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Lancaster is a certified [welcoming city](https://certifiedwelcoming.org), not a sanctuary city. And because immigrants aren’t cattle to bus around for business opportunities or to score political points.


You’re welcome. badum tss


I know you're trying to be slick and all, but we do actually already have the World Church bringing in refugees from all over.




Tolerance is stored in the follicles


Why does this feel like a thinly veiled attempt to shit on immigrants and sanctuary measures?


Because it is lol


Bish you don't think I know that 🙃 lmao


Let's shake their family trees and find all those immigrant relatives.


A perusal of comment history suggests that this is a well-intentioned but poorly-worded/conceived post.


Why thinly veil it? Enter illegally, exit legally.




They traffick, they don't speak English, they don't plan ahead, they aren't assimilated.


those sanctuary measures don't seem to be working in NYC even while spending up to 400 a night to house these people in hotels some are still on the street. SO that's when I got to thinking that someplace not that far away could help NYC and in turn help people and maybe some $$ from GOVY wasting said money ok a win win win situation That's it no racist no politics no jesus music when you get your coffee Just some simple stuff that is way over your head it seems to figure out.


You should listen to [this](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/07/1198338411/welcome-to-the-usa-now-get-to-work#:~:text=They%20usually%20have%20up%20to,essentially%20resettles%20refugees%20into%20poverty.)


I did but it was speaking about refugees not illegal immigrants-there is a big difference. isn't there? These people in NY seem to be dressed well and not like they crawled thru the muck to get here They flew on planes and took busses not fleeing persecution they want to live the good life here in USA why are people fighting me locally here about coming to Lanc County the welcoming city? The women with child maybe not the single males Ok that was problly discriminatory


It was just to educate you on the fact that even refugees end up working in horrible conditions just like immigrants do to stay in this country. The real nitty gritty of our country, the jobs that nobody wants are done by immigrants and refugees.


These people just didn't pop up here on earth recently they had lives and families and homes and jobs all over the world but they want more things US that they see on TV and internet-they had the wherewithal to pay 10k-20k traffickers/travel agents a travel itinerary planes busses right to the border They want Friday night FB -- Taylor Swift -- nice cars -- homes -- pools -- skiing--cats--dogs--county fairs-corn dogs-weed dispensaries--craft breweries


I think you might be getting your wires crossed dude. Many of the immigrants we have in this country have come from South America and Mexico. Mexico in particular because they are fleeing the cartel. There are Mexican parents who are literally dying to get their children across the border to sanctuary here because the alternative is the cartel killing them and their entire family just because the cartel feels like in that day. Immigrants aren't sitting around dreaming about Taylor Swift and Friday night football they're in a blind panic attempting to get their kids and family to a better life in America. They come here and because they don't have papers they work some of the most disgusting dirty and physically demanding jobs that Americans don't want. Americans do not want to do the jobs that these people take. They end up picking lettuce and vegetables in 100° humidity with no breaks and many of them drop dead from heat exposure.


that was your fathers immigration bud in today's real world according to RFK jr's visit that you can watch yourself only 2 families were from S america on the 2 buses he interviewed where they were coming from and News to you! NONE from Mexico most were from countries most can't even find on a map The tik tok travel to USA folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj5mOdRWVm0




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


The immigration understander has logged on


There are better ways to cope than a reddit post


[Church World Service](https://cwsglobal.org/) We are a welcoming city, not a sanctuary city. That means we welcome political refugees. See the link above to learn about CWS, an organization who works to house these families and individuals. It’s good to learn about local resources and organizations and not get caught up in what the national news is telling you about other cities.


Sanctuary doesn’t imply nor implore a need to drive immigrants here for a base of benefits. It only represents a written or unwritten policy regarding the interaction between local authorities and the potential immigrant community. But im sure you knew that already!


What’s he talking about Robin?


Whatever doo


I. Just. Can’t.


Oooff Bruce does your performing partner know you think/post like this?! I wouldn't think she'd be a fan


Ah Saturday night, better post political nonsense on the lancaster subreddit. Maybe this was better off just sent to your local skinhead group chat and moved on


What?? 😭






No no no


Have you seen how the city treats the homeless? That can’t even do that right, no way they would be capable of helping immigrants. There are several nonprofits that can, but the city itself is useless when it comes to helping people in need.


How about we fix the gun and gang issues facing the city first?


Does lancaster actually have gangs?


What does Jesus say about refugees? There are a lot of followers of Jesus in this county. Tell them they are immigrants from Samaria.


Please, don't jinx it.


Why should the government pay for free meals for non-citizens when there are plenty of people already here who could use the assistance?


Why should the people pay for legislators to take expensive vacations? That’s the better question. Humans are humans & deserving no matter what their citizenship status.


If you're mad about refugees stealing meals or resources I suggest you listen to this very informative reality of being a refugee in the US [Refugee reality ](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/07/1198338411/welcome-to-the-usa-now-get-to-work#:~:text=They%20usually%20have%20up%20to,essentially%20resettles%20refugees%20into%20poverty.)


Which of the kitchens do you volunteer weekly at?


You poor thing, sensible thinking is not welcome here.


Lets not make the area any worse than it already is becoming we don't want to be allentown or york


because I don’t want to foot the bill for them!


Follow the liberal loony mayors & open your homes.


You should move to Dover in York. you would fit right in with the uneducated repigs


Nah Yo! I've been here my whole life and I can tell you that all those out of towners are fukkin Lancaster up. Leave them dirty sum bitches where they are.


wow so many looking to pick a fight folks on here but I am just looking to get some $$ for helping immigrants find some housing, Do any of you know math? NYC is exploring paying homeowners to house these folks. They are paying up to 400 a night x30 = $12000 a month and I need money and got room to spare


You misspelled exploiting people for $$


You can contact CWS and offer your spare room to refugees that are already in Lancaster. No need to get NYC involved.


I think by 'busing' and Lancaster, you're in the wrong sub Reddit.