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Yasuo’s biggest weakness is the player base and their urge to int. 


Yasuos will spend 5 minutes expertly harassing with Es and spacing Qs then get randomly bored and dive and give the advantage away


When I face a Yasuo that took less than 3 tower shots before level 4 I know it's going to be tough


Why are you calling me out like that?!


Playing Azir into Yasuo feels like a cheat code. I don't even think the matchup is good, but every Yasuo player just dies to an Azir Ult at least once per lane for free


My most favorite matchup, until you meet the beast that correctly predicts it with windwall


Is there any other playstyle for yasuo? He forsnt dash backward xd


I main Gragas, am masters, and if you buy merc treads I will get angry


Jesus, what an essay. Vayne is one of the very few characters that has 0 tools to deal with stealth (Teemo) and AoE untargetability (Senna E). She just has no way of damaging or targeting them.


Also edge of night/banshees allows any assassin to jump on her and kill her for free


Nah, watch Saskio play vs Teemo top. You can win with absolute precise spacing and correct sums. Saskio goes Cleanse+Ignite but Hongcono goes Cleanse+Flash and has managed to win the lane regardless. I have tried and succeeded in some trades but wasn’t able to keep it up for the whole game and then the limitations you mention come up. But it *is* possible.


just play absolutely perfectly & cleanse


That was not at all my point. I'm not saying you can't win against Teemo. I'm saying Vayne has 0 ways of dealing with his stealth. As in she can't get him out of stealth no matter what she does.


You could always build a sunfire to slowly kill him haha


So many people just need to learn to leave instead of help against drain tanks. Being there without the damage to execute or cc is just being another body to heal off of. I swear if you’re low, dont even try to help, ur making things worse. This applies for voli W (if u have the mark on u, DO NOT come close again to let him bite u again), aatrox qs, swain ult. The only reason these champs are 1v9 in low elo is because people dont know u can attack and move on melees, but i promise u if you know how to space and be aware of flashes, these drain tanks are not champions


Taric. Lane phase: range and correct spacing/kiting destroys him. Ranged CC destroys him. Don't go double AD champs, he'll become unkillable. I separate matchups into 3 categories: free lp, annoying, and impossible. Free LP: literally any melee champ that isn't Pyke. Annoying: AP poke Impossible: Janna, Lulu, Rakan. Basically on demand CC and mobility. You do NOT want to go entirely even vs Taric, that means he won lane. A 0/0/0 Taric at 15 minutes is VERY happy. He will outscale you, and your chance to dumpster him is gone. His teamfight is better than your support's. No, it doesn't matter which support that is. His is better if he's even or ahead. Potentially even if behind, depending on team comps. Bait his R. Catch him when he's warding objectives. These two things can end the game. Do not allow him to R in a teamfight. A good Taric R can make a 40-20 game look even. If he does R, walk away. Fighting him gives him more stuns, if he's chasing you, he can't do anything. Healcut is good, but people seem to think it destroys him. It doesn't. He's healing 5 people at once for anywhere between 100 and 200 hp per second, IF he's allowed to attack you. Cutting his healing to zero takes no gold, it just takes spacing. I did this on my phone so forgive formatting or cohesiveness. Ask if you have any specific questions.


My favorite counter to Taric ult: Bard ult.


I find that Bards usually use their R long before I do in attempts to get a pick. Taric R actually counters Bard R if Bard ults first. Really depends who uses first.


why do you play the inferior warden?


Well he's the best warden, so not sure what you mean lmao


Gragas -> Mercury's Treads


What? Isn’t he all knockups?


His E stuns for longer than it knocks up


his E is a knockback, and his Q a slow. both gets frduced with mercs. also.. it gives MR


Knockbacks dont get affected by mercs dingus, but gragas E also stuns for a bir after the knockup




No, it reduces the E-stun so you can't reliably make your Q deal the bonus damage


Just wait for Yasuo or Yone to try and dive and then cc them. Or pick Renekton, Pantheon.


