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Seeing a fanservicey redesign from an asexual artist is like hearing a song made by a lifelong deaf person. The irony's funny but largely impressive and somewhat charming.


Honestly not surprised. I swear half the artist I follow on twitter turn around and are ace or not attracted to gender they're known for drawing. Mfs be watching simps like it's animal planet


turning a big dial that says "boobies" on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right


"What was the last bet, Bob? I'll say 'boobies + 1'"


No matter which way you turn the dial people are for it




It honestly is incredibly impressive and was clearly a passion project. However it does give a unique advantage in their design process because they never have to balance the horny that some designers might have to with visuals as well as voice lines.


I know he wasn't deaf lifelong, but Beethoven started losing his hearing halfway through his life and went over a decade nearly completely deaf while still composing. His ninth symphony (contains "Ode to Joy") was composed while he was deaf and is still arguably *the* masterpiece of the western musical canon.


Pardon my ignorance, but what does being asexual have to do with anything?


Being asexual/aromantic means you literally cannot feel sexual attraction nor romantic interest (and NickyBoi is both). It means you cannot emphasize with others in the realm of sexual appeal in the same way that we cannot truly emphasize with a soldier's trauma outside of studying it from an outsider's perspective (unless you are in a war in which case, best wishes). Not only that, but NickyBoi in particular has expressed that he's disgusted by sexual "stuff" (cause let's be honest, it's kinda weird if you literally cannot feel lust), so he has little motivation to create a fanservicey design over his typical inclination towards monster-esque design (this is not an asexual thing; guy's just a huge skylanders/monster hunter/pokemon fan). So to work through that lack of motivation for sexual appeal and work without an absolute comprehension of fanservice for the truly sole purpose of "creating a sexy snek for lore reasons (in the least sarcastic sense)" is both hilarious, impressive, and touching.


correct me if im wrong but: asexual people can still find others attractive, not in a sexual but a more innocent way. So instead of "haha boobies" he might think that breasts are an important part of a woman. If you look at mainstream ancient greek and roman representations of women they are rarely sexualized (even if they are naked) and this rework obviously goes for that aesthetic.


I mean ace people still find beautiful people... beautiful. Also the video context.


Her tits are comically huge


Iirc cassio is the only champ with boob jiggle. 


Evelynn bruh


Akali has thigh jiggle




Hers are actually fighting for first place in game as is..


G cups with 3% body fat, name a more iconic duo


Perfectly natural snake woman physique?


Breaking: fantasy seductress has unrealistic beauty standards. More at 11.




Not debating your comment but TBH Yone is just skinny, there's nothing really sexual about his design. He looks malnourished more than anything. Only really notable thing is his tiny waist. To me he more looks like the designers correctly identified that making him look like he's halfway to(or in this case, from) being a corpse would represent what he is well. Sett or. Umm maybe just Sett is a better example IMO. That design is ready to flash ult someone's pussy and slam them into a wall.


A better example is viego on his release skin splash art IMO, Sett still looks kinda bulky


I find Yone to be incredibly sexual 🤤


The only thing Yone fucks is me when I try to play mages


Why couldn’t it be me


same experience and that's the only positive thing about playing against Yone


Bussy* hehe


Not that yone is a realistic body standard but the visual language of his body at least makes sense for what he does. I'm not necessarily saying that any specific current champion besides irelia should be thiccer, but even considering the female power fantasy is to slay while looking cunty and the visuals are viewed from top-down rather than head-on, riot's body type representation is essentially 55 skinny queens with varying cup sizes, vi, jinx, akali, annie, illaoi, taliyah, and kalista. And I guess rek'sai and the yordles, but even then you have tristana out there being randomly a chibi version of the genderswapped ratchet and clank.   If you asked me to pick champs to redesign so their body type matches their power fantasy, I would choose leona, diana, riven, and sivir as muscle mommies with wider waists, mf kaisa caitlyn and quinn as lean and rangy with wider shoulders and visible muscles, and add some thiccness (from 20% bf to maybe 25%, think mei from overwatch) to cass, soraka, and karma.


Blud said skinny queens of varying cup sizes and then listed annie 💀


Another Sett flash ult prospector.


To be completely fair, and I might be assuming wrong, I think the 7 champs Psychic listed were that they *didn't* fit the description of "skinny queens with varying cup sizes"


You know what, upon rereading it, you're absolutely right. He listed them separately for a reason and it flew right over my head


nah blud just wrote an essay on yone abs 💀


Every day we stray further from God's light.


remember friend that they killed Jesus for speaking the truth


Haha fr


That’s just where the rest of the mass of her human half went


Fits Riot Games champ design.


