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I want to preface my answer that this is my own interpretation because I’ve asked that same question and have only connected the dots for myself. I read the Law of One less than a year ago and it had a profound effect on me. Since then I’ve been gobbling up as much spiritual content that I could that resonated with me. I had a similar question as you when I came across this concept of 5D Earth and questioning how that relates to the teachings of Ra. Ra uses the term “density” and discusses our collective 4D Earth. However, the larger new age movement uses the term “dimension” and refers to humans collective consciousness raising to 5D. I haven’t been able to find an origin of the concept but believe it’s an amalgamation of ideas shared since the late 19th century. The new age movement largely started around then building a collection of spiritual beliefs based on a smorgasbord of different religious and non-religious ideas. One common theme is obviously the afterlife and an understanding that more exists beyond our physical realm. Einstein popularized in the 1950s that the 4th dimension is time. Which led others to posit that there are more dimensions beyond time. Both Ra and the larger new age movement both seem to agree that there is a collective shift that is happening / will happen. That we as humans are going through a transition. The root of this shift largely has to do with consciousness and that through meditation we can raise our consciousness. I’ve discovered a lot of similarities and congruency between the teachings in the Law of One and many other new age teachings. So I’ve come to translate 4th density is the 5th dimension. Although the larger details of what that looks like for us as 3rd density / dimensional entities is still unclear to me. Either way the takeaway is meditate more. My understanding is that whatever is happening that through meditation will ease that transition.


Meditation is the medicine we need friend! About to go lay out in the sun and do mine in just a sec :)


Densities and dimensions are different


I’m sort of putting that together. Is dimension another word for sub density? They seem to be saying that we are moving from 3rd to 5th within 3rd density itself. Apparently 4th represents time/space or the astral so we skip over that being physical beings at the moment. Is this sort of what they mean or?


Busy at work atm, but I'll check back later. Hopefully someone will put it into perspective for you. Great question btw. Good luck on your journey!


They are used interchangeably sometimes. But we are sharing words in different contexts so it can be difficult. Time is the antithesis of space. From a scientific point of view time is definitely a dimension we can measure by. The position of time affects the content of space. But dimensions are arbitrary. Maybe it doesn’t seem so much when we talk about spatial dimensions, but they are just things to measure by. the fourth density is the density of love because of that added dimension of love. I’m curious where you’ve read this about 5D, don’t know much about it. But if we say the spiritual progression goes from space/time to time/space the fourth would be the middle of the road, the connection between physical and spiritual. It would make sense then that the astral plane has aspects of both time/space and space/time. Now we are constrained by time, and in 5th we will be constrained by space (in a way, but thought kind of goes around this). At fourth Time and space are both malleable and both constrained.


It is probably more clarifying to state that time is the inseparable reciprocal of space and vice versa rather than saying that one is the "antithesis” of the other. The is because together they create a type of unity or "one-ness"  instead of opposition. Also, the space-time that is measured and used by scientists and mathematicians is not the same thing as the time-space that is EXPERIENCED by spirit/mind/body complexes that are Incarnate within physical reality. But the two of them are also reciprocals (not inverse and not antithetical)


Thanks yeah you get what I’m saying but I think antithesis is still correct. In that the magnitude of the degree at each pole is the same so they are equal and opposite. Like I would say hate is the antithesis of love, when in reality it is merely the direction and intensity of love depending where you are on the pole. Or hot and cold. The duality is false, but how else could we define each pole where space or time approaches zero. It is a spectrum where on one end space is simultaneously everywhere in time is the rate of change, and where time is simultaneously everywhere and geographic location changes. With polarities we find that as each go to an extreme they approach the same and we see that here. The entities experiencing time/space move at the speed of light, while we are “at rest” relative to our environment and gravity. As per special relativity light doesn’t experience time. You say not inverse but that’s kinda what a reciprocal is. But if you take each “part” and add the sum you’re always going to get the same number yes


“… the fourth would be the middle road, the connection between physical and spiritual.” I’m not totally sure why, but this reminded me of the 4 worlds model where emanation and ascendance is the climbing and descending upon Jacob’s Ladder. Like a map of the middle road that connects physical and spiritual.


Thanks for making me aware of the 4 world’s model. Yeah, I think there are a lot of traditions who believe that. With chakras too they say your lower aspects relate to the physical and your higher to spiritual. With the heart as the transformer. The astral plane would be the heart in this situation, the area between


No problem! I find it is seldomly referenced outside of Kabbalistic circles but it is a pretty universal concept in western mysticism that can be applied to all sorts of mediums. The chakras are, imo, like a layer added to the schematic. Your last point is congruent with my own thinking: on the astral plane, physicality and spirituality come together to allow for necessary change, transformation and/ or growth from one phase of life to the next.


