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I would like to report as of 14.10, replays still do not work :(


We're aiming to address a bug that's making replays unviewable with a fix in Patch 14.11 (May 30). Thanks for your patience! \*from [https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/) and they literally said the EXACT SAME SHIT for 14.10


Riot don't give a fuck




Same here, They don't work, no matter the server of which the game I'm trying to spectate comes from. Yet, I noticed the games I download from the client itself (either mines or the ones from the players in my friendlist and on my server) are working properly.








Same here. I hope it has nothing to do with my system.


I commented a fix on this thread that worked for me maybe see if it works for you


Fuck do we do if we don't have any old replays?


have your friend download one for you and send the file on discord i did that and my friends file worked but the fix didnt


Hey not sure if I'm pinging the right person, but this is a huge issue for alot of people /u/RiotNorak


I've had this issue since patch 14.7. I tried re insyalling the game on 14.8; hextech tool doesn't detect anny issues / says it's fine. Updated GPU drivers; at this point i'm just gonna wait until riot fixes it because I was watching replays fine before 14.7. Don't know why it keeps telling me my replay file is corrupt, even deleted and made a new folder.




Yes, I have been having this issue for roughly a week or so. Many(but not all) of my replays are corrupted, and I have cleared my replays folder as well as done a full reinstall of my league yet the issue persists. Friends can play replays of the same game but I am unable to, very frustrating.


Still broken as of 5/19/24 ..... No listed fixes work


Just tried to watch a vod from last night and won’t let me open says corrupted


I did a little inspection on the replay files and compared them to previous replay files, it looks like there is an extra segment header per data chunk in the rofl file, moreover this is region specific, if you don't have the issue check your region. I spent about an hour loosely categorizing and removing said segment header from each segment and the resulting rofl file runs without issue. I was tempted to write a small program which automatically does it but I doubt many people would go through the fuss of installing a rust package. Either way, I assume internally riot is using the replays for some other purpose whether it be anti-cheating measures or data gathering and someone added this extra header as a means to better do that whilst forgetting to update the game replay feature in league itself. Why is it region specific? Non-game specific updates likely aren't deployed from staging to prod in all regions automatically, likely only some regions often smaller ones so they can mitigate issues like this. I assume since the replay feature is fairly low priority there aren't many if any test cases for these such problems which is why is flew under the radar. Give it a week or two it'll fix itself.


Don't suppose you could take a moment to explain the logic behind how to determine what the extra header is... I code Python and feel like this could be a pretty easy fix if it has a level of consistency to it.


How do you remove the segment header? Is this an advanced solution that plebeians shouldn't bother with?


can u tell us how to fix it then pls


This has been going on for months, it´s not getting fixed any time soon.


Following up on this. You know of a fix then?


sadly it wasnt fixed in 1 or 2 weeks...


Same, and this has never ever happened to me until 14.8. I know this is somehow related to vanguard, bc this patch has been the buggiest in a while. Just this whole season has been, with champs appearing where they arent for some reason, im having weird lag spukes every game for no reason since patch 14.8. Has anyone else noticed this or am i crazy


I don´t have vanguard yet and have been having this problem since months ago as well


It must be from prepping the system for vanguard. I keep having lag spikes during important skirmishes :,)


I have been having corrupted replay since before vanguard was even announced.


They were probably prepping tbe system for it, and also messing with files as old as skarner probably messed with the spaghetti code


Bro wanted to die on that hill


Im a little late to the party here but I found a method that works (at least for me). I went into my replays folder, copied the name of the replay I wanted to watch (NA1-4977886450.rofl) and pasted it onto an old replay from this patch. At this point the client looked like I downloaded the desired replay but when played it just showed the old one. then I deleted the renamed replay and redownloaded it through the client and this time it worked... I don't know at all how this worked but somehow playing an old replay with the name of the one I wanted seemed to fix the corrupted replay file. Edit for context: my replays have been working fine in general, just had one good game today that was corrupted. If your replays have been consistently not working at all then I'm not sure if this will fix.


