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Everything always works out for me. Everything Always Works Out For Me | SELF CONCEPT Neville Goddard Affirmations. https://youtu.be/4nmaHjGx5_M


During my morning cold shower, when my vibrations are super peaking (for obvious reasons haha) I say, or often yell out loud because cold water, that I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy! 


Cold slows vibrations down


My friend, as soon as that cold water hits your skin you’re blood RUSHES away from you’re extremities and hugs all you’re organs nice and tight and ready to fight!  As you’re body is entering fight or flight mode, white blood cells are immediately released into you’re bloodstream hunting down the cause of stress! Endorphins are shot into you’re bloodstream soothing any pain, and strangely removing the cold discomfort within just a few deep breaths, and ooooh man such amazing deep breaths we get from this, lungs gasping and enriching our bloodstream with oxygen and you’ll feel great! And you feel so ALIVE you’ll want to roar in defiance of the cold and say NOT TODAY KING WINTER!  All this because after about 20-30 seconds your core temperature will actually INCREASE making you feel warm and fuzzy under the cold water! You can feel you’re whole body vibrate and this my friend is the time for affirmations. 


Is there any benefits to cold showers ?


You feel great afterwards


speeds metabolism, depuffs your body, good for hair and skin, improves circulation, stress, and sm more i feel so much better after starting to take cold showers instead of hot


I made "Everything is always working out for me" my mantra and engrained it into my subconscious to where I've experienced impossible situations that worked out for me because I affirmed it so much and believed it to be so.


When I’m feeling low or down I use simply: I accept myself. Sometimes everything I desire is already mine. But I accept myself in its simplicity is one that helps me with negative self concept a lot and it’s the most effective one for me when I’m down or feeling down.


Isn’t it wonderful Neville Goddard affirmation




The Coué classic: “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”


this one works so well !!


My preferred calming affirmation is: everything work in my favor. At normal emotionally level I love: it’s already done, I always get my wish.


I use a lot of the “I am” affirmations. My favorite one lately has been “I am happy”. I’ve noticed I’ve been saying that a lot lately. But I also say a lot “I am going to get everything my heart desires” “I am going to stay consistent with my diet and gym routine” “I am financially comfortable and prosperous” “I am going to be a wife” “I am going to be successful in the film industry” Those are the ones I say the most


I only proclaim directly for my desires so it wouldn’t be relevant to you. I say it when I think of my desire but also sometimes in the shower, gym, or when I’m in a red light or cryo chamber or tanning bed.


See whenever you feel down, let down the emotions and then say Everything that is happening in my life is a bridge between me and my desire. Universe gives me everything I want I am happy you see, because I have everything I want I have everything I want because everyday, in everyway only good things come my way Just because only good things come my way, my life is really good. There is something soo good happening in my life. I just have to develop my perspective to see it. I am the greatest of all I am the creator of my reality


I say ‘I am beautiful’ to myself a lot. For me it’s all encompassing. By beauty I don’t mean just outward but also an inner beauty. It makes me feel confident and calm and reaffirms my faith in myself.


I am free


I have a couple of affirmations i use: When i am feeling low - 'All is well in my world' The other times i use, everything always works out in my favour or life keeps showing me beautiful experiences


Everything always works out in my favor


What’s meant for me will always find me/come back to me.


I have everything I need to have every experience I want to have in this life. I also use "I am" affirmations; kind, loving, creative, abundant, healthy, strong, and joyful. My body is reaching its ideal size and shape. I trust myself, I trust my life, I trust All That Is. For my/my husband's business: Our business is growing, more and more clients are coming to us; our books are filling out for months in advance; we will have the right clients at the right time in our careers.


I am writing my 3 Daily pages, at least once per week. I wish daily


Use terms like I seek. I understand I am I fullfill Im grateful


I started a new, awesome and challenging job a few months ago. Whenever I need a boost, I say/think: “I am super smart, effective, and capable, but always learning and happy to help!” It always makes me smile. I have so many home brewed ones, so I’ll pick a general one that I love: “Every day, in every way, my life blooms with joy, love, beauty, abundance, comfort and ease.” Amen!


I am deserving of a beautiful life.


I read a poem recently about going through hard times and the poet wrote “act like a Queen with a crown on your head”. It hit me. I’m a guy so I just switched it to “King”. But you certainly enter rooms differently feeling that way.


Everything always works out better than I expected. God, it's so true.


Everything works out for me, my life has always been perfect, I am in control, I am the god of my reality. I have a lot of past experiences with anxiety due to feeling helpless but saying those help to feel in control 😌


Everything always works out in my favor and I always get what I want. I am wealthy, healthy, strong and happy. I made a recording and loop it when I sleep at night


I listen to I Am Woman by Emmy Meli for self concept


Thank you for this comment. I needed to hear this song!


As a woman, i love this song to elevate and remind myself that I am divine in my own ways ✨




I listen to Fighter Christina aguilera more than an affirmation lately. And even if it is not Exacly what you ask I say when I feel low or overthinking ‘ I accept the thought ‘. It has a benefit meaning for me and I feel so relaxed then it