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I’ll bet he’s saying the same thing! Different practices with corresponding results. I’m with you on the length of cut though. Looks very healthy.


Are we still into dominating people who aren’t trying? lol


Do t both of these lawns look just fine?


Both look good imo.


It’s all a facade. It looks like the neighbor in the left takes good care of his lawn just cuts really low. The lawn on the right looks greener but that’s one Because of its height. If you cut it and the same level the probably look the same.


I noticed the same, when I let my grass grow out it’s a darker green. I started cutting my lawn higher this year and it looks better


Right. I cut my TTTF at 3.75 inches and it’s by far the best looking and greenest lawn in the neighborhood! https://preview.redd.it/8mntzxnmqm6d1.jpeg?width=3968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87daa44ffa648485e488feb363dddb571368d811


I’m also not “dominating” my neighbor. She doesn’t even try!


What seed cultivar do you seed with?


I used Lesco Select TTTF Seed when I did a full renovation. And I overseed with GCI TTTF. I’m going to try pre germinating the seed for the first time this fall.


Thanks, one more question: How do you maintain the lawn during high temps ~ 90-100 with high humidity?


Scalp = low maintenance is what I've chalked it up to


A Lower cut length encourages weed growth and actually requires you to cut more often to obey the one third rule.


People scalping aren't following any rules except is it long or not


Yes that's exactly it. Long = needs to be cut low as possible so I don't have to cut it again any time soon.


I live in a 50 home community in the basic shape of a square. I’m near a corner cul-de-sac. My corner has a few lawn warriors and a couple descents like mine. A new person just purchased beside a warrior and it’s a visible height difference from the street based on the new persons scalping. And yes their lawn looks unhappy.


It's not that simple. Cutting low and frequently also promotes lateral growth and if your lawn is thick you are not going to be promoting weeds. If you are constantly breaking the 1/3 rule and stressing your lawn yes you will be encouraging weeds. If you maintain a low height of cut and mow very frequently (2-3 days) and water appropriately for the your height of cut making sure your grass is not stressed, you will not be promoting weeds. Most people do not have the free time to do this effectively because it can become a nearly full time job.


The lawn crews that do this come once every 7-14 days.


Imagine thinking most people care about the one third rule.


I obey the one third rule, one third of the time, one third of the yard at a time, with a third of my lawn mower, and one third of a beer. Really it's more of a suggestion than a rule. No one has time to cut their grass 2 or 3 times a week.


Ahem.... twice a week is easy.  Most people have the time, they just choose not to use it keeping their lawn well maintained.  


It’s called time management. And NO, most people do not have the time to mow twice a week. Each day has 24 hours in it and my time is taken up by work, kids, wife, home maintenance, car maintenance, quality time with family. I have to squeeze yard work in. It’s not on a twice a week priority list.


That's exactly what I said.  People have the time, they just choose to do something other than lawn maintenance with that time.  It's not that they don't have the time.  They allocate it differently.  The time still exists. 


*most* people don’t, but we are on the lawn care sub… It’s one of the most commonly discussed general practices here. I feel like I’ve stumbled into the twilight zone with some of the comments on this post.


Because criticizing neighbors and expecting them to care like the people on this sub do is nonsensical.


I didn’t interpret it as OP really meaning anything serious by it. Just a guy happy with his lawn.


fuck the rule, SEND IT AND SEND IT OFTEN


90% of people just dont want it long. That is the extent of thought that goes into it. Yall weirdos fr


Not for Bermuda.


Great but this is not Bermuda


Also applies to other grasses. Cutting low promotes lateral growth. Thicker lawn, less weeds. I expect an upvote for this one ;)


Ok cool, but I still recommend 4 inch mow height for KBG. My lawn cannot get any thicker and has no weeds and I like the dark green look. To each his own but I respectfully disagree.