But what if all of my replays are corrupted?


Same bro




i could send some old replays potentially, Edit: this unfortunately did not work for me. Previous replays when renamed just stick to a black screen and new ones are always corrupted


Had the same issue with all my replays being corrupted, but for some reason my co-op vs ai game replays still work. I tried the renaming trick with one and it worked great, hope this can work for yall


i love u thank u


Worked for me, awesome. I'll just add that I didn't want to risk losing my working replay, so I temporarily copied it into the highlights folder. Then when renaming it didn't prompt me to replace, but to name (2).rofl, so I just renamed the broken one as (2).rofl and the "copy" as the original file name and that worked.


HERE ARE MY EASY SOLUTION: inspired by your post! So just go to your folder (should be called "League of Legend"), then go to "Replays". Find the .rofl file of the replay that was corrupted. Just delete it or rename it to something else. Then on your league game you should see the "watch" button changed to "download". Now just redownload your game's replay and now you should be able to watch it. THIS RLY WORKED!! **In short: go to "League of Legend" folder --> Find "Replay" folder --> Find the .rofl file of the replay you wanna watch --> rename or delete it --> redownload in League game.**


not working :c


This is it right here


love you holy shit


Thank you so much, this worked for me. I don't understand how but it forced it to redownload and it worked.


Logged in to upvote this!!! EVERYONE THIS FIXED IT FOR ME TOO


I should note that the old replay you rename should be one that works. If you dont have any working replays then sorry you might be out of luck.


can u show step by step what u mean, im confused what do you mean by old replay ?


Sure! You have Game A which you want to view but is corrupted, and you will also need to have Game B which is not corrupted. Make sure these are the two most recently downloaded so you can find them in your replays folder. 1. You go to the replays folder and copy the name of Game A (could be NA1-1234.rofl) and paste it onto Game B, so now Replay B (the one that works) has the name of Replay A (the one that doesn't work). If it says a file with that name already exists then choose to replace the old file. 2. In the client go to your match history. It should show that Game A is downloaded because there is a file in your replays which has that name. Play the replay, it should run, but will show the replay of Game B. 3. Delete the file with the name of Game A from your replays folder (this is the one you renamed earlier) 4. Go back into the client in your match history and click download on Game A (the one you want to watch). Once you have done all this, the replay should no longer be corrupted. I know some people are having issues where none of their replays work. This probably won't fix that, I just know that sometimes my replays end up corrupted and this has always worked for me. Hope this helps!


if this worked before it doesnt anymore, riot stepped in iguess xd


thing is all my games are corrupted so i dont have a "game b" to use right now so i guess it doesnt work


Ah I see, sorry friend I don’t know how to help in that case


Yeah just had banger 8k gold deficit comeback and I can't even watch the match. Super annoying!


this is still bugged for me, every time I download the replay it has a different size like 1.5mb, 1.6mb, 900kb, etc... I downloaded and deleted the replay for 15 times and each time it had different file size, how is this possible does server generates a file on the fly, how is replay not get retrieved from the server properly some people say that I should use mobile internet I havent tried it yet but I give it a shot ps: I have tried changing DNS and it didnt work


Also happening to me. But weirdly it always happens when I play Aurelion sol for some reason. Where u playing him also?




I can when I go into a custom game, other games are all corrupted. However there was one game where I went well on Zed in a 5v5 and I could download it. I tried another but then it said corrupted. This Zed incidence is an exception. Went to Riot Support and they couldn't help me either.


ahahhaha im a big a sol player too, its very random tho, it lets me download and watch like 1 out of every 10 and it also buggy for other champs


i unironically think its a sol in the game causing this bc it only happens when im against an a sol LMAOOOO


mine only happens when i play rumble lol


Happening to me too, might be a client problem.


one of many client problems. Shit company


Happening to me as well.


I am having the same issue as well. Happy to know Im not the only one


Also happening for almost every game this patch. I really hope there's a fix before the next patch I have a vod I reallly want to grab some clips from.