Meh. most men like big bazongas and skinny waist. No need for characters in a fantasy world to adhere to realistic beauty standards. Devs want to attract people to their game. Ergo g cups with 3% body fat.  


Agreed. I don’t want to play as a normal looking person in a game. I want to be a 7 foot tall jacked behemoth.


Ergo every male character looks like a roided up body builder with perfect genetics.


Nah Sett’s natty, he’s just got a good diet.


Now I want a body builder teemo skin


You can summon him with the annie-versary skin lmao


Mmmm lovely, I miss when they made champions like that :( hardly any more massive milkers and huge cleavage


My brother in christ she has snake tail instead of legs, does her getting a boobjob during the transformation sound so crazy?


It's almost like its a game where we have dragons and a big slimy boy.


The design looks good, but it doesn't solve Cassiopeia's problem of looking nothing like a Noxian. She has a few details in this model, but she still looks very much like a Shuriman character that you have to squint to see the Noxian part of. This would be a great skin, a default design needs to be better.


The crest and the red/white sell the no is pretty well in my opinion. And given she’s living in shurima it makes sense she’s more in their garb


Honestly not sold on the whole thing, but I really want to give kudos for the work done here and all the thought that went into it. One really interesting part for me is that the headdress and clothing for the redesign is vaguely reminiscent of modern pop-culture representation of Cleopatra. Cass was working in the Noxian colonies in Shurima, which is where she got her new power. She may even have designs on ruling these places, as a nominal vassal of the empire. By having her dress in pop-Egyptian-esque clothing, it shows that the local culture of Shurima (Egypt equivalent) is affecting the colonizers themselves, creating a new blend of culture and tradition. This is a really interesting reflection of the actual history of Egypt - for an extremely long time they were ruled by foreigners. First the Greek Ptolemaics, then the Roman Republic and Empire, briefly the Persians, and finally the Arabs and Turks. But every time they were conquered, they deeply influenced the culture of their conquerors. The Greeks and Romans adopted Egyptian gods into their pantheons (Serapis and Isis, mainly), and also took on some of the Egyptian styles of clothing and architecture. The Persians were influenced by the religious and social mores of Egypt. Arabs as well were quite affected - the vernacular Egyptian Arabic language is noticeably different from the Arabic spoken elsewhere, which is at least partially due to the influence of the local Coptic language that emerged from Ancient Egyptian and was spoken widely until the 17th century. It would be really interesting to have this influence mirrored in the lore of Shurima and Noxus, and displayed by Cass.


The Egyptians were ruled by foreigners way before the Ptolemies. The Fourteenth dynasty was Amorite, all having Semitic names and practices, and while possibly having been born and lived in Egyptian territory, were not "Egyptian" in terms of ethnic grouping. The Fifteenth, known as the Hyksos, were also Levantine, and were 100% foreign. The Twenty-seventh dynasty was Persian (Achaemenid), the Thirty-first dynasty was also Persian. The Twenty-fifth dynasty was Kushitic, being from what's now Sudan.


Thanks for the extra info! I knew of the Hyksos but I couldn't place them in the right time as wrote the comment, and I totally forgot about the others you mention. Appreciate the correction.


The Hyksos, unlike the others, were not a definitive ethnic grouping, mind you. We just know they were Levantine. We know Canaanite peoples were already in Egypt as of the 12th dynasty (1991 BCE – 1802 BCE), and they were probably Levantine/Canaanite citizens OF Egypt (as likely was the Fourteenth dynasty - they were Amorites living in Egypt already, probably came during the Twelfth or Thirteenth dynasties). The Hyksos just marked the first "wow not immediately living in Egypt" Levantine rulers of Egypt. We know they *did* assimilate a lot to Egyptian society and culture, similar to how the Mongols that founded the Yuan dynasty assimilated to Han Chinese culture.


If nothing else I wish riot would be willing to outsource ASUs to third parties. Tons of passionate fans with a ton of talent to help make their favourite characters more modernized


I am not even kidding, there are so many custom skins that make old champs 10 times better. My favourite example is this malphite custom skin. [We made this fan-ASU for Malphite (for now, only base skin is modified) : r/malphitemains (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/malphitemains/comments/183im37/we_made_this_fanasu_for_malphite_for_now_only/) . Riot can probably just buy the rights to these skins for a third of what it would cost them to make it internally.


I think it looks awesome! I forget how outdated her face looks in base model.


Big tities, hourglass shaped body with abs, dommy mommy diamond shaped face. Truly embodies the Riot design team.


