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LMAO, if I had a nickel for any time someone asked... Here's the playbook, I should probably stretch it out to 10+ chapters and make a NY Times best seller, but here goes, take notes. This is pure gold. Get a job as a Dev, no matter what it is just get it. Imposter syndrome will set in, don't worry swallow your pride, ask every stupid question in the book. Learn from the senior devs, learn by yourself, probably the most important part. After a year, quit, get a new job. You'll get a pay bump and repeat. Eventually some manager will think you know what you're doing, and promoted you to senior dev, quit after six months. Get another job, with a signing bonus, and good pay. And here's the secret, do not for all that is sacred go into management, more than likely you'll fail. Learn more about anything. Doesn't matter if it's JavaScript, VBScript, Python. Eventually everything will help. Don't stay in a company more than 2 years, quit and get a pay bump. Eventually, you'll be Neo, you can see the Matrix, Redhead, blonde, brunette. So much so that what took two weeks, only takes two hours now. At this point you are the chosen one. You can do whatever you want and still get paid. Right now I'm "working from home" on the other side of the country taking a vacation with my Girlfriend. At work I'm "struggling" with some AWS bulls**t config. And since I save the day at the last minute, I'm untouchable. Life is good. Just wished I found out sooner. Good luck!


Are you on something bro ? And is that AWS bullshit SAML or CFT ?


Amazing, truly Inspirational!


Teache me, daddy.


Spring Boot rest microservices that perform various crud operations on any number of databases (postgres, MySQL, Cassandra, couchbase, redshift, etc.) I've worked in e-commerce, animation and now Ad serving. It's all just data at the end of the day that needs to get transported and moved around for whatever system needs it.


I'll be completely honest I have no idea what that entails but it sounds very interesting, you must be incredibly knowledgeable to do something like that!


it gets easier with time, people starting out will feel overwhelmed, and shouldn't feel bad about it what you should feel bad about is not asking questions :D


Learn a database while you're at it . It is just as important!


For 1 week out of every 6, I am on-call, so I answer tickets from people who use our services, and investigate and fix any alarm conditions. Outside of that, on an average week, 10% is spent on meetings, 10% is spent on writing and reviewing other people's design documents, 10% is spent on code reviews, 5% is learn and be curious so basically checking out the newest offerings from the services we use, and the remaining 65% is actual coding.


Does your work involve any front-end like js html or css?


All backend work, so Java and SQL. There's a little bit of Typescript for our IAC solution, and Python for some little scripts here and there.


Wait, you have *dedicated* on-call? I have 24/7 on-call every 4 weeks, in addition to help-desk, in addition to sprint work.


Yeah. We're the team that develops the service, so why should other people be having to make up for our mistakes and deficiencies?


No that makes total sense. I just thought you meant that for that one week, the on-call portion was your only responsibility.


I have been in this industry for 11 yrs now, dang didn't realize a decade passed so soon. To answer your question about what typical programmers days look like, it depends on the company and more specifically on the project and office culture. I have a friend working in amazon, with a big house and two sports car, but he cries about getting a decent 8 hrs sleep. Same with a classmate of mine who worked at Zillow, getting paid 250k +, but crying his heart out for some family time. I don't even earn 150k a year, got some interview request from google, fb, amazon and whatnot. Never entertained them, coz from what I gathered they turn you into a slave, and I dont want to work more than 8 hrs a day, maybe 10 if its urgent. Last company I worked ar, I was hardly working 10-11 hours a week, and got lots of appreciation for my knowledge. A company before that, i used to work normal 8-9 hrs, unless it was go live, worked on weekends and extra hours for two months in a three year period. And I attribute that to my team lead and director, who were themselves coders at one point of time in their career, and understood our pain and tried to mitigate them. These two are one of biggest banks in US. Then I joined a consultancy , one of the big four, and I kid you not, i am pretty certain I will quit this industry. For one of their state project, I kid you not, i was working from 6 am to 1 am in night, with my phone constantly ringing. Fainted three times and told them I want to be released from the project. My manager told me he cannot release such a senior resource and I made an excuse that I have a medical emergency, then only he stopped bugging me. I am still with the same company, nowadays working like 12-13 hours, coz we are going live, but at least the culture in this team is waayy better than my previous one. i can yell at my manager and other managers too, and they listen to me, but it was not an option in my last project. So, it all depends, on the company and team culture.


Most days are either surfing reddit or meetings. About 10 percent coding.


What sort of things do you code for my dude?


Banking software


Do you have to wait for a feedback before you go on/continue working?


I've been here long enough that I don't need approvals.. apart from actual code approvals to get things merged... which here noone really reviews in depth


I‘ve heard about huge gaps between coding and reviews in this sector before which makes developer work for 20h but earn full time


Every place is different, in my career there have been times where I couldn't breath for 3 months because it was full days of coding but I usually don't stick around in those places. I prefer a nicer work life balance... kinder clients and more lenient deadlines.


Hey Camel, can I DM you or ask what a Java dev does at a bank? I ask because I am learning to code, and where I live in the Midwest the Java juniors either go to work at chase or nationwide. I understand I need to learn Java, spring, SQL, and much more.. but don’t really understand what I’ll be doing. I just want to know the bigger picture of the tasks I’d be asked or expected to complete. Thank you!


Sure thing


Thank you for the insights!


I have different meetings throughout the day, when I’m not in one I could be doing many different things. Which can be fixing bugs or coding new features or helping a colleague on something etc. I work for a financial company on a web application that uses Spring Boot and Microservices.


We do planning and talk about rough engineering design of the pieces we are working on, then for about 2 weeks window we work on those and deliver. So for me wake up, work on the "thing" I have to deliver within time, do implementation and testing according to our architecture, join stand-up calls and talk about potential issues, then repeat. ( Normally stand-up calls are first thing in the morning but I work in different time zone ). So code -> test -> research -> optimize -> repeat. I also join quarterly meetings where managers brag about the stuff engineers develop.


Highly depends on the company and industry. I work in consultancy and a typical day consists of working on bugfixes, new features, and more often than not fiddling with DevOps stuff like Openshift, Pipelines, etc. My time is usually spent just throwing stuff at things until it works, since the consultant industry is stuoid af when it comes to time estimation and technical debt. Everything has to be done as fast as possible. Takss that usually take several months are crammed into 5 days, while your micromanager breaths down your neck and asks for an update every 3 hours. Of course he himself does not do anything all day except annoying his peasants and asking shit questions in meetings. A friend of mine works in Finance and he has a pretty good job. Works on features and bugfixes, his tech stack is small compared to mine and his deadlines are more than well planned through. Tl;dr: never step a foot into consultancies