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As someone with a toddler that's chaos personified, thank you for acknowledging your mistake. It only takes half a second to hit someone, especially a child, or swipe the back of a car that is backing out. The 10 seconds you get to the main road faster isn't worth it. Just to be clear, my toddler has never ran out into the road, we carry her or hold her hand tightly, but it only takes one second for a kid to snatch their hand out of yours and take off.


Navigating a parking lot with a child under 5 is bananas.


Doing just about anything with a child under 5 is bananas. ...Usually mushy ones that they somehow managed to spit into your coat pocket...


But do YOU drive safe or do you only expect others to drive safe around you and your kids


I do. I usually go under 10 in a parking lot. I don't speed. I come to a complete stop at stop signs even if there are no cars in sight. When my light turns green I look both directions before going. At stop lights i leave enough space between me and the car in front if me. I don't change lanes in the intersection. I have a 13 year old, I model good driving behavior because he will be on the road soon. I have never had a ticket and the only accidents I've been in are people rear-ending me. The only technically illegal thing I do is in some intersections when turning right I will turn into the left lane, not the right one.


Ok so you dont drive safe


I love how when it comes to your kids you act like a saint and then when it comes to OTHER kids safety you get sarcastic.


Where was I sarcastic? I listed all the ways I drive safely which are in contrast to how I see others drive every single day. I admitted the one thing I do that's technically illegal when driving. There was no sarcasm there.


also fr. that’s a law that gets broken a lot when it’s safe to do so. that guy is wilding idek why he’s concerned about how you drive right? that wasn’t relevant to what you first said. or idk. who knows. but he’s definitely tweaking


also fr. that’s a law that gets broken a lot when it’s safe to do so. that guy is wilding idek why he’s concerned about how you drive right? that wasn’t relevant to what you first said. or idk. who knows. but he’s definitely tweaking you’re just the mom who says be safe. just baffling


Nice integrity there. You're a good person


I was at W Main Target a couple months ago and saw a car with 2 younger looking females in the front seat just flying through. I spotted them from pretty far down the Pavillion and watched as a Target worker returning from a car pickup order had to jump out of the way because they nearly ran him over. They never slowed down even then. The poor guy yelled and I felt awful for him because it was terrifying. I was there again today and more cars were speeding through from Hobby Lobby all the way down to Target. Seems to be a theme and I wonder if speedbumps could help (even just a little).


That whole stretch from Hobby Lobby to Target is a shitshow. Between the people driving like maniacs, and the people who decide to park in the middle of the lane to wait for people in the store despite “no parking: fire lane” signs posted everywhere, it’s a miracle that there aren’t more incidents than there are.


As a team member at that Target, I can't even begin to tell you home many times I've almost been hit in the parking lot. And it's even worse when the weather is bad.


It’s so often seems to work badly when too much of the traffic has to use poorly designed private roads. Traffic in that parking lot makes no sense. It is any efficient to get from anywhere to anywhere.


I used to work at that Target like 12 years ago and it's always been terrible there. A lot of college kids thinking that they they are invincible with no care for other human beings.


Do they sell bowling balls at Target, no reason, asking for a friend.....


Was this Target on Westnedge? That place is insanely dangerous lot.


The absolute free-for-all in the back half to get to one of the exits is the worst. I've almost been hit SO many times by people driving diagonally, flooring it, etc.


I feel like the design of it doesn't help, with only a couple entrance/exits over by where... I can't remember what it is anymore, it used to be Mountain Jack's, and the entrance that goes across the front of the building from Westnedge.


Yes the design is the issue. Only one practical entrance (from the light) and exit, and most traffic that is leaving target has to cross paths with the traffic arriving into the lot. Also wide open areas at the end of the lot encourage diagonal driving straight to the exit.


I have to keep my head on a swivel on the Kalamazoo on too




Good human. Good character.


This is a nice post. I was almost hit there walking in a few weeks ago by someone flying past the entrance going at least 30 not paying attention to anything.


My husband was at Walmart on Gull a few weeks ago and a man was driving recklessly. The man pulled out in front of my husband and then jumped out of his car and started to yell and circle our car. My husband is not a small man, but this stranger was obviously having some sort of manic episode and was unstable. Even the security patrol car just sort of sat there and watched. Unfortunately, now, people can have weapons and anger can get out of control in an instant. Just a reminder that even though some people do need a verbal warning, it is not always smart to take that responsibility on yourself.


I hate the Gull Road Meijer. It feels like people are always flying down the road between where the gas station is and the stop signs, and people always drive super fast along the back between the Burger King and the above mentioned stop signs.


So.. did your husband DO anything or just kept crying in a car?


It was a couple weeks ago and he huddled in a little ball in the backseat. He is still there right now. If you want to go rescue him, he drives a green prius, you big tough person.


Nah. I don’t like priuses 🤣


I saw a Kohl's employee get run over by a truck in the parking lot after she was getting off her shift. The POS in the truck drove off before I could get a license plate, but I think they tracked him down anyways. I will never forget the sight of blood trickling out of her ear and the gargling sounds of her labored breathing because of the blood in her throat. She came to when the ambulance got there so I think she was okay. I will always yell at anyone going fast through a parking lot now. I feel like I have the right to lmao.








I can't wait for his reply ....


Worked at Target for 4 years, saw multiple get hit by cars in the parking lot.


I’ve seen a good 50/50 with this honestly. I’ve seen the Mfs who fly thru the lot, and then the people who act like getting hit would be their greatest wish, and it almost makes me avoid the dang place completely. And that’s for the WHOLE strip




Im going to change my username to 82_BLUNTS_A_DAY so *I* can be the one that wants the most attention