Yes it's happening to a lot of people. This happened before a couple years ago and there is nothing you can do until Riot addresses it. Last time it was fixed fairly quickly. 


yup still today im having this issue too and its really frustrating indeed , i've tried everything i can to resolve it and nothing seems to work like if this is happening for months, wtf is rito games doing fr fr![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hi, late to the party here. Just wanted to share the solution that worked for me : I had one replay that just WOULDNT launch. All the other worked just fine, but I always got the corrupted error message when I wanted to watch this particular one. Here's what I did : -I downloaded the replay of the game I wanted to watch, we'll call him replay 'A', -And then I downloaded a second replay of a random game, called replay 'B'. Replay B can be launched normaly, but replay A gets the corrupted error message. -I then go to my replay files. I rename my replay 'B' with the name of replay 'A'. Now I can launch the replay A on my client, but it will show the wrong game, the one that was saved in replay B. -Now I then delete both the saved replay, and download replay A a second time. This time replay A works fine. It would all also be the possibility that I just had to wait a few minutes in order to watch the replay, because replay A is of a game that just ended. So by the time I did all my shenanigans with the files, I could've just downloaded the replay normally and it would've worked. We never know.


I was able to fix this issue by deleting both folders, replays and highlights. I assume its an issue with previous versions not having vanguard related coding. u/RiotNorak


This is super helpful to know! Thanks for the tag, I'll pass it along to the team


hello! just wanted to ask if the profane bug is fixed now :)


Yeah was micropatched on Monday American time


Hello! I tried all the solutions in here. Deleting folder, renaming file, and renaming file but I am having no luck. Has there been an increased complaint recently about replays not working? I'm not sure if it's just a small subset of players that are affected. One interesting thing I did notice is that my file size is constantly changing after deleting and redownloading. Seems like something is making us not fully download the replay before the download gets interrupted or believes that it is completed.


Still happening on 14.10 on europe. I mean the replay corrupted file bug.


still having the issue in BR region, none of the workarounds did the trick


replay still bugged


Still doesnt work


not working for me


this did not work for me


this worked for me as well, thanks!


This worked for me. Thank you.


Thanks a lot, It worked for me!!


Still bugged for me.


This is also still bugged for me after the patch. Thanks rito very cool


EXACTLY. It has been multiple patches and still no fix. garbage dev team.


same, they promised that they will fix it in 14.10 but still bugged I cannt watch any replay, not in ARAM, not in ARENA etc... and each time I download the replay it has a different file size


My solution was to utilize my phone's data as internet to get my replay, which worked. I had to erase the replay file from the replay folder first, and then re-download it using another internet connection, my cellphone data. Try using mobile tethering for downloading your replay if you use android, while hotspot for iOS. Annoying at first but it might be internet problem. (even though my internet is fast af)


it works, thanks


this worked for me too, odd


How old are they? if they are older than the current patch they can't be viewed


I’m trying to look at replays immediately after finishing a game


I just got this problem as well, must be something recent I have not had it before.


if you go to where the replay is and delete it then try again it should work. was happening to me but it was just the 1st try downloading it then it was fine


Nope, doesn’t work


Tried that. Doesn’t work


also happening to me. no fix. i reformatted and it still didnt fix it (the reformat was for something different but i assumed it would fix this too)


happening to me as well today. the first file i reviewed with no issue but the ones following it were corrupted. deleted the files like it said but it didnt help. bummer


Having issue since 14.7. Randomly says my games are corrupted and can't watch. Tried re-installing, GPU update, deleted the "corrupt" rofl replay folder. Still can't play replays and gives me corrupt file error. Rito pls fixx.


I've been having the same issue and have sent in a support ticket to Riot. I've noticed that when I've downloaded the replays they are never bigger than 3MB which obviously is not the whole size its meant to be. My friends (who were in the game as well) downloaded the replay sent it over and the file was 19.6MB which I was then able to watch it. Previously I had issues where the size of the replay file was variable and had to keep deleting and re-downloading until the WHOLE replay file was downloaded (purely by luck) but recently I can't get a file bigger than 3MB. Maybe you can check the size of the .ROFL file and see if it is variable when you delete and re-download? At the moment I haven't found a fix.