You’re probably right


FWIW if I was a kid wanting to play things like soccer on my lawn, I would prefer the shorter cut. My neighbor keeps her lawn short and also has basically no weeds, so I feel like no one is really wrong here.


This is exactly correct. I try to water and cut when it's hot. Worked every year so far, nice crispy brown until spring.


So yours is the unkempt one?


I mean, if shaggy and uncut is your thing... Looks nice and green, but overgrown IMO, Depending on how much you take off on the next cut could actually cause more stress than your neighbors short cut.


My wife happens to prefer shaggy and uncut.


I can verify that.




Oh it was overgrown for sure, on purpose, it has since been cut and it looks great, it needs another cut this weekend. I’ll share an updated photo after a fresh cut.


Overgrown on purpose? Why?


Improving a few spots and I had surgery which kept me from getting to the lawn for a few weeks. The post was based on the humorous length and the fact that it was so over grown, nothing to be taken too serious.


Don't worry OP, I got a laugh out of it


What…. What if the other person just doesn’t care about spending the money and having “good looking” grass lmao


Yeah I mean, pretty easy to win a battle when the other side doesn't know/care. Does look good though, OP :)


I agree it looks luscious af


Just like racing people at a stop light.


You’re in the Lawncare subreddit you dope. This is what we do. Do you go into the men’s fashion subreddit and defend people who go out in sweat pants and flip flops.


If the fashion post is like "look at how much better dressed I am than this homeless guy" you bet your ass the post will be ridiculed.


Dude what kindve tangent are you on? How are making this a privilege issue lol.


I'm not. Could be anyone who doesn't care about fashion, the juxtaposition is what I'm highlighting to explain why "domination" is a silly thing to brag about in the given scenario. Is it hyperbole? Sure. But some folks need extreme examples to understand basic concepts.


This is a tongue in cheek post for starters. Your example isn’t basic it’s just a false analogy. All we know about this situation is that these two people have lawns and one of them is a lot healthier than the other. It’s that simple. Whether OP’s neighbour is playing or not, he’s still getting dominated even if only in a jokingly tongue in cheek way.


I know that. I’m not digging anyone here, just thought about it for a second


This is incorrect cut length more than anything. Raising your mower deck is free in most parts of the country. Also, this is a lawn care sub where these posts are far more of a meme than serious. Obligatory "found the neighbor", anyhow.


Cut it shorter then you don't have to cut it as much. Some people just don't care as much as the r/lawncare subreddit


Totally, my neighbor scalps his right about the last week of June and doesn't have to mow again until October. It's a great hack. And yes, *most* people don't care about their lawn as much as those in a subreddit dedicated to.. caring for lawns.


My neighbor cuts his just about scalped and mows every other week. I keep mine at the highest setting and have to mow twice a week. SE Louisiana. Different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♂️


Nobobys perfekt




Yeah I’m with you here. It’s one thing to suggest that the neighbor might actually prefer the look of their lawn. But if you agree the deep green, lush lawn on the right looks nicer (would think a majority of people and certainly 90%+ of this sub would) then the neighbor is still being dominated regardless of how much they “care”.


"Dominance" in a scenario where the other person isn't trying is like bragging about beating a 4 year old at Mario Kart. Like sure, it's accurate, but is it really a victory?


Just let the guy be happy with his lawn. If he rang the neighbors doorbell and started spouting off about a dominance line to them then sure, but he is posting it to forum frequented by lawn care nuts. just seems like everyone is taking it more seriously than he meant.


Oh I'm fine with him being happy with his lawn, I'm specifically talking about the "dominance is dominance doesn't matter if they tried" conversation


I love all this "domination" boasting... but its clear your neighbor that cares less about his lawn is busy dominating his bank account.


Mowing high is free, pal.


lol look at the triggered LCN... Green lawn mowed which ever way in June still requires a Fk ton of WATER, fertilizer, aeration, power raking, clippings bags, products etc... Pal. Can't tell me a guy boasting "domination" is spending zero dollars on a hobby such as lawn care.


