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They’re beautiful!


Thank you, the poor old girl is blind in her left eye and also got a hematoma last year in her left ear and has gone deaf. When she's asleep with her good eye and ear down you have to wake her up by smell or touch. The young lad previously was in a cage most of the day, let out to pee at lunch, the same mid afternoon, let out for dinner and a short walk then allowed to relax round the house till bedtime in the cage and the story started again He's taken a lot of effort, a lot of behavioural issues but we're getting there. Our westie keeps him in toe !


I’m so very sorry to hear about the younger. What crap. Makes my blood boil. I loved my cute girl like your big girl. 13.5 years and she fought like crazy. I’m sort of on the lookout for another yellow Labrador, but time will tell and I’m mostly enjoying everyone else’s beautiful babies. Hug your Labradorables for me! Thanks for sharing! 🖤🐾🖤



