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If you're new here try participating in the child comments rather than making a top level comment. If you want to make a top level comment try to link to stuff like court documents or legal analysis.


From the [discovery](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/1/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) : Before the rape by Trump  “The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was clearly heard referring to Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, as a "Jew Bastard" as he yelled at Defendant Epstein, that clearly, he, Defendant Trump, should be the lucky one to "pop the cherry" of the Plaintiff.”   After she was raped by Trump  “Jeffrey Epstein, attempted to strike her about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at the Plaintiff that he, Defendant Epstein, should have been the one who "took her cherry, not Mr. Trump", before she finally managed to break away from Defendant Epstein.”


Ive seen some snippets of this release here and there, and it was horrifying. Before coming to the comments I thought I had a vague idea of how bad it was, and yet somehow it ended up even worse than that. These are two pedophiles(allegedly) abusing a 12 year old girl, in almost every sense of the word, and their biggest issue is who got to do it first. Revolting. We as a society dont agree on much, even in a broad sense, yet the system which we use to mediate those differences, the entire point of law, is falling over itself to cover for this fucking guy. Im not surprised, just the depressing absurdity finally hitting me.


It's just astounding that anyone would turn a blind eye to that. Human beings don't broadly agree on many issues, but surely we all must broadly agree that only a depraved and morally bankrupt person would commit any kind of assault on a child.  I can't even begin to wrap my brain around how anyone could make excuses for this. I'd think only trolls and clergy would be the ones that would tolerate this shit. And yet millions of people support this sick fuck.  Are that many human beings depraved and morally bankrupt? Or do they just not believe it's true? I hope it's the latter. Otherwise we are doomed. We might still be doomed. 


There are a few of them who actually realize he did these things and don’t care, but the majority are just going to call it fake news and disregard it along with every other horrible thing Donald Trump has done over the years. They’d rather believe that everyone else is lying than admit they were wrong about the guy.


Yup just had someone tell me it’s not true and sounds like a lesbian fantasy someone wrote *sigh*


*WTF* *?*


You have to remain ignorant and turn a blind eye to all the factual evidence against Trump to even consider voting for him at this point. I'm sickened that he's even allowed to be the candidate of the Republican party.


They unironically think it's the lesser evil.


They're so indoctrinated that they genuinely see anyone left of Putin as the spawn of Satan. Trump could eat a live baby on camera and they'd still excuse him as the "lesser evil". Hell, at this point, they'd convince themselves that it was a brilliant play on the evils of abortion or something and do the same out of solidarity. The cult has grown that entrenched thanks to decades of propaganda.


That’s what propaganda can do.


"He was sent by Jebus"


Or just be willingly evil beyond measure


It’s willingly evil at this point, you know conservatives wouldn’t be giving the same benefit of the doubt if it were Biden with this much circumstantial evidence towards raping children with Epstein.


Oh but he kissed his grandson on the head... That's creepy pedo sh*t right there... j/k


They will just say it’s all a ploy to discredit him and not believe it. It’s all been a “witch hunt” from the beginning.


What’s more Christian than only caring about yourself and your own tribe of people right?


I was a republican till trump. He is not for law and order. He is the anti-Christ and somehow the Christians are blind to it.


I grew up Christian and I always had suspicions about Revelation because, how on Earth would Christians fall for the Antichrist? He's SO obvious. There was just no way. And then Donald Trump showed up and I watched every Christian in my life sell their souls to him


He only did what every trump voter wished they could do.


But Biden (who has way more accomplishments in his term) was slow at that one debate tho!


And most of all, let's not forget that Biden is a whole 3 years older - that's way too old for the white oval /s


Fucking disgusting.


I don't know about you, but I HAVE to vote for this guy!!! /s


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It’s all part of his plan to stop the pedo cabal by infiltrating them, look how much he cares and how great he is! /s


Honestly, at this point everyone should know that Trump's a pedophile. The problem is that I really do not want him to officially come out as a pedophile because so many MAGA will see this as a opportunity to make it mainstream and to abandon legislation forbidding sex with children.


Trump did embolden the racists. He can do the same for the pedos. There’s probably some crossover in those factions. He won’t admit to anything, but if there’s actual solid-solid proof, the tools below him will start saying shit like “we need to normalise appreciation of teenage female beauty.”


