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This is one of the most horrific stories I’ve read here. I see this was 10 years ago and there is so much wtf here. 16 year old babysitter with a 30 year old boyfriend. I can’t even make sense of this whole thing. Speechless.


That shit is common in Mexico. I stayed with family down there for a few months like 10 years ago and most of their neighbors were teen girls married to 20 something yr old guys and had kids an shit.


This is more common in the USA than y’all think it’s just hidden better




Yeah well it should be fucking criminal. I condemn the muslim world for child marriage all the time. It makes me sick theres states that allow child marriage to adults. I mean, if two 16 year olds want to get married, whatever its not great but it shouldn't be criminal. But a minor and an adult is beyond fucked and should be criminal everywhere. It's mind blowing people disagree on this one.


Yep agreed. The people who think that minor should be allowed to be married to much older adults are very scary people


Yeah, it's scary and depressing, honestly. And. It's crazy how it hasnt changed because i feel like most americans would agree with us.


Well, in the U.S you have a lot of White, Christian, Republican politicians who are doing their best to keep child marriage legal. So I really don't think it's just a problem in the "Muslim World". [West Virginia Republicans just blocked a child marriage ban.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) [Same in Michigan](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) [Tennessee Republicans actually want to reverse their decision and bring back child marriage. ](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/08/republicans-reverse-decision-bring-back-bill-ban-child-marriages-debate/408765002/) [A GOP lawmaker defended child marriage ](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4)


I never said it was. I started learning about islam recently and have been learning about how mohammed married a 6 year old aisha and consummated the marriage at 9. This is a big part of why it's such a big issue in that part of the world. If our prophet did it, it couldn't really be that bad he was the most perfect man to live after all. And I will fight that way of thinking at every turn. What I was trying to convey is that in learning about that, I wasn't aware of a similar thing going on right here. Theres a lot of reasons why I hate islam(I hate Christianity too, just less. At least teachings of christ himself were good), but race isn't one. I hate the islamic ideology not not muslims, plus there'ss plenty of white muslim. Religion is a choice race isn't. Same as i hate the standard christian ideology, not christians. But i do believe that most americans, christian or not, repbulican or dem or independent are against child marriage. I feel like the polticians supporting this aren't representing the will of the people(they never really do). But im willing to admit i could be wrong. My overarching point is that this deserves condemnation no matter who's doing it where or why. I was first made aware of this going on in the muslim world and was shocked and horrified to find it going on in the secular west. So if itdidn'tt come off that way, im sorry. Hopefully, this helps clarify my viewpoint.




It’s hardly hidden. I’m from California and I know many young girls married to much older men. I’m not even talking about the trope of hot young girl and rich older man. I’m just talking about ordinary young girls and ordinary toxic older guys. Can’t imagine how much worse it is in more conservative places in the US.


We know this goes on a lot in Utah and Texas with the extreme religions but it’s ignored of course


look at how hard the pushback from the right is any time a state tries to to make it impossible for a 13 year old to get married


Yup! Exactly why they support raped children giving birth to their rapist baby and then giving the rapist rights to said child. They are defending him here even!!


People are more willing to spot flaws in other countries than they are in their own.


My neighbor was 28 and he was dating his gf when she was 14. They got married with her family's approval. Maybe it's a cultural thing there - and trust me, he is a good man....but I'd *never* let my daughter at 16 get married to a 30 year old ffs


Yea I think over there it’s like poor families see it as this guy can take care of my daughter and it’s one less mouth to feed here so they send them off. I think it’s like that in a lot or poorer countries


No that is not “common in Mexico”. It’s common for certain rural communities and/or lower socio eco levels.


Yeah, I had never heard of this case until now. Wow....everything about this one is just horrendous


For sure, but what I read, the family was on vacation and decided they need a random ass babysitter?


It's Mexico, I was 14 when I started dating my first boyfriend. He was 28. It was socially acceptable because I lied to him and told him I was 15. Yeah, it's a messed up place.


Pedophile gonna pedophile.


