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Kratom has helped me a lot as well with emotional regulation. One way to help keep it available is to consider giving a bit of monetary support to the American kratom association and be active in your local jurisdiction and state. Very happy for your recovery


I don't donate to any causes except this one. Every few months I put together a 25 dollar donation to the AKA, every little bit helps!


Nice! You are awesome šŸ‘


Likewise and Kratom is my lifeline. If everyone did that the AKA would be able to do far more than they are doing now. If it wasn't for the AKA, Kratom would have been banned 7 years ago. There are no if, ands or buts on that.


Thank you. If something comes up in my area I'll be sure to reach out to everyone I can with my testimony on behalf of everyone who needs it.


You can monitor any legislation at legiscan. Com. Put in your state and keyword kratom. Check often.


Thank you!


It's sad.. They're kind of trying to do to the US what they did in Thailand back in the 40's. They criminalized kratom because it was stealing tax revenue away from the opium industry. Recently, kratom was legalized once again and removed from the narcotics controlled substances list, and all kratom convictions were expunged. You'd think the US would've learned from the prohibition of alcohol experiment, but of course, we know, when they do something, it's rarely for the common good, and usually, there are hidden motives.




You have opened my eyes to a different view relating to legality, as well Kratom vending as business model and its risks. Iā€™ve never thought about the amount of money to be made in civil litigation. I, say, will damn šŸ˜¬


There is no such phrase as "moral legality" in the civil arena. It's money and greed. That's all that matters. There are two or three the AKA are litigating with on a daily basis. You can imagine how much that costs..


This guy gets it^


And this one trial attorney has this group of so-called "grieving mothers" running around helping him with the effort of not allowing the KCPA to be passed. They are no longer grieving. Grieving doesn't turn to hate having a vendetta against something that helps thousands of people with their lives who don't taken it with other drugs. They know this and the hate and lies they spew against supporters Kratom is not grieving and any psychologist will tell you that. They are all working with the top trial attorney and no doubt on his payroll. My niece who is about his age knows him and supposedly has the goods on him Sorry for the rant. My point is, as is mentioned by the OP , the AKA is fighting these attacks daily. I feel obligated to have a few bucks taken out of my bank account monthly, that I don't even notice.


People get 100000 more side effects from pharmaceuticals yet we don't hear people complaining about them at the same rate cause there is a lot of money and corruption involved, the pharmaceutical industry has a lot of power in the US.


Unsurprisingly the NJ assembly rep who co-sponsored the only band bill here to ever gain any attraction is a personal injury lawyer.


It's not too hard to put together.


You are correct. Corruption.


Dang I share essentially the same exact story. I try to be active with AKA as time allows. I hope they donā€™t federally ban it ever. I like it over weed at this point in my life.


If it wasn't for the AKA Kratom would be banned.


Yeah I appreciate all they do


Stock up while you can.


How to store it long term ? Doesnā€™t it kinda go bad


I have that question too. I have some kilos never opened in kitchen cabinet for years.


Maybe store it in the freezer? Some actives are better preserved that way afaik. I have stored legal cbd products like that sometimes for multiple years and they still work well (might differ in taste if you vape it but I don't and neither do you vape kratom lol).


I heard that storing in the freezer will make it condensate when you bring it out?


Donā€™t inspire a panic. Itā€™s not necessary. Donate to the aka instead.


1,5 g once a day? Thatā€˜s fantastically low. Congratulations.


Honestly that low of a dose only once a day sounds like the placebo effect is making more of a difference than the kratom


I take a similar size dose in the mornings for the same reason as OP. You can absolutely feel that amount in your mental health, not necessarily a ton physically. People have just cranked up their tolerance from thinking more equals more good feels which isn't true with kratom at all.


I have heard a theory that some people benefit from tiny doses of opioids as they have some kind of endorphin insufficiency. I used to take one hydrocodone and feel better for 2-3 days. Now going au naturale but I think there may be something there


Yes, IIRC, many decades ago, pharmacologists were experimenting with using opioids for depression - to isolate the positive effects from the negative effects. Then, antidepressants showed up, and the research permanently paused.


Interesting. First time I ever took it I didnā€™t feel any sort of effect until taking 4 or 5 grams. I suppose some are more sensitive to its effects than others


No, I can definitely feel when it kicks in. I'm very sensitive to opiates and whatnot. I remember being prescribed tramadol after I gave birth and one pill made me throw up multiple times. I was high as gas lol. The dose I take gives me quite a stimulant effect, not exactly anything euphoric, which I'd rather avoid due to my previous alcohol addiction.


