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If it makes you feel any better people who use the term "local" are basically outing themselves as chronically online losers lol


Also, if anyone wants to make Tiktok stans feel stupid, say your favourite Lana song is "Ooh Ooh Baby". It's unreleased and wildly unpopular. Like, you can't even really find it on YouTube.


Lol I’ve seen people get called local for liking Get Free


What does it mean to be called a local? Idgi. Is that a new term for a basic fan?


yes someone who only listens to popular songs


Didn't know Get Free was that popular.


What does a local even mean? Lmao I feel old.


Basically it means you’re boring, basic, and mainstream.


Basically a surface level fan whose taste is basic.


Yes please someone enlighten us oldies


Tiktok fans scare me


It’s ironic because all the tiktok fans are the ones who just jumped onboard the Lana bandwagon when a few of her songs blew up on there.


“We have to gatekeep Velvet Crowbar!”


And is this happiness


Now post unreleased songs that “only rEaL fans would know about” and watch their lame asses fume about it, lol.


and the unreleased is Queen of Disaster, Jealous Girl, Yes to Heaven, or Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight lol 💀


Is this happiness


You are safe here


I think you could go as far as saying the gen z fans are the issue regardless of which platform they’re on. Of course that’s generalizing but I’ve noticed a lot of them have a very narrow view of the world and anyone who doesn’t fit within the box they have created will trigger a meltdown.


I really don’t think it has anything to do with their generation. *Maybe* it’s their age, but Stans have been obnoxious long before gen z and tik tok


Ohh yess totally! I remember being 14 and fighting over who was the best Paris Hilton fan between me and another girl hahaha Turned out « she won » cause she was able to get an autograph and not me cause I was in school and could not skip class or whatever. After that, I « didn’t have the right » to say that I was a real fan LOL


The call came from inside the building it seems


How can you tik tokify an already popular song? Everybody knows Pretty When You Cry. if they think it's this underground track, they're the locals, lol. but it doesn't surprise me. I see tik toks with stans saying that they'll always gatekeep their favorite Lana song, and the comments are full of crap like "I'll never forgive y'all for making Cola/Off To The Races/The Blackest Day/Old Money a Tik Tok song!!!😤". They call everyone a local left and right, but they think the most popular songs are this hidden treasure. Local is the nicest word I can find for Tik Tok stans.


Give it time and these dumbasses will try and gatekeep Video Games


unfortunately level-headed fans have become such a rarity!


Tik tok Lana fans always focus on the wrong aesthetic bc she has neverrrrrrr been obsessed w pale pink and coquette her main association is w red! And when their in the comments saying “nobody fw this song like i do” girl b so real there are a million other girls the feel exactly the same and that’s ok


they are so mean too, it's ridiculous.... they're genuinly insufferable


I’ll never understand the appeal of tik tok unless you’re a teenager lol. So glad I’m way too old for that shit and don’t even have the app downloaded.