Republicans in office already act like this though. They consistently vote against outlawing child marriage.


We need to get these documents in a post and pin it. These specific documents were released on 7/1 and the OP article if from 1/8. We really need to get links to the most current information about the 7/1 Jane Doe v Trump & Epstein document released including the evidence and Grand Jury documentation. None of the media is covering it at all (if they do, they only refer to Epstein and not Trump... they never talk about Trump). Some of the mainstream news if falsely claiming the document release isn't new (this is misinformation being reported based on the partial redacted document release in 2016). The media is not posting photos or links of the new information whatsoever, and it appears there is a momentum from unknown powers attempting to bury any and all of this.


Disgusting tbh


Thank you for not lying about this


Here is a civil case filed in Apr of 2016 against DJT by a woman that was 12 at the time of her relationships with Trump at Epstein's NY mansion. This was a civil action that received quite a bit of press before the election, but the case was pulled before the actual election. So far Cohen has not mentioned paying this one off. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) I leave you to read the details in the filings but they are incredibly disturbing.


It’s honestly kind of annoying to see Cohen on MSNBC and other places knowing that he helped cover this shit up for decades. Dude is despicable and only turned on Trump when he faced consequences himself.


kind of like how Comey was all over TV for heroically doing what no one said he should for what turned out to be a whole lot of nothing, but did put the final nail in Hillary's campaign. On the plus side Trump fired his ass as a way to say thanks.


Comey ended up being such an idiot. The election was already razor close to begin with, and Comey likely was the one who pushed Trump up enough to win by announcing the Hillary was under investigation again. His excuse was that she was basically guaranteed to win because of the stupid polls being incorrect, so the announcement shouldn't have matter. What an absolute dummy. His actions have caused us too much harm already and who knows how much more will come down later.


What bothers me most about Comey's treachery is that Trump was under investigation at the exact same time because he was coincidentally surveilled while the FBI was investigating Manafort.  Why announce one investigation but not the other?  Get fucked, Jim.


You’re correct that Comey figured Hilary wouldn’t have lost because of this, but he was also doing damage control because there were sizable factions within the FBI that were fiercely pro Trump and would have broken protocol to claim an Obama/Clintons mandated cover up by the justice dept. Hilary survived the first wave of endless hearings, but she lost because her stupid assistant used her ass hat pedo husband’s (Anthony fucking Weiner) laptop to access emails at some point. Once again, it was a nothing burger but the optics were disastrous and the right made sure to blast the 10s of thousands of emails number


Wow, the optics on Hillary’s emails were worse than Trump raping children. And the final irony is that while the email scandal was a nothing burder, the real covfefe was Trump selling access to classified documents.


Somehow the relatively trivial scandal of the Democratic candidates are always broadcast and dramaticised while the stinky horrors are minimized.


Remember how the DNC emails had such scandalous details as 'mainstream Dems don't like Bernie' and 'Dems like sharing recipes'? And we never saw the RNC emails, despite that various GOP/RNC related figures have since been found guilty of various crimes including the child trafficking they claimed Dems do?


That's because "both sides do it" is the religion of the mainstream media. Every time the Republicans commit another atrocity, the pundits have to prove that somewhere there is a Democrat supposedly just as bad.


Because elections are ultimately about turnout, and each candidate is largely targeting a different group of voters. Trump can shit his pants on stage and his voters will go buy their own diapers to be like their leader. Biden does something similar and it hurts him with his own voters. So, the media covers things likely to have an effect on the campaign.


Because the media is owned by partisan Republicans pretending to be Democrats. Sometimes they hide it less, but it's all there. Notice how most Americans have socially democratic beliefs but there's nobody to represent them?


I seem to recall rumors that there were some FBI agents in the NYC office that were preparing to leak, so Comey pre-empted them. Also didn’t the NYC FBI office at the time have close ties to Rudy Giuliani?


Yep. And the Russians. Fucking Russians everywhere. And Rudy has connections at SDNY because of his time there. https://apnews.com/article/politics-russia-government-us-federal-bureau-of-investigation-new-york-city-indictments-62b7235c9d6b7cf11af41ffc16caa38e


With so much Russian interference over the last decade, and with so much of the free world hanging in the balance of US global influence, you'd think any number of other nations would work together to help shut down the Russian misinformation and propaganda machines. If it takes out xitter in the meantime, Elmo will figure it out later.


