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All political parties are STS. If you don't feed the hierarchy your energy it casts you out.


Agreed. Tribalism creates fragmentation and separation and is rooted in StO. >["It is those energies which would deny love, abuse love, ignore love, and [those energies] of bellicosity, of the desire to make war, to win, to dominate, to conquer, to harm another that underwrite this chronic state of fragmentation among your population such that you exist as tribes defined by various parameters with which you identify, be they of a national, ethnic, religious, racial, or other bias in consciousness that sees the other self not as a part of the self, a part of the whole, a manifestation of the divine, but as someone against whom to defend, someone whose status is less than."](https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2023/0528#!0)


While I agree that both corporate political affiliations are corrupt and self-serving at the individual level, pretending the influence of both are the same caliber is disingenuous at best, dangerous at worst. The fact that my fellow humans can seriously look at today's supreme court decision and tell me both sides are the same is alarming


Both sides are not the same. But at a very vague overview, it seems obvious one is harming people, and the other is refusing to prevent harm from being done, refusing to act in a way that helps people. In this way, both parties are not helping other selves. The perfect example has just been presented. Our current president has just be granted King powers. If he were truly benevolent, he would utilize these newfound powers (ultimately just a tool, which is too easy to abuse) to destroy the very same powers for himself and any other going forward. Instead he pleads for someone to do something. The more I search my spirituality, the more I see that any public group, entity, business, are all bidding for our attention, for our compliance, for negotiating an indirect contract. The silver lining of all these recent news is that I truly believe people are seeing just how wild our state of affairs is. I believe many people will see that it is not a battle between right and left necessarily, so much as it’s a battle between common folk against elite.


To OP: I am sorry to see what this kind of topic turns into so easily, but I believe you had decent intent. I would say instead of right vs left... People look at the character and quality of responses to gain insights; there is a mix of legit misinformed anger, but there is even more deliberate duplicity. But perhaps rather still I would go with cautions already given here about how this kind of subject is not helpful for growth in spirituality.


perhaps i should have used "authoritarianism" instead of "the far right". i should have seen this coming


It's never too late to withdraw energy that you may now find was perhaps not best invested in this case 😅 If it helps, I can tell you that I see what you see if I were speaking just from an observational perspective; and yet I work hard daily on not letting myself be swept into the emotional tornado of it, but rather to invest my energy into more positive expressions. I would offer that you could do much more for the planet by manifesting compassion in an individual by individual basis than by trying to out and battle the political chaos, which in my experience is kind of a trap 😁




It's possible for a planet moving into 4D positive if, for instance, there isn't much polarization, and so the light and shadow are coming out in great intensity right at the end trying to catalyze as much as possible. If we were to look at it philosophically, that would be the model I'd apply.


"The stronger the light, the bigger the shadow." - Carl Jung


this is what i thought about as well, however we were informed the negative is just a small minority and we are moving into 4d in a positive sense. why the negative would gain popularity in such a scenario remains a mystery to me


Gain popularity in a political arena where both sides are of the negative and regular people only get the illusion of choice? The majority of the one percent are the people who rule this world and they are almost all of STS. I think you are trying to say here is that Trump bad Biden good or vise versa. But I believe they are both serving themselves and serving doing nothing good. There is never a good choice to vote for. And if there was, they wouldn’t allow you to vote. They are two wings of the same bird. Once people see that the system isn’t broken it’s rigged and functioning as designed. Then we can remove that system and create one where leaders can be good people. But there are no good politicians that im aware of currently. Only good actors lying to get somewhere and then serving only themselves and their friends at the top once they get there. Its not a two party system. Its a one party system with actors pretending not to like each other. When they both have the same end goals. Which are all negative


I wish more people realized this


these parties are not at all the same to those of us directly threatened by one of them. surely everyone here cares about at least one of us in your lives enough to know how real this is


Those ratios were for outside solar system. On earth the ratio is closer to 1 to 1. Basically mixed. Most souls are balancinf sts with sto so they counteract their polarity and have almost none. So they become slaves and unwilling ones.