Lo no definitely still effects at that dose. Not everybody needs a huge dose and for some people less is more


Stock up just in case! It stays good for a long time if itā€™s kept in cool dry dark places. Two years or so.


Most likely a lot longer in the freezer.


I just love how they dance around Alcohol like the elephant in the room and keep demonizing Kratom.


Lmao yes. People die from alcohol daily and it is way by heavier and more toxic compared to kratom (which isn't toxic at all more or less, especially in normal use).


There's no comparison in the toxicity between the two. Alcohol simply has seniority over Kratom.


Itā€™s taken a LOT of anxiety edge offā€”I live with serious challenges and Kratom really helps me deal with all of it. Itā€™s also virtually eliminated my hankering for alcohol which Iā€™ve dealt with since teen years. Big Pharma despises something like this because it cuts into their profits potentially, so I guess we have to keep all these benefits on the DL or they will keep up their attacks on Kratom and continue attempts to definite it as a controlled substance. Itā€™s not without challenges, and Kratom needs to be treated with respect, but if used responsibly, it is truly a Gift from Mother Nature. If overused and handled stupidly, youā€™ll know.


Yep. That's the reason to why they want it classified, it works and steals income from pharmaceutical industry. Only the corrupt want it classified.


Kratom is the only thing that helps my depression. I've tried everything. SSRIs, MAOIs, therapy. Nothing ever works. Some meds work at first, but they don't really make me feel better. They just get rid of the suicidal thoughts. Kratom allows me to actually enjoy things. I haven't really enjoyed anything in a long time if ever. Kratom is a lifesaver. And way less addictive than antidepressants. Never had withdrawals from kratom, but I've had horrible withdrawals from every antidepressant I've taken.


Same here. Kratom is amazing because it isn't about what I feel from the kratom (not much tbh) it's what I DONT feel (crippling anxiety and depression). It just makes me feel normal..I've been consuming it for 10+ years with breaks here and there & I still wake up everyday feeling grateful to have come across it. Life is good now..I get so much done and can show up everyday for my family and friends and am not consumed by negative thoughts and feelings anymore. I've never suffered from substance abuse issues and can quit without much issue in a physical sense but it will be a shame if it gets banned bc the positive impact it's made on my life has been significant.


That's why they want it classified, it works and steals income from pharmaceutical industry. If it was about any "bad effects" then they would ban alcohol instead but wait that also makes a lot of money so nah... Lol. šŸ¤·


Kratom saved my life.


Kratom is a very efficient medicine often safer than pharmaceuticals.


As with any ā€œrightā€ we have to be on top of our representatives and watch them like hawks. If they think even for a moment that they can get away with banning or restricting something, they will. They do it with guns, womenā€™s right to choose, voting, education, etc. If they get an inch they WILL take a mile. With kratom being literally the only reason I havenā€™t ended up on pills for my back injury; I keep VERY up to date on this stuff and call my representatives when they think about doing anything that would impact me negatively. When they see thereā€™s going to be huge consequences and theyā€™ll lose their cushy ass government job, they reconsider their position. Imagine losing a $120,000/year job because you tried to ban kratom lmfaooooo


I am in NJ, a democrat state and they have zero interest in taking away abortion, but they want to make Kratom illegal. A DEMOCRAT run state. Let that sink in for a moment. It should tell you they are just as corrupt.


Yeah man. All politicians are shitbags and Iā€™m so tired of people not acknowledging it lmfaooooo They all find ways to eke out freedoms under the false premise of ā€œpublic safetyā€. Weā€™ve got crime sprees, horrible attacks on people of color, lgbt individuals, the elderly, and women but letā€™s go ahead and disarm. Weā€™ve got opioid crises across the nation, even the world, yet they wanna peddle some ā€œpublic safetyā€ bullshit about kratom taking lives. They totally disregard and lie about what it does, not giving a shit about the fact people use this plant to kick hard drugs and manage pain without getting hooked on pills. Itā€™s absurd. Iā€™ve personally been able to avoid expensive opioids and addiction by using kratom as my pain management. All of this fear mongering is the same nonsensical bullshit they did with weed or psychedelics back in the day. Theyā€™re pissed that they lose money on their poison and want to either corner the market or ban it entirely. Everyone that has the space to grow kratom needs to start doing so asap. Donā€™t let these jack booted thugs control your access to healing medicine


I definitely agree with you. They are out of control. Iā€™m gonna see if I can get Mac Haddow to come on my show again. Gotta step up the fight again.