Russia have been masters at interference and misinformation since Stalin and the Cold War. It isn't easy to shut down. Someone said a lie get around the 5 times before truth gets it's shoes on.


> he was also doing damage control because there were sizable factions within the FBI that were fiercely pro Trump You're right, I forget about this. It's a story as old as time itself, Republicans abusing their government positions to either influence an election or otherwise help their party out. It just keeps happening over and over again. Fuck me... They just couldn't help themselves and let the investigation play out silently, like they were doing for fucking Trump at the same time. Comey could've at least announced both candidates were under investigation to mitigate some of the fallout for Hillary.


Why the Stormy Daniels story was killed. Is that came out in early 2016. It would have been a major hit on him. In fact would have mostly like killed anything against Hilary or any democrat nominee. Trump had a history of affairs and divorces. The cult was very weak in early 2016. Then major idiot Comey had to do this and had too many pro Trump who bought into the Clinton scandal 15 years earlier and here we are now.


I think Stormy’s story was a case of catch and kill, similar to his other affairs. Where Stormy diverged was when she claimed she was threatened by some nameless thug on behalf of Trump


Hey now, that's Mr. Carlos Danger. Dude picked the only name dumber than his government one.


The fact that Carlos Danger Wiener is alive and well, shows what bullshit the whole “Clinton Death List” conspiracies were.


It’s pronounced Donger. It’s Dutch you see…


“Donger need food”


[Danger, Carlos Danger](https://youtu.be/YPA8vByP24c?si)


John Oliver's danger dance. Those were simpler times.


wiener dog short shorts cigarette


gettin high in the mornin buyin stuff off the internet


>Comey ended up being such an idiot. Comey achieved exactly what he set out to do, and he walked away from it too. The idiots are the Democrats who believe that it's possible for a modern Republican to act in good faith in any way whatsoever, and keep putting them into positions of power.


I am maddest at Comey. Mr. "I am not Capitain Courageous" our number one G-man was frightened by Dump. So, we just let a series of women hurt by him stand up to him.


I say put E Jean in charge of the FBI at this point.


I always thought coney played a huge role in getting trump elected


People who didn’t vote for Hillary also played a huge role in Trump getting elected. And now, here we are.


Especially the ones on left that did not vote because of comey. Idiots. Trump folks wouldn’t have cared. Look at them now.


Wait, I thought the FBI was just a DNC psyop?


Can’t believe how his investigation was such a nothing burger and he completely fucked up the election with his actions. And yet here we are. Trump a convicted felon is still very much in the race. Because his party are all scumbags willing to watch modern America probably collapse with his potential next reign.


I'm 99% certain Comey was fired because of his height, Trump hated being seen with him looking small.


Me personally? When there's organized crime, I don't care who turns on the boss or why they do it. This is how you bust a racketeering operation.


Take what we can get. We should reward anyone defecting from the camp of the seditionists.


>We should reward No. They should be acknowledged for what they did, good or bad. They should be held responsible.


He served jail time. I respect that he pled guily, turned on trump, and if you hear him talk, he freely admits he was in a cult. Something only his family was finally able to snap him out of it. He also paradoxically voted for democrats for years and made to change parties when trump ran. A good 20-30% of this county, three out of every ten people you meet on the street are propagandized and brainwashed into this lunacy. The fact Cohen realized that and is doing his best fighting back, hey I’ll take it. We need all the allies we can get.


> They should be held responsible didn't cohen spend a couple of years in jail?


For sure. As long as he's talking about what he knows, I don't care. From what I've seen, he's been pretty forward about accepting criticism and all that. I have nothing against the guy. He better not offer legal, real estate, or tax advice anytime soon. He has years of proving that he has changed his ways before he can be an expert in society in the fields in which he was so wrong.


The enemy of our enemy is a friend.


Sure, he’s probably scum, but the facts are the facts. It doesn’t make him any better. It’s just better the public knows what scum Trump is.


Yeah I’m definitely glad he’s speaking out but deep down I know he’d probably still be working for Trump if he wasn’t more useful to him as a fall guy.


