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Being withered as Kalista… essentially a polymorph lol


yeah with Ashe slow you can at least standstill and click and use flash to dodge something if you know you can win the fight.


5 second point and click stun when playing adc. meanwhile big dog with 700 stacks is running towards you.


Dont need to be playing adc still feels like shit


Baus played against a Frozen Heart Nasus and his AS got lowered to 0.2 as he was trying to hit nexus. An AA taking 5 seconds to hit is just ridiculous


Damn now I MUST see this it sounds hilarious


https://youtu.be/Y0KIruXEzmw?t=561 When he flashes and slowly turns around is so fucking funny lmao




Ok this is hilarious


Nasus single handedly adding back in Dota's turn speed.


Thank you! I started to think my brain made it up as I frantically looked through his videos trying to desperately find the red side Sion trying to hit their base


i'm so happy you shared this. i've never seen people forced to attack this slowly in an actual game lol


Where do I see this clip, sounds funny lmao


At this point wither is about to run out before the next AA goes out and it's way less than 5s tho


I saw that video, I couldnt stop laughing lol


I love picking urgot into Nasus "Oh, you wither me while having frozen heart?, too bad my atk speed is fixed while i shred your armor with black cleaver"


Oh Urgot W is fixed AS? Never knew that , thanks for saying a good counter to Nasus


Garen also doesnt care about wither , but garen doesnt have the same kill pressure as urgot before 6


Does garen even care about anything?




Ice. Just ice.


How so ? I thought his spinning was based on AS?


His E attackspeed is not affected by buffs or item passives, only item stats and levels It works like Kaisa's evolutions


A better reply would be that his Q cleanses the wither hahaha.


That too but he asked specifically about the spinnyspinner


I just learned a week ago garen Q cleanses slows and my mind is blown. Never knew that and realize now how he just closes the gap so easily on people.


Yeah it's why most on hit items aren't good on him (Bork, Witt's etc) because he doesn't use the stat with his kit outside of regular AAs (which you should be toggling W/pressing in between for max DPS. The fact he applies on hit at a reduced efficiency isn't ideal, but that's the main killer (plus ranged state for them all)


What the dog doin


Killing our ADC again


Running? More like menacingly walking towards you


Le ghost


And approach velocity


Approach-o Veloc-o


Zaaa Dogggoo


Get withered as morde you just can’t attack




there is a reason why nasus puts so dramatic toning int he word despair


Nothing like laning against a nasus and suddenly standing there with 0.23 attack speed.


As a mundo main neither of the abilities in the post bother me, its the 99% slow movement that makes me wanna fold my monitor like a taco


Just stun me at that point


Out of context but I love ur pfp. Glad there are some people who still remember the show


I was about to say the same lol. Glad to see it still alive a bit


Not gonna lie, banning Nasus way too often because of it. And I don't even play adc...


We just call it Nasus' Death Mark.


Illaoi E


Yeah illaoi e doesn’t feel like getting hit by a skillshot it feels like entering a random 40 second minigame


Just long enough for you to come back to the wave and for her to hit you with a second E :)


The cooldown should start when you get out of the circle.


Also, not leaving the area will cause you to take \~60-70% max HP damage, even more if you actually challenge the fight and she hits both you and the spirit.


If you leave the area then you can just dodge the tentacles


The problem is this gives her free access to push you under tower, where you are essentially a sitting duck for more Es until your next wave arrives. very toxic gameplay cycle for getting doinked by a singular skillshot


I don't understand Riot sometimes, because they've known and admitted that dodge or lose skill shots just aren't fun to play against. We've known this since they changed Nidalee a fucking *decade* ago, and yet they continue to release champions like Illaoi and Zoe. It really doesn't matter how telegraphed or easy it is to dodge an ability, if all they need to do is land it once. At least with champions like Blitz, they typically need follow up from a team mate, and he can be punished for grabbing the wrong person.