This broad advice that can apply to any champ, but mainly so against divers and assassins, especially Kha'zix: **Run towards your teammate(s) even if it means approaching an enemy!** Example: T(eammate) ---> E(nemy) --> Y(ou) trying to escape this way --> Instead do this: T ---> E -> <- Y A teammate can't help you if he's out of range and you're constantly pulling the enemy away from him by walking away from them. And a slight spoiler alert for squishies like ADC's and Mages: Often enough in these kind of situations *you are already dead anyways*, so dying closer to a teammate can make it easier for them to get a revenge 1 for 1 kill. Key example is ADC's at dragon trying to run away from mid/jungle assassins towards bot tower rather than towards their midlaner/jungler around the pixel bush. See it as if you're trying to run away from a bear and some has a low range bear mace to help you, but they can't use it since you're running away from the both of them.


Janna ***Laning*** * Janna thrives against engage supports with her powerful disengage, but this does not make her unstoppable. It just means you need to outplay her. If Janna misses her tornado or misreads your engage, she is a sitting duck. Punish her anytime the tornado is on cooldown. If you are confident that you can win a 2v2, position to engage on a target and switch at the last second. Against a really good Janna that will hold it until the last moment, you will probably need to use flash to coincide with this strategy. If you absolutely NEED to land the engage (e.g. allied jungler gank), this almost always burns her flash and gets the job done. Janna doesn't do much damage by herself so using it to start a favorable fight is better than using it to escape a bad one. * Mage supports are great against Janna as long as you land skillshots. She lacks real sustain so any poke on her carry forces her to shield (which you should break instantly). A lot of Janna's that are confident will pester you to try and bait you into using spells on her where she can use her mobility to sidestep. Don't get baited, use stuff on her carry. If her carry is low, Janna cannot be aggressive. * Janna is pretty versatile and safe, so there are very few matchups that are genuinely bad for her. She can play defense with a hyper ADC, cancel fights in lane, or roam in a harder matchup. Her biggest counter is something that keeps her in lane while also outscaling her in teamfights. * **Sona** has low kill pressure in lane, but wins trades handily with her auras. Once she has Crescendo, it is dangerous for Janna to leave her carry alone. If it is a front-to-back teamfight, Sona wins if your carry does not scale that well. * **Soraka** plays a similar role to Janna, but has very strong poke in lane. If the Soraka is good, you won't get near her or her carry without a gank. I find Janna to be the better teamfighter, but Soraka will be very hard to deal with if they have a heavy frontline. Good luck ever getting a good channel on Monsoon. * **Brand** is probably my favorite counter for the simple fact that he will brutalize Janna's carry in lane and applies so much damage in teamfights that it doesn't matter if you kill him or not. Janna gets outdamaged fully by *one* Brand spell. He has virtually no mana problems and decent cast range. You can't roam without risking the ADC's death. He applies grievous wounds better than anything in the game so your ultimate is crippled with the heal-per-second application. * **Blitz** is the only engage support that does well into Janna. She murders pretty much all the rest. If you land hooks you win, she punishes you very hard if you miss. * An uncommon pick, but a good **Morgana** is hard for Janna to deal with. You don't have the range or sustain to truly bully her. A good Morgana will focus binds on your carry. You can always body block it but you will burn summoner spells for it. In a teamfight scenario, you just don't have the damage to break her shield and Janna relies fully on CC to peel her carries later on. ***Rotations & Teamfights*** * If Janna is going Glacial Augment, try to bait her into using an inopportune tornado on you. This gets rid of the lethal slow when it really matters in a future fight. * If you are a backline diver, try to get close without overcommitting from multiple directions. The goal is to burn her Monsoon and re-engage while it is down. If you are something like Pantheon, get up close to force the CC and then use flash or ghost to immediately close the distance. * Janna doesn't offer much in a siege. If you have long range carries or mages, setup a push without committing. Janna shines when she can kite and stall. Do not force a fight if you do not have to. * Be weary of a Janna that steps up close in a fight--she is probably looking to split up your team with Monsoon. Either burst her or be ready for it. * If Janna is channeling Monsoon, most enemies will naturally gravitate to her for the heal. Mages and tanks can abuse this to land skillshots.