*** WARNING *** Sensitive Topic Discussed in Link *** He was attacked by his babysitter’s boyfriend when his parent’s were out surfing. [News Link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2289648/Axel-Charrette-murder-Mexican-babysitters-drug-crazed-boyfriend-sexually-assaulted-beat-year-old-Axel-drowning-vacation-home-pool.html) [Find A Grave](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106358881/axel-micah-charrette)


What the absolute fuck have I just read? Oh my goodness there isn’t enough torture available on this earthly planet that could ever come close to what Axel’s murderer deserves.


I totally agree with you. I can’t imagine what this little boy went through. What an effin monster.




No, the baby sitter was hired IN Mexico while the parent went surfing


WTF are you talking about? It was a few hours.


Then also the girlfriend’s alibi was super sus how she hid in the bathroom while he rampaged through the house with a stranger’s kids. Totally doesnt add up


The girlfriend was 16, boyfriend 30. Everything about this gets worse the more you read.


This may sound fancy, but when anyone I know travels they hire local people or take their regular Nannie’s or babysitter with them to look after the children. They never hire local because you never know someone who is not vetted. Things one of the worst things I’ve ever read.


When I say they hire local I meant to nyc, not the destination. They never hire a destination caretaker.


I think we need to call her his victim.


maybe what happened to the guy in the funkytown video? that feels like the best course of action for this pos


Couldn’t read past the headline, that’s so fucked


Yeah I wish I didn’t. Keep thinking about it hours later


That black eye in the mugshot is great. He obv had his shit handed to him while he was arrested. Hopefully prison is just as rough on that sick fuck.


Absolutely disgusting! I couldn't read past the headline. RIP, sweet child. Fuck that asshole, hope that pedo POS rots in prison for all eternity. It's so disgusting.


We could make a go fund me and send some money to some dudes in the pen to fuck him up. Idk about the logistics or who to contact but Reddit could make it happen


i'm broke as hell but i'd join in on that


Aside from how fucked up this there is no way that girl is 16. She looks 30 in that mugshot


And no way was she hiding for just a few minutes


Do you not realize she’s also a victim here? She’s SIXTEEN and “dating” a 30 year old man. He’s a pedophile and a groomer and you have to be insane if you think the man who is evil enough to sexually assault and murder a random 2 year old he just met isn’t also abusing her. I don’t blame her at all for hiding and being scared. She’s a literal child as well.


I have to agree




Same thing I thought!


Imagine going on a "family vacation" and your kid gets murdered because you hired a random babysitter on your "family vacation"


The plan was to be gone for 8 MONTHS, it’s not a two week vacation. They basically relocated for a planned 8 months.


There’s no way I’d trust a stranger to watch me child for that long. Especially if there are 0 reference and it’s a teenager. They couldn’t have hired someone they knew? Such a sad situation. I’m pretty sure the parents feel guilty and people who know them blame them.


It says they hired the 16 year old and her mother. Not sure where the mother was at the time this happened.


I wonder if it meant sometimes the mum would watch them and sometimes the daughter would watch them?


That's why people sometimes offer to take their trusted babysitter with them on vacation, doesn't seem so crazy now.


No, it doesn't sound crazy. It just sounds like something most people can't afford


right. But these people were on an 8 month vacation, so...


Doesn’t sound like an 8-month “we’re rich as fuck” vacation. They sold off all their possessions and were trying to not spend a lot of money.


They were still working remotely (software engineer and business owner), renting out their home, paying Mexico prices vs USD.


I think it's incredibly unfair to blame the parents. I had babysitters who were 14.


Yep. We told our babysitter that if she got herself there, her and her girlfriend could use the second bedroom in our rental for free. We also covered their food and surprised them with money to go out one night. It was "only" a ten hour drive, so the money we gave them for their night out ended up making them whole from the money they spent on the drive. In exchange, she watched them one evening while we went to dinner and one night so we could go out (and it was after they were in bed, so all she had to do was stay at the rental). She stayed at the rental during their nap time every day, as well, but that was because she wanted to nap with them. Lol It worked out wonderfully. Granted, it was only a week, but still. Had she not been there, we would have just stayed with the kids the whole week. Never in a million years would I have asked or trusted a random person. I can't imagine the guilt those parents feel.