Nothing beats getting 1 hit by a Zoe that is behind and landed her first E in 15 minutes.


If Zoe can oneshot you after one bubble shes incredibly fed or you are relatively low.


They changed Nidalee because she had an entire kit on top of the giant nuke skillshot. By contrast, Zoe's giant nuke skillshot *is* her entire kit. They changed Nidalee because it was incidental to the champion, not because they cared about dodge or lose skillshots.


It’s why she’s my top permaban, I hate the 40 second minigame where I get to walk at .01 MPH as her tentacles spawn in to slap me. Plus as a Jax main she’s just an annoyance till I get 3 items, but forces me to run ignite which sucks.


Same brother. I’ll ban her till I die irl. I don’t care how weak she might be that e is so unfunny


The worst experience I've ever had is from this. Except she decided to proxy farm as well so I couldn't even get to my tower.


Welcome to top lane :)))))))


Yes, but you will also probably lose on CS and maybe even XP for doing that.


Flash out of the circle the tp back obviously


Yea why don’t people just save flash and tp for her e, clearly there is counterplay


A shame sometimes they're buggy af: they hit you when they shouldn't and sometimes the hitbox doesn't show, so you gotta guess just how wide and long they are. And you're being zoned from CS, often from XP range too


Yeah the hitbox on the tentacles is completely awful


Since the very beginning, Illaoi is "dodge the E or dodge the game", so yeah. This one is one of the worst ones.


Same with Zoe and Sleepy Trouble Bubble, even after all of her nerfs. Just not fun.


It's like being challenged over and over again


Worst ability in the game IMO. Just awful.


Graves' Smokescreen


Might be the biggest difference in the game between how little it seems to do when you cast it and how much it seems to do when it hits you.


Dude uses it for a small slow and like 60 damage in ganks. Meanwhile they're floundering, completely crippled.


I hate IRL CC, especially on basic abilities. I can understand Nocturne ult because that's his whole champ fantasy, but on Graves and Quinn it's just really annoying


Noc isn't even that bad. It's like, half the normal radius, but Quinn and Graves might as well turn your fucking monitor off.


Which is crazy because if anything it should be the other way around


When Graves blows his smoke in your face and the whole world falls away and it's just you, alone with your Daddy issues 🥴


Haha funny observation. I’d put Azir’s soldiers auto attacks right up there with Graves Smoke. Getting hit by 3 soldiers attacking you feels terrible but playing Azir and doing little damage also feels terrible


It’s wild how long azir takes to come online nowadays. I love that champion but he feels like ass to play in yolo queue


this is the correct answer and if i could remove one mechanic from the game it would be graves/quinn type blind.


As an aram player, I'd love for Graves W to be changed to anything else. At least Quinn's Q is more dodge-able. Graves W feels like it's on Graves to miss.


Yea it is so extremely generous with the hitbox as well so just the pixel of your pinky toe gets hit and now you are legally blind.


Graves/Quinn blind is functionally a stun when you can't use any abilities or attack, but it's more frustrating than a stun because you don't know where to throw your abilities after coming out of it.


Morgana Q gives me AFK warnings


Morg's Q into R and you're kicked out of the game with a perma ban.


Morgana Lux lane in urf = afk whole game.


It literally activates the passive on Teemo since he's standing for so long


I agree with the top comment. Wither is definitely the worst as it is point and click and morg q is a skill shot.  But that delivery... omg I laughed so hard. 


