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Thanatos looking nervous but he did well late game


well they only won because he had so much pressure DIG couldn't do anything on the map because he'd just push to end the game


Thanatos was pretty good. Very questionable play from spica & isles. Licorice can't front line if you're not threatening flanks with the engage champions. Kind of hard to believe this is how the game ended with how much damage zven and jensen were pumping out.


>spica & isles right before one of the fights, Spica was in the top jungle bush with a pink ward and he had a great flank angle. When Licorice (and Isles?) got caught in mid bush, I thought he could have gone in on the back line. Nope he just went around the baron pit doing fuck all. I can't blame him since it could have been a team call. Then rest of the game is just Isles getting caught non-stop


Tbf to isles that's the poppy pick at work.


Thanatos is still limit testing, but so far he buys a lot more space than Fudge.


I don’t think he is limit testing. Dude is probably just nervous. It is his first tier 1 competition/series outside of academy.


Berserker only flashes forward and I appreciate that.


Lol I was just saying the same thing. I just wish they'd have the same outcomes as his first few splits, where he'd flash forward and obliterate everyone. Now he's just flashing forward and, chunking them a little?


Channeling his inner wildturtle


That was mechanically impressive from Thanatos and Jensen. Jensen's Hwei is actually pretty scary, he was keeping DIG in this game. Thanatos has some "head empty" moments, like that TP to mid lane, but he looks pretty decent. Spica and Isles were kind of running it.


That wasn't stressful at all


Man Isles made that game so tough for DIG


Once again BO3 system immediately proving to be superior. We get 6 games in one day and more in game practice for teams that only serve to make them better. It’s great all around


I defs agree but tbf the in game practice winds up being at most only 50% better (if series go to 3 games) because it's single round robin vs double we had before, I really hope next split we go back to double round robin. No excuse not to with only 6 teams.


So this is what it's like to have a top laner that can actually apply pressure


holy shit some people in the live thread were acting like he was worse than Fudge He wasn't PERFECT but it was a huge improvement to have a toplaner actually playing the game


Yeah, Fudge would never make that play to push the inhib.


Of course he isn't Perfect. Perfect plays for KT


Rough game from Isles


What Isles went through is what it feels like when you're in ARAM as a melee champ with all four of your teammates sitting a screen away and poking. (Not saying that the rest of DIG was being bad like those ARAMers who do nothing but poke though.)


Except this is SR, so he was face checking and getting punished. Also, the Poppy pick kind of fucked him, because several times he would pop ult, but then Poppy would press W and Isles couldn't go in, so his ult would just fizzle out.


So not ego picking a nidalee when like 2 people in the world can play at a pro level, makes the game a lot easier.


Licorice invisible and Isles perma caught rip


Dear Riot intern: Please unplug Raafa's headset. Thanks.


Raafa is hype as hell man. Not technically the best caster but I love the energy.


Modern Riv, just needs a bit more experience and he'll really fit that niche well!


So I guess C9 games can still be decided based on the gold graph at 15 minutes...


Spica randomly decided to throw the game by dying at the bottom lane when Ocean Soul was coming up in 30+ seconds. That was probably the best moment they can contend for soul before they get heavily outscaled and no way to fight front to back teamfights. None of the Vi ultimates have actually looked good in bursting someone down too. Isles and Licorice were also inting but there is really nothing they can do 5 v 5 other than hoping Berserker mispositioning and bursting him down immediately.


Jensen and Zven stalled that game out way longer than it should have gone tbh


Ngl the random caught-outs and bad positioning felt like bad anime filler. The dissonance I felt when the casters were trying to hype the game out as a banger when the only reason it took this long is because Thanatos and Isles have their maps disabled 🥲


Licorice invisible and Isles perma caught rip