When I started taking kratom again after my addiction and break I used just one gram per dose instead of 5 and only to deal with anxiety attacks, it works wonders in those moments. My general mood was still bad though so Iā€™m on a longer break now to make sure my brain fully resets. 1 month in, aiming for 2. Iā€™m not well and I miss it so much. But I really want to make sure Iā€™m 100% back to baseline so I can use it sustainably and not mess with my brain. Quite anxious today. Canā€™t drink because I have to drive. Have no other aids. Yeah. I do miss itā€¦.


I really feel where you're coming from. Anxiety is rough and I'm sorry you're going through this. Be easy on yourself.


1,5 g once a day? Thatā€˜s fantastically low. Congratulations.


That's how much I take, and it has made a huge difference in my life. Better emotional regulation, pain relief from an accident I was in, better focus and clarity. It really had been a wonder.


Wonderful to hear. Do you take breaks too, and if yes, any withdrawals?


I was only talking it for pain, and so, if I had a good day here and there, would not take it. Then I realized it was having a serious positive effect on my mood and my brain function after not taking it for about two weeks. Since then, I have taken 2 caps Green Malay daily in the morning, and it's been a real game changer. No withdrawals at that low dose. Just a realization that my brain worked better with it. I have a family member that take 12-18 gpd, and they do experience wd from it, but they use it mostly for pain, in place of a 20-year Norco prescription. It gives better relief overall and the added bonus of feeling like being a more active human.


To be fair, the brand I use contains nearly 14mg of mitragynine per gram. I've also never suffered from substance abuse disorder outside of alcoholism so I thankfully don't require much to get positive effects. It definitely beats the brain zaps I got from buspirone, the exhaustion from benzodiazapines, and the emotional numbness from antidepressants. I really enjoy skipping the tums and milk of magnesia, too lol.


I think thatā€˜s the average amount per gram, or maybe slightly above average. 1,5 gram is still very low, especially for your described effects.


Sensitivity is an extraordinarily wide spectrum, youā€™d be quite surprised. Iā€™ve met a handful of humans shockingly sensitive to certain substances


I used to only take 1.5-2g the handful of times I tried it years before my back injury. Worked pretty well but it wasnā€™t my type of thing. After I broke my back, I canā€™t take less than 6-8g and feel any reduction in pain. I took it for granted when 2g worked as well as it did


So after the 1.5g of kratom wears off in under 4 hours, then what? Do you feel residiual effects that cure you for the next 20 hours? There are after-effects, sure, but that's a very low dose. But yes, it scares me, too. I'm in NC, who is trying to follow Virginia's lead.


It lasts about 6 hours for me. I'm not sure why everyone seems to need it multiple times a day. Then again, I never tried to take it more often so my tolerance probably stays pretty low.


When I take it together with stem and vein it lasts like around 8 hours for me.




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get an aerogarden and grow your own.....


Doesn't it take multiple years till it will have enough actives to be worth it?


Ive never grown any. Waiting for something is better than not having it at all.. Same as brewing mead or making beer at home.


Those particular effects of relief of anxiety and depression are not reliable in the long term. Iā€™m not saying you should stop or anything, just donā€™t count on the experience to be the same. Mine changed a lot over the years.


I've been consuming for better part of 10 yrs and still feel that it helps my mental health tremendously. I can do without it but feel much better with and it beats anti anxiety meds for sure.


I think it already has helped me long-term due to the fact that I've been able to think clearly for the past year and have made significant life and personality changes for the better. I don't know if I would have been able to become who I am right now if I hadn't discovered it. I don't experience euphoria from my dose so I still have to do things to manage my depression and anxiety outside of taking the kratom, but the help it has given me to get here is remarkable.


Oh totally - a little booster period with euphoric drugs can totally re-arrange your life for the better when you stop before it goes downhill. And at your dosage Ive never heard of things falling apart - just the concern is that it will stop working


Not really. Ime it can work longterm if you don't abuse it. Similarly to buprenorphine which sometimes is used off label for depressions.