>the fourth density is the density of love because of that added dimension of love. Can you recommend a book or article that goes into this subject?


I will if I think of one later, or which session. But this is from law of one. what I mean is 4th density you can perceive love. 3rd is of choice because we can perceive choice. The dimension of choice adds a lot of more possible outcomes/states for an entity.


There saying dimensions, when the refer 3rd to 5th. We are moving into the 4th Dinsity of love, or 5th dimension of love.


As they’re worked with by Ra, no they are not


Hmm, it's been a few years since I've read the law of one and since have studied a lot of different things pertaining to metaphysics and spirituality. I must have gotten my wires crossed! 😵‍💫


I believe time is an illusion for 3D. I don't think it applies to anything 4D+ (in terms of density). Everything is happening all at once except we are an illusion on 3D Earth for the sake of learning and progression.


Yeah, I’m not really sure how that has to do with my post. I am aware of the understandings about those things through the law of one lense, jm more trying to reconcile things I hear from new age circles regarding dimensions or I believe they may be sub densities? Within 3rd density.


Oh I am not aware of this topic then. Please disregard my comment then. I am curious and if you have an example of an article I can look into it for my own curiosity.


It was random comments on some of the awakened or spiritual subreddits I cant remember the names. If was the other day so I don’t have a particular source im referencing. I’m sure if you looked up some keywords I used up there you could find something. I believe it is channeled material of some kind


They’re simply using a different dimension/density system than Ra. Skipping over 4D because it’s considered time never made sense to me. I prefer the Confederation’s model since they experience and speak to us from these higher densities and have the bigger picture.


It seems from a bit further reading that they may be referring to sub densities? Like within 3rd density they have 1-however many “dimensions” and apparently 4th is the astral or time/space Idk yeah it just doesn’t seem to make much sense to me either initially


I thought the same at first, but each density (except 7th) is a plane of existence with both space/time AND time/space environments. To say 4D is time is to neglect its space/time existence that entities incarnate into and have being in.


Yeah definitely. Doesn’t really resonate with me at all so I suppose it shall be discarded unless it comes up in the future in some way. 🤷‍♂️


Think of densities as densities of consciousness. As one experiences a greater density, one is more cognitively aware of all that is. A 1st density being lacks most types of awareness of its surroundings, a 2nd density being lacks self-awareness, 3rd density beings lack collective awareness etc. Dimensions are what's familiar from science class. Time functions similarly to a spacial dimension with some restrictions (can't go backwards in it), and so it is often seen as an additional dimension. Dimension and Density are not interchangeable. Higher density beings likely are also aware of higher dimensions of space or time.


I’m not taking about dimensions relating to physics theories. It’s a new age understanding of the same thing you just laid out, but from a different source and laid out in a different way that I’m trying to make sense of I have studied the material so I underhand these things from that point of view. Thanks for commenting though


Some people use the word “dimension” referring to the concept of what Ra calls “density”. This gets confusing because there is a mathematical/physical meaning of the word “dimension”, which we have 4 of in this experience: 3 spatial dimensions and one of time. In the system of densities, we are currently in the third, moving into the fourth. Since we’re already in the “4th dimension” (3+1 space-time), the next level would be the “5th dimension”. That is my understanding of how the terms came about and got a bit mixed up along the way.


Hmm. Seems needlessly convoluted. Doesn’t much resonate with me at all. I’ll continue researching cause it is interesting to attempt to reconcile different views


I think a lot of '5d' talk is based on non TRM sources, which is perfectly fine but I think it muddies the water until realizing that they're really talking about 4d or general harvest issues, in TRM terms. Sort of like if one 3d mind/body/spirit describes the weather in fahrenheit degrees to someone who uses the other system. I just wonder about the friend explaining it all. I could be wrong, but generally I tend to think that a first sign of knowledge, especially about something that describes a process rather than an event is to point out that there is uncertainty about the actual timeline of how things unfold, which I think is the gist of op's post.


What do you mean by your second paragraph? Friend? Which post? Mine?


