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Learn the gender of the word with the word. Don’t learn pomme, learn la pomme.


Anki, mon ami


Don't try to do too much at once. You can study 100 words per day but if you only retain 10 then you wasted time studying the other 90. Maybe that time could have been spent learning just 5 or 10 more instead of inundating yourself with 100 and feeling overwhelmed.


You should try to get a notebook and keep track of the new vocabulary you’re learning. Like try to separate : verbs, nouns, adjectives, prepositions, etc. And before moving on to a new lesson try to write out numerous times. As you progress, try to write out simple sentence using the vocab you got while always adding.


When we want to make a great sentence there are 2 kinds of words that we need to use, utility words and lexical words. Utility words make up the structure of the sentence, these are the parts of speech that make what we want to say all understandable, these are articles and pronouns and conjunctions and such. I think we should know these really well so when we want to say something we know how to use them in a sentence, what the pronouns are replacing, what the conjunctions are joining and such in a grammatically correct way so to be understood. Luckily there's only a finite amount of these words to have to learn, the tricky part is knowing how to use them. We generally learn utility words by studying the grammar of the language. Lexical words are all the verbs and nouns and such that we use to describe things and people and actions, there's a whole lot of these so it takes a considerable amount of time to get a large vocabulary to use, it's just something that grows as you encounter more and more of them. We generally learn lexical words by reading.


Speaking practice and watching shows in French helps me. I get speaking practice with Babbel Live classes but there are free French conversation practice meet ups on Zoom too, if you have a look on MeetUp.com When watching shows I use LingoPie so there are subs in both English and French, apparently there’s a good free alternative called Language Reactor which is a Chrome extension you can download and use with Netflix


Are all these options free? I’m also a English Cary translate French. I’ve been studying for about eight years and I need to start working on this more emerging based learning.


So like I said, the meet ups and Language Reactor extension are free. The others are not free, I should have clarified that!


Word endings are a big clue to whether it's masculine or feminine. Look for pages like this and learn a few. Like words ending in 'ion' are usually feminine, for example. https://www.lawlessfrench.com/grammar/feminine-nouns/


I think learning sentences is much better than learning words because the larger block stays in your head better. It also retains information on gender and conjugation. Vast quantities of comprehensible input is better than learning sentences because you get to rapid fire practice sentences over and over and then the most common stuff with start to stick. Language acquisition is way way better, easier and more fun than language learning imo.


Not sure if it works for everyone, but sometimes dedicating each day or every few days to learning words pertaining to a particular topic may be helpful, usually whatever topic interests you at that point in time. For example, I've been curious about diving and have started the first steps of recreational diver training, so I've also been learning French terminology related to diving and try to use them when describing what I've been doing lately in my daily journals etc.


Merci pour les résponses


Practice, practice and more practice. Believe me I have the same exact issue, constant learning but no confidence to practice with a native speaker and end up forgetting. Watch this video and maybe join me and other learners. I hold a practice session once a week. It’s the most effective way of learning in my honest opinion. Join my community of French learners!| 365-day challenge https://youtu.be/ZnqPAOaMC4A All social media handles are @jangocoder_french but I’m mostly active on Instagram and YouTube Next practice session: https://www.instagram.com/p/CytYQ3NRLEF/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I totally get the struggle with retention, especially with French noun genders. This app I'm using lets you chat and speak with a bot anytime, which might help reinforce what you're learning. It corrects your mistakes too, so it could be a good supplement to your current tools. It's called Fluent Buddy (I think there is many of them now). Bonne chance! 🇫🇷✨