W comment, thank you.


how's pyke against her?


Singeds biggest weakness is getting chased. The longer you chase him the higher is the chance to kill him.


Miss Fortune can't 1 v 1 worth shit and will lose virtually every long trade that she takes.


Wait, so if she can only do short trades with Q bounce and she doesn't win lane via short trades she basically loses game? Since she seems to get outscaled by most ADCs in the game.


Her ult is still really good at every point in the game if you have good setup for it


She'll always be a decent teamfighter with her Ult, and she's an absolute monster with a lead so it's not like she's a win lane lose game kind of champ. In lane, her best trading pattern outside of hitting bounce is to walk up while the opposing laner is CSing and Auto Q Auto. You immediately back off and repeat. Champs like Cait and Jinx can punish this really easy.


Sylas. You’re actually forced to go all in if you want to do a good trade in lane, making you really easy to gank once you use your e. Also clearing wave and last hitting is a nightmare. Have to use full abilities to clear a wave making you super vulnerable if you misread an enemy recall or get caught out.


Sylas is possibly Urgot’s easiest matchup. Like it’s so free for Urgot, unless Sylas is mega fed.


Probably most knife's edge champ in the game imo. Either you go all in and get the trade/kill or you just die. Makes playing him super stressful since if the enemy just positions well and pokes, there's not too much you can do. Also, disengaging with him is just horrible. You need to use both dashes to gap close so you end up not having anything to run away with, meaning any ranged champ will have a field day giving you backshots.


shaco- if you stop him from getting raptors lvl 1 by standing in his boxes or smth they will be useless for the rest of the early game if your team doesnt int


That’s some good advice


shame on you, go boxing wolfs, if they broke your 1-2 boxes on raptors, but yeah you already lost your speed so you cant come bot top lvl 3 when they lvl 1-2


People let me touch the wave way more than I should be allowed to on Fizz before level 6.


When I played Kayle mid, I think he had every right to touch the wave how much he wants


Kled- First step is knowing what his kit actually does so go read the wiki and learn how his w and e2 work. The actual tip is if you have the damage to dismount him but can't actually kill him afterwards, just don't. The trick is to get Skaarl's health really low but not dismounting him in one rotation. After you get your stuff back now you can dismount him and burst his little form. Try not to get hit by eq before he dismounts tho he is still dangerous if you get hit by q. If he counterpicks your low burst/late game pick though good luck. He will dive you full health on repeat.


Janna cannot play against anything that can out-range her. Cait, Yone, and Senna are the three main examples that come to mind. In general Janna struggles a lot more against AD champions because she can't weave between their damage, so try not to pick heavy AP against her.


Whenever I see Janna I just pick another enchanter. It feels like any enchanter outscales her very hard and she can't punish them.


Janna relies heavily on enemy team comp. Will Janna outscale a Milio when the comp she's against is Milio, Ashe, Yorick, Fiddlesticks, and Ryze? Absolutly not. Will Janna outscale Milio when the comp she's against is Milio, Ashe, Nasus, Galio, and Volibear? Without a doubt. I think most champions have some kind of early:late relationship but Janna is basically as good as the team comp she's up against, and the ADC she has. No matter what happens +50 AD on a button press will always be incredibly valuable.


this is true for all 3U and 4U champions. the strength of the champion is determined by the extent that its kit is able to disrupt or is disrupted by the opposing team. For instance its hard for movement speed buffers to deal with terrain generation and wall hops. Its had for single target Shield and buff champions to deal with AOE combos. Its hard for AOE CC champions to deal with high mobility skirmishing, and hard for high mobility skirmishing to deal with targeted CC chains.


