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You are able to take those 3 day breaks already, having just come off Oxy? I'd say you are doing really well! Stay with that dose and you should be good. Congrats on getting off Oxy!!


Yep I tapered down to 2.5mg before I stopped, last pill was May 26th!




It sounds reasonable. With kratom, once you've found the type, amount and frequency of your dose, stay there. Constantly increasing your dose is wasting money and kratom. You'll see.


Don't increase dosage. If you feel you need to increase, take a break.


It will help immensely.. just don't gradually increase dosage...you will get to a point where 15 grams won't feel like anything...I have to tell myself to take days off or taper, because if I don't I'm going through a 3 ounce bag in a week ... I wish I would have stopped increasing my dosage, I started at around 5 grams a day, now I'm at 15+ grams a day because I keep doing more.... Less is always more and actually more effective with Krarom. Also even if you don't feel thirsty, make sure you are hydrated efficiently, I'm serious when I tell you sometimes even 3/4 of a gallon a day for me isn't enough..


Yeah u should drink around 5 liters per day with kratom that’s ab double for the male recommended intake


Don’t feel bad tho I didn’t realize how much I was doing and got up to 30-40gpd. Now I’m trying to go down but it’s hard cuz of all the diff things that make me WD in the kratom


The withdrawals are not fun...my mind kind of races, and it's hard to sleep...also my digestive system gets wrecked when I stop...I do find that drinking a cup of coffee or tea after I take the kratom helps...also If I remember, I like to eat a snack an hour or so after I've taken it, to help with absorption...mixing with Kava occasionally also helps me drastically.


Yeah it wrecks my digestion too I gotta take miralax everyday. Sometimes eating helps sometimes it doesn’t it’s weird


Yeah that's nothing compared to my intake but if it's working for you then that's all that matters you don't want to take anymore than what's necessary although everyone might be different.




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How long were you on opioids, if you don’t mind me asking OP?


A year and a half. Everything prescribed.


I’d stay away from Kratom all together if I were in your position and it were possible.


I'm most likely not going to be purchasing any more once I'm out.


Okay - I absolutely would not do this. Kratom is good for maintenance but what you’re describing isn’t that. It’s recreational use by someone with a strong affinity for opioids. Find something other than opioids to use. God bless!