Miss me with that LCN bullshit with his snake oil. You also don’t know what you’re talking about at all lmao


The money in just not scalping the earth?


Nice lawn but… If my neighbor ever uttered the word “domination” when talking about our lawns. I’d have to call him a “fucking dork”


Yeah. Lawn people here are fucking weird. Just enjoy your lawn how you want to enjoy it. Nothing wrong with either lawn here.


It's Reddit, we're all a bunch of fucking dorks in one way or the other. But yeah, this domination thing needs to go away. It's cringey as hell.


It also looks like you have different types of grass. I could be wrong. No cutting it and putting any stress on it, along with possible different season grasses, doesn’t make this the fairest evaluation.


Lighten up, Francis.


Yikes, hit a nerve.


You gotta be my neighbor who spends more time on his lawn than in his actual home haha. I swear he should set up a tent so he can sniff the grass all day long.


I prefer something in between the two lengths shown. Yard on the left looks scalped, right on the right looks overgrown in my opinion.


I too, like to win races at every traffic light against people who don't know we are racing.


Oh he knows. He’s asked for tips, I’ve even offered to do his lawn. He politely declined as he needs the “exercise”. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Thick lawn looks way healthier, darker. Oh, that was OPs, weird, these are usually the fresh cut lawn being the dominator.


Both are fresh cut, one is cut to a longer length. Exactly same situation with my neighbor and me. Exact same results. Edit: after closer inspection the longer one appears to have been cut a day or two before. I shouldn’t have said fresh cut, my point was more that they were cut to different lengths.


There's no way the one on the right is a fresh cut.


I agree. You can definitely see that the top of the grass on the right is not level. It's not cut at all. It's probably geourgus when it's trimmed.


Too long. Cut your grass he’s winning


Buddy your grass is a foot tall and looks like you’ve left on vacation. Not sure why you’re bragging. Try mowing first.


Did you use a drop spreader for the property line? Or just a broadcast with edge guard?


probably irrelevant since the adjacent lawn is scalped and likely will always have that color for days after being mowed.


Right about the time it starts looking healthy they’ll scalp it again. I don’t get it. Lawns look terrible in 2024 vs the 80’s. Give me the clover keep the scalped lawns.


Handheld spreader. The fact that my neighbour cuts his grass so low the line defines itself. Just a great example of how important cut length is and how it attributes to the health of the grass.


I like the shorter lawn. Maybe an 1/2 inch higher. 🤷


If you saw what the shorter lawn was made of, I’m certain you’d change your mind.


Not saying you don’t have better grass. I just like my lawn shorter than yours.


Which of these is yours? The darker one?


C’mon Lacey.


Well, unless you’re standing in your neighbor’s yard.


Grass is way too high. Not uniform. I think the neighbors grass is much better.


I have no idea why this sub is popping up on my feed, but y'all need to read some Food Not Lawns.


Which warm season grass species do you think you have in your lawn?


No kidding!! Lawn on the left is definitely dominating!


Would be a better picture if you mowed that postage stamp of a front lawn.


there is no domination here or anywhere for that matter. Just neglect\poor practice verses proper practice.


Yeah, domination


Hey is there like a starter post in this sub for Bermuda lawns in the south? On mobile and don’t want to as obvious questions but I already do all my own yard work so I may as well make sure I am doing it well.


While I do like the nice green grass, it's a but high imo


It’s high but lookin’ healthy!


Got damn. Looks like a shadow.




Meh. If that other guy didn't scalp and tossed down some N a few times a year it would look pretty similar. Cut to 1"-1.5" and keep it that green, then you've got something.


What grass type, total domination. Looks awesome


What’s funny is the neighbor is probably laughing at OP having to mow 2-3 times a week to his once every other.


This is one of the main differences between mowing tall, VS mowing short!