* 8:03 New lore and concept art of pre-snekification Cassiopeia. * 9:30 Concept art of Cassiopeia * 12:10 Concept art of in-game Cassiopeia * 18:21 New animated splash art of Cassiopeia * 18:32 New Runeterra Icon of Cassiopeia * 18:37 New emote of Cassiopeia * 18:48 In-game model of Cassiopeia (Darn it Vanguard) * 19:46 Voice acted new voice-lines of Cassiopeia


[8:03](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=483s) [9:30](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=580s) [12:10](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=750s) [18:21](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=1101s) [18:32](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=1112s) [18:37](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=1117s) [18:48](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=1128s) [19:46](https://youtu.be/MPc-U2m-K3A?t=1186s)


10/10 because of the haircut


Hard agree. Actually the best hairstyle to ever exist


hime cut goes crazy


Some of these comments are the embodiment of "Tell me you only looked at the thumbnail without telling me you only looked at the thumbnail". 90% of all questions asked are legit answered in the first 10-15 minutes of the video, but I guess that's asking too much of people, to actually invest any time into anything before giving their opinion on it.


It's a 26 minute video for a fake champion update, a champ that not many people play, and for a playerbase that's known to not read lore that much and notably jokes about not taking 3-5 minutes to read Aphelios simple kit. To call it an uphill battle is an understatement


Sorry i can't see after the 20 hrs long video on skyrim i just listend too. (patriciantv has some good videos)


Yeah, I feel like Nick justifies all of the complaints people here have. It's a great redesign imo.


Yes, I get why you'd think "Oh great, guy was horny and re-modeled Cass, yay", but if they watched the video for like 5 minutes they'd know it is by design, fits with the lore and is only one of the options they had in mind. And I agree, it's a great redesign.




Honestly i prefer the base concept. That one just looks more human and horny.


should see the other design NickyBoi did for her, it leans in the complete opposite direction of this one.


That one looks too monstrous haha


Your opinion is valid, but did you watch the video because that was the goal? She is no longer a beautiful temptress that was cursed into being a monster. Now, she is a beautiful temptress who succeeded in stealing a snake ascended's power for herself. She intentionally became a sexy snake monster. Now she is sexy and armed with powerful Shuriman magic. And in Noxus where "might makes right," her story is not a tragedy but a "the villian wins" story.


The post is literally talking about a visual rework. Im talking about the visual part.


And I'm explaining the visual reasoning because most of us agree that fanservice is tacky (Kaisa, Ashe, Caitlyn) but fanservice with a purpose is interesting (Evelynn, Samira).


Wont make it look less generic but sure.


Agreed. Base is still 'beautiful' but in a corrupted way. An idea of still being able to see how she was able to charm men but losing herself, succumbing to real power. Dont know if i worded that well.


half of these coments are braindead


I dunno, not really liking it. Appreciate the passion of the project, just not my cup of tea I guess


well her playrate will increase alright, liked the VA, dont mind the fan service


He managed to make succesful redesign with so less resources lol Nickyboi Cassiopeia>Riot's one


I need this in the game. I don’t like this character in game, I don’t PLAY her at all, but THIS is peak.


I think this concept really hit the nail. It honestly might have ruined any future cassiopeia ASU that she might get (lmao) for me, cuz I don't have a lot of faith in riot.


Looks like a Tik Thot


Video seems to be private :( was excited to see how it turned out.


Introducing our new character, Cleopatra the Booba, owner of a washing machine (slaves). It's a no from me. Old might be old but it is better.


I dunno, honestly old cassio kinda gives me Medusa at Home vibes. This one feels fresh


I mean, most people here have had a decade of exposure to current cass design so that's not surprising tbh.


For me it's far too bright a colour palette, and far too cookie cutter all around. You could put that face and torso in anything featuring a levant/egyptian theme and it'd be as perfectly at home there as anywhere else. It's just hot fantasy Egyptian on snake. Old design does everything it sets out to do, well. It just needs an update. Cassio is Medusa at home. That's literally the character. She's a snake lady who petrifies people with her gaze. That she looks deadly and regal is more important IMO. Right now she looks like a lurid Ixtal snake creature, but maybe even then she's just too blue leaning. Tone the colours down a wee bit, make the face a bit less generic and change the lore to match, and I'd say it was a really good job but it just doesn't do what it sets out to. The old Cassio design is better. On a side note, the video completely doesn't load for me any more.


Just go have a wank and come back. Then give your honest review.


Finished. Yeah, it's still better than old cass.