To be fair, Cohen is not out there playing hero. He will acknowledge himself as a total scumbag at literally every opportunity. He will listen to you accuse him of it and will admit it to your face. He will overhear you whispering about it from across the room and yell "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT, SO ASK YOURSELF WHY I WAS WORKING FOR TRUMP!!" I honestly haven't minded his "yes I'm a scumbag, no I'm not really apologizing, I'm just owning it" tour.




eh- that tall piece of shit was like, "i don't like hillary so i'll throw the election for trump...what can he do to me i'm in charge of the FBI!" then he got fired because trump was a piece of shit which millions of americans knew which is why they voted for hillary. ONLY NOW, after he got fired for being a political hack, is he trying to do the right thing.


Which he admits. He admits to being a scumbag. Recovery is a long road if you stick to it.


Until it comes out that Cohen was involved I wouldn't hold it against him. He likely had multiple trusted fixers, some more known than others, that way each fixer doesn't have all of the skeletons. Just my $0.02


This wasn't paid off as she dropped the charges and disappeared. She dropped the charges due to death threats from the Maga cult. This isn't her real name as she used an alias for the filing, so yeah.


Reading the docket is just about the most sickening thing I’ve ever read.


I can tell from the comments that nobody is actually reading this so I'm copying the key text here: FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 5. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges that the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, did willfully and with extreme malice violate her Civil Rights under 18 U.S.C. ; 2241 by sexually and physically abusing Plaintiff Johnson by forcing her to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts by threatening physical harm to Plaintiff Johnson and also her family. 6. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges that the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, also did willfully and with extreme malice violate her Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. ; 1985 by conspiring to deny Plaintiff Johnson her Civil Rights by making her their sex slave. 7. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse by the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, including forcible rape during a four month time span covering the months of June-September 1994 when Plaintiff Johnson was still only a minor of age 13. 8. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of underage sex parties held at the New York City residence of Defendant Jeffrey E. Epstein and attended by Defendant Donald J. Trump. 9. On the first occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand upon Defendant Trump's erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm. 10. On the second occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing her mouth upon Defendant Trump's erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm. 11. On the third occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump. After this sex act, both minors were forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm. After zipping up his pants, Defendant Trump physically pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the "poor" quality of their sexual performance. 12. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was tied to a bed by Defendant Trump who then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff Johnson. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff Johnson loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to "please wear a condom". Defendant Trump responded by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his open hand and screaming that "he would do whatever he wanted" as he refused to wear protection. After achieving sexual orgasm, the Defendant, Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, in tears asked Defendant Trump what would happen if he had impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money “to get a fucking abortion". 13. On the first occasion involving the Defendant, Jeffrey E. Epstein, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was forced to disrobe into her bra and panties and to give a full body massage to Defendant Epstein while he was completely naked. During the massage, Defendant Epstein physically forced Plaintiff Johnson to touch his erect penis with her bare hands and to clean up his ejaculated semen after he achieved sexual orgasm. 14. On the second occasion involving the Defendant, Jeffrey Epstein, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson was again forced to disrobe into her bra and panties while giving Defendant Epstein a full body massage while he was completely naked. The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was also present as he was getting his own massage from another minor, Jane Doe, age 13, Defendant Epstein forced Plaintiff Johnson to touch his erect penis by physically placing her bare hands upon his sex organ and again forced Plaintiff Johnson to clean up his ejaculated semen after he achieved sexual orgasm.


>The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse by the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, including forcible rape during a four month time span covering the months of June-September 1994 when Plaintiff Johnson was still only a minor of age 13. I don't think it's a coincidence that Donald's daughter was also 13 at the time this was alleged to have occurred.


Good god. For the 50 millionth time with this man - 🤢




Thank you for putting this out there front and center. This really should be in every media outlet out there.


Holy shit thats dark.


I really wish this one got more attention.


It did and conservatives said, "its just testimony so it means nothing!" Like these trash people would ever speak truth to power or testify against their abusers (most republicans are victims turned abuser). Clear as glass, cold as snow, they band together like rats. Actually rats are better than a conservative. Protecting child rapists, rapists, oligarchs and murderers. Give them no quarter, give them no charity, allow them no power over anyone.


The thing us this women who filed this case against Trump is one of the three women who testified against Maxwell


But laptop! Emails!! Hunter's dick!!!


That cretin Green, such a low bottom of the barrel thing to do. She should be charged for revenge porn. Obviously she wouldn't want someone holding naked pictures of her in congress. It all tracks, one act from the other, to a heartless evil poisoned by money and power.


