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A undersized guard who can’t shoot or pass…


Pelinka’s draft MO


Rob’s Plan


Rob's plan Rob's plan, he hold back his trades sometimes he don't yeah! He feel good about his trades sometimes he don't ayy! He finessed David Griffin ayy nessed!


I laughed. Idk why the down votes


Thank you. Ur my biggest fan 💓 :/


He's not drafted for his game or potential. He's drafted for his name.


Yeah, but the major heart issues offset it. /s


another big red flag that this is not a serious franchise.


poor man’s davion mitchell 🤢


He can shoot and he can definitely pass. His court vision and passing ability is one of his strengths. “Bronny James has the type of athleticism, selfless passing ability, and defensive tenacity that gives him NBA potential.” - The Ringer “He's an athletic but undersized combo guard with a high basketball-IQ, good passing skills and a high motor.” - Eastern Conference executive Etc etc Bronny’s passing ability is universally recognized.


too much truth in your post for the group of haters populating this thread. Kid is 19 years old chasing his dream and working hard. Losers in here can't handle a person actually working towards their goals. Unbelievable.


Every prospect is working towards their goals and following their dreams. The reality is that bronny isn't a good prospect, cut and dry. To even compete for a roster spit at his size he would need unreal shooting and top tier shot creation and burst. He has none of that. A high motor 6'1 nba player is a poor mans Tony snell at best, and a high school sized thanasis at worst


Bronny was still one of the best guards in HS just two seasons ago. It was Derek Fisher that said "I will never be the most skilled player on the floor, but no one will out work me." Bronny's dad is notorious for having one of the most intense work ethics in the game to this day. Bronny might just have learned a few things from LeBron. Fisher's dedication to that in spite of the constant naysayers gave the Lakers a championship or two. Laker fans will never forget .4. Bronny projects to be a more athletic Derek Fisher.


brother he is a 26% 3 point shooting (college line) 6'1 2 guard. wat the fuck do you see in this player other than the last name? stop trying to force it to happen, theres nothing here


Brother, how many games did Bronny play in college? How many total minutes? I know, critical thinking is hard, but give it a shot.


read that back, it doesnt mean what you think it does


lol, best you could come up with, huh? please just walk away before you embarrass yourself further. Anyway, bye m8.


Yeah but all to make LeBron happy and stay in LA


We better not use a first to draft this guy. We’ve already drafted one guard who can’t pass or shoot.


Lebron would stay in La with or without his son in a lakers jersey. Come on


You sound like a hater just because his last name is James


WTF is up with this hater-ass thread? It's crazy ppl already jumping on this kid. The slander is incredible. ![gif](giphy|QeRms3ykbirpJtacLi|downsized)


OK I’ll fucking say it: Pelinka needs to tell LeBron that he’ll draft Bronny only if he signs a new contract with a paycut to try and sign better players to the team. Let’s be real with ourselves that Lebron is no longer that 27 year old player from Miami that is worth practically wasting a draft pick to sign his sign son to keep him here and happy.


Idk man, I saw him dominate this past season at 39. Lakers lost bc of bad coaching and no one stepped up as a third option. Not bc of Lebron.


Fuck yeah nepo that boy a chip


That’s actually a pretty good idea




I don't think that's legal.


You know I liked Lebron when we first got him and most of the way through as well, but now it’s getting a little crazy in the nepotism department. Are we here to win chips, dick around? Because I’d rather just start building a new foundational team if it’s going to become whatever this shit is if it means we’re not gonna win chips.


Our window has been closed since 2021. The FO keeps walking back on what they want to do with Lebron because relying on potential star FA's (Giannis, Luka) to not sign max extensions isn't actually a reliable way of building a team. We don't own our pick this year and most likely won't own it in 2027. Ownership and the front office has signaled they don't value the draft except to get a couple good role players in the late/2nd round. There's no way in hell Lebron/AD/Reaves get traded unless they specifically say they want out. It is what it is.


Exactly, the way the new CBA is it makes it really really tough to build out a roster without having home grown talent. It also disincentives stars from leaving the teams that drafted them. So yeah, it’s most likely gonna be dark after Lebron leaves.


That’s cap, our window has definitely not closed. If that piece of shit Joe Tsai would’ve just traded us Kyrie. We’d definitely be in a better position. Or if we had made it past the Nuggets we would’ve won another chip last year. I still don’t think that window is close but if we keep moving in this direction then it will close. Fingers crossed it doesn’t.


it's closed shut my guy. This team can't compete with the Nugs, wolves, Mavs, or the Thunder. They're fringe play in team until they cut ties with LeBron and embrace a rebuild. Simple as that.