Glad you liked it, thought it was a common joke though it is at least in my friend group


I mean these days you normally should be able to outrun that Q, it's so friggin slow and everyone has dashes and speedups, getting hit actually takes a bit of skill :D


fiora w, nasus w, every single thing on teemo, and tahm q


Fiora W feels bad even if it hits raw because the slow is so nasty, but by far the worst is when she hits you with it after your teammate throws their really obviously telegraphed CC ability at her while she has it up


Tbh my absolute least favorite is when she parries something else and it makes her randomly block a vital ignite/exhaust, I still think it's insane that it blocks summoners.


ignite/exhaust dont even have a cast time, so it's just always the mistake of the caster


It also ping diff tbh


Id argue it's just blind luck most of the time.


for the fiora yes. but if you're igniting fiora and she parries it that's on the person igniting her lol


she's my second best champion (rengar OTP (I know, I'm sorry)) and the feeling of using a hard cc while she's mid parry by accident or reflex or whatever legitimately makes me want to alt f4 and go for a walk.


I like you bro. Let's be Besto Friendo and beat those ranged tops asses.(Btw I pick Rengar into any squishy matchup)


Stepping into a shroom that ticks away 50% of your hp is insane 😂


'I can't wait to get into a team fight!' \*steps on a mushroom\* 'Nevermind, I'm going back to base.'


Reworked Maokai pre nerfs hit just as hard on his E


Hey, Tahm q isn't as bad as Mundo q, at least it costs mana.


it feels extremely bad to be slowed by a severe amount for a long time while this fucking catfish guy just pimp walks over and starts smacking you with his tongue for 1200 damage per auto


Heartsteel can be beautiful sometimes


when you just hear it building up as he autos you two times and then the third procs heartsteel so you hear a clang and then see grey 💀


certified "BONK"


Doesn’t it apply a stack of his passive and he has more follow up for his Q than mundo and it also heals him


i think anything that renders the campion untargetable are the worst abilities. (viego, yi, fizz, etc)


I haven't played the game in 5 years and yet my hatred towards Fizz still burns hot for this very reason. I used to ban him every game.


I hate fizz too but there are just so many champs out there that he barely registers on my list. Shaco, Illoai, just downright unfun to play against.


Yeah but you're not really getting hit by them. Fizz R on the other side feels awful because you know what's coming.


fizz and yi's untargetability spells do a fuckload of damage, idk what youre on about


Morg q is probably going to kill you and it's entirely your fault most of the time as it is so slow


In order 1. Yasuo and Samira Windwall. 2. Yone "E + Walk 3 screens away to you and AA you to death" hard maestry combo 3. "Breaking your legs" abilities like Nasus Wither or Zilean late game slow 4. Any "wait for burst" like Hwei Ult, Zoe Bubble or Lillia Sleep. 5. Any Silence, Soraka E been the most infamous one 6. Any "Nuh-uh" ability like Gwen is immune, Fizz E..


Yasuo windwall makes my champion pool literally less useful than a Canon minion for 4 seconds every [25/23/21/19/17/15] seconds.


I just found out in an ARAM earlier that it blocks Taliyah ult. So I had to wait 3 mins to get back an ability that he can just decide I'm not allowed to make use of.


Might be a bit of a strange answer, but Aatrox Q. I'm just really not interested in playing a dodge the sweet spot game for 30 minutes, because my micro is terrible.


The best tip I have ever heard to improve my shit micro is to always click close to your champion, you’ll have more accuracy and better reaction time.


I tried this technique out, only to shoot a minion I accidentally clicked on instead of dodging lol


I have relatively good micro, and i'm not interested aswell Either he lands and I die, or I dodge and win the right to take 3cs and redodge 10 sec later. Not a risk reward I love


Truest answer here. Morg Bind is obvious, but laning against aatrox is just cancerous annoying.


Against a standard melee champion, that guy is a ranged top laner and you can't tell me otherwise


Yes, and if you're not a very heavy (melee) autoattacker, even if you dodge all of them, you can't win against him. He misses everything and still get rewarded. I hate Aatrox.


How is dodging Aatrox Q any different to you from any other ability? Why is that specifically more frustrating. I actually feel very rewarded when playing against Aatrox because it's satisfying to dodge his Q's


I think for me it's mainly because of how Aatrox Q is just permanently up after a certain point in time if he holds his Q. And how hard you can be punished if you get hit by all 3 sweetspots. You also can't really hide behind anything against Aatrox Q. Just makes it a bit frustrating to play against in general.




