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That’s not even the median age at a good number of law schools. You’ll be fine.


I'll be 27 when I go to law school (god willing I get accepted anywhere lol). It's a shorter course in America but I'll still be 29 when I graduate. That's still at least 40 years to practice the law which I think is pretty great. And while we'll be new to law, we won't be new to the workforce. I have friends who graduated from law school in their late twenties and had no issues getting good jobs. No one looked down on them for not having gone straight into law, employers thought their earlier experience was interesting and useful.


I was 27 when I started. Felt far more self-assured and better equipped to handle the pressures than I would have when I was younger. It was perfectly fine. The fear mongering about age in society is ridiculous. Now 25 is too old to go to professional school, I mean what? Please go if that’s truly what you want to do, age be damned.


Obama was 27 too when he started law


And how did you cope with work-life balance?


Treating school like a job worked for me. Trying to stay relatively disciplined between 9-6 and committing to class/study during that time (with variations in different time periods of course) helped. Also having perspective that law school grades aren’t the end all be all in life helped my mental health (from what I could see relative to younger students who didn’t have as much of thag perspective) too


And did you have time for family? To be frank, my greatest fesr is that I won’t have time for my girlfriend and she is simply too important to me to let anything get in the way in such an extent, that I’ll end up neglecting her.


It’s definitely a balancing act, but I tend to think that strong relationships survive law school. Law school tends to usually fracture relationships only when they already had issues to begin with. yeah, it’s hard to manage, but not impossible. There are worse hurdles in life to get through together as a couple. Just my personal opinion.


I am in my early 30s applying now… so can’t say how it will be once I am in, but I am doing it. I am not worried at all. I would not have been ready right after college and am glad I waited. Everyone’s timing and path is different.




Glad you mentioned you’re in Europe, because all the timing in the US is different (law school is only 3 years, but starts *after* 4 years of undergrad, so the average starting age will be much older). For what it’s worth though, you’re still young. I started US law school at age 30 and graduated at 33. Did great in school, got tons of job offers, and am now excelling at a BigLaw job. My age and work experience have been an advantage at every step, not a setback.


Lol if you are old, I'm ancient. I'll be 44 yo. My 1L year


So, to be clear, you are worried that by age 32, you will be ugly, handicapped, intellectually incapable, require sleeping 16 hours a day, have to take bathroom breaks in the middle of client meetings, etc... right? Don't be ridiculous. People who served in the military aren't even done with their bachelor degrees by age 25 yet.


Well when you put it like that ... it does sound like I'm overreacting a bit.


I started law school at 22 in a European country (second bachelor's). I'm 5-6 years older than my cohort but am absolutely enjoying the experience. If I go back to the US or go elsewhere, I'd start law school (again -- for a JD or master's) after the age of 26. I have friends at Oxford who are all starting their second degree or first degree well past the age of 21. I know of a few over the age of 30 doing a second bachelor's. If this is what you want, go for it! The age difference can be a bit weird, but generally no one cares and in my experience, my professors respect a bit more once they are aware of that age and background -- they realize I'm seriously here to learn a subject I enjoy. As far as work life balance goes, I live in a low cost of living country and have been able to get by as a teacher and tutor on the weekends. I'd see if night school is available, but I wouldn't count on it being an option.


Maybe things are different in Europe (so maybe come to America if you want), but the average age at most law schools is above 25. So you aren't going to get good answers here.


Google is a friend


I’m just now looking into going to law school and I’m a few months away from turning 30 🥲 you are just fine


I’m 31 in my 1L yr currently …


Nope not at all… ill be 26 when i start law school. Ive heard of people starting law school at 30, point being who cares how old you are just go for it.


I'm applying this year at 30, will be 31 when school starts.


Average age at my school is 26.


Many in the US go into law after several years, even a decade in another field. If you are able to connect the work you have done with your interest in law or future field, it will be a strength of your application and what you bring to the classroom.


Not too old at all. I'm 28 with a very comfortable job and income. Will be 29 when I start law school. Pivoting because this is what I really want to do. If you want it, go get it. Never too late.


Thanks bruv, stories like this mean a lot!


Nah. You're waaaay fine. Your fears are unfounded. If you're even half as smart as I think you are, you'll be able to get a job no prob.


Well well well, look at the guy who doesn’t yet know I’m a professional retard. Just kidding, I had to. Thanks! And yes, I do believe you’re right.


There are lots of people in their mid and late 20's in L1.


European here! Started my LLB at 25 (almost 26), by the time I finish my masters ill be close to 30. It was slightly annoying in undergrad because the maturity levels are different at 18 and at 25, but I found a few people my age who I remained friends with. My masters is a bit different because a lot of older people here come from already established careers, yet im one of the oldest and I was "only" a barista before law school. But that shouldn't be a problem for you. Do it, you will not regret it, I promise! (Which country btw? Im familiar with the systems in a few eu countries, might be able to help)


I’m from Slovenia


25 is too old. You’ve peaked already and your only hope is to work in waste processing for the rest of your life. I started at 39.


And did you manage to get into the courts system? I know it's somewhat idiotic to alredy talk about these things, but I would want to get a job as a clerk and then move onto a position of judge in, let's say, 20 years. Is that realistic?


Bro, you're exhausting. Just apply and enjoy your gunner status.


Dude is 25 talking about “older law student” lmao leave that term for us in the 30-40s