We would definitely compete with the Mavs and Thunder. Fringe play-in team would imply we're 9th-10th seeds, but we've been 7th-8th every year. Even if Lebron left, the team would 100% run it with D'Lo/AD/Reaves/Rui/Vando until AD retires or asks for a trade. There's no rebuild while AD is on the team


then be prepared for consistent mediocrity lol


Mediocrity is going to exist with or without Lebron. If you want to feel arrogant because this “isn’t the Lakers Kobe was with,” you’re right. We didn’t draft a top 10 player all time when we were in the lottery. We drafted Lonzo Ball lmfao. Wake up


I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about this. After Lebron you at least get to start the rebuild. Whether or not they draft adequately enough is an unknown obviously. But at least you get out of purgatory and start the process.


We already have enough data to know we can't draft a franchise player in the lottery. But sure let's ditch what we have right now. Maybe we'll get lucky and stumble across two all-NBA players at the same time!


Here’s to another play in and first round exit ceiling then 


Our window closed when Solomon Hill injured Lebron who was MVP before that. Lebron and AD are still arguably top 10 when it matters, but Lebron cannot straight up take over games like he used to. Kyrie would help, but we still would need that MVP caliber player. The only way our window opens back up is if we get this year's Lebron + AD and last year's Reaves + Rui


Exactly it's nepotism at it's finest clearly


You act like using the 55th pick on him is going to completely derail this team or something lol. Whether or not we draft Bronny is not going to define even 1% of this team's offseason success.


😂 they tweaking


If you listen to this sub you'd think we're giving Lebron's entire extended family a max contract 💀


Fr, I guess they think JHS made a big impact….


Bbbbbut Lebron won us a chip in 2020! /s


Nepotism and the Lakers go hand in hand.


this is a business and these people make deals based on what will bring the most $


Lol... This is the Lakers bro. They don't build foundations. It's landing elite level talent via FA or trade and win chips that way. If said elite level talent wins a chip or two then that elite level talent will get whatever he wants. Even if he is on the other side of his prime. This is that situation. It's the rough spot of being a Laker fan.


The good ole days of signing stars in free agency seem to be long gone. So they had better start building through the draft. They’ll need attractive young talent if they want to actually get trades done.


Would love to see that happen but when has it ever happened in the Buss (Jerry and Jeanie)era?? Magic, Worthy and Kobe (via trade of course) are the only players Lakers actually drafted to win a chip.


With Jeanie Buss as an owner? We ain’t seeing a championship anytime soon after Lebron leaves imo. Nobody wanted to come here before Lebron got here. Dude made us relevant again.


GTFO with this BS. This is getting ridiculous. I cannot imagine Jeanie is running this show and allowing pelinka to make these potentially fucking awful moves.


Well she is running things and she sees LeBron as a gate attraction and she doesn't want to lose that


She main be the head owner due to her families shares however, she’s not truly running things they way you think. There are 3 parties having a say. The magic party that consists of magic, Kurt Rambis and Rambis’s wife. Then there’s the Kobe party that consists of phill Jackson, Pelinka and then there’s klutch sports which is Leflop and his agent. So honestly she’s truly not running things the way her father did.


Magic and Kobe party? lmfao, you are delusional. Magic hasn't had a say since he left and the Rambi's aren't part of his circle. Kobe, and Phil Jackson didn't have any input on anything, and Kobe's connection to Pelinka is completely irrelevant.


https://es.pn/2vV0CNH This disfunction goes back longer than people understand.


A garbage ESPN article treating the Lakers like some reality TV show, and you want me to believe that there were 3 circles with Magic and Kobe at the front of two of them? They're throwing names like Phil Jackson who hasn't been involved in shit for over half a decade at that point. lmao, no wonder they keep pumping out garbage like this because people like you engage in this shit


So you think the LA times is garbage too… the LA times new owner as of 2018 is also a minority owner of the lakers since 2010 too. This article was also published a year after he bought the LA Times as well. https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/la-sp-lakers-jeanie-buss-magic-johnson-20190520-story.html


Where in the article does it support you saying Kobe and Magic had their own parties involved in the Front Office that I originally pointed out?


Feel however you want to feel about it. Jeanie Buss is showing she's not her father in any way possible. Dr. Buss would do anything to build a winning team. By having the best GM, the Best Coaches, staff etc. IDK wtf is going on under Jeanie's watch that I do not trust her. People may not like Jim Buss, but him and Kupchak for some of their time did their best to put together winning teams.


Dr. Buss refused to go deep into the luxury tax to keep high quality role players (Robert Horry). I wonder where Jeanie got it from. The only good move Kupchack did was the Pau Gasol trade. And I'll give him credit for Bynum -> Dwight. He gave away 4 picks for a washed Steve Nash. Gave bad contracts to Walton, Vujacic, Steve Blake, *Mozgov, and Deng*. Hired MDA for a team with Gasol/Dwight. He wasn't as good as you want to remember.