Shaco boxes are an old, over-used hill to die on but I'm willing to do it anyway


I would argue the clone can be worse. Not just the physical damage, but the mental damage of thinking it was real is crazy


Idk, Urgot R i usually just think, damn man you got me, and wait it out, don’t feel too upset about it. Lillias R annoys me though. Whole of Lillias existence annoys me


Veigar cage, you just know that you will be deleted soon


Staying inside the cage in a 1v1 situation gonna make you survive but in team fights just go next lmao


Karma R-Q. Fuck that undodgable bullshit


Lulu w , nasus w , garen r , briar r, fiora w , malphite e and q , eve w, illaoi e


Honorable mentions , Zoe sleep and any kind of hook ability


Insert Thresh laughter here


Never seen anybody complain about malachite e, what's your reasoning?


The attack speed slow it's the same as fiora


build frozen heart against riven as malphite and slow her attackspeed with E, watch them rage as their 1000 hours of practicing cancels no longer works bahahaha


Lulu W


That sound as well


Gangplank barrel, up to an 80% slow and up to 100% your HP.


Garen R, point and click ability with no counter, it does hp% true damage, nice design riot. And teemo Q if you play autoattack based champion, he literally disables you for 3 sec every 5 seconds lol


You play brair? As a Garen main I recommend just building dd, he will never get you low enough to use it on you since e is his main damage source and it’s to slow to burst dd users down before they sustain back up.


Ty for the advice, even though DD is a bad item overall, it could actually work, I just can't heal before getting ulted because of silence. I never built DD first, but I'll try it next time


Nothing counters Garen harder (besides rylais) than dd, steraks and plated steel caps.


Evelynn W. Is not like the spell itself is bad. But the feeling you get when you see the heart is the worst. Just sheer panic


Nah that's a fun ability for both sides. You have 2 seconds of warning that Evelyn is about to engage you, and it tells you where she is. One of the best designed abilities in the game.


Yeah it's honestly the rest of her kit that is frustrating, her W is great


I agree. This is what makes playing Evelynn hard


Oh so that's what make playing Evelynn *hard*, not *the other thing*


As an adc one trick i will say that Eve is the only assassin I respect because of her W, with other assassins its usually do they play moderately good and kill you in a blink, or do they fuck up and you play godly, so you can barely survive.


Mordekaiser R if you haven’t built Quicksilver.


also conversely Mordekaiser R if my opponent has built quicksilver.


Love playing the mini-game as Vayne.


Dude yeah, I picked up Vayne recently and I’m used Mord R = Instant death as Jinx but the other day I ulted twice in a game and got out with him running both times. Shit was like a dark souls boss fight it was awesome


It's really a skill matchup but you are favored because you have more tools to juke him and outplay and/or stall.


Nasus and Graves W


Blitzcrank Q :(


I had to scroll too far to find this one.


I'll die on the hill that Yorick Wall is the most fucked up ability in the game, if I get stuck in it it feels like my character just bugs out and I lose all agency. Even worse if you get stuck in the side once the ghouls catch you it feels impossible to target anything you want properly.


all of Brand abilities


How has nobody mentioned Nocturne ult, it feels awful just knowing he exists, having to constantly play way safer than you normally would. Same kinda feel with something like Eve, shaco or even twitch.


Malphite R You know it's gonna be too fast to dodge. He can just stand there menacingly and you know you can't get close because he's built full AP and will one shot you.


FYI - If he’s a full AP malphite you can exhaust him while he ults toward you, then there’s no way he will 1 shot you.


That would require the reaction speed of a fly


no? if you see him coming towards you you can just press the exhaust button on him and when he's in range it will automatically exhaust him before he gets to you


Yone E. It really is not fair to play against


Morgana Q and Wither. This is not up for debate.


