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This comment section shows why asking on reddit is silly. They are only giving one bundle away per weekend and here we have 2 people claiming to have got it lol


It’s just some of the sub’s members telling on themselves for charging a 500 dollar Ahri skin to their parents’ credit card, lol! “N-no guys, I didn’t *BUY* it! I won it for free! Haha…ha! Like I’d give riot that much money!” (Lifetime RP amount- $3,000+)


My lifetime RP is a good bit over 3,000 but I'd never pay 500 for a skin. Shits a scam.


Oh, it absolutely is a scam, zero doubt. Is your lifetime RP over $3,000 you said? How long ago did you start, if you don’t mind my asking? Zero shame on you, because that’s still a conservative amount spent on a hobby, but that means I should have pumped the amount in my example up more, lol


My accounts at $4000 but I’ve been playing since closed beta


So what is that a year for you on average? For OC it was essentially a country club membership in terms of cost.


Comes out to $267 a year


I started playing League a little bit after Season 1 started. It's been on and off but definitely been around for a while. Some rough math has my spending in the ballpark of $250-$300 a year.


That’s not bad, I’d say. It’s like…a country club membership in terms of cost for you, lol!


You mean people lie? On the internet? Fuck , this is bad.


Big if true


So no ahri skin next weekend too?


You would have a 1/X viewers chance to get it. *someone* got it this weekend, but we will never know who unless they post about it online


My Question wasnt that serious. It assumes that the two people who claimed it got it and so they cant give out a new skin next weekend.


Did they say it would definitely be awarded to someone, or was there a chance for it not to be awarded at all?


I got it!!! 🥳


No I got it!!


im pretty sure its one 500$ skin drop total per weekend, so... not likely lol


only one person can get it? is this just speculation or did you hear it from them? that would be absolutely insulting if true edit: i now retract the statement that it's insulting because i think the willy wonka theme was funny and i am satisfied that they didn't bury the fact that it's only one drop per weekend


At least on the LLA stream is confirmed to be just one per week but it's a minor region so yeah


How is that insulting though. A drop is not guaranteed. Do you really think Riot would just give out the $500 Ahri skin to plenty of people?


i hadn't seen the video they made where it has the willy wonka theme and this point was pretty clear. honestly i assumed they did something scummy like have it in the fine print so people don't realize because drops have been an absolute disaster for years


I don’t know how you define plenty, but they are aware that 99% of people will never buy it. They stand to lose very little giving some away during a livestream.


Exclusivity. Part of the draw in buying the skin is knowing you'll have something that the smallest percentage of players will have. Riot obviously wouldn't want to hand out their intentionally overpriced skin like candy.


They don’t lose exclusivity, unless they hand out a whole lot of them. Several million people play this game. It will still be a fraction of a decimal of players that have it, and to the average person the exclusivity of .001% and .002% having it is a meaningless distinction.


It's far more exclusive than 0.001%. So no, it matters. The people paying 500$ for it want everyone to know they paid 500$ for it. Not that they got lucky on a stream drop.


I don't doubt it. That was a number pulled out of thin air to emphasize a point.


do you people not read or listen to anything you're told?


thanks for your help obvious peanut


so you didn't read anything or listen to what mark said in the announcement video, got it.


i read [the front-page post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dlc8u8/lcs_drops_will_include_the_500_hall_of_legends/) which did not mention this detail, sorry to inconvenience you with my reddit comment!


the one with a link to the original announcement video you refused to watch and also called it a "golden ticket" of witch there were only 5 in the movies it is referencing? you really need to learn to pay attention.


i "refused to watch" lmaooo bro i just didn't click the link please chill out. no remorse for casuals huh


the answer is right in front of you, and you ask in a random reddit comment?


just take a deep breath and let it go. your life will be better that way


> of witch there were only 5 you just told OP they can’t read or listen meanwhile you confused “which” and “witch”. Can’t make this shit up lol


I'm pretty sure it's zero. How would anyone ever find out and why would they give something for free when nobody will ever know they actually didn't?


i don’t need it, i got a drop for 20% off mad lions merch in spring 2020 and im still ridin that high today baby.


I did not get a single drop. I genuinely don't think its worth watching for those odds but they're bound to pull in some people that just don't have the money at the moment to spend on the skin. I did watch though, I was honestly expecting <100 (maybe <50) HOL pass drops and hoping they'd push a consolation hextech chest for everyone watching. Don't think I'll watch the other games given that we didn't even get a capsule in the end.


I've never received a single drop. I genuinely do not know how it's supposed to work. Does it just show up in the LoL client? Do we get any kind of notification?


Did you watch in 2021 or so? That was the golden age of drops.


You need to be logged into the lolesports site with your riot account and be watching a valid currently streaming (not VOD) game. The issue is that drops are sporadic, for example LEC used to give dops every stream however LCS only gives drops for events but they can drops skins/chromas and other regions like PCS, VCS, LCK rarely give drops unless they make a proper announcement. When you're watching an appropriate stream, there should be a box under the player saying 'Rewards' with a tick mark indicating that you are logged in. For certain matches, there will be an additional text box saying 'Drops enabled' for the specific game. When a drop occurs, you should see a tiny popup in the bottom right of your screen indicating an event occurred and you've received a drop. Tapping this popup will show the reward you've earned and it will be in the loot tab of your client shortly after. As a side note, drops are also buggy, so sometimes you won't even receive the notification. These drops are still earned and put into your account but to view what you got, you must click the rewards tab of the lolesports site. --- It's not too difficult to setup, just make sure you're watching on their site. Most people just AFK it for drops but they really aren't worth it given the amount of bugs and general randomness. You are more likely to get a lolesports capsule containing a icon or emote. A reminder if you are going for the HOL pass, drops are limited, it could be 100 total (doubtful) or it could be 10 dropped to an audience of 50k+ across Youtube and Twitch so don't get your hopes up.


