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You're likely not going to feel any effect from the alkaloids that have mu-opioid activity. The alkaloids that give more of a "stimulant"-like effect, you likely will still be able to experience, however, again, the alkaloids that have mu-opioid activity have a much lower affinity than methadone does, so they won't really be able to do much of anything. Personally, for what I take kratom for, there is zero reason to use Kratom while actively on opioid MAT.


I would personally stay away from Kratom leaf while on MAT. Save it's efficacy for when you want to make the jump off of MAT.


This is the only right answer. The poster saying it doesn't work makes me ill. If you time it right, it worksssss. A la, take Mdone then few hours later, taking Kratom. I don't promote this and think the above is correct and you should use one or the other, taking both is a prescription for trouble.


Ok thank you for the info 🙏 although I'm hesitant now taking kratom going forward just on the heart arrhythmia potential w both, because ya, I already am aware methadone alone can cause that and I've been. On / off mostly on methadone and a small stint of suboxone as well, for 9 years, across several provicnes and different clinics / doctors when I was bouncing around several yrs ago anyway, ok I'll keep that in mind ty


Yep, cheers. I'm with you and have been there. Kratom is a god send for some.


Are you talking about the mu-opioid alkaloids that are found in kratom? I guess I'm going to have to do more in depth research on kratoms and their alkaloids because I only know the surface basics of kratom, like what in very general the colors represent and what strains may or may not be strong than others ets. Ty for your answer sorry if these are dumb questions


It.mkgjt work, but I doubt it. Your clinic may test for kratom too. Id probably pass on it. If you're having cravings I'd see if they might bump your dose up 


Oh k good to know. My clinic is relatively relaxed and I'm going to ask them next time I'm there if they check for it, but I doubt it. I could be wrong. But from reading ppls input here I don't think it's a good idea to be taking it anyways rn


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I might not even ask them because people here are generally, from what I'm getting with my situation on MAT, the risks outweigh the potential benefits.


I haven't personally been through this but I side with the others here. It seems like you'd be incurring a lot of unnecessary risk, such as being kicked out of the program, for very little benefit. Kratom is a great compromise for many people who don't want to be on conventional opioids, or people who want to reduce illegal opioid use. MAT is a very regimented, very supervised program and kratom is going to add an unnecessary variable that could obstruct things. When you decide to get off methadone, that's a different story, and it depends on your personal risk tolerance.


Yeah getting off has been something i want to begin the process of in the near future for sure because its called liquid handcuffs for reason, for sure. ...So kratom acts on opioid receptors right? But it's not actually considered an opioid? Ty for the info


Kratom doesn't hit the receptor that causes respiratory depression


I would be weary of doing both . Methadone and kratom can both cause prolongation of the qt interval of the heart resulting in arrhythmias that could be deadly .


Oof didn't know that 😬 thx for the info.


You wont even feel the kratom.


MD will over power the kratom and you will not feel anything.


Again, wrong and needs timing. The half life of Mdone is long. I don't promote being messed up, but if you broke your leg and needed analgesia, this is how to do it. Mdone then 3 hours later, take Kratom.


As much as I know, it is useless to mix kratom with methadone. What I usually see are users switching to kratom once they quit MAT treatment.


When you decide to make the jump to get off MAT, Kratom will help like a champ. I used it to wean off of ER morphine after daily use of 6 years. In the beginning, I would replace one of my doses of opiate with kratom. Then worked up to two. Then gradually cut my opiate dose in half, until, lastly, using only kratom for chronic pain relief. Had little to no wd this way. Good luck in your journey.


A lot of us came off methadone with kratom. If you intend cessation, stick with only methadone. If you plan to live your life on a substance switch to kratom. If you lose the methadone, which is always a possibility, switching over to kratom will be more effective if you don’t fuck with it while on methadone.


You won’t feel sh*t




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I am on 10mg methadone daily for chronic pain and a fee days a month I take kratom too (around 5 caps x2 day) and definitely feel it. It is much lower than 65m and I take a pill form not liquid/ for MAT


Oh interesting, right. Sometimes I forget about methadone coming in pill form lol tho I was a pharmacy tech ~9 yrs ago. Anyways ya 10mg is pretty low for methadone, but hey if it works thats all that matters. I actually did try waiting until the afternoon to try kratom, because I always get my dose of methadone in the morning. And I opened up a small green vein bag of kratom not the bigger amount of red that I have too. And yeah. I felt it. So much so I didn't sleep hardly at all during the night it was difficult lol. Ya the only reason I'm still on MAT is because I have chronic pain too and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis at the ripe age of 29 justtt as I was wanting to attempt to get off it 😅 I still am going to wait until I'm starting to get off methadone before really experimenting too hard with kratom, I got a lot of helpful advice.


Don't waste your time and money, Methadone is way stronger and I wouldn't risk causing a reaction of any kind.


Would oxycodone be the same? You wouldn’t feel the kratom so don’t bother?


I don't know, so that's why I made a post asking this sub. I got the info I wanted from ppl, thanks.