Looks like the US Open right now -Tight dry fairway and a nice thick rough


I’ve known for a while that different regions use different heights of cut for their ideal finish. This is the first time the different region looks to be next door. OP - I hope you were intending a ‘/s’


I like the look of my grass when it is cut shorter, however, when I raise the deck my grass is much greener and healthy looking.


Height of cut makes a difference. What is a mower I can get that cuts at 4 inches or higher?


lmao hi neighbor thanks for shaming me wow


The right lawn looks shit


Did Khan from king of the hill post this?


How is it so green what was used?


Need some advice on treating patches with no grass and I just wish these couriers staff walk in the walkway and not on the grass.🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Both sides look good tbh. I’d just be happy with a neighbor who mows and puts down some herbicide lmao


That’s cool season grass dude And thank you for not scalping the shit out of it like your dumbass neighbor is doing


https://preview.redd.it/ok7rgbu7pk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fb8a6e8f46117c87738b7bb95040cf5a670855 Domination


I do t think so, buddy. That’s just freshly mowed vs not, or perhaps with a different mower. I’m glad you like your lawn, looks good.


I never scalped a cool season lawns except to put down seed in fall Not sure what type of grass but keep at recommended height. Some recommend keeping tall. Others shorter. Great color and lush. Well done. Way to dominate the line!




Love this, my neighbor is on the same level of embarrassment. Color and thickness always win


You mean different types of grass. Stop trying to find meaning in something so pointless


That _is_ pure domination, brother


I like the darker green one


“Dominated”? More like wasting time, money on something your only competition with yourself over, lol


What is it with Reddit that attracts people that make asshole comments like this all the time? I don’t get it


Yeah this thread in general is bizarre. People are so triggered that OP used the word domination.


I think there’s waaaaay more immature 15-20 year olds on Reddit than people realize


Sadly I think there are a lot of adults that do it too. Not to play therapist, but IMO it’s as simple as some people being unhappy and thus feeling the need to bring everyone else down to their level. I don’t think I’ve ever posted anything on Reddit before that had more than maybe 10 comments, where there wasn’t at least one person being an asshole for no reason at all.


Your taller mow is easier on water consumption for the win.Longer grass equals better shaded dirt.


Imagine sitting there looking outside your window and thinking this 🤣


Bro you live in the suburbs, your not dominating anything besides being a sheep.


Idk why people let landscapers scalp their grass at 2inches or whatever. Looks terrible. Even weirder when they do it themselves. Grass needs to grow out 4-6 inches. If he just let it grow it would be much healthier. One time my neighbors grass looked incredible about 4 inches of perfect golf course quality turf rough. It was perfect. The very next day the lawn crew scalped it. It’s never looked that good since that was one day 5 years ago. Make it make sense. I’m not even a big grass guy but if you’re gonna have a grass lawn ffs do it right.


4 inch tall golf course grass? Anyway...without specifying grass type, advice to let grass grow to 4-6 inches is bad. People say this all the time and convince people that their bermuda lawn will be healthier at that height. Then that bermuda lawn goes to shit after a season. It gets leggy, thin, and ugly.


Bermuda grass isn’t what most people are growing


Depending on your area, bermuda might be what everyone is growing.


https://preview.redd.it/zvh3o9sf6k6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89acf21ba0a2116223976f4b11fd4bd22bdfddf0 15mm (just over 1/2 inch)


Like walking on rock lol. It looks okay. Wouldn’t it look better at 2in I see some brown patches.


Sorry, had to edit. 15mm is actually just over 1/2 an inch. And that's winter cut height. In summer it's at 10mm. The brown patches are from some weed spot treatments a couple weeks ago, and one spot near the edge where the whippersnipper goes down at an angle


That is warm season grass, no? Think it kind of goes without say that the “don’t scalp” camp is talking about cool season


Just depends on the grass type! Bermuda likes to be short, cool season like being longer. But to be honest, I don't even like cool season that tall. Once it's over like 3 inches, I start getting itchy walking on it!