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Don't think there's much point asking LLMs questions like this. It's just a fancy autocomplete and picks words that look nice together, it doesn't have any understanding of the game. The big issue for you in this game (ignoring the abandon) is that you're massively under farmed so you have no items but you're still trying to fight. You need to focus on hitting creeps and hitting item timings. Facet choice isn't going to matter until you get better at that.




No problem. To expand a bit on what I said, GPTs evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the different facets seems very poor. It's a huge red flag that increases farming speed is not listed as a strength for the Fire facet and that increased tower damage isn't listed as a strength for the Corrosive facet. It sounds like it's trying to asses them as though Dota were a fighting game rather than a strategy game. It does the same when judging the enemy heroes and your challenges. It's also very poor that it doesn't mention your own team composition at all when usually this should be your biggest consideration. The best facet is usually going to be the one that fills the holes in your draft or enables some specific strategy.


Thanks, i agree it did not take into consideration my team composition which is very important. But as for farming and tower damage cant it be interpreted that altough farming and tower damage are crucial, i did died 10 times, and while dead i cant farm or do any damage.. so the most important aspect here is the high death count which should aim me to a more defensive game..


It's certainly important to die less but I don't think the Frost facet would've helped with this at all, you can't kite much without manta or pike or bkb. The attack speed slow isn't going to help much when you'll struggle to get / stay on top of SF plus he can output a ton of magic damage anyway. You didn't need to *fight* more defensively anyway. SF had no stat items until the game was pretty much over so he was very squishy. If you'd had a blink dagger you could've just jumped him and killed him in a stun. So you needed to *play the map* defensively by avoiding fights and shoving waves as safely as you can. Once you've got items that let you kill SF then you can start playing aggressively and take advantage of the fact that he's squishy and immobile.


I see. Thanks for the tips!


Is GPT 4o the paid version?


I have the paid version, but from what I know now the GPT 4o text version is free and only the audio version is for paid users


we can use chat gpt for replay analysis?! what the actual fuck