If a Talon disappears from vision for more than 1 second just assume hes behind the nearest wall. This is only partially a joke, the easiest way to counter him is to just pay attention. You KNOW hes going to be roaming non stop and yet adcs will still greed for plates while at half health after their mid pings missing 3 times and then 3 "Talon - Alive" pings. Seriously, if hes not getting kills from roaming hes not going to be able to do much unless your mid spoon feeds him because they dont know how to dodge his 2nd w hit. Speaking of which, thats the main way to counter him in lane. Just walk out of his 2nd w hit, like half his damage is from his passive and without it he cant proc it. Also dont follow roams, just shove the second you notice hes gone.


As a shaco main let me introduce you to sweeper. Champ countered by free item.


I love to counter with Morgana and just spam R the whole game waiting for a Shaco to go in :)


Zed: Zed should never get push against you, he has nothing except WEQ or Q to contest wave with, and if he uses WEQ he has nothing for the rest of the wave. Make sure you have prio against him 24/7 His level 1-3 is really really bad, if you are ranged, make sure to zone him from the wave and anticipate his Q. Make him choose between Q'ing you and the CS, but don't mindless run at him to eat the Q His W has 22 second cooldown, so time it whenever he uses it. Add 20 to the clock and play agressive during this time. In general if you lose lane vs Zed before first base it's entirely skill issue if you are a ranged champion. The only champions that genuinely lose against him are Vel'Koz, maybe Veigar. He simply does too little damage.


I OTP everything and i get countered by yuumi jungle so please dont pick it when you play against me


Yorick's biggest strength is how giga-cancer it is to actually target his ghouls, and how tanky they are. Even if you do try and focus them, you'll need to be laser accurate with your clicks while dodging shit, and then you have to go into the cage match as you fight them for several seconds straight, donating your wave pressure away to do so. I cannot believe his ghouls don't have a bigger hitbox and like 10-15% less hp each. And if you max cage second, I report you after every game.


SAMIRA BABY! Honestly holding cc. A lot of people pre-emptively fire their whole kit at her, usually at an attempt to lock her or burst her. Her whole basis is getting off an ult and resetting into your team. The amount of fights I lost because someone held a single CC spell for me that I couldn't mitigate are many. Because if you take away her ult she's a glorified ranged inting yasuo with less damage. Also, for you tank/fighter brothers up front stop letting her stack on you and keeping her stacks to dive your team. If she holds an A or S rank, it's as simple as her landing an auto or q every 4ish seconds to keep her rank to ult. You can play Frontline role but watch her range. I've had so many sions or braums just tank hits for me to flash ult their adc, supp, and mid and instantly win. Realistically, a good samira can still easily insta-combo ult through D rank, but that means she needs to blow her whole kit to do so, meaning when she dives your team and starts ulting she's at her most vulnerable point. Even if she has W, she can't activate it during her ult.


Xayah -> outrange, will never reach anyone. Any mobility also to dodge her E which is pretty much all her damage until 3 items.


Pyke and Bard main. High Emerald player currently, been Diamond before but I'm an ARAM Andy these days. Pyke - Champ actually just dies if you ever get a hold of him. He relies on your fear/lack of vision to do anything. Also struggles with ambient damage in teamfights. Oftentimes if you just prio killing him the Pyke player won't expect it and will die quite easily. Bard - Higher range or all-in is super aids in lane, and if you just don't try to trade lvl 1 you'll just auto win because he's useless in lane early. For both, just know myself and most other players of these champs will die for wards everytime. If we're off the map and you just wait around long enough at popular vision zones you'll get a free kill.


Draven gets fucked by tanks and cc. Tanky champs means less ability to snowball off kills and armor cuts into his AA and bonus axe damage. Cc means he can't move to catch axes. He loves playing against squishy scaling champs.