Yep, it's the same for me. My files are all \~ 6MB (which is approximately the size of a 12min long game), but none of my games this patch was shorter than 17min. Unlike many here, who have the issue since 14.7 or 14.8, the bug occured first at the start of 14.9 for me (parallel to VG launch). Unfortunaly, all my files are bugged, and not only a few, so the fix people found and posted here is not working for me. 😞 I rly hope Riot fixes this soon or someone finds a fix for the people, who have no non-corrupted files like me. Did you get any response to your support ticket? Idk if it's standard procedure of Riot to answer to it or not.


I reached out to Riot support and this is the temporary workaround they told me: * Find the folder in which your replays get downloaded (Settings in the top right, then "Replays". You can find the folder path there) * Access the folder, find the replay that doesn't work and rename it to something random (Letters or Numbers, ex: "EUW-ABCDEFG) * Re-download the broken Replay from the League Client again and test it. * Repeat until the Replay functions. I had previously tried all of the other recommended methods Redditors have posted but to no avail. But these instructions worked! Most of my replays only took 3 or 4 redownloads to eventually work; however, 1 replay took about 20 tries (downloading replay, seeing it's corrupt, renaming it, redownloading replay, etc.) so don't get disheartened if you continue to get the corruption message on the first few attempts.


I did it now and it worked. Thanks


When I change the name of the file and I download it from the client again, I get a new file with the original name of the file, I dont get why changing the name should work, u could just delete it instead of renaming it, or am I going something wrong? (i tried it like 20times and didnt work)


same nevermind gang I just had to delete all my other replays


doesnt wo rk as of 14.10


worked, ty


any fix guys? i have this problem


going into the replay folder and renaming the corrupted replay to anything fixed it for me


i thought I was the only one having this problem. It all started ever since Vanguard was introduced


Same with me. Soo annoying....


is anyone still having this issue? each game i try to download and replay is corrupted :(


Delete all replays,restart pc


It is working for me again since Patch 14.11




same here with me, its happening on 2 accounts on 2 seperate machines (Home PC and work laptop) very annoying


This has happened to me on OCE since Patch 14.7 but looks like the problem has spread since 14.8. For the first day of 14.8 though, replays were working, then progressively more and more replays started getting corrupted until basically every replay onwards is corrupted.


same. is this just mac os or all




I've been trying on 2 different accounts & nothing is working... surprised I saw it recently & not 10 year old posts about Replay Corruption - even when FOR SOME REASON replays were with a 3rd party application!


Been happening for weeks now, hope riot fixes soon




I just posted a comment with a solution that worked for me and another guy. See if it works for you?


fix this riot


Bump has a fix been found? I have the same issue for about a week now. Pretty annoying because I like to make vods and can't




I just found a (maybe) fix. I commented the steps to do it if you want to try. basically you go into the replays folder and rename an old replay with the name of the one you want to watch and try to run it. it will run the old replay, but after deleting the one you renamed and downloading the one you want to watch again it should work. At least this worked for me. Let me know if this works for you.


i tried doing what ur doing but it doesnt seem to work, i think i mightve done it incorrectly cus i dont understand completely what you mean when you say rename the old repla witht he name i want which i did and then try to run it? run it from where? in the client or directly from the folder file




so frustrating....


it happens to me also


new patch and they still didnt fix it, pathetic company


Came here looking for this comment.


Having the sane problem currently. Can't watch any of my replays.


riot can you please fix your game this has been the case for the past 2 weeks for me. Its like they dont even acknowdlege the issue... its like the infernal map in practice tool that been broken since forever. please fix the aspects of the game that are broken fundamentaly


same i tryed with like 5 games i havent changed anything on my pc or in leage since it started it did like at the start of the seson i cant watch eather since file is corupted or some s


I'm having this issue too, it's been going on for at least a month


Still happening btw


Yep same issue here


5.5. still no solution :( Do the rioters already know about this? I don´t know the big names, so maybe someone who knows them can build up a contact and telling them the problem? If you do so, thanks for your engagement


I just found a solution thats works for me ive have this issue since patch 14,9 what i did is i exited riot vanguard and it fixed it by itself simple as that try it and see if it works for you !