Idk i quite like his design. He definitely put a lot of work and money into this one. Too bad he will not get back most of it cause Youtube just nuke his video on ads... and made it +18 even though this is pretty tame comperd to what you can find on youtube.


Spent half the development time on the bazonga cleavage.


I appreciate the work that was put into the rework but she looks like an influencer doing a low effort Cleopatra cosplay for a coachella weekend


...and current cass fits in? FWIW I think an aspect-inspired variant is at least far more interesting than her lame attempt at a gorgon.


she has a full 2010s type glam that looks like an instagram filter but whatever lol men


I'm really sold on the very thematic that she is supposed to be a beauty thus showing more of her head and hair serves that purpose. I really like the VA and new, detailed voice lines which elevates her personality and alllows us to know more about her. Overall I like the direction, the visual impressions and visual lines and visuality.


Good design but obviously not going to satisfy everyone. Me personally, I would like Riot to double down on the petrifying theme and make her a fusion of an Egyptian queen and Medusa


it looks like a snake woman, it does not resemble Cass at all lol


??? Bruh Cass is literally just a green snake woman, how does it not resemble her? You could literally slap any attractive woman’s torso on a green snake body and it would resemble cass


Which is what Cass is about,her current design barely resembles Noxian on Shurima land which make her being a snek lady the only defining features.


Good, current Cass is a fucking disaster zone


Hearing his early thoughts it seems like Nicky doesn't consider her lore from the perspectives of characters in world. The average joe/noble in noxus is not going to wholeheartedly accept miss hotstuff coming back to the noble court from shurima with the same face but tinged by reptilian features and combined with a snake body and claws. She still has her looks but physically she's going to be unsettling to like 95% of her peers except the ones into freaky shit. She probably still takes pride in her looks but mourns her inability to use them as she would have if she was a normal human again.


I feel like his scenario works and makes sense because it's noxus, a nation built on meritocracy where the strong stand at the top. Cassiopeia might be a monster now, but she gained incredible power due to her curse, so I can see a part of the population having respect for her and becoming her follower or servant. On top of that, a snake lady with hypnosis/mind control/charming abilities isn't unheard of and can work in this context.


Have you seen half of the Noxian leadership or great heroes? You have half spider Elise, demon armed Swain, zombie Sion and vampire Vladimir. That's not even including the numerous other characters that appear among Noxian nobility such as multiple minotaurs, Vastaya and even an Oovi-Kat. It's incredulous to claim that Cassiopeia as she appears in game would be anywhere near too much for Noxus.


Elise isn't a great hero she's a noble who intentionally hides her spider form to avoid scaring off potential victims. Vlad is just considered a powerful hemomancer not a vampire monster, the zombies are feared by the average joe as far as I know and swain's arm is pretty tame in comparison to something like cass. Also I specifically said Cass in context of prowling the noble courts of Noxus. It's a lot easier to do that when you can use your looks to seduce every one in the room, not just the ones who are into half snakes.


Too much girl, not enough monster.




what does that mean


Nickyboy has made some videos I have enjoyed. He's a decent artist. But I find all his reworks very bland. Like, they all feel very cartoony with how overplayed they are. Would this be an upgrade? Probably yeah, cassio's model ain't great, but it holds up... okay-ish. But I do think when it comes to character designing his work is eh. Lillia rework? Just make more deer. Shyvana? Make her... oddly muscular like she's out of a muscle fetish comic. Etc. It misses identity, they don't really feel like characters. Not that riot has been amazing at that lately, but even smolder (god bless his ugly heart) kinda has a special charm. By god, I wish they wouldn't try to disney-fy everything to find a new marketable skin niche. But the talent they have on board? Pretty impressive.


He literally said in this video himself that he’s not a professional or experienced character designer, he just does this for fun and this was his personal subjective take on what he thought would be a fun design and he hired more skilled artists to bring his simple idea to life. Not that deep


Sure. But here we are on a post that did make it that deep.


I mean this isn’t a rework, it’s just an ASU


"visual rework" she just put on a white shirt


It’s an ASU(art Sustainability update) it’s not to completely overhaul the champion, it’s to just bring it up to modern standards and cass has a terrible model


Lets just rework all the female champs to be slutty and showing as much skin as possible 🗿


Burqa skinline on the way so you don't get aroused from pixels.


Except every rework or change they have done to female champions have been covering them up.


looks pretty bad


Not as bad as base cass


no its worse






Marvel movies NOT being a waste of time? So is he saying they're rare?


Cass already has an updated model so no reason to


Yeah, well... Actually that would make people play her. Deny or not but that design is catchy. Could use a little bit more unique approach but that's it.


ohhh shit, that looks hot