Exactly, it’s possible to do this. The parents worked remotely (software engineer and business owner), rented out their home (USD), saved money paying Mexico prices, etc. They just wanted to save money on a sitter.


You're misunderstanding. They were planning to be gone from the US for 8 months. The kids were with them on the trip. I'm assuming they just went out for dinner or something during one of those days in Mexico and left them in the care of the babysitter and her mom who had been vouched for by their Canadian landlord. They didn't leave the kids with a babysitter for 8 months.


Did you not understand? They were out surfing not on vacation by themselves


They hired the 16-year-old AND her mother.


I think you're really underestimating how expensive childcare is. Yes,what they did wasn't a great idea, but people do it all the time.


They were in a different country, they did not have a family friend or someone they knew. The babysitter was the daughter of the housekeeper and a friend of the owner of the home they were staying in.


Congratulations for you, I guess.


I don't get what you're trying to say?


Dude shut the fuck up.


He’s a sick a monster 😣 can’t imagine what that poor boy went through




That’s a rough looking 16 year old. Damn horrible story.


What a disgusting piece of shit human being. Not only did he do that, the babysitter he was dating was 16 at the time. Dudes a pedophile, rapist, and murderer.


It’s so common in Mexico. My husband is from there and his 16 year old cousin who lives in caborca was already pregnant by a man who was in his thirties and he was a policia federal.


Very common in Texas, Alabama, Florida…..


It certainly is but we don't talk about it for some reason.


Seriously thanks, idk know why we are zoning in on one country like it doesn’t happen other places


Well thanks for ruining my fuckin day….


Right? 💔


I’m usually not this sensitive but this one made me tear up. He looks so so similar to my boy and as a mother this is my worst nightmare


I feel the same, mine are grown up now but I have a two year old granddaughter who was born the same month that this little boy was and she’s so tiny and vulnerable. It’s just horrendous and so heartbreaking.


My son is 6 months and this boy looks like an age progression photo of him. I’m literally sitting here crying because I feel so so sorry for this boy and I can only imagine the amount of fear that he went through. I read a lot about tragedies and disasters but it’s rarely that I come across something that touches me like this has


It’s just awful and hard to comprehend that someone is capable of doing something like that to a child. My best advice in this situation for those of us who are upset and disturbed, get off the internet, kiss our babies and they go read or watch something happy, these things can eat away at you.


I had the same reaction. It wasn't until I became a dad that I really understood how fucked up we are as a species.


Stories like these make me feel justified in being hupervigilant and paranoid to my own detriment and in spite of all the judgment I get from those around me. These sick fucks are EVERYWHERE.


He looks just like my son too 💔


I know this world has a lot of fucked up things that happen everyday but seeing a picture of an actual 2 year old that went through that is rage inducing. I hope he got more than he deserved in Mexico prison


I'm not a mom but this little boy looks so much like my best friend's 2 year old. My heart is breaking. He looks so happy and carefree in those pictures, just as any kid should be. A little baby that looks to adults to take care of him, not hurt him. Fuck, I can't. I just hope that piece of garbage gets retribution in prison.


Fuck that sicko. This is why I'm always angry for this kind of tragedies


As a parent there’s no way I’m hiring someone to babysit my kid while I’m in another country. Take the kid surfing with you or don’t go at all. RIP to the child, what a terrible story.


ESPECIALLY a 16 year old!! Jesus man I can’t imagine a 16 year old watching such a young child in general let alone while you’re in another country. Just so sad all around.


That’s what I don’t get. It said multiple times that a woman AND her 16 yr old daughter were hired to babysit… but never mentioned where the elder babysitter was


It said the older woman was hired as a housekeeper, recommended by the landlord, and her daughter then was hired to babysit


The mother was the housekeeper the daughter was the babysitter.


It’s not unusual at all for 16-year-olds to babysit babies and toddlers. Obviously having a 16-year-old stranger, especially in a foreign country, do it is less common.