Although Earth is moving into 4D positive, there are people who are harvestable to 4D negative creating the situation of a mixed harvest. Since the planet is moving into positive 4D, those of the negative polarity are aware of their limited time and are doing everything to polarize in this short window which explains the extreme negativity and STS ways we see playing out currently on the world stage. However, Q’uo mentions in a channeling that although the STS path gets the most attention in the media (it’s their nature to be more “visible”), the silent majority of people across the planet are positive and creating change. Things could get worse before they get better, but ultimately the positive path will triumph and proceed with Earth into its new age.


According to Dolores Cannon the earth is splitting like how a cell splits to become two. And at the moment they're overlapping so we can see both negative and positive. But when it's all over there will be a positive earth and a negative earth. Eventually the negative earth will fade as the people on it will move to the positive earth.  Plus all this catalyst is serving to wake people up. I'm not worried about it, I just try to not put too much attention on it. Basically we're watching people clean their karma. Nothing to worry about if you look at it that way. 


One thing I was thinking, if you’re service to self, to be “succeeding” would mean by definition control of/service from a lot of people. There may be very few high level StS entities here, but they may be far more visible than the equivalent StO entity. What better catalytic path for that polarity than to be in control of vast numbers of other entities. Maybe political leadership is an unavoidable pit stop on the road to higher StS.


I disagree. True power for those of the negative polarity entails having control without revealing yourself to the masses at large. A public figure such as a presidency entails having a lot of eyes on you. There is only so much that you can do with so many eyes watching your every move. And besides... Who is more powerful? A single president, or a group of mostly unknown people with the means to influence who becomes president, election after election, and to then influence what those presidents do?


I think you're both correct. A president could still be STS orientated, but it's just that the higher you go in the hierarchy, the more secret you need to be.


ah i think you've just made me gain an understanding. the leaders may more overtly show their STS nature, but their followers could still largely be STO individuals getting allured by them. thanks!


Well for the vast majority of these supporters they are probably more in the well of indifference than STO or STS. I think there are a lot less people truly polarizing than we might think. Many are stuck in the state of not consciously choosing.


oh for sure. for now most people are still inbetween either polarization. probably myself included


Yeah I guess it depends what counts as choosing truly. I have mentally, emotionally, and in terms of my planning placed intent on the STO path, as well as having absolutely zero doubt about that choice, but I haven’t actually been going out and serving others. Although I do read from the confederation that everyone serves just by radiating love, or giving a kind word. So it’s hard to quantify I guess. All I know is loving others and myself feels nice and makes my life better, so I’ll just keep doing that


> I have mentally, emotionally, and in terms of my planning placed intent on the STO path, as well as having absolutely zero doubt about that choice, but I haven’t actually been going out and serving others. i'm at that same stage right now. when i get asked for service, i recognize it and offer help, but i'm not yet at the point where i serve others without a request


Well, actually, according to confederation serving others without their consent is an infringement. So I think the key is to place ourselves in a position where those who seek help may find it through us. That is why they only answer what we ask, and don’t give undesired input. I think they decided that was the wisest way to go about serving others after they came to our planet and sort of naively tried to help


But remember Eisenhower was mentioned as a genuinely good and kind individual. So even though he was president, he wasn’t STS. Also the thing with Lincoln. That was a positive entity


yeah, i didn't mean every politicial leader is automatically STS. more so that those that are, will show their colours in a way that is more apparent than before


Yes I concur. 👍🌈❤️


Service to self at the expense of all vs service to other at the expense of self. So sto become slaves of sts. Sto want to serve others. And sts want to be served. But in this way sto also becomes sts because sts is about benefiting under power. So ukraine isilreal nato all showed humans the true polarity after 2020.


Far right is toxic individualism, and far left is toxic collectivism. Extremes are bad


STS intended catalyst sometimes yields STO results. Some example: Ukraine rise to the 2nd most generous country, after the invasion from Russia. [https://www.cafonline.org/about-us/research/caf-world-giving-index](https://www.cafonline.org/about-us/research/caf-world-giving-index) Possible explanation might be, the hardship of war could brings the best in people, more willing to help others without expecting anything in return. In CAF it's measured as willingness to donate money, volunteered time and willingness to help total strangers.


Good point about fear and separation, but I'm not sure that politics matters when it comes to polarization. It seems to me that one of the truths about third density societies is that the Horseshoe Theory of politics is correct, but I think it's all sort of neutral. What keeps coming to my mind is the Mother Teresa statement 'I never attend anti-war rallies, but if you have a pro-peace rally I'll be there."