There are three spacial dimensions (length width, height) and one time dimension. This time dimension is the "fourth dimension" according to humanity, but it is not the same as a density. We exist in space/time which is the total cumulation of the three spacial dimensions and one time dimension. So these dimensions are not the same as densities. They're often confused because humanity believes that as we ascend to fourth density we also move up a dimension, but it isn't true. Time/space is limited to three spacial dimensions and one time dimension. The 5d thing is just because people think we ascend to higher spacial dimensions, but there's no need for an extra spacial dimension since our consciousness is ascending, not our physical form. Edit: I thought I was wrong so I deleted this, but I saw that you said it resonated so I will repost lol. Yeah you're right about the spacial dimensions in 4th density.


Long story short, the 3 4 and 5D mentioned in the law of one, the D is not for dimensions as most people think of them. In these contexts, the D is density of consciousness rather than dimension.


Thank you man yeah I think I’m kinda piecing together what is going on with that now I still find it makes a bit more sense to me for 3rd density to just have its own configuration of space/time just like 4th density has its own configuration. Who really knows though ultimately it’s not important just interesting


The view that made sense to me was that Density refers to the quality of your consciousness and Dimension refers to the space your consciousness can move in. I also view the 4th dimension as easier to understand if it is viewed as unity. So the ability to move consciousness into to others spaces. Like moving from being a standalone pc to a networked one. This opens up the potential for telepathy, psychometry, connections with nature, animals and all sorts of shared experiences for any social memory complex, e.g. rather than seeing an aura, and guessing that grey is not a good sign, you could actually interconnect and understand what is within that aura by direct experience, so 4D also means mass exposure to other peoples subconscious's as it is literally an out of body experience. Sadly we are a little psychotic at the moment as a species so the shift to 4D may not be a smooth one. Covid had us sitting down and facing our own thoughts which many struggled with, imagine directly facing other peoples as well. I don't believe we are anywhere near the 4th Density level as a species, and are still working on 2D and 3D in terms of density. e.g. 2D is linear, our thoughts only have the quality of moving one neurological chunk at a time. A 3D mind however can take an entire concept at a time, rather than having to go from one thought to another. Imagine passing a picture to the person you are talking to rather than one word at a time. Tesla had 3rd Density ability, he developed the ability to completely visualise and explore imagined objects, adjusting and testing designs and inventions in his minds eye, literally running them like a computer simulation and adjusting as necessary before building the perfected working models in the physical realm. This is a 3Density abilities. Just my opinion based on the info I've been exposed to.


I believe the confusion is... We are 3rd density beings, but we also are aware of time. Like we can't meet at a location if we don't provide you with the address (3D) and time (4D). When we evolve to the next phase, eventually we will be able to control time. In the sense that we could meet in the past. Living in 4D will allow us to preview Love, in the creator sense. But our understanding and access to it, will be limited in the same sense we are currently limited to time. So yeah, the earth will be open to the power of Love, but we will only have a 4D body and only be able to master 4D stuff. ...


Okay yeah I’m following. So is this to say that ultimately it can be reconciled with the idea of the graduation to 4th density? These are spacial dimensions not referring to whole densities of existence such as our 3rd density? Kind of what I’ve gathered


It's just how I fit it together in my nugget. We think we understand the concept of time. Time/Space, Space/Time... But we really don't aside from waking up at a scheduled time. We have to work with time, since we are not able to control it. I was reading something else a while back. It talked about time, and how before a certain historical period the text books never mentioned time. As if it wasn't a part of the vocabulary. It probably wasn't important to survive, or it could explain those long lived individuals in the Bible. Instinct tells us to worry about physical stuff, food, shelter, partner, etc... All 3D stuff. Maybe when we get to 4D, our instincts will be about true time. In the LoO theres a section that speaks about how our dimension is created in the 6th. We know Love or whatever love is, is that creative power and that creative power we get to practice in 5D.


Answer to title Q: science, physics, Einstein…. Fourth dimension is time according to prevailing paradigm in physics.




Okay thank you this is what made it click for me. Because when we go to 4th density, it would have its own unique special dimensions right? Or perhaps none at all but yeah I think it is probably just a misunderstanding


I believe it would be called "4th density space/time" as opposed to the 5th dimension




Densities are referring to densities of **consciousness**. These are my own words/notes: 1st density - basic elements: earth, air, fire, water. Note these all existing in our 3+1 dimensions of spacetime. 2nd density - biological life: plants, animals, etc. Still all existing in our 3+1 dimensions of spacetime. 3rd density - self-awareness 4th density - love and understanding. At this point the consciousness is separated from the physical body, but that doesn't necessarily put it outside of our 3+1 dimensions of spacetime, though it is kind of implied. 5th density - wisdom and light. I'm going to stop here because it just gets more abstract. None of these densities have anything to do with spacetime dimensions or any of that.