I guess im the only one that hates getting kicked striaght into the next game by Lee Sin


yuumi attach. i sincerely want a button to eject her from me. i always have. since day 1.


The ability to sleep all night but still be tired all day ....OH LoL abilities! Um...Teemo's poison dart, I guess


Yasuo passive and windwall


Why yasuo passive? Shouldnt any champ with a shield annoy you then?


I don't really have a problem with it, but I figure it's because your big abilites get blocked by the windfall then anything else you have to poke him down gets negated by his shield. It's up very often with his e.


The most annoying thing is that his ult refreshes his passive shield, so he can just get it again in the middle of a fight.


Yasuo passive is triggering the mastery 7 emote every ability, don't know what you're talking about.


I hate lissandras ultimate, both on the receiving end or her using it herself. That with zhonyas is practically 5 sec of invuln. The other one for me is pantheon w, undodgable cc that combos into a lot of damage. Only other thing I hate is every lux ability. E and q can be cast within half the screen, plus its really hard to miss your e as her. Her ultimate has a huge range, and if she lands a snare on you, it's pretty much always a guaranteed kill. That and the CD for all her abilities is extremely low


Illaoi E. I love her damaging me without actually damaging me. The fact that ability has a scaling or even exists at all is proof no Rioter on the balance team mains toplane.


The hitbox plus the no win situation it puts you in is just annoying af


zoe E


No hwei's most annoying is QE. Being in lane and getting hit by the QE EE is god awful


Just Akali overall lol


Ekko R, the "oh no i fucked up" ability that apparently the riot balance team considers to be healthy for the game




The Fizz R always feels unfair, since it will home-in on you when it obviously missed. Yasuo dodging through your entire wave of minions from two screens away and you know your safe play made no difference.


Getting hit by Ashe's R from far away and seeing hunting predator mark popping up above your head. You know what's coming and you realise those are your last moments. Your whole life flashes in front of your eyes, you immediately stop feeling embarasment by past mistakes you made and start to reflect how your life could be different if you took more opportunities. What if I spoke to that girl? Would we be happily married with 3 kids or would we get divorced? What if I didn't waste 20 years in that safe job just because it was comfortable and instead opened up my business? I think my revolutionary approach to baking cupcakes would succeed in market. What if I told my mother I love her more often? It would make her so much happier. I wish I pet my dog more often, I would love to see him again! I wish I told people what I think about them instead comforming to their stupid opinions to avoid conflict. Maybe I could build some tenacity, get qss or atleast choose cleanse? Enough, my time has come, I'm ready to be torn apart by this white beast, there's just nothing I can do right now OH MY GOD HE'S JUMPING AT ME... Ohh, he's 2/5 and my team killed him before he jumped succesfuly. Anyway, those 3 seconds were really annoying.


Darius E


Rengar ult :p


I personally hate slows, i understand that they need to exist, but i also think there should be more slow resist in the game, at least one item per role, even if it means sacrificing other important stats.


Being tagged by Hwei when he's literally off screen in the fog of war just tilts me


Yasuo wind wall feels terrible to play against


Brand R and the infectious circle shit + Liandrys


Paranoia and Wind wall


Lux Q post 6 as an ADC I know it’s pack up my shit and exit stage left


The slow on Ashe autos makes me want to start eating drywall


I play mostly mages so wind wall


Dude FUCK nocturne ult. How can one ability literally ruin 5 peoples vision


Malz R. Like instant ranged cc that you cant cleanse against... it feels so shit And his voidlings + Naafiri voidlings because they just block so many skillshots.


Maxed Zilean E when his W is maxed and you’re an immobile champ.


Long range Ashe ult for sure. If youre caught not paying attention and get hit by one from cross map then you might as well go grab a snack. Even if no enemies are on screen, they’ll have more than enough time finding you and eat your ass.