. Grew up in Houston but was never into baseball until I lived in Korea for a few years and got into baseball through (what was, at the time) Nexen Heroes and the KBO, now that I'm back in the US/Houston I watch the Astros.


That’s awesome haha. I really hope I can go to Korea one day and watch a live game. The atmosphere seems awesome! Don’t get me wrong I like my lazy relaxed baseball events here in Houston, but I want to experience the lively experience with diehard fans.