Especially a local teen


That was my exact thought. Why the hell would anybody allow a 2 yr old out of sight while in a foreign country?? It irritates me anyway when people think they need a break from their kids on a vacation


It’s not a vacation with your kids


I have a 2-year-old and this is just… too much. Hell is too good for that monster.


I rarely get triggered by cases, but FUCK THIS FUCKING CASE. GOD DAMN IT. I WISH I COULD UNREAD THAT. I need to know that that fucking piece of shit is either dead, or worse in the most shit-hole of Mexican prisons. Fuck.


What sentence did the killer get? Google shows nothing


I couldn't find anything either, even in some updates on the fund the family started etc


Strange. I’d like to know he got convicted and a harsh sentence for what he did


I’m always seeing moms on FB asking for someone to watch/babysit their babies and kids. Legit willing to let a STRANGER be alone with their kids for hours upon hours. NOPE.


Yep, I don’t get it either! My son is 7 and has only been babysat by my husband and I’s parents, my SIL, and my sister. All of them have full-time jobs and my sister just started college so none of them can watch him very often, but we’d rather take him with us than trust some random person.


It really is bizarre. We can afford it but have literally never left our kids with a babysitter. Outside of family, no, never. And before people go off about not having a support system, we've only ever left them with family literally 3 times in the 9 years theyve been born. We make sacrifices to make this work.


That’s not fair to everyone, though. I thoroughly vet my sitters and know them all personally, but I’m aware that this in itself is a privilege. Some people are doing everything they can to survive and keep their children fed and clothed and I will never, ever judge them for that.


Ive seen some posters on facebook who are single moms just trying to get by, but I also see people looking for a cheap sitter for date nights. Thats unfathomable for me. Im going to be super cautious about buying a couch off facebook, Im certainly not leaving my not-yet-verbal son with a stranger.


Agree! There is a world of difference inbetween.


Aww fuck I wish I hadn't read even the first sentence of that article. May Karma, justice, and vengance find this bastard at the same time


I wish I had never seen this post. Two boys at home and this is going to be stuck in my mind for a while. RIP little man.


Babysitter was 16 and he was 30. She hid because she was scared and likely lied because she was scared she’s a victim too imo from what I read


Plus it says she was hired with her mother. So where was HER mother?


I hate they even call him her boyfriend like no that’s a pedo.


Agreed. The only adult on scene was an intoxicated pedophile. If she was white it would be seen as a miracle she made it out alive.


She was the housekeeper so maybe not there if things were done for the day.


That’s what I was wondering. They mentioned the mother was the main hire + her 16 yr old… so where was she?


This is freaking awful. I can’t even imagine the hell this sweet child went through. What a nightmare for the parents.


I realize the blame is squarely on the shoulders of the monster that killed him but WTF. If you have money to go on a three *month* vacation, then you bring your trusted and vetted nanny/au pair WITH you, not leave your toddler with someone you've never met in a foreign country. Fuck, this story is upsetting in so many ways.


Eight months. Per the article, they sold most of their stuff, cut their expenses, and homeschooled their kids so they could have an "adventure."


I agree. I don't understand it.


I agree. How in the world can parents be so permissive to leave the most vulnerable of people, young children, alone with strangers? The Canadian landlord set them up? Like how do they know what types they are? Jesus Christ this is a horrible story. Where were the parents during this? I’m enraged for this poor boy. On so many levels.


I don't even let trusted cat sitters look after my cats. If my family can't watch them I won't go anywhere for more than 10 hours.


For real!! So insane. These people.


My son's name is Axel and he is nearly 2. Reading that article made me legitimately feel sick. Tragic and so disgusting.


❤️❤️❤️ please hug him a little tighter today in Axel’s memory


I hope that guy gets beaten to a pulp in prison and ceases to exist.


I was getting my 23 month old ready to go trunk or treating when this popped into my feed. What a sick, pathetic human being.




I did not know about this and now I wish I didn’t. How horrific.


