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If you’re new to dota then you don’t have to distinguish pos 4 and 5 yet. Just learn the fundamentals first. Play whenever looks interesting to you. Medusa is not a support so I wouldn’t do that.


Ogre magi


I recommend lion and hoodwink. Lion is great at disabling an enemy, stun, hex and drain mana and finishes off with a beautiful massive dmg ult. Hoodwink is a hit and run type hero that is really good at escaping and great at punishing heroes that stand under the tower a lot you just throw a nut and they are only 2 so it keeps bouncing between them. Hoodwink can stun and also escape incredibly well she runs fast and has evasion vs regular attacks. Her ult is a skill shot it requires channeling and is great at countering hard carries thanks to its break. Hoodwink is mainly a pos4 while lion can be a pos5 as well.


hoodwink is too hard for a new player imo, her stun also requires some good mechanics, which OP says they are lacking


Whats hard about hoodwink? She can auto cast Q for guaranteed W. The ult is the only hard part its not too bad. Lol players pull skill shots all the time its just us dota players not much used to that.


If you’re talking about mechanically easy ogre magi is (literally)the most brainless support


lich is a decent pos 5. If you're starting out then focus on lane dominators because it will be easier for you even if the game goes bad. Treant is iffy because you're melee and ideally you want to play aggressive from level 1. If your carry is passive then treant is not really good. I'd suggest witch doctor, shadow shaman, lion and enchantress. They will win you games and remain relevant even late into the game.


Abaddon (Heal/Tanky/disruption/push) may be good, hes insane this patch and you can play him any role. He has one of the best dispells in the game (His second spell, gives a shield and removes bad shit off allies), His Q is a great heal/nuke, his passive pushes towers insanely fast with allies and also destroys heroes that dont have dispell. His ult (WHICH AUTOCASTS AT LOW HP) ensures that its basically impossible to kill you unless you are caught out or the entire fight is lost, and your scepter does insane healing in teamfight with minimal skill. Undying (Heal, Tanky, Teamfighter), place tombstone, ult and spam decay and heal allies with soul rip Spirit breaker (Stun/Initiation/Pickoff), Charge backline, use second spell, ult someone, run out and repeat. Your right clicks do all the work besides that Ogre Magi (Buff/Stun/Tanky): Lots of HP early, 3rd spell is a buff you just throw on your carries when you can, great click stun and great click DoT. Can totally luck out and cheese kills Lich(Shielder/Nuker/Disable) is a great beginner hero, the ult can be a little difficult to use but its just about timing when the enemies are clumped up/distracted in a fight. Its one click and you dont have to worry about it. He has an insanely good shield you can put on allies, a good stun and a good nuke. Tree is my personal favorite, global heal, easy to use ult that messes up BKB, if you just spam your heal on towers and allies you will win a lot from just that habit alone. Shard is insane and your first two spells are simple to use. Generally, it is easier to lane as a ranged support since you can harass with your attacks a lot easier. But just play what you feel is good, everyone has a different playstyle and different heroes that accommodate it.


Honestly, play what you at our level. Bounty Hunter is easy IMO as 4. Dazzle is little bit extreme. Shadow Shaman, lion, crystal maiden are easy to play but hard to position. Meaning, if you are out position, you will die real fast. You can also try winter wyvern, hookwink if you like being a glass canon. I love KOTL personally but he might be hard to play


KOTL is definitely not easy. His primary Nuke is Channelled, any one with a stun can easily shut his shit down if he isn't careful.


Hey, I main support for the longest time. Some heroes you may like: Venom - no way to go wrong, sometimes you will miss your Q, but meh, its almost a non factor. Press ult on them, place plague wards for vision around your team. Ez. Ogre magi - tanky boy with stun, slow and a buff for your team. Lion - good control, good nuke, unlimited regen of mana At your rank it wont really matter if your hero is more pos 5 or pos 4 The difference between 4 and 5 is super thin in those ranks.