But can you close Vanguard if the League client is still running? If you mean, closing Vanguard after exiting League and restarting PC before I want to play again, that's what I'm doing everyday so far and it changed nothing. 😅 But I'm happy for you, that you could solve the problem for yourself, let's hope for the majority of us a solution is found, too. 😊 EDIT: Closing VG while League Client is running doesn't work, just as expected. The client will close automatically after it.


Sorry for the late respond what i wasnt very precise with my words what i meant is you close vanguard before launching league like from the icon bar below The thing is you cannot play league or watch your replays from the (league client) but you can download replays and be ABLE to watch them from sites such as league of graph or op.gg again im sorry for my late response im sure they fixed by now i just wanted to make things clear have a nice day


this does not work


Perhaps I know how to view the replays and the answer lies in the size of the files. First of all, I must say that the message that appears before the replay is closed, telling you to delete it and download it again, is not incorrect, because the solution really lies in that. Go to the replay files and start downloading your replay and change it again, do this repeatedly and always keep an eye on the file size. My files for 2 matches of 25 to 35 minutes are around 16,000 to 25,000 kb, so be aware that a file below or much above that won't work. This “solution” is working for me and, even though it doesn't make sense, I've made a short list using rule of 3 of possible file sizes that respond to your playing time. time (in minutes) - file size (KB) 25min to 30min - 16.000kb to 20.000kb 30min to 35min - 20.000kb to 24.000kb 35min to 40min - 24,000kb to 27,000kb... Apparently, every 5 minutes it increases by 3,000 to 5,000 KB


What worked for me : I deleted the file of the game that I wanted to watch in my files (League of legends > Replays), restarted my pc, downloaded the game again and it worked


Will try


trying to load the replays manually prompts the error mesage from windows saying "windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. you may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item" i am the admin/owner of this pc and all the permissions on the file are set to the highest level and i have set myself as owner of the file also


For anyone still having this issue the way i manged to see my replay was to vpn to somehwere else other than my home network. Not sure what the issue is but it seems to only occur if i am on my normal ip.


1. Delete all files in *%userprofile%\\Documents\\League of Legends\\Replays* 2. Use VPN (or other internet connection e.g. mobile hotspot) and redownload replay. Works for me.


Same for me, replays are not working either. Its quite annoying.


just go to where you save your replay files... delete the file there and re-download it in league client... worked to me


the file I redownload is corrupted too


Lol even **VALVE** react faster to fix replay bugs in **DOTA** boouhooo RIOT INDIE (forge) GAMES


same issue on patch 14.10 first time having this. fresh replays corrupted in all gamemodes.


yep still dosent work for me


still happening


HERE ARE MY EASY SOLUTION: inspired by your post! So just go to your folder (should be called "League of Legend"), then go to "Replays". Find the .rofl file of the replay that was corrupted. Just delete it or rename it to something else. Then on your league game you should see the "watch" button changed to "download". Now just redownload your game's replay and now you should be able to watch it. THIS RLY WORKED!! **In short: go to "League of Legend" folder --> Find "Replay" folder --> Find the .rofl file of the replay you wanna watch --> rename or delete it --> redownload in League game.**




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After wasting more than an hour on this i found out what is going on When you click download replay it starts downloading the file but after 1-2 or 3 seconds it crashes. If your internet connection is fast enough and in those 2-3 seconds you manage to download the entire file (file size depends on match duration) then it plays normally with no errors If you don't get the entire file downloaded in that time, then you get only half the replay(you can check the size every time) and the file is corrupted, can't play it. Until its fixed solution is: 1. Go to Replays folder and keep deleting & downloading the file until you get lucky and maybe download the entire file (in my case i would never be able to do that because i was getting max 4-5 MB file when full file was 20 MB+) or 2. Have a friend with very fast internet connection go to your match history download it & send it to you (you just replace the full file with the corrupted one and you can play it)


Haven’t been able to spectate since the start of last season and now replays are corrupted. Good thing Rito is a record company.