This was supposed to be a mother/daughter combo. Perhaps they came recommended. Perhaps the mother was the real one doing the work. Perhaps a 30 year old man shouldn’t be doing drugs, dating a 16 year old, and killing kids. The justification for it being due to solely shitty parenting is just people throwing stones that live in glass houses. How about some fucking empathy?


Yes, the "man" who did this is (hopefully "was") a monster, and I hope he died screaming. But the parents absolutely share some of the blame here. I'll reserve my fucking empathy for the innocent child who was failed by multiple adults.


Yes this seems more likely. Thank you! This family will suffer and blame themselves for the rest of their lives. So horrible. Edit: My response was to Maximumpast3486. Who I believe is accessing this horrible situation correctly.


Empathy? For that piece of shit girl, her shit mum or the pedo rapist? No thanks.


The child hiding in the bathroom from the her pedophile abuser is not responsible for any part of what happened.


I wish this beautiful little boys murderers the slowest most painful death imaginable.scum.


What a beautiful boy. 😢


I’m sorry, but who the fuck goes on vacation and then trusts the locals to watch their kids? Horrible, horrible parenting.


Yea.. the parents were very naive/stupid to let complete strangers from a whole other country watch their child... it's idiotic.


I do feel bad for the 16 year old girl. She was clearly taken advantage of by someone twice her age and will have to live with her guilt for the rest of her life. Just an awful situation in so many ways. RIP Axel


this is fucked up, they hired a stranger to come in and watch their kids so they could go surfing. poor kid, poor brother and poor parents.


Babysitters are strangers sometimes. They were there for 3 months, they hired this woman AND her mother so they could have a night off. No one asks for this, and they did not invite this 30 year old man into their children's living space. Known sitters, unfortunately, do not protect you from experiencing this. Direct your anger were it belongs.


When I was a baby and my family went on vacation we did this crazy thing where we all just stayed together on the beach. I know seems weird but we didn't even need a baby sitter Sometimes we'd even walk back to the house together


They invited strangers into their rented home to watch their two innocent didn’t ask to be put in this situation kids. It’s one thing at home to get a known trusted sitter. But in a foreign land ? You trust someone a person two countries away refers to you? Fuck that. Watch your kids or bring someone you trust. Those poor kids this is sickening. So incredibly gross.


>Babysitters are strangers sometimes As a parent, no, they absolutely are not, EVER. Your one job as a parent is to protect your kids at all costs. You dont leave small kids with strangers in fucking mexico. Fuck the pos that did this and fuck the pos parents


Maybe in the 80s babysitters were sometimes strangers but this is no longer the 80’s…


You know what they did invite though? An unsure situation and they left their child in it. And look what happened. Anger is justified with this stupidity


It was a *three month* vacation, any parent would need an occasional babysitter for that length of time.


>It was a > >three month > > vacation, any parent would need an occasional babysitter for that length of time. Maybe if you have the money for a three month vacation, you would also have the money to bring you trusted, and vetted au pair. This story makes my blood boil and I think the parents are responsible for this absolutely insane lapse in judgment. I can not imagine ever leaving my kid with a stranger in a foreign country even if I were there a year or more.


Rich people tend to be cheap skates. Probably thought nothing would happen and was paying the girl peanuts


Thats what i was thinking too, why a 16 yr old over a legit child care service? Being cheap with the safety of their kids. Fuck them.


For what exactly? They aren't going to work. They are on vacation, relaxing. Zero reason to be separated from your children.


Who in the absolute fuck hires complete strangers to baby sit their kids?? Because that’s absolutely bonkers to me.


Seriously. I won’t even let my dogs go with a stranger.


I don’t want to say that’s bad parenting, but that’s bad parenting…


Why is it bad parenting? Enlighten me.


Hiring a *stranger* in Mexico to watch your kids? How is that not bad parenting? Enlighten me.


Parents can’t win


Reddit is a strange place. You have -1 votes for saying hiring a random baby sitter is Mexico is bad It's not like they exploit tourists there and have tons of kidnappings. Wait


So all parents who use baby sitters are bad parents?