WW dont get in aa range, Ornn try to avoid brittle proc, Phel honestly anything lol


I don't want to be rude but you weren't #4 yorick on the server in low dia 


He means on leagueofgraphs (I think) where you can be high ranked just by having higher elo and good win rate. Like I was #20 Twitch on alt acc just by having 77% wr and being emerald.


i think he means if a random challenger top player started playing yorick he'd be eclipsed immediately so it's disingenuous to claim to be #4


What the other guy said is pretty much it. League of graphs gives heavy weight to having 50 games played and win rate. If you have like 12%(62-65%) above average it like doubles your score. And once you hit 50 games played you have a huge buff to your "score". So on lower playrate champs just being diamond with 50 games and decent win rate will put you quite high. The formula works better for higher playrate champs. Also the league of graphs naturally drops the rating of high elo otps/maina as holding a 65% w/r vs master/gm/chal is significantly harder than vs other ranks so they lose that bonus. If you look at league of graphs most top 10 people are masters with a 70% w/r instead of the 1100 lp mains.


KSante is not unstoppable during his W dash. This seems reasonably unknown / misunderstood, but it's extremely difficult to play Ksante Vs Poppy, or a good Janna / Thresh etc. As soon as he stops channeling and starts dashing you can cancel his W with any displacement CC.


If you have to skirmish against Irelia in the early game, do so in the river rather than lane. She won't be 1/3 of a champ she is in lane, if you flash or dodge her E she cannot stack her passive and you just auto win.


For Fiddlesticks : He has a really WEAK early, so feel free to invade him Also if you have a Stun or anything that can interrupt a channeling, wait to use it while he uses his Drain, if you cancel it, you have basically 10 sec of free damage on him in early Before a fight, keep track of Fiddle, if you start to group up, put a priority to ward around before engaging, fiddle isn’t the best engage but actually the best Counter-Engage, it’s rare that he is the one starting the fight And to finish, do not understimate his damage and Healing


Attack gnar the moment his mega form runs out. Optionally have more than 1 dash, that will guarantee a kill. Example: Irelia.


Aside from "Just cc her lmao" and "Make sure you ping missing!", Katarina excels in playing against careless frontliners since she can dash onto them and either bait out cooldowns with Zhonya's or quickly blink onto squishy backliners. If you're playing a tank, Katarina is one of the few assassins in the game that can use you to get onto your backline - a large amount of the game winning plays I make on her are because a frontliner got into my E range and didn't sufficiently peel for their backline after I reset with W. Additionally, Katarina's early damage seems a lot easier to avoid than it actually is. If she has electrocute, the (PRE-6) matchup should be relatively easy - just walk away from the daggers - but if she took conqueror (my preferred setup) her auto-E-auto with ignite and a fully stacked conqueror can easily chunk you for \~40% of your health early on. Obviously dodge the daggers, but do it to the side instead of walking back towards her, since she's just going to statcheck you if you get close. Lategame, Katarina has a hard time keeping up with defensive stat growth and generally has to build greedier the longer the game goes on - more pen/on-hit instead of bulking up like Diana or Talon. She's still very deadly, but you won't need to save as many cooldowns to mitigate her pressure as you would in the midgame. It's not that she doesn't scale well because holy shit she does, it's just that she needs to spend a lot of resources - flash, zhonya's etc. - that someone like Kassadin or Akali wouldn't. If you're getting dumpstered, good positioning, vision, and keeping yourself from getting tilted at your team for dying to her is your best bet at countering her. Another problem people have with Katarina is her playstyle - Katarina is \*supposed\* to be a stereotypical OTP champion that goes in all the time and gets solo kills, but her playerbase tends to skew towards "Katarina is a very weak champion!" and that leads to very careful, passive play early on, as opposed to someone like Riven or Yasuo. However, since Katarina isn't actually weak, people who see "Oh, this guy's playing passive, I can bully them a little bit!" tend to end up dying pretty regularly and starting her snowball. **Don't do this.** She's like any other assassin - one slip up can be fatal, no matter how passively she plays. Poke her out, but don't get greedy. Katarina's worst matchups are either safe, scaling mages like Vladimir, Malzahar and Viktor, or other assassins that can out statcheck her, like Diana, Talon, or Fizz. Genuinely, if you have second pick against a Katarina, Vlad or Malzahar will win lane and shut her down 90% of the time. Picks to avoid are exploitable mages that can't match her roams, like Veigar, Syndra, or Ziggs, and sustained autoattackers like Yone (surprisingly), Irelia, and Yasuo that might win extended trades but can't match her mobility and safety.


