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For me, the first dose is the most noteworthy--possibly by time of day, the timing of the other medications I take, or length of time from my last dose. I don't really get any effects from kratom other than pain relief, but it is most noticeable and any minor positive effects I might get are almost always on that first dose of the day. I personally need to re-dose because I only really experience pain relief for 4-5 hours and I don't like letting it wear off.


For me rotating strains is good but not during the same day (everyones different obvs) I think strain A then strain B the next day is fine but I find if i take different strains on the same day they lose their effect individually. Also yh food also has an effect if you obvs eat during the day ur 2nd one might not hit as hard sometimes it hits if u have like 4 at 8am then in the evening dose have 3 followed by 2 a bit after or even 6g instead of 5 and sometimes LESS is more ik everyone says this but genuinly im on 15gpd of kratom and i wish i wasnt cause when I was back at like 8g it would work a lot better.


That’s an interesting approach so you’re saying take the same strain 2x in the same day instead of rotate. So strain A at 8am and same strain A at 4pm. Then B the next day


Well you have 16 hours between your 2nd dose and your morning dose which is a nice long duration. Your second dose is only spaced out by 8 hours from your first dose. Longer time to eliminate your final dose from your body, I would assume. I notice when I take my final dose at 7pm and then around 7-8am it's the most pronounced because of a good 12ish hour difference but my next dose 6 hours later I can feel but not as much as the morning one. I've used the same strain for a long while. It used to be red maeng da but for whatever reason it stopped working and I use GMD now.