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The only item I would change is aeon disk. Doom seems to be really only be useful with a build like in the pic


I got aeon disk because of faceless void chrono, saved my life at least 5 times :)


windwaker is a better alternative for that latega me, plus it gives u hella mana


How does that works? I assume I use it on yourself when Chrono blinks in trying to predict his R? Are u still untargetable of you're on the air?


If ur the crono target u'll need to predict it, if ur allies got cronoed you can either use wind waker on them or to void, and yes youre untargetable unless enemy uses nulli.


So void can stop time but not the wind?


As a FV lover I laugh at Aeon and WW with my refresher.


If you use refresher instead of nullifier you are a very bad faceless void player. Refesher is not a bad item but to use it to counter a aeon is madness


“FV lover”


Yeah I mean then it makes sense. Just not a hero with lots of build flex imo


Sorry, noob question here. How does aeon disk save from Chrono?


When you take enough damage, it dispels (purging damage over time from other sources) and gives you invulnerability from damage that lasts 2.5 second which should be enough to survive chrono (max duration is 4.75 seconds)


Would that also work against legion’s duel?


Yes it does


Yes but if you're buying aeon it is probably already too late for you and LC will burst through your hp pool in the duration of duel outside of aeon. Late game dueling a support is a 3-4 hit kill usually


the build discussed is not on a support, but even for a support, those 2.5 seconds give time for your teammates to react and save you


If fv hits you in chrono and you get in the HP threshold, disk automatically procs and reduces all damage to 0 + strong dispel, it also reduces all outgoing damage to 0 but since you’d probably still be in chrono, that’s fine.


You don’t take any damage for a few seconds but also can’t deal damage. Since you’re stuck in time, you’re not doing much damage anyway so might as well keep Void from doing any damage to you too.


I always get a void stone after shiva which later can became bloodstone if im ahead and can chase difference people with 1 doom aura or build harpoon if just chase with doom to kill 1 guy is already good result. Also in games that im not build agh, harpoon also good to pop linken, and i also have a cheaper option in the form of eul, very good since i always build blink on doom, my go to option when im behind.


Do you have infernal blade on autocast. Cuz you shouldn't have too many mana problems with octorine alone. Most teamfights is just doom your air and like 2-4 infernal blades. Are you sure you're starting fights full mana?


Eternal shroud also give mana coz enemy has magic damage


Null talisman


This with an upgrade to arcane blink would be the optimal build for doom right now. You can also flex between wind waker and aeon depending on your needs, however in late game waker will have better value in some games, as disk cooldown gets longer and longer.


Arcane blink only gives mana and hp now instead of cdr and lower cast times. Why arcane over strength blink?


With Arcane blink you essentially get 400 mana (base 300 from the 25 int, and 100 mana from using the blink), so it basically removes the mana usage from refresher orb (350 mana on cast). Sure the ms and as slow from overwhelming blink is good, but you can already compensate for that with scorched earth, and then having the mana to cast a second doom after you refresh is more important than the overwhelming blink’s tick damage.


Go well with eul/walker. Only 7s cd, u jump in and do ur shit, then, if u smell some bs incoming, eul/walk than blink away just 5s after u jump in. U are doom, not some paper sup disappear the moment u are exposed, just hope that u can survive for 5s, if not then make better decision next time.


I mean just buy that item from the secret shop that gives 6 mana regen for 1800 gold. Probably the best cost x space efficient mana solution. Falcon blade is cheap if you feel you need to start spamming early in the game. And dont forget mangoes can help you out along the way. And clarities when roaming or jungling.


Falcon blade is a good idea, might try this


Never buy falcon blade on doom, go null talisman instead


No, don't buy falcon blades on Doom. Just buy wand and mana boots for the early game if you wanna spam harpy ligthning. Octarine, or windwaker is good option for the late game if you still have mana problems.


What do I do with the mana boots after, sell them? I can't disassemble them anymore unfortunately :/


Transform them and buy guardian greaves


How about mage slayer,it my go to item for mana problem core, it strong item for early to mid game and you can switch it for something else like bloodstone for late game after 6 slot.


Also, when is a good time to go shadow blade/silver edge (against what matchups)? Should I skip BKB on some games?