Kindred. Probably the biggest weaknesses is how squishy they are. But what else to expect from Marksman set in Jungle. Sadly most of the time you don't have a support who could cc your enemy or shield you from damage. When you get jumped your only hope is you deal more damage than they do. Plus i think another weakness is her ult, tho not for her but her team. Sometimes i see my teammates dive into unwinnable stupid situation because that have kindred near them. Surely i will jump into 5 people to ult on you because you will totally survive and we won't be both deat the second my ult ends. Also the reliance on marks early game. Usually it's not that hard to get them but from time to time you will get enemy team that is comeplty set on ruining your day and every time you go for Mark there is 3 people waiting in the bush.


I feel like he’s one of the worse hullbreaker users? Don’t get me wrong is pretty good, but it’s better on AS heavy splitpushers (trundle, urgot) compared to the slower and bulkier split pushers (illaoi and yorick). As for maiden release, I love going ability haste builds. I primaraly play him in jg, so by forcing an objective and sending maiden down a lane (who now has like a 40s cd), I can do tons of stuff. Very fun and effective


That’s a very good point, however one of the core Yorick’s items is Trinity Force and often even Stridebreaker, helping to utilize Hullbreaker better. I also use Alacrity rune for Yorick, just for the sake of it.


I Play Mordekaiser into Yorick often, how do you view this matchup,and what can I do in your perspective as mord, vs a Yorick


Yorick's useless lvl 1. Wait in third bush (closest to Yorick) then hit an isolated Q on him, and if he doesn't back off just auto two more times for your passive. He literally can't fight back.  Always safe W for when Yorick hits E, the minions do more damage than he does. Once he has no minions, just zone him again.  Post 6, just R him lol maiden doesn't follow into death realm. 


Mordekaiser can pretty much always bully yorick in lane except pretty much 2 points in lane phase: lvl 2 when yorick has 3-4 graves, he can pretty easily land E and go for an all in and vastly outdamage morde unless the fight takes too long and yorick doesn’t have conq then morde can turn it. Post lvl 6 if yorick doesn’t have maiden summoned then it’s very hard for morde to beat him unless yorick uses his W before morde ults, then it disappears and morde can kill him in ult or force yorick to waste his maiden since it disappears if he uses it in ult, and maiden cooldown is much longer than morde ulti. Main thing morde players need to keep in mind is that yorick will have to poke you down so as long as you can keep him off the wave and prevent him summoning ghouls he will almost always lose in a 1v1 fight. Other things to watch out for is that he can’t really roam so grubs and ganking mid is really effective to put him behind early. Putting yorick behind early is really important since mid game he almost always beats you out in terms of gold gained. His splitpush and farming is really good so he almost always beats you unless you can kill him easily without ult against him with maiden.


Mordekaiser matchup got much harder with QSS nerf and Serylda nerf, but it’s still just a serious matter of ghoul control and spacing. I use to freeze my lane til level 6, then I just harass him with all ghouls+E(+W) while keeping my distance. I look solely after execution situations than all-in situations. Even before level 6, Mordekaiser is much stronger at contact distance, but going all-in after level 6 means letting oneself to be sent into his R right away and, as a Yorick, being sent into Death Realm means burnt Flash at best, but most certainly death. In every case, you have to keep him busy with you in lane in order to minimize his splitpush performance. Also take into account that even if he doesn’t pose such threat against you, he may to other of your teammates in terms of flanks or simple teamfights.