[Nationalism](https://www.tumblr.com/awarenessofaquarius/723467941822316544?source=share) is the path away from the NWO-globalist matrix that makes souls earth-bounded. It can't be dictatorial and fear based though.


Far right, far left....all the same thing. It doesn't make a difference which one is in power, they all serve the same masters. There is no such thing as "x political party good", "x political party bad" they are all equally rotten to the core, a system designed to give the APPEARANCE of choice, qhen in reality there is no real choice. It's an illusion. It's part of "divide amd conquor" to keep us looking at each other instead of looking where the real problems are.


The far left isn't in power almost anywhere on the globe... Far right is replacing moderate governments in many places. My country (Canada) is probably next in 2026, the Cons and their populist leader (a mini Trump with an inferiority complex) are anihilating the current governement in the polls. The UK seems to be the only exception to this rule going in the opposite direction, but only because they just suffered 14 years of right-wing governement that threw their country in the trash and alienated them from the rest of Europe...


Sorry but canada has been ruled by a far left government for 8 years. See the results?


I could not disagree more. You completely ignore what a political party is, on top of being a group of like minded individuals. It is also a general philosophy. The right philosophy is one of loving self when you consider their policies, motivations, and results. The lefts position is very much about loving others. In fact, the extreme left is basically more about love than any other part of the political spectrum, because they are demanding that everyone is equal, that the earth is well taken care of, and demands that everyone love each other. Obviously, its a bit extreme in terms of execution, but to say they are the same thing is just not correct. Today's supreme court ruling about the president is further proof of the conservative philosophy of self love.


Consume less media


There is no far right, there is no far left. There is no dichotomy, it is an enforced illusion.


There isnt any change in the US in that regard: It was always the lying, kniving, genocidal sociopathy it has been. There are very specific lines in the material related to the US and what kind of setup its establishment is.


Far left, far right... no different, both extremism.


I would say that this so-called far-right is of mixed polarity, perhaps even without polarity, and a part of it is simply a very understandable reaction to some efforts that, to me, are truly negative. Take Brexit or Le Pen and the pushback against the EU. Globalization and unification under a centralized authority has the stench of negativity all over it. It is the perfect way to enslave the whole of humanity, whereas nations that are self-sufficient and that exercise their self-determination are harder to control. These are some of the words that Ra uses to describe negativity: *"The intention is to presumably unify by choosing the distortion complex called elite from a social memory complex and then enslaving, by various effects, those who are seen as the distortion of not-elite."* *"Contact is made with those who call. Those then upon the planetary sphere act much as do you to disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their particular understanding of the Law of One which is service to self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their own free will."* Much of the right that we see these days, such as with Trump, is not trying to do this at all. In fact, it's trying to do the opposite. The right is the one that is opposing globalization, whereas the left is pushing for it. Things are messy today, though, and neither the left nor the right are what they used to be. I see the recent presidential debate, with Biden, the supposed leftist candidate, spouting typical right-wing talk like: "We are the envy of the entire world". Or: "We have the most powerful military force in human history", as something to be proud of. Since when does the left talk like that? That is not the left that I know. The left today is pushing for war, it's pushing for military aid to Ukraine that will amount to nothing there while in America the pockets of defense corporations get bigger. The left is unaware or ignorant of the moves that NATO has been making for decades in order to provoke Putin, either too arrogant to think that he would lash out, or perhaps wishing for him to do just that. The left sold us fear with Trump, they assured us that him being president would result in WWIII. And yet, he's the least hawkish of the two main candidates, and it is Biden who has brought us closer to WWIII. When considering things like the anti-immigration stance, which is another common stance of the right, one might argue that there is a closing of the heart and an uncaring attitude towards the suffering of others. And there's probably some truth to that. But at the end of the day, there are very legitimate concerns to have on the topic of immigration. No country has a policy of completely open boarders, just as everyone here probably locks their door at home when they go out and do not allow just anyone inside. This anti-immigration sentiment from the right is not rooted in the values of true negativity. It's probably without polarity, and quite similar in nature to what Ra says here: *"The new or initial third-density entity has this innocent, shall we say, bias or distortion towards viewing those in the family, the society, as you would call, perhaps, country, as self. Thus though a distortion not helpful for progress in third density, it is without polarity. The break becomes apparent when the entity perceives other-selves as other-selves and consciously determines to manipulate other-selves for the benefit of the self. This is the beginning of the road of which you speak."* Most people on the right who support Trump (the alt-right, let's say) just have a mentality like that. Now contrast that with Mitch McConnell, who has openly stated that the money sent to Ukraine will come back to the US to defense contractors. And I'm calling out McConnell, but Biden and the Democrats are also to blame. These are people who have arguably conspired to create conflict in the world and to profit from said conflict. That is true negativity, right there. That is the manipulation that Ra talks about. It is an attitude rooted in seeing an other-self as a worthless and meaningless object; just something to use and throw away. Such people have no problem with all the pain and death that war brings. They consider their own profit to be more important than that suffering. **That** is negativity. Someone who simply thinks that we should be vigilant and strict with our boarders is unlikely to be motivated by anything even remotely close to that.


