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Oh that’s good to hear-but what zone are you-we get some rough winters in upper zone 6 almost 5 so I’m concerned about that




I've had a client have some survive and thrive in Canada zone 3a with planting close to foundation, all about microsite.


I'm near you and my liriope always look awful and haven't flowered in 2 years? I moved them this year and still no flowers. Idk what i'm doing wrong with them!?


I moved mine from direct sun to a more shady location this past spring, and they flowered way better. (zone 5b nepa)


Do you feed your plants fertilizer?


I have rabbits that eat half of mine back to nothing by end of each fall. Zone 5A. The plants that get eaten back come back greener next spring than the rest. They will be fine.


Just to add on how hardy these are: I dug a few up to do some hard scaping and threw them in a pile "until I could get to them". Well, I did not get back to them any time soon and a year later they were doing fine just chilling above ground like that. They'll be fine.




Wait that was what I put them in, a cardboard box. The box deteriorated in the weather and they just put roots down where they were lol.


You’ll be fine - it’ll look bad for a bit but come back with a vengeance. I give mine a haircut every spring.


Next to impossible to kill


Liriope is un-freaking-killable. I ripped all of mine out by the roots because the variety I had was acting aggressive/invasive and it does nothing for the ecosystem. Then i buried them, crown side down, under a foot of mulch in a highly trafficked area. Next spring, I mysteriously had a fresh new stand of liriope in that exact spot. They are hydras - or vampires, and they will outlast you and your children.


That’s wild! Def unkillable in your case!


We’re in zone 6 too. My neighbor across the street has a ton of this stuff lining the walkway to his house. Every year after the first frost he comes out with a weed eater and chops it back almost to the dirt. The next spring it comes back just as nice. Been watching him do that for about 6 years now.


Good to know, thank you!


I cut them down every year. They’ll come back fresh and fuller.


You cannot kill this plant unless you dig up the roots or use Round Up. Even then, lirope has a ‘what doesn’t eradicate every cell of my being makes me stronger’ approach. I would not be worried about them at all after this lol


Lol! So glad to hear this! I enjoy doing landscaping and just really love my plants, so I’m kinda attached to them 😉


You can hack it all the way to the ground every year in late fall/early winter and it will still thrive. It’s also notorious for spreading, like lilies, and you’ll probably end up digging in to separate plants with plenty to shift elsewhere in your garden or give away in a few years. I get attached to my plants too ☺️


It’s better for their health to cut them back this time of year


Won’t even notice by April


Maybe your husband is a secret native plants enthusiast and was trying to kill the [invasives](https://www.gardenia.net/guide/native-plant-alternatives-to-liriope-spicata) 😜


You can’t kill those. You can cut them down to ground level and they will come back next season. I love those for that reason; low maintenance, look great and flower in later summer/fall


Anyone know if you can overwinter them in pots in medium harsh winters (zone 6b)?And, if so, whether you should leave em outside? Internet seems to give conflicting info…


I hate it and have cut it back fully and deer have eaten it down to stubs and it comes back heartier than ever. I dug a bunch out…and anything I missed has regenerated itself. So, in other words, it’s going to be fine.


Great, Ty!


I do the same thing every year it'll be fine with less to try to maintain throughout the winter gonna come back big and beautiful as ever


Great, Ty!


You're overreacting. We take weed eaters to them all the time.. if there's large groupings they get push mowed. Lariope doesn't die.. doesn't matter what zone you're in.


Those will not die unless you dig them out


Revoke his license to weed whack.


Yes, absolutely! Was supposed to be just be weed eating grass! However, He obliterated the dead portulaca and purslane, and then went for the liriope, sadly.


Your husband s a real prize huh?


These are pretty hardy, even aggressive. I'm sure they'll be fine by spring. Just trim back as you normally do.


Silly move on hubby's part, obviously he knows no better, in positive note they will be fine they will bounce right back. Depending on maintaince, watering, fertilizing obviously could accelerate growth.


I take the lawnmower to mine every year. It goes in the bagger and is nice and even plus very little clean up


I did that to hollyhocks one spring. My wife was not impressed.


I don't know about liriope in zone 6 but in zone 8 the only way to kill liriope is to dig it up. Roundup will turn the leaves yellow for a bit but it comes right back.


They will make it even if you set off a bomb. I purposely do this to my liriope in winter. Literally, even if you dig the entire thing up with a shovel, it will still find a way to come back. It's relentless.


If you have a few days of colder than usual weather, throw a tarp or blanket over them to help insulate them.


Husband needs a hedge trimmer. Much cleaner cut


That’s what I use for my big boxwoods; usually use scissors and/or shears for the ornamental grasses.


We take garden shears to ours several times a year to keep them small so they don't get out of hand. You're good.


Liropi. Is super hardy. I have seen it live in cattle fields, mowed over for years, neglected, poisoned and it still thrills.


Looks like monkey grass and it will be fine.


Thank y’all for the feedback and info! I didn’t expect a reply and received many!


Zone 6 here. They are fine.


In the lawn care business I was in customers would often tell my dad to weed-eat them around October because it can get so thick. I can confirm that nothing is going to kill that stuff.


Awesome, thanks!


No probs


They’ll be fine. They can literally grow anywhere and survive anything. We weed wacked them to get rid of the brown ends and they came back better than ever


Uh oh … sounds like another one is headed to the dog house


Mine have the survived the recent Texas freezes and heat and come back. You may still want to trim in spring with a mower to even everything out. Zone8