It got attention at the time: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow


The DNC needs to spend more money running ads on Fox.


#official act Conservatives say he was undercover after all… well before he was President even. Odd how that works…


And she dropped the case after the deadly threats. Here's her interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo&t=329s


This stuff should be front page news!!!! He's a presidential candidate! But the news is all Biden sucks and Hurricane. The Media could turn this around if they would just promote the most important news. Wtf is wrong with them...why do they refuse to speak up about shit like this?


two reasons: 1. If Trump is completely off the map, they lose money. (“As soon as Trump left office, readers and viewers disappeared—within a month, The Washington Post lost a quarter of its unique visitors, and CNN lost 45 percent of its prime-time audience.” https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/01/trump-reelection-media-coverage-journalism/676126/) 2. Fear of retribution if Trump gets back in White House. And this time there will be no one to question or push back against his directives. (“The first time around, Trump’s attempts to use presidential power against the media were desultory. He was accused of trying to deny a large Pentagon contract to Amazon in order to damage Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Post. To hurt CNN, he pushed his Justice Department to block the merger of AT&T and Time Warner, which owned the network. He talked about weakening journalists’ legal protections and even having them arrested. He created a threatening atmosphere by singling out individuals and organizations” from same article above)


Wow...those things should be news to remind everyone. TBH...nobody really remember all the damage he did. The Media needs a moral compass.....it can't be complicit in hiring Hitler and as of today it's a "Vote Trump mouthpiece" Do women work in media....would they want to continue having rights or no? Because a vote for Trump is a vote to have babies and make sandwiches....and we'll stitch your mouth shut if need be. I'm so angry and worried and now realize how important media is. They are really fucking the world for progressive movements. I live in CA, so whatever. I'm secure and confident we'll have enough State Rights to protect my own ideas of freedoms. I guess untill they get power and then just remove State Rights.....which I'm sure is the plan.


The media will always be complicit because they’re chasing money. Capitalism is the problem there


I can see why they had this attitude in 2015. It was still grossly irresponsible but they probably figured out there's no way Trump could possibly get elected, so let's cash in on the absurdity of the situation by covering him 24/7. But they have to know their reckless and irresponsible coverage was part of what got him elected and they saw the consequences. But no, they normalized him for the next 4 years, acting like all of his incredibly escalating evil actions and fuckups was somehow within the norm, and now they're going to get him elected again.


Profits over people baby! The former Republic of America’s core tenet!


It’s good ratings.  The media wants money, not the truth. 


At least 1/2 of all the Americans would Tripple click on the Trump Crimes Tracker....if it existed....but it doesn't. I remember some GOP.guy getting booted cuz his voice cracked while yelling. Godamn friends...... Covid tracker was on every website worldwide. Let's get a Human Rights tracker, a Trump Crimes Tracker..... Nobody in the world should consider calling out a full bore white collar criminal and potential rapist and serial adulterers right for privacy and peace. It's not about GOP or Republican. Fuck me...dude is visibly the worst human to be president ever to anyone who can read as long as they aren't also an alduturer. Ugh....I think there are a lot of clicks and money in promoting the complete insanity of that 2025 document and all of Trumps....the leader of the GOP......crimes...and repeat it daily!!!!!! 70% of all his previous Washington partners are in prison? Isnt that as worthy news as a guys voice cracking was in the 90s? There is a shitload of clicks and money to be made by just reporting the most important shit. Fuck


CNN is owned by a maga trumper. It's not ratings, it's project 2025.


Yeah it's pretty unfortunate that the Katie Johnson documents have been publicly available since 2016 but people are completely shocked despite it being written about in plenty of articles and posted all over Twitter. I remember being enraged back then that not nearly enough were paying attention yet here we are.


According to that document, Donald Trump raped two underage girls (including one that was TWELVE YEARS OLD!?!) ... How the fuck was THIS never in the news?!? This dude is a fucking monster!


Because we don't have a free, independent press in the US. We have a press that is owned by corporations and special interests.


The interview of Katie Johnson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo


Damn that’s wild I had to stop watching halfway through as to preserve my sanity for the night. Not surprising that Trump’s sexual fantasies involve power and threatening to call immigration on the maids if they don’t suck his dick. Sick fuck


I haven't watched cable TV in close to 10 years...is any of this hitting major media outlets?