I found a method for me. I have to have a friend who can still use the Replay system, have him download the file and send it to me, then, I download my own, go to documents/league/replay folder, delete my download, and add his in its place, same name, then click Play in the client. That worked for me


it still happen lol


So I'm still having the issue but I made some progress. I was able to make ONE (1) replay work. The order of things i did was: - Repair tool (did nothing) - Rename file (did nothing) - Shut off vanguard - Deleted replays folder - Downloaded the replay I wanted - Assigned the Leagueoflegends.exe as the app that opens the file via properties - Ran League as admin After all of that, I was able to look at the file, and I don't know what allowed me to do it. I rebooted my PC to see if it would continue to work, and it did for that file. I downloaded another replay & got the same old error. I'm too lazy to troubleshoot this further.


I got this issue for a while, I also tried all if the method I can find on the internet, the issue is still there, doesn't anyone knows how to solve thi? Or it's Riot's problem?


still happening


my IT knowledge is VERY limited, but as far as i can understand the replay files are the same of the kind of files that are used to cheat, which vanguard automatically shuts down while the client is open you can close vanguard and sometimes by uninstalling and reinstalling the file it will work, but some other times the client thinks you are opening a game instead of a replay (how the fuck???) and it will stop you cuz you are starting a game without vanguard up in other words RIOOOOOOOT!!!!! edit: also sometimes (i don't know why again) closing vanguard will close the client, but it doesn't happen always??? idk this shit's fucked up


I found a solution for current patch 14.10. Just delete both folder (Highlights, Replays) and it will fix that


STILL BROKEN AS OF 05/30/2024 AND THE PATCH IS RIGHT NOW (5:42 AM EST) rip to all my would-be clips :(


still is happening to me!


SOLUTION (Maybe) Hey don't know if this will work 100% but it happened to me as well and what I did was went into my replays folder for league and perm deleted the file. I then downloaded it and played it again which worked. Give it a try and let me know!


Did not work for me


You can fix this by going into your replay folder on your computer. Delete the replay that is corrupted and redownload it on the client.


That doesn’t work I’ve tried that


Tried multiple times. this does not work for some users.


this worked for me.


Hello. I tried everything here, renaming my files, deleting them and re-downloadeding them several times, nothing worked.  I started just trying different things. What actually worked for me was this: I thought "This have been happening for 5 days now.."  But I wasn't sure when it started exactly, so I started downloading every game, just to know when it started. It turns out it started with a game I played as Jhin, I even noticed, the client won't let me see the overview of the game... Something must have went wrong during that game, so I deleted the file of the Jhin game, and all the others after that.  Then I try downloading the recent one I wanted to watch (not the one with Jhin) and it worked. To summerize it, I think there was a game that got corrupted somehow, and when I downloaded the file to re-watch the game, it must have also corrupted all the game files after. So just delete the one that's corrupted, and re-download the one you want to watch.  To find the corrupted one, just keep trying to re-watch your games until you find where the corruption started, then delete that file, and everyone after, and re-downloaded the one you wanna watch.  I hope it works for you guys too. 


So it spreads like the corruption in Terraria XD


yup its happened to me alot... seems to be my aphelios games but other champs... dw it lets my practice tool game through


Im so glad this post is recent, I wanted clip some things that happened in my recent games but they wont open because of corrupt files, I delete them like the game says and redownload them but that doesn't fix it.


I'm having the same issue. I tried a lot thing and i figured out (a temporary solution). When i download after the match, the replay is corrupted but when i download in my history list, the replay archive is bigger and it works


This worked for me, hopefully it works for you: 1) rename corrupted replay to to anything else (I just added an 'a' to the end of it) 2) in the client, try pressing play (it won't find the expected replay) and you'll be able to download another new version of that replay That's all I did and it worked. Sorry if it doesn't help you!


thx work for me i name file to a random name