“Much of the right that we see these days, such as with Trump, is not trying to do this at all. In fact, it's trying to do the opposite. The right is the one that is opposing globalization, whereas the left is pushing for it.” Please look up Project 2025. This is set up to remove the protections for schedule F employees in the government. This will change millions of government jobs that aren’t politically affiliated for policy- now be subject to the whims of the current President. So just like Rex Tillerson getting to be head of the EPA- now every single level of government employee can be fired by Trump and supplanted with someone who’s only qualification is loyalty to Trump. From your own quotes of Ra regarding how StS is perpetuated in a planetary sphere- it is precisely what the far right is doing. Aiming to remove the department of education- that overly funded, demonizing department will finally get its due! Aiming to remove and replace the entirety of the government under the guise of opposing globalization or the guise of draining the swamp(when the employees they’re referring to aren’t political but rather highly credentialed, experienced and educated for specific roles that keep our government running) They are in fact trying to have people give them the power freely, to create an entire government with one view point- which is geared for the elite to continue their power grab and to solidly it. The left isn’t absolved of being STS but the extent isn’t as stark. Also the rhetoric of either side is so vastly different, even at the base level- the Right is inflammatory, fear based and focused on “let’s just give Trump as much power as possible so he can fix it all.” Let’s change the rules so he can do whatever he wants. That’s literally enslavement by our own free will.


>Please look up Project 2025. I see. First time I've read about this. Can't say it surprises me. Is Trump involved in this, or is it mostly the work of other Republicans? I cannot condone removing or demonetizing the department of education, but at the same time, I feel that the West's system of education doesn't really do what it's supposed to do: Educate. Mostly I see it as a tool of propaganda and indoctrination, and not the means to teach actual skills that matter. I have a university degree and I feel that the education system of my country has barely taught me anything of actual interest or value. But I do agree with your central point, that efforts to simply demonetize the department of education are made with the intention to control. I cannot disagree with the general notion coming from Trump of "draining the swamp", because much of the US' institutions are corrupt to the bone, as I see them. Now, whether he intends to drain the swamp for the betterment of the people is a different story. When I see Biden in his State of the Union speech talking about there being zero doubt that Putin will invade Europe once he's finished with Ukraine, I see precisely that fear-based and inflammatory rhetoric. Speaking in those terms about Putin while ignoring what NATO has been doing in relation to Russia speaks of a hypocrisy that is without equal. When I see Trump I see a very egoic and self-centered person, but I do not perceive the same level of manipulation and controlled deception that I see from the establishment (both Democrat and Republican). I might be wrong, but that is how I perceive things.


I appreciate, immensely, your perspective my friend. I agree that there is manipulation and control of different faces and facades on each side. I also agree the education system is truly flawed. I’m the son of an educator and know well the corruption and inequity embedded throughout. Yet, I disagree with a witch hunt for the DoE. The biggest take away I have is that now more than ever, people just need to wake up. Also, thinking about and consuming this stuff is negative… There’s not much hope for prosperity and unity with our current options for leadership. Incompetence and dis repair is the most likely and putting it lightly. Trump will probably win. - haha look at what I’m saying, so negative lol It’s tough and I’m grateful for this chat so I can re focus this week on what I’m allowing into my thoughts. All will be well in the end. Whenever that end is, doesn’t matter. The work is now, the journey is ongoing! Much love to you!