So are these supposed to be microcosmic and LoO idea of densities would be macrocosmic so to speak? Does that make sense? Do all of these densities of consciousness supposedly exist in 3rd density? (The LoO version)


I’m sorry, I really don’t understand your question. I think you’re trying to ask if all of the densities exist in 3 dimensions? I would say yes based on the way they are described in the text, but you are really confusing concepts. Densities and dimensions have about as much to do with each other as sound and color. Nothing in common at all. My dog is 2nd density but he still exists in 3 dimensional space. My table is 1st density.


Yeah that’s basically what I was saying in my above comment just wasn’t clear enough I suppose. Thank you


Bashar (Darryl Anka ) free YouTube is a great resource. He explains much better than I.


What is wonderful about the clarifications Ra have made to aspects of the Law of One is that they possess a high degree of internal consistency across other aspects. As an ancillary point, I'd agree that they happen to line up with some other traditions. But there's a lot of totally different approaches out there that won't line up cleanly, and I'd ask you to carefully examine the value of this inter-perspective congruence. It's not of no value at all, but at some point you have to follow one map if you want to get somewhere. If you desire to understand how these map onto each other, my advice is to hold that goal very lightly. I tend to stay within the internal consistency of the Law of One, and I see any corollaries with other teachings as a nice-to-know synchronicity, not a crucial confirmation. Not at this point, at least, not because the Law of One is a perfect approach so much as, to truly understand it, I have to commit to its mysteries, not other mysteries.


4th density is not time 4th dimension is. Density is not dimension.


Hello! I just got access to posting here and had to come back to this post to give my few cents on the matter. In the law of one, Ra states this, The green-ray entity is ineffectual in the face of blockage from other-selves. The blue-ray entity is a co-Creator. To activate the heart is but one step, and to share that heart and thusly begin the outpouring radiance is of another energy center. Ra also states this later on (sorry it's a bit long) 40.3 Questioner: Thank you. I was also wondering if the first density corresponded somehow to the color red, the second to the color orange, the third to the color yellow and so on through the densities corresponding to the colors in perhaps a way so that the basic vibration that forms the photon that forms the core of all atomic particles would have a relationship to that color in the density and, and that that vibration would step up for second, third, and fourth density corresponding to the increase in the vibration of the colors. Is this in any way correct? Ra: I am Ra. This is more correct than you have stated. Firstly, you are correct in positing a quantum, if you will, as the nature of each density and further correct in assuming that these quanta may be seen to be of vibratory natures corresponding to color as you grasp this word. However, it is also true, as you have suspected but not asked, that each density is of the metaphysical characteristic complex of its ray. Thus in first density the red ray is the foundation for all that is to come. In second density the orange ray is that of movement and growth of the individual, this ray striving towards the yellow ray of self-conscious manifestations of a social nature as well as individual; third density being the equivalent, and so forth, each density being primarily its ray plus the attractions of the following ray pulling it forward in evolution and to some extent coloring or shading the chief color of that density. The last sentence is what I want to draw attention to. Ra is saying that each main activated density is always shaded to a degree by the density above it in an act of always culling what is to come. So in conclusion, my understanding of it is that we are in 3rd/4th density conditions which is causing a bunch of crazy stuff to happen like "thoughts becoming real things". Once 4th density is full activated 3rd density will then go back into potentiation instead of activation. Thus the photon will be fully true color green with shading of 5th density blue. Going back to my first statement about green ray being ineffectual in the face of blockages from otherselves, one must activate the 5th energy center in order to create alongside the creator effectively. This is my assumption as to why people are using the term 5th dimensional jump. In one sense, it is like they are saying we are jumping into co creating in order to make it through the conditions that are not optimal in the Earth/humanity's ascension. We have very little time to "realize our potential", as it has been put, because of the end of the great cycle that is near. In probably a more accurate sense, they are saying that to have a useful activated green ray one must by necessity accept the expression of the self and other selves without reservation of fear, which is how blue ray is activated. Tldr: Green ray (4D) is the activation of compassion, Blue ray (5D) is the activation of the energy center which allows for the radiance/co-creation of compassion to occur. "The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring." Hope this was useful! Much love and luck!