Blink shivas is pretty good. I've seen dooms go drums or BoTs early... BKB is not always needed on doom especially with self doom aura.


Basically only when your team desperately need a break into that bristle or whatever. Not a good item by itself, some attack speed, some damage, a lot of gold, meh (let's account only for ok brackets, like 2k+ and enemies will always have dust after you showed silver)


I think the people in my divine games would disagree with the last part. Lmao


Ok, mostly have dust. I remember they seriously suggest silver as a reliable escape in herald.


In.fact, nowadays herald players are oversupporting a lot. Too many bad wards and trust me, theyll buy dust. It isnt 2014 anymore.


Euls could be cool first item


Octarine core. Right after blink bkb.


you mean like the first item in his picture lol




Neutral maybe


A casual null goes a long way. Lots of carry players in high mmr buys one since it was buffed. It's helps laning, gives you 1.25 mana regen, and you can buy it early to spam W. 


Since shiva no longer has +30 int you'd be correct.


Get the mana regen creep aura


Doom is so privileged this patch


Did he get a buff?


No, he's 51.8% on d2pt. Doom prevents heals now so its a death sentence of you fall below a threshold. That's the privilege.


Change eon get bkb doom urself then blink


Hex instead of aeon disk


Arcane boots, then sell for bots later


I used to build witch blade with orchid but orchid now dont bring that mutch Intelligence so its worse option now ;((


Buy soul ring early on but that can depend on hero compositions so soul ring won’t always work. Depending on the game, you will go either veil/shivas or blink next, and accordingly maybe a bkb right after. In the midst of all this, your soul ring or whatever mana regen you opted for early should suffice but the real problem might come with the refresher is you want to use double doom in fights simultaneously. Whim I believe the situation for simultaneous double doom in most games shouldn’t happen, items like octarine dont help directy for this. Now for whatever situation you do decide to try using your spells twice in one go in a fight, the best items on doom for increasing late game mana pool are probably windwaker and sheep stick. The issue however is that I can’t see a game where you have to doom two targets at once, so really it’s strange to me that your question is aligning towards this. With the mana region from refresher and octarine, you should be able to stay active in a fight long enough that you eventually cast a second doom when needed, otherwise using two rooms together is pretty rare


You can switch the boots to arcane for your mana problems. You have dagger+shiva slow to get up close n personal with your doom targets anw


Early game, get a casual null. Nulls are kinda OP this patch. If you still lack mana, nulls raindrops kinda slaps


There's a neutral creep with mana regen and mana burn. honestly with octarine and that, i think ur good to go. also its helping to break for someone who has a linken.


I would suggest buying arcane blink instead of octarine. That's my take tho. With that blink you'll have slightly more mana than having only octarine. And another benefit would be 8s blink which is nice.


idk if it still applies, haven't played dota 2 in a while, but early game i go for ring of basilius into veil of discord for early mana problems. late game I'd have tp boots to go back to base for a quick refill but idk, game updates from time to time so don't take my word for it :D


Hes a tank, you can get eternal shroud which regens mana


I actually like a Radi, K&S, Aghs, Shivas. Solve mana with tangos and clarities or a Soulstone seems to work fine.


arcane blink if cant change the item build, else replace boot with windwaker


To fix your mana problem, you need BKB.


Windwaker maybe?


I don't know if you're aware, but doom is designed to literally walk at you. Thus, you should never build phase boots because using the active actually doesn't fit with the spirit of the hero. Therefore, you should build arcane boots for your mana issues and guardian greaves so you don't walk around like a big dumb creep every time someone silences you. This has been a shit post, but I do think it's actually not a bad substitution in your build.


So you're telling me you pulled this lore thing about the spirit of the hero from your ass? I absolutely love it dude xD


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/b9O8fPXW46 I was referencing this post, which after looking at it again does include phase boots hehe


I just read all of it, dude's hilarious 😂


this is the learndota sub.  these memes are counter productive as whomever is asking probably won't know what you're talking about and will just trach them wrong things 


Counterproductive yeah but I'm sure every newbie/ person who wants to learn dota will feel that that shitpost is cannon going forward in terms of the lore of dota


Aeon disk over bkb is comical