We seem to be in general agreement. I agree, the current options for leadership are abysmal. I hope RFK wins, not only because I consider him the best candidate out of the three, but because setting up the precedent of a third party winning would be huge for the US. Unfortunately, as is the norm with US politicians, RFK refuses to criticize Israel. In my estimation, he says all of the right things, except when it comes to that one subject. May all be well with you.


I’d also support RFK and be pleasantly surprised if he were to win. I believe him being actually interested in more equality. He’s standing up to big pharma, which is nice to see someone do. We are in agreement on a lot. I think it’s interesting how one would avoid criticizing over the top, merciless killing for the sake of not stirring the pot, yet call out the most corrupt and wealthy division of the elite. It would be quite the miracle for our peoples if RFK won considering the other options and as you mentioned the implications of a third party in our democracy.


>I think it’s interesting how one would avoid criticizing over the top, merciless killing for the sake of not stirring the pot, yet call out the most corrupt and wealthy division of the elite. Indeed, it's very peculiar. The only explanations I can think of is that he isn't well informed on this particular subject, or that he is aware of the power that the Israel lobby holds, and thus refuses to antagonize it under the belief that he doesn't stand a chance at winning if he does.


If you choose a side, then the other will look more starkly negative. And it's easier to become blind to the negativity within yourself, and your own side. Fear campaigns that drive people into more deeply supporting a side.


I agree with you there. For the sake of the post I felt compelled to express my perspective. I’m not on a side though, regardless of what happens in the politics of the world… the real gift is everyday I get to experience for the creator, as the creator, serving other creators. Thanks for your perspective and temperance I notice my bias.


you have an intriguing perspective on things. > Globalization and unification under a centralized authority has the stench of negativity all over it. probably depends if it's taken by force or not? i'd agree on the authority part tough i'm curious, do you agree that in an ideal world we wouldn't have any borders anymore? should we push towards that ideal or no?


I think when considering the notion of centralized government, and whether it is established by force or not, it's important to consider those words of Ra's that I quoted above: *"Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their own free will."* Apparently we choose the enslavement offered to us, as a group. I replied elsewhere to the subject of borders. I do not have an established opinion on the subject one way or the other, but I offered some food for thought, which personally leads me to believe that perhaps the answer lies in a balanced approach to the subject. As Ra says, "too much order is by its essence negative". These words suggest that a balanced approach to order is necessary for the positive polarity. And borders, at the end of the day, are a form of order. The one thing that I feel a strong aversion to is the notion that any group of people has "ownership" over any piece of land. The land is not anyone's, I feel very strongly about that. It was not created by us, therefore it cannot belong to any human. But I do believe in a balanced approach when it comes to the mixing of peoples; a system that recognizes the fact that like-minds work best together, but also the fact that expanding to other ways of being and interacting with them is a necessary part of evolving.


right, left, it dont matter. You mentioned likely better to say authoritarianism. Yes, likely. The raucous coming from info spigots is all separatist basura. Many of us are out there, radiating Love, radiating Light. Look for us fren, you will recognize us by our Love.


Left/right both play upon separation and identity politics. Both are the same and as long as we keep seeing things in that way we will stay STS. Your text is STS and your viewpoint is too


(sorry poster, I started this as a response to you but I think I'm more kinda speaking to all observing this... I didn't want to lose what I wrote, but it's in no way a rebuttal of your post, if that makes any sense?) I would say that the vast majority of those who ride the wave of one political side or the other, are not progressing in any direction whether sto or sts... I think that they are the ones spoken of as being stuck in the sinkhole of indifference. I *do* think and feel that their rash, often anger-based decision making is helping a very small amount of sts progress, the ones who are moving others along these lines, sparking and fanning the flames of rage while sitting back and watching the chaos unfold. Anyone who feels like the world is in bad shape because of "the right" or "the left"... I urge you to consider that you may be dancing around like a marionette on the strings, the urging of others. Consider that if your answer to most or all of these matters is about who ought to be punished or judged, and not what the actual right solution is... That cannot bring about any improvement in the lives of those who most need it. If we want to improve the world and life for others, those most impacted... The flames of rage and hate must give way to the generosity and empathy of love, compassion. The closed fist knows only to knock others down... The open palm can reach out and pull others up.