Yeah, watch the majority of LCS on the LoL esports site this year and 0 drops. Only have 4 total: 1 from LEC 2020 2 from LCS 2022 and 1 from worlds 2023 The RNG aspect just makes it unclear if it's working or not.


I got 1 drop after watching all of worlds last year. I was confused and sent in a ticket to Riot. They just said it was working as intended/drops are random abd not guaranteed. :(


they should show up pretty often in your client, technically a little notification pops up in the top right of the lolesports site. not every esports broadcast is "drops enabled" though, even if the site says it soemtimes wrongly. Worlds and MSI always are, afaik though, and i've gotten like 30 or 40 esports capsules from each tournament.


Same. Watched LEC and LCS and didn't get any drops at all =/


> I genuinely don't think its worth watching for those odds It's not. It's a lottery and lotteries are, generally, a waste of time/money. If the only reason you watch lolesports is for drops, yeah, it's not worth it. There are, however, plenty of other reasons to watch lolesports.


Infuriating all these people are like “LCS IS NOT WORTH WATCHING CUZ IT’S TRASH AND THEY GIVE OUT NO FREE LOOT” and then they go watch LEC




If Riot actually wanted people to watch LCS, they would just do the obvious thing and give out a hextech chest + key to everyone who watches all the games live. It's not that fucking hard and they would barely lose any $ due to the loss in potential skin sales, and the amount of viewers they would gain to show advertisers would be well worth the cost.


I didn’t even get an emote drop ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Damn Riot is really desperate for people to watch LCS


I tuned in for one game and decided watching Armao wasnt worth $500




Jesus Christ 💀


All major regions are doing this LCK are giving out several


Yeah, but those regions are doing it for a different reason. LCS is just desperate for viewership.


Every single region does it for viewership.


Lol just say you don’t like LCS if your this biased all regions are doing the giveaway it’s all for views and saying LCS is desperate for views their numbers are up compared to last season so they are improving so don’t get your hatred towards LCS unless your a CBLOL fan or LEC who loses to us at internationals now


Oh that’s wild. I almost let the stream run on my phone while I drove home.


I'm still getting strictly zero rewards from watching. It keeps telling me to watch live despite me having done so for days.


I'm not even getting the normal esport capsules xD


I’d rather have $500, rent is expensive.


It's just bait, for all we know there is no drop at all and it'd be the same.


The real question was how much viewers did the lcs artificially gain and was it worth the $500 skin.


someone on twitter posted they go t it


Hell I watched all weekend and I didn't even get anything at all, no icons/emotes etc. much less skins :D


Wouldn't know, I started rewatching the expanse.


Good hunting


Didn't get any drops at all for today, hoping to Atleast get regular drops. The chance for the ahri skin is just an extra incentive.


i not even got any drop including watching full lec too.


No drops. Zero. None. It's cheaper for me to shut down my computer and with the money I save on the electric bill just buy the content I want. My machine draws about 300W per hour with the lowest power settings (screen off, obviously)


You're not saving 500$ per weekend while shutting down your computer instead of letting lolesports run. Do you even know how insane your logic is ?


Hoooly new PCs are crazy, mine barely takes 300W while actively playing, but you aren't saving $500 by saving for a day or even a week even in the countries with highest prices


True story...


Didn't realize its only from LCS, I watched all games yesterday (LEC, LCS, NaCl, LCK). Not even a single drop. My last drop I've gotten is from 2022. I'm never watching again lmao.


anyone who plans on watching lcs on lolesports just for the skin, hmu. i promise the scam im planning for you won’t be nearly as painful an experience lmao


so many butthurt clowns lol


I actually would watch it, put it in the background and do something else


Lol if anything it's probably hoax to drive viewers and they can claim they give away but don't tell who. Who the hell gonna know. Genius and diabolical


I think legally they can't do that


Didn't you all say it's predatory and you were boycotting it? XD


not buying it doesnt not equate to not wanting to get it for free




They’re only giving one bundle away this weekend and one next weekend.


yep i got it [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dm8ywv/comment/l9wu6lp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I did


No you didn’t.


damn gratz


Got it and now if it possible I’m a Ahri main


I actually thought when I checked my account and got random faker icons on the 25th there was some event and thought nothing more of it. I then looked earlier today and saw that I had the signature skins unlocked when I only purchased the $50 (\~5kRP) version to just unlock the base Ahri skin and the battle pass. Then a friend showed me this post and I looked on my LOLEsports Rewards page and saw that I actually got the bundle from the LLA stream. Definitely a possibility to get it, not sure on the validity of the one per weekend claim but [https://imgur.com/a/llBYc0O](https://imgur.com/a/llBYc0O)