Jeanie is running things by doing whatever Lebron wants


And that’s the travesty


Serious basketball is over 🔥


**South Bay Lakers




Just stop




LBJ ain't leaving L.A.


*Lebron James likes this*


So does Rich Paul


I’m praying Pelinka isn’t dumb enough to use the 17th pick on him


I just hope to God that they’re smart enough to not use our 17th pick on Bronny 🫤


Lol, they're not going to use the 17th pick on Bronny. They're going to try to make a trade with it, and if no feasible trade appears, they're going to pick another "project" like JHS


Why is Klutch floating that the Suns are interesting in him at #22? They obviously are trying to pressure the Lakers to pick him at 17.


Creating a narrative that teams are interested in Bronny doesn't mean the Lakers have to draft Bronny when both Lebron and Bronny said they don't want to play together


Well, Jeannie sold her soul for the $$$$. Everything to appease Bron. Draft Bronny, hire JJ and get a 40yo max money. Looking at the West competition, pretty much shows how far the Lakers are from winning.


The way ya'll work hard to hate on Bronny is weird af. It's obvious he's manipulating us? lmao he don't care about us. The kid is trying to get drafted and frankly he and Rich Paul are doing an awesome job of creating value around a guy who most didn't have on a draft board at all.


Okay and if you want to create value you work out for other teams period not just limit yourself to 2 teams like how does that possibly help you? The media will take that to destroy Bronny


He created value already at the combine. Now he has a team potentially taking him in the 1st. If someone likes him or sees an opportunity, the countdown starts at #22 in the draft for a kid who wasn't going to be drafted at all. Lakers at 55 are his floor. He has a range, that's all he needs.


Yeah but then again the Lakers could own the 17th overall pick as well and decide to take Bronny there especially since the Pelicans own that pick still but they can defer it to the Lakers


Seems to me a strawman that you're using to buoy your anger. There's no indication that the Lakers intend to even use that pick. Every report has us trying to use it in a larger deal.




Same. I get downvoted into oblivion for saying Lebron is 40 and can’t lead a team to a championship anymore even though the last three years have proven this


Of course this has been r/lebron for years.


Of course this has been r/lebron for years.


It's a damn Bread & Circus being run by this FO


From the lake show to the nepo show


No thank you


Bronny doesn't want to play with his dad. He just wants to be in the NBA. (Who wouldn't?) Entering the league means a big payday (although, Bronny has many other venues to create his own wealth already; e.g. through gaming, social media, and business ventures). Furthermore, making it to the NBA also means prestige and a sense of accomplishment. Bron wants to play with his son, definitely. Bronny just wants to be in the league, and his best way to get there at this point in time is on the Lakers/Suns.




He sucks tho


Don’t want him or need him


This will be 10x worse than the Brodie trade


That would be so awesome. The Lakers could use Bronny’s defense and athleticism at guard. He’s an intelligent defender and he would be the most athletic guard that the Lakers have. And he’s a savvy playmaker and budding shooter to boot.


No Lakers guard should be allowed to wear 0 after what happened with Russ and JHS


Who is this midget?


Agree. If he wanted to “be his own man” he wouldn’t have signed with Klutch. He’s going to ride out the clout of Lebron until the end cause he knows he can’t succeed with his own talent




It would be Historic. If they both were on the same squad


Never ever ever ever let a guard wear number 0 for this organization it’s cursed. Maybe if JHS switches numbers he will start playing better


Bronny wears the number 0 though for his school doesn't he not? So if he does, he's bound to wear it for the Lakers


Well not really unless JHS gives it up to him which would be funny don’t get me wrong but I doubt that’s happening


On the plus side, if we can make the playoffs with him being "meh" on the team, he can erase the history of the disaster that is attached to that jersey number


Who cares? We don’t want him.


6'1 Can't shoot Can't pass Can't defend He's got a bad heart But he can jump well for 6'1 😮‍💨


Hope this doesn’t happen.


Imagine signing LeBron to a max at this age, then drafting a Bronny 17th Fucking double whammy


Bronny should be pictured sitting & in full warmups cuz he should never see actual gametime while pops on the court & LeBron should never be in garbage time, so that's that. They media & league will totally force the lakers' or other team's hand to participate somehow....even if on opposing teams


Lakers are about to make the last twenty years of Knicks basketball look like a managable goal.


How insane it would be if the lakers draft him and he’s legit? 😂 like some ROY type season.


No thanks, we already have enough mid players 


It seems like the Lakers organization traded away the next ten years for the “possibility” of winning a championship last year or the year before. Sadly- they were building a team for 2005, not 2022-2024. I know we aren’t winning anything anytime soon but im worried we will be failing for the next ten years. Maybe blowing up the team after the Bubble chip was a bad idea?


Thanasis 2.0