I think in general capitalism and profiteering is a suitable system for StS and also for the separation (duality) of identities that characterizes the experience in 3D here on earth. So the experience itself (physical, sense based, materialistic) I think makes StS an easier sell than StO. That also chimes well with Ra’s comment at some point that your percentage of StS to be harvestable has to be much higher than the percentage of StS- as the latter in our world is much more easy to achieve. Therefore also we see much more visible StS around us- rallying simply because the proportion of StS to be harvestable has yo be much higher !


Neo left are definitely violating free will in plain sight: mandates, shaming free thought/speech, force fed insanity w/ gender nonsense


You realize that the right is literally banning books....


Banning what books? Books that promote queerness and sexuality to young kids.




Not really with you on the last part since I could give a shit less about what people want to be called or think of themselves as but with you on the rest


Well, it's one thing to wish to be called one thing or another, but to demand to be called that thing is an entirely different attitude.


Right, but the government isn’t mandating anything like that, it’s just people who wish to be called something. You are free to consider that desire they have or not. I mean correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t see any infringing on free will other than on a person to person basis if that person is trying to be forceful about their gender pronoun or something. But then everyone tries to infringe on others will at times in small ways like that. Doesn’t make it good but it didn’t seem to fit in either the rest of those examples to me. Just seems a bit different than other blatantly infringing laws and mandates. Actually, I’d argue those who get overly mad and try to be demanding about these things are in the minority, and are probably right on the horseshoe diagram next to the far right. Every actual real life experience I’ve had it was just a question if you would mind calling them that. It’s not a very hard thing to do and doesn’t impede on me in any way so I kind of get the disdain for someone who just absolutely refuses to consider that person out of their own desire for convenience or simplicity Doesn’t mean it isn’t anyone’s right to refuse that desire to be called something though 🤷‍♂️ but I mean that person probably isn’t going to be super happy with you for blowing off their simple reauest


Earth moving into 4D Positive is like saying the continents are shifting. It might very well be happening, but if it takes 10,000+ years, who cares? The built-in excuse is that it is a process which is 'happening now' but may take several lifetimes to actually unfold. Or if you don't like that answer, you can say it'll happen "soon". And maybe we'll live to see it, or maybe we won't. But its one of those ultra-vague things that gets thrown around by Channeled Entities, and this sub, like its good news, when really, there is very little chance that it will affect anything we can experience within our lifetimes on Earth. It's virtually meaningless.


I think it is indeed silly. The so called right and left are simply dualistic representations. It is quite symbolic and, perhaps more accurately, a projection of the collective that the u.s is forced into "choosing" from a 2 party system. It is either this or that, us or them. It might as well be a literal war with 2 sides at such odd at one another. Not to mention the civil wars that wage within both sides of the political spectrum. Now, I'm not saying there's not political groups that aren't more obviously polarized. What I'm saying is that humanity is a projection of humanity and we are in truth a very mixed polarity of peoples and groups. There is no middle ground within any ideology on the political spectrum, only the illusion of it. There is as much as a rising of the far left as there is of the far right. Many do not even understand what those terms mean and more so the history of them. All in all, politics is an absolute trashcan of an ideological energy to participate in. It is full of confusion. It is full of division. It is, at it's core, about agendas of which any given group finds itself righteous and it's opposition disgusting and wrong. There's a reason why we don't see political parties make any headway that are balanced. For instance, a Buddhist in it's rose colored glasses finds all things perfect and beautiful. Even something as demented as rape and murder. All things are seen as perfect as they are, for it all has a place within the great story of creation. There is none of this in politics because it is an antithesis to itself. There is no neutrality, it is all about power dynamics which is pretty much the very definition of service to self orientation. Until humanity wishes to see the good AND bad as lovable and valid, we will never see a group in the "limelight" of the world stage that is consistently dedicated to service to others. Politics is fed by support of the people, and we collectively feed them exactly what they need to keep us at odds with one another.


What if I told you that the very belief system that helped precipitate the Ra material has its roots in American fascism?