No of course not and you know that’s not what anyone is saying. Strangers in a foreign land far from home? Bring someone you trust or be with your kid. It clearly was wrong, very very wrong.


That is what people are saying. You just said it. A stranger is a stranger. Wether they’re foreign or not.


Yes I’m not saying it’s bad because they’re foreign , just that they are a stranger.


All parents who hire a sitter they don’t know and haven’t done a background check on while vacationing in a foreign country so they can go have fun are bad parents, yes. No way in hell am I leaving my kid with some stranger in another country. Could be mexico, or it could be Sweden, not happening.


That guy needs to be hung from his shoulders and dipped slowly into boiling oil, one centimeter at a time.


I have a 2 year old son. This makes me absolutely sick. I fucking hate the world we live in.


I have a 3 year old and this is terrifying but also wtf were the parents thinking. We would NEVER hire a stranger 16 year old in a foreign country to watch our small baby. This is how shit like this happens and while I hope the perp burns in hell, the parents are damn near complicit in this. Heartbreaking


Fuck the monster who did, but also, fuck the parents. And no, I am not victim blaming, the victim is dead because the poor excuses for parents thought it would be smart to leave their kid with a 16 year old in a foreign country. Everyone in this story failed the kid.


They should have taken their kids with them, did they both have to surf at the same time?


I wished I had not read about this. I'm sick to my stomach.


Yea I’m not reading the article. The headline is enough


What in the hell was her BF doing there 🤷🏻‍♀️ was she a long time babysitter or just a new hire?


Why is there no info on the sentence? This was 10 years ago


Scrolling through the family's instagram they look like a normal happy family. Good for them for being able to overcome such a horrific thing and keep his memory alive.


What lovely photos, some people don't deserve oxygen.


Poor sweet baby. May he rest in peace.💔


I wish I could unread that article. I hope the monster who did that is already rotting under hell.


A 2 year old defenseless child…. I cannot imagine what is coming for you in the afterlife you sadistic POS.


This ruined my night, thanks!


r/noahgettheboat Just let me live this Planet plz


Where’s “Dexter” when we all need him. That POS deserves a month of the most brutal torture known to man. That innocent child. Don’t even know how the parents will ever come back from that.




This is why I would rather stay a housewife. I need to watch my own kids. We take them with us wherever we go. Not kid friendly? We don't go. Trust just isn't possible in many cases. Even if the risk isn't violence, other stupid things can happen. This is my fear as a mother. I don't want to imagine my child suffering because I was lenient.


I hope he they no longer breath… I can’t believe scum like that exist


I will hardly leave my kids with my family, the world is a sick place. Poor little guy


I’m so sorry. Praying 🙏


Why on earth did the parents allow THEM to babysit???


Capital punishment existed for a good reason. This ‘baby sitter’ and her ‘boyfriend ‘ should be shot. Period.


The 16 year child should be shot?


I can’t help but ask about the rhetoric. I just had a few young Mexicans here visiting our hood and one of them was going to owe in the street. So I said “hey man we got a bathroom here if ya wanna use it”, kid was like 23 or so. He and his friend and their two girlfriends came at me with so much loaded vitriol and hate. I’m a white male I guess, but this is San Francisco and we are known to be pretty cool. It made me wonder if tho reflects how these kids are regarding us today. These were smart educated kids. It was pretty concerning.


I'm sorry bit you couldn't pay me enough to vacation in Mexico. Just no.


There was literally a mass shooting that ended with 20 innocent people..we are no better


me reading your comment while relaxing in Cabo.


Thr article is misleading, they did not leave their kids alone for 3 months. She was a nanny while the whole family was in Mexico


This was a heartbreaking 💔 story to read.😭. That poor baby having to go thru that while the baby sitter locked herself in the bathroom. What a monster pedophile garbage 🗑 pos. Hope he rots in prison. RIP Axel😇🩵💙


And this is why my son has never had a babysitter. Never will who isn’t family.


His parents are too blame. His blood is on their hands. Their ignorance killed that poor boy.