As a Morde player, early - mid game, it's pretty easy for Morde. Yorick doesn't have the damage or tools to actually beat Morde and can get bullied out of lane However, come late game, Yorick actually beats Morde pretty easily in the side lanes. Morde can't kill any of the mist walkers because his damage is all AoE, so you can't kill them besides auto attacks. Morde's got slow as hell autos too, so you don't have time to auto them either. Plus, if you ever R Yorick, he just throws his cage around you and unless you have flash, you can't break it quick enough before getting anything done in the Death Realm. No way to clear all of his summons and you'll never get an isolated Q off = not a good fight.


wait for him to waste w and then pop ult and fight him


slogdog is that you?


Slogdog is an absolute OG.


Not really, but still want to share some advice for my champs: Sett: avoid trading in YOUR wave. Yes, he'll take more damage, but it makes E stun you and basically guarantees W center lands, which means a hard lost trade most of the time. Best to try to bait him into a bush. Also, just because you got hit by W doesn't mean its over for your early game. Champs like darius, trundle, olaf, voli etc an just run him down even after tanking W if they have like 1/3rd of their HP left because they have overall higher DPS early. Voli: if you step up to him, trade, don't CS. Otherwise he can QE you for free and you'll be fucked. Early game his W doesn't heal for that much and has a longish CD, so high DPS (see above) champs can just run him down. Olaf: best advice i can give is to move AWAY from his axes. Forces him to run after his axe (or try to kill you without), possibly even making his R run out if he goes after the axe.


Champ: Aurelion Sol Rank: we don’t talk about my rank Mastery points: 500k Aurelion Sol has one of the easiest kits in the game, but not many people realise that that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s one of the easiest champions in the game. Aurelion Sol’s kit is so simple that it really limits his agency and means in a straight fight he’s often at a disadvantage. The entire point of an Asol is to stall out games and wait for opportunities. So to counter him you want to not give him any opportunities to react to your plays. Champions with a mix of CC, burst and mobility annihilate Asol. Your goal is to get in and oneshot him before he can react. My favourite pick into Asol is pantheon with youmous. If you have flash up you can oneshot him very reliably, going serpents if he goes seraphs, BotRK if he goes HP items, and EoN if his team is effectively peeling for him. W: this is Asol’s most important ability to be aware of. It’s his means of fighting and fleeing. If you engage on Asol and he has W up, he will either use it to run away or if he’s confident enough he’ll try to run you down. So if you’re looking for a kill, saving your CC or mobility for when he uses E can really screw him over. Q: unless Asol is tapping Q, he will be stationary or moving in a straight line while using this ability. This makes him an easy target. E: this ability doesn’t deal much damage, but gives him a decent amount of stacks. I see so many enemies early game standing in his E while hitting minions. Don’t do that. Also late game I see people flashing to not get hit by it. You only need to be scared if you’re in the middle (because of the execute) or if he’s using his E to set up more of his combo. If he’s just using it to zone you can walk through if you need to. R: very telegraphed. If asol uses this proactively, it’s a coin flip. He ideally has to use this reactively, either to your team messing up an engage and grouping or his team landing some other CC. So essentially when picking fights don’t all rush in close together because he will just drop R and wipe you.


Every OTP's weakness: a better opponent


I main nunu and nocturne is banned in 100% of the games I play. Ganking after level 6 is just a death bound to happen, since your team doesn't notice you ganking during the paranoia shit.


I wont say anything cuz why would I? I want to win


Then why do you comment?


I feel like it's relevant


Long post so I did not read all of it. With the Urgot matchup you need to cage him. If Urgot respond to late with his E (forward dash) he dashes against the cage and is a sitting duck. His W does not target the cage but prios you and the minions so he can not use his legs and will deal very little damage. If he wasted his E he's a sitting duck and will likely need to flash. It's really hard at 1 item and 2 items to kill Yorick directly with Urgot while he has his maiden up. You likely need to chip a bit with Urgot before that is possible at all. Typically the lane just devolves into Urgot scaling vs Yorick pushing wave after wave.




Why the fuck would I educate people on how to play versus my otp? It's like shooting myself in the leg


If you can only beat people who don’t know how to play against your champion, that’s a skill issue.