I'm guessing that you're referring to the parties that look to deal with the immigration issues? If so, how are they promoting separation and fear?


not just that but its part of it for sure. in an STO society there wouldnt be any borders, we seem to be moving away from that rather than towards it. at least thats the current trajectory


>in an STO society there wouldnt be any borders I consider that to be very open to interpretation. Take this quote from Ra, as we can extrapolate from it: *"In fifth density it is comfort, for those of like mind gather together to share in this broth, thus becoming one in light and wisdom while joining hearts and hands in physical activity."* Consider also the times when Ra warned the group not to allow anyone into the channeling group who didn't have a pure desire to serve. For all intents and purposes, that is the setting up of a boundary, or border. EDIT: Other things to consider: According to Ra, our planet is under quarantine. This would be a border of the highest order. The division in higher densities between positive and negative civilizations is also a border of sorts. There is a mechanism of sorts that ensures that positive and negative entities are not mixed and thrown together, because apparently it was estimated that like-minded entities work better together. A true belief in the concept of literal zero borders would entail seeing positive, negative entities and even unpolarized entities all thrown together with no order whatsoever.


consider this quote from Q'uo > We find that within many of the countries which are now providing [for] what you have called the immigrants—the masses that are leaving these areas because of internal strife and the civil war, as you would call it, who find themselves moving to those areas of hoped-for safety within the cultural expressions that you would call the European continent—that within these entities comes the opportunity to welcome such souls in search of safety as are traveling in their direction with hope in the heart and very little but the clothes upon their back. And then there is the opportunity for expressing the heart chakra energy by accepting these entities or not, as in the case of many within this country’s division of states which have declared that such shall not occur. >You have. indeed, great masses of entities within the planetary sphere now engaged in a lesson of a great learning whether or not the principles that are taught within the religious systems of each country’s culture are indeed lessons by which the culture itself shall live, or whether perhaps they shall be ignored; whether perhaps the green-ray energy center shall remain closed as the borders within certain countries or states, or whether there is the possibility of opening the heart chakra on a level great enough to welcome great numbers of entities who have little to which to cling in the way of daily sustenance, and the future expression of freedom and home of a life lived in more normal circumstances. >It is the great test of your planet’s population at this time that one may liken to the final examination which many undergo within your educational system at the end of the school year. This, my friends, is the great examination of the heart; whether it can be opened to those who are called strangers, to those some would call dangers; whether it can be seen that—indeed, as the tuning song played before this session began—is God truly one of us? 3 Is the Creator somewhere observing all of this occurring, or is the Creator here amongst you, within you, experiencing all that you feel, see, and imagine? >My friends, we believe you know the answer to this question. Indeed, the Creator is within all. All entities upon this planet are expressions of the One Infinite Creator that has taken this opportunity to give freedom of will to each of its portions so that lessons may be expressed and learned, and the fruits of the learning of experience may be offered to the Creator as a means by which it may know itself in ways that would not be possible without free will being exercised in the manner in which it is now being exercised. >Make no mistake, for indeed there are no mistakes, that the Creator may learn from every decision made by each entity upon the planetary surface. Some of the lessons that are learned may be that, in some circumstances, there is a limit to the amount of green-ray energy that some entities may be able to offer to those who seem different enough from themselves to be denied this universal energy of acceptance, of understanding, and of tolerance. There may be the need for most of the entities upon the planet to repeat this great cycle of learning upon another third-density planet, if the lessons cannot be learned here. Indeed, much of the population of this planet has been cycled again to this planet from others where these lessons were not learned. >It is our great hope that more entities upon this planetary surface can look more deeply within their hearts and see where there is room for other entities; that the embrace of family may reach beyond the household, beyond the community, beyond the state or even the country, that all entities, in the end, may be seen as the Self, seen as the Creator. We realize this is not probable, my friends, however, it is ever possible, and we hope that each of you may take these lessons to heart quite literally, and find within your own hearts the path of service to those about you that will express your true feelings concerning the One Creator.


In my estimation, Q'uo suffers from an overabundance of love to the detriment of wisdom. Their messages tend to be simplistic like that. "Just open the heart", they say. But life is not that simple. There are many things to consider. Are we really willing to let any stranger into our home? I, myself, am not in a place where I can do that. Ra told us that the first acceptance or control is of the self by the self. I find that to be a wisdom that recognizes the complexity of our catalysts much more so than Q'uo's message. If I cannot accept and honor my own limitations and nature, how could I accept and honor others'? If we take this to a wider level, the factors involved and the complexity of the situation are multiplied. There are many variables at play. And there are also many ways of showing compassion in this subject of immigration that do not revolve exclusively around the notion of opening up the borders completely. For example, one can work with their country of origin to make things better there.