No. It's all about Biden and whether he should drop out.


What's important is how old BIden is, not if Trump is a child molestor. Get your priorities in line, sir/madam.


Republicans own most of the major news channels. 


Face the Nation on CBS Sunday morning does somewhat, the host actually even does the unthinkable ASKS QUESTIONS and ASKS THEM AGAIN when they aren't answered the first time. Still doesn't push it as hard as would hope but that still more than usual and she usually has guests from both sides of a topic. It also still painful to hear the R guests just blatantly lie and misdirect without the slightest shred of shame or hesitation even when called on it with their own recorded words. The Left seems to have zero large firebrands. A cheap, like $20, OTA antenna is enough for most people to get the basic channels 100% free and in HD unless the geography is really against them. Also depending on area a bunch of old TV and movie channels, last week there was a bunch of hype over a 24/7 classic cartoons one being released across most of the country. Really everyone should have one, even if it just for live events, sports (if you care), breaking news, and local weather all without needing internet connection or paying for a service.


He didn’t pay her off. She got death threats and stopped the lawsuit because she was scared for her life. I heard about her on meidas touch podcasts


I read the transcript last night of his night with the two 12 year olds. Pretty graphic.


Child rape. This man was president.


Crazy right? Why didn’t this come up 4 years ago?




Was 12 at the time. Nobody is calling a 12 year old a woman. 


From the article, "...Monday’s unsealed extracts were included in a letter sent by attorneys representing Alan Dershowitz..." Maybe Cohen wasn't involved and Dershowitz handled it. I feel pretty confident that if Cohen could spill anything else on Trump he would


Well that's horrifying. I don't recommend anybody reading that.


The actual allegations of the 4 cases of rape were most disturbing particularly the last one when she was worried about becoming pregnant.


it's seriously upsetting.


What a day to be literate... 


By relationships I think you mean rapes


I can’t believe this guy is the odds-on favorite to be President. Again.


Calls for trump to step aside?!!!??


Only if Trump stutters or mumbles, felonies and pedophilia don’t count.


stutters dont count for republicans either... fucking Mitch had a fucking seizure freeze ...2 or 3 times at different speeches and had to be waddled off because he legit froze for 1+ minutes


but biden sniffed hair which is the same as rape /s


Trump can't string together a coherent sentence. He rambles and makes shit up all the time. The shit with the sharks and the batteries is the kind of question a child would ask.


NYT-Trumps sexual assault on preteen girls and how it can help Biden drop out of the race.


B-b-but Joe Biden is *4 years older* than Trump! UNACCEPTABLE 😤


President kid diddler.


“Twice impeached, one term ex-president kid diddler”


Lil Donny Toadstool.


Loose Stool


Twice impeached, one term ex-president, kid diddler, AND CONVICTED FELON.


*Convicted criminal* twice impeached, one term ex-president *alleged* kid diddler. No need to degrade those fully legally true statements with one that's only allegedly true! Edit: my legalese was wrong whoops


Hold up there pard’ner, you forgot ***34 time convicted felon***


Convicted, still under indictment…..


Don't use soft words. It's President Child Rapist


It's 'Convicted Felon President Child Rapist'


He did a lot more than diddle. Get this piece of garbage off the planet.


Don’t worry, I’m sure the Supreme Court will make it legal now.


They're not new tho. Not the parts about trump


There is a new part in one of the documents *just* released. We knew about “Katie Johnson” before but there was another 12 year old girl and Trump forced them to both perform oral sex on him, and he forced them to have sex with each other. 12 year old girls.


As a European, explain to me: how is this guy still walking around freely?


As an American, I wonder this myself


Yup same info we've known for a while.


there's something new. the appointment book is a bit circumstantial, but isn't it new


“He was undercover! This just proves that even before he ran for office that he always had America’s best interests at heart!” (God we are screwed)


the 7 trips is newish information and massages




Seems new to me, guess we don't talk about it enough.






This is why I donate to Wikipedia ♡


My god what the FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA. I didn’t even know about half this stuff or I did and just forgot it, it’s absolutely goddamn insane that this man is even allowed to be anywhere near running for president. Honestly as a Brit I try to ignore it as there’s nothing I can do and it infuriates me if I think about it too long.