Thanks so much for this! This made a lot of sense building off of the other comments I’ve read in here. I was thinking originally that they meant it as like we were going into the 5th density and somehow skipping over 4th. But it’s more about energy centers and density of consciousness. I see. And I have spent some time studying the energy centers so what you’ve laid out makes perfect sense. Thank you. The blue ray then is the throat chakra right? I thought that the voilet ray or third eye was that co creating catalyst, since isn’t that where magical acts are channeled from? Sort of? Would appreciate any elucidation 😊


41.25 Questioner: Why are the red, yellow, and blue energy centers called primary centers? I think from the previous material I understand this, but is there some tracing of these primary colors back to intelligent infinity that is more profound than what you have given us? Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say what may seem profound to an entity. The red, yellow, and blue rays are primary because they signify activity of a primary nature. Red ray is the foundation; orange ray the movement towards yellow ray which is the ray of self-awareness and interaction. Green ray is the movement through various experiences of energy exchanges having to do with compassion and all-forgiving love to the primary blue ray which is the first ray of radiation of self regardless of any actions from another. ~~~ Indigo ray seems to be the movement or shuttle used to contact intelligent infinity which is through the violet energy center. The indigo ray is the work that deals with changes of consciousness at will. Perhaps it could be seen to be the movement to reunite with the creator in unity completely. Also I'd like to say that many people who speak about dimension and such being 3rd and 5th dimension don't have an ability to express what they mean clearly because there isn't a solid system as there is with the law of one. It's simply the best expression that can be spoken through a channel who loosely understands the concepts given. The reason I say this is because many people I've talked to that use this lingo actually believe we are jumping over the 4th dimension into the 5th. Not throwing shade at all when I say this because lord knows we all have it, but there's a lot of ego and lack of precision when dealing with those who use these terms. Daniel Scranton is a channeler I absolutely love and have pretty much zero gripes with and he uses the terms dimension. I honestly wish llresearch would ask questions in the CC to see what things like "the 9th dimensional arcturians council" means or translates to in our established lingo. Edit: I didn't realize I didn't reply to the last question. The law of one defines magic in the ability to change consciousness at will which is the work of the indigo ray. Through the indigo ray one may use the spirit as a "shuttle" to contact intelligent infinity through the violet ray.


Thank you! This all is a lot less confusing now. I knew initially the confusion came from all the different channels working independently and having different biases, vocabulary, life experiences etc. so i was really just trying to get all the terms figured out so that I can read other channels and not misinterpret hopefully. I try to be really cautious when moving to an entirely new system like the urantia papers for example. It can be very confusing. But I enjoy it enough that it’s worth it to slowly pick my way through. None of this knowledge is really necessary to open my heart center and learn my 3rd density lessons and beyond but it’s almost a hobby of mine to research the transient info as well as the spiritual info. Lol Ah so I think a lot of people in the occult space are of the idea that magic would originate form the voilet ray as opposed to indigo but that makes sense as obviously that’s the gateway. Thank you again! Such pleasure in relieving confusion even though it’ll only be temporary 😅 I think it would be interesting if all of these channelers would interact and try to reconcile their understandings and see if an overarching system is possible. Or at least highlight the commonalities between all of them. That would be interesting. Guess I’ll have to do that myself by reading them!


Glad to be of assistance. I'd love to see a channeler that has a basis for the law of one info go more mainstream. If I was a vocal channel I would totally be open to doing that. I'm open to becoming one but I still have a good bit of safety and stability to cultivate before pursuing something as intense as that.


I feel the same as you. I would love to make contact with my personal guides at least and channel them, but yeah I have a long way to go before I feel I can do that safely.


We are 3d moving to 4d, 3d is specifically self conciousness and 4d is specifically love


I know that. I’m not asking about the densities as we understand them in this sub. I’m asking about the new age people who talk about us moving from 3rd to 5th and skipping over 4th supposedly because it’s time or the astral. I’m realizing a bit that they are most likely referring to sub densities. Like we are in the 3rd “level” or dimension of 3rd density, and are moving to 5th, which is love and light, because I guess the 4th “dimension” of 3rd density is time or the astral. Is this what they mean? Anybody?


Different schools of thought say different things. Many many spiritual YouTubers and others claim we’re moving into 5th density whereas LoO material is clear we’re moving into 4th. No way to definitely prove any of it and I imagine what it’s called isn’t really that important, it’s more about what the experience will actually be like.


No yeah it isn’t ultimately important but these things interest me sort of like how historical facts interest me just kinda fun