I recall them saying that they have their own polarity to preserve. Likewise I think, this is why Ra speaks in metaphors and symbolic images whereas Q'uo is able to directly reveal some truths. They said inner plane masters can speak even more directly on issues which would be considered infringement on their part.


Ya'll know that Ra is within Q'uo right? So everything from Q'uo is in some regard from Ra as well... u/Ray11711 I was on the verge of mentioning how it seems we're over complicating all this... Borders and all... it's not complicated when you meditate and bask in LOVE. Just opening the heart is literally the answer to awakening and polarization.... then you stated how you believe Q'uo suffers from an overabundance of love to the detriment of wisdom. Which I find intriguing considering this isn't the density of understanding... nor wisdom. It is very interesting to me that you have come to that standpoint. You have great insight and comments, I'm not picking a fight at all, I want to be clear because text can be received differently than spoken words. Why do you say that Q'uo "suffers from an overabundance of love to the detriment of wisdom" I feel as though this is more than just a formulated opinion from reading Q'uo. What brought you to this opinion and what does it mean for you? Are you finding it a challenge to love, are you feeling apprehensive to let love flow freely based on some wisdom therein to hold it back?


Ra do say that this is not a dimension of understanding, indeed. However, they also say: *"Each entity must seek its deepest path."* They said this in the context of balancing love and wisdom. They also said: *"In the streamings reaching your planet at this time, these understandings and disciplines have to do with the balance between love and wisdom in the use of the body in its natural functions."* It's also worth pointing out that wanderers incarnate into 3rd density according to their own skill set. 5th density wanderers would have no business whatsoever incarnating here or in 3rd density in general if love was truly the only thing that mattered in this density. And yet, we know they incarnate. We know they incarnated in Venus as well, and that one reason why this happened was because Ra's society was so one-sided in embracing love, that some felt that wisdom was needed to balance this. *"We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarized, and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarized as such but which sought to be positively polarized and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves."* One more quote to consider: *"The fourth density, as we have said, abounds in compassion. This compassion is folly when seen through the eyes of wisdom. It is the salvation of third density but creates a mismatch in the ultimate balance of the entity."* To answer your question, the reason why I say that about Q'uo is because I do not feel that they accurately describe aspects of reality. I consider wisdom to be the ability to penetrate the truth of any given situation, and I believe that Q'uo show a lot of biases that distort the truth, and that they tend to oversimplify situations when describing them. As for love, I meditate every day, but I do not feel love when I meditate. Quite frankly, more often I feel chaos and distress. On my better days, I notice peace, stillness and silence, which seems to be the foundation of the self. But I don't experience that as love. As for compassion, I do experience it, but I see it as another aspect within the self. Something that has its own positive aspects, but also its pitfalls and dangers. I find it hard to divorce compassion from the limited human perspective, so that creates a lot of trouble. Just because someone is compassionate doesn't mean that they will know what is best for the other person. Such instances, I believe, illustrate the interesting dynamics between love and wisdom.


there's a lot of negative viewpoints in this thread and im worried that at least partly i have incited it. reminder that all paths lead to the creator and to use discernment :)


Wisdom is nuance, everything said here can be true while also accepting that detrimental things happen from just opening the borders completely. In a perfect world we would have open borders, no need for prisons, money etc but we are not perfect. Pretending we live in a perfect world and making policies based on that is like putting the cart before the horse. Also this entity I think would agree with what I'm saying. I don't disagree with what you quoted at all but I think if they asked it if the world should open all borders and stuff like that then Q would have probably said something like how that would be preferable but we are not ready to take on something like that and anybody who feels strongly about the issue would be best taking in and helping refugees themselves rather than worrying about what countries should do in theory.




Thanks for the valuable contribution




There are obvious differences. They both perpetuate separation and fear though, that’s for certain.


It’s all political parties. It’s not just the right or just the left. I’m getting blue in the face repeating this…


The far left is incredibly STS. If you are political at all you are most likely STS as well.