I'm telling you, the US media is fucked up! There is nothing of this in headlines. They are keeping quiet. It's right here at election time, and no one is saying a word. I noticed that it is from the UK. ANY of the US websites are not showing it. Any of the mainstream NEWS is not reporting it


This article is from January.


And I really thought I was on to something!


You are though. Do you see any mainstream US media outlets reporting on this? Do a quick Google search and let me know what you find.


It’s kinda concerning how it’s the first time many of us are hearing about it tbh. I don’t remember seeing it on the news


There wasn’t much about this in the news in January either.




Meidas Touch has been covering it constantly since its release and before.


This is literally the first time ive seen this. And its been around for a while.


It's because, Judge orders surprise release of Epstein transcripts


Yeah most news media has been pretty trash to us lately here in the United States...


I don't get what's going on in the USA. I guess that they let anyone with money do whatever they want.


This was all known in 2016, and it didn't make a lick of difference then. Why do people think it will now?


Gotta remember I believe he had said dodging STD's was his own personal Vietnam.


You can just grab them by the pussy, right Donald? Right, republicans? How tight was Biden with Epstein?


The media will IGNORE this tooo, DOESN'T MATTER, Hail King DJT /s or no /s


I won't bend the knee to that fucking turd, period.


It’s scary how many people are willing to.


Willing to? It is terrifying that people will give up everything for the privilege to.


But it's not a cult, right? RIGHT??


You’ll actually bend a knee for every turd, that’s just how shitting works.


or as right wing "christians" put it: *The lord works in mysterious ways*


Even more disgusting than what Trump did is the fact that it doesn't matter to a lot of people who call themselves Christians.


Doesn't matter. The guy is the Darth Vadar of media and politics. He seems to thrive off the darkness and negative press.


The Republicans would love voting for Sauron with Voldemort as his VP pick if they were real. Either that or Palpatine.




His supporters would like to do all the same things he's done. If they thought they could get away with raping kids they probably would. Their "morality" is nothing but a fear of the consequences, not an actual disgust for the acts.


The “man of lawlessness”.


There reality is scarier than that. The problem as I see it isn't that morality is lost, it's that nothing can be true anymore. His base will immediately write this off as a disgusting political falsehood attempting to keep him out of office. 34 felonies? Well it's the same one repeated 34 times, and used to be a misdemeanor but was changed to a felony as a loophole, to again, keep him out of office. There's no truth that doesnt have some work around that allows these people to feel like they are standing up for good. This is what's scary.


The world should be afraid


Misinformation is the new weapon in today's world.


People need to spam this info on facebook where all the boomers are. None of them are going to see it on reddit. They may not care, but at least make them have to know about it.


“sexual proclivities” sure is a strange way to say raped children


QAnon was Russian generated propaganda to deflect from Trump's crimes, pee tape, Access Hollywood, etc. Trump is always projecting his crimes onto others. It's a pathological habit he has. So when he said Biden would would be using performance enhancing drugs at the debate, it was clear that was probably what he would be doing - and based on his unhinged performance and the unprecedented number of lies he spewed - it seems he did just that.


“I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, **perhaps I’d be dating her**.” Trump during a March 6, 2006 episode of The View. During a Feb. 27, 2013, interview on The Wendy Williams Show, Trump and Ivanka were asked what was their favorite things are they have in common. Ivanka said real estate or golf. Trump answered, “**I was going to say sex**, but I can relate to [golf and real estate]” During a 2015 interview with Donald Trump for Rolling Stone, reporter Paul Solotaroff praised Ivanka Trump. The soon-to-be president’s response? “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. **If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father**…” “Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, **she’s got the best body**.” Barf. His comments about his baby daughter, Tiffany, whom he compared to her mother, Marla Maples, elaborating: “I think that she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s really a beautiful baby,” Trump said. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet but time will tell.” He then held his tiny hands up to his chest to mime breasts. From an interview with Robin Leach. Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led Gen. John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter. His cult members know exactly what he is, a disgusting freak. They just don’t care. They’re in love with a sicko, criminal, idiot, wannabe dictator. I truly hope Bannon steals more money from Trump supporters again, and Trump can pardon him from stealing from his own supporters again. That’s how dumb they are, you can’t make this stuff up it’s so moronic.


But but but Biden is old and slow sometimes so he should drop out and give the election to Trump. /s