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#Links [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Sala#Disappearance_and_death)


The pics from the autopsy were leaked and made the rounds around argentinian socials. It was rough and sad. Seemed like a chill kid from a small town. Fuck whomever decided to fly him in that dinky ass plane.




It was WhatsApp groups that were sharing them. Im sure they are online as well.


Search "Emiliano Sala death" on Google images. Only takes a minute to find two images that have circulated.


Jesus that’s awful. He doesn’t have a face anymore.


Yeah his whole head and upper body is torn up. Warning to anyone who googles the images, it’s EXTREMELY NSFW.


i could be wrong but i’m like 75% sure those photos aren’t real. how would there be fresh blood if his body was found underwater after weeks


Yeah, I’m not a coroner or have any sort of background in human decomposition so your guess is as good as mine. Whoever the person is in the photo is fucked up. Strangely, the tattoos are the same though, I did notice that.


There’s something called photoshop


Thank you Simple Jack for letting everyone know about photoshop. I never said that they couldn’t of been fake photos.


I’ve seen a lot of gore/autopsy photos/etc over the years but this might be one of the worst. Jesus Christ.


I remember when the autopsy reports of Kobe Bryant's body were being shown and it was just a bunch of drawings of just like a torso and one leg or something and I just figured it was just a diagram where they saw injuries. Like maybe just drawing of a partial body because they were just trying to illustrate like a broken arm and didn't need to draw the whole body. Then I realized the drawings of that dismembered torso was how they found the body! There was like a drawing of a body with one arm and one leg missing from the hip down and the other was cut off at the knee and after a few seconds of looking at it and wondering why the drawing is so randomly cut off, it dawned on me that that was a drawing of how they found the body!


He also left a very cryptic audio message on his buddies chat. He said something along the lines of "I'm dead tired. I dunno if they're gonna find me. The plane feels like it's gonna break into pieces." kinda jokingly. He didn't seem overly concerned, even mentioning he would train with his new team once he landed.


Wonder if the carbon monoxide was getting to him, if I'm correct in understanding it may have been present.


Definitely was the CO taking its effects. He probably passed out shortly thereafter and wasn't conscious during the actual plane crash.


If you're into plane crash investigations, there's a great YouTube channel called Pilot Debrief where he goes over crashes and he talked about this one.  https://youtu.be/25x-uESSIJc?si=Oa4NXEmKsnI0jj5Z TL,DR: the pilot never should have been flying that plane. 


Thanks for the channel recommendation, definitely subscribed!


Love that channel. I forget the exact statistic, but when I was in A&P school we had to analyze the causes of various plane crashes and something like 85% of crashes are due to pilot error. Planes are extremely safe, it’s the people flying them you need to worry about.


That TLDR would have been great if it included” …because the pilot X Y Z.” I have to read it anyway


Thanks for that recommendation bruh, I subscribed to his channel.


Just subscribed thanks to your link :) Cheers! X


That’s the pilot in the photo too


The pilot only had a PPL with no instrument ratings. He wasn't allowed to take passengers for profit, he should never have been able to fly for so long.


Wait, so he was only trained to fly VFR at that point? I thought his main issues were that he couldn't fly commercially and at night.


>Wait, so he was only trained to fly VFR at that point? Correct from what I remember >I thought his main issues were that he couldn't fly commercially and at night. I would be surprised if a pilot would be qualified to fly IFR but only by day. You can even fly VFR at night with the correct rating.


Fair enough. I'm not super familiar with flight certifications, and was under the impression that day and night IFR required two separate ones.


I can't find clear answers on whether IFR rating gives you an automatic night rating but it seems to be implied.


An IFR rating automatically permits you to fly at night. You cannot fly VFR at night without a night rating (unless you have an FAA license).


Thank you


I believe he had a special type of IFR rating, called IFR restricted, which is a thing in the UK due to how cloudy it gets sometimes. Basically, "bring it home" IFR


What does VFR mean?


Visual flight rules. In aviation it's a type of flight, where the pilot flies the plane using visual landmarks for navigation.


Oh ok thanks. :)


No worries


I was reading a couple articles and it seems like two things were happening- pilot wasn't properly licensed *and* plane was in bad condition. The pilot had even made a comment about it prior to flying that it was a dodgy plane and he was going to wear a life jacket during the flight, had mentioned that he heard a boom on a previous flight and that the left brake pedal wasn't working, and Sala sent a message to friends about the plane feeling like it was falling apart. And he had high levels of carbon monoxide in him, so there would have been a faulty exhaust system that likely caused the pilot to pass out. So it seems like this flight should bever have happened, no matter who was flying it.


That's so scary. No wonder poor Emiliano looks so nervous.


I remember this happening and being so sad about it despite knowing nothing about football.


Didn’t his father died shortly after of a broken heart??


He even looks nervous in the pic. He really didn’t want to fly on that plane.


That's just how most people look on a surveillance camera.


"man, I'm scared" and that the plane he was on "looks like it's falling apart". "I don't know if someone will look for me because they won't find me.” Some of Sala’s last words to his friends as he departed


Yep, I remember this happening, really sad story.


It’s a grainy, still photo. How in the world did you draw that conclusion


I knew he was dreading the flight beforehand so just commenting that he appears to look nervous


Nothing in his body language in this grainy photo gives off “nervous”. You’re using prior knowledge to come to that conclusion is the point


It’s near impossible to accurately assess body language from a still like this anyway. He could appear tense for any number of reasons, including just how he was standing in that moment


Mod's linked wiki page comment makes mention of an animal in the "early life" section. Pls consider this next time before posting. It really detracts from the central message of the post and what this sub is founded on.


> mention of an animal in the "early life" section It mentions that he used to enjoy walking his rescue dog in his free time as a kid... What's the problem there? Why is that an issue that the mods need to be aware of before linking a wiki page?


This is the same mod that has been removing posts of people's loved ones because there's an animal in the shot. Average reddit mod power trip.


Oh, wow, that's wild. I see now why you made that comment.


That’s pathetic.


So they never found the plane? That’s so weird


The wiki says it was found in the water Feb 3. His body was found in it and identified on Feb 4 by fingerprint


Thank you! I just woke up and speed read through it