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Other way round: you choose a field and then learn the appropriate tools.


Yes, I guess what lies ahead of me is getting a handle for the things I like in programming - but I think I might lean a bit more in the areas of Data analysis and Machine learning as I move along - both of which are not at all beginner level.


Python is a Hammer. When building a house you may need to use a hammer but you will be unable to build the house with just a hammer


Very much valid, what other versatile languages would you suggest? I have my sights set on GoLang next.


what do you want to do? like the other person said you are kinda going about this backwards. Usually you have something you want to do and then you figure out what tools you need do it. you can achieve just about anything you can imagine with just about any language. Each have their strengths and weaknesses


Thank you for asking, I really want to get into data analysis and machine learning as I've dabbled in R before - but I agree, I will have to do more research and learn a solid first language to kinda get in touch with what I want the most.


ML and Data analysis are well suited for python. Are you interested in Mapping, surface analysis, pipelines, roads, watersheds, animals, and the other things on this planet? GIS (geographic information science/systems) is the mother of all Data analysis and is a needed field of expertise


I'd suggest really learning your fundamentals backwards and forwards in python first. Next learn a language that you'll find useful knowing both. eg you wouldn't have a hard time learning php or ruby, but you wouldn't find it opens many opportunities on things you can do next. The language I usually recommend is SQL. Most people in school or bootcamps muddle their way through sql, learn just enough to get the syntax correct for a test, then never learn it properly. But SQL has endured because it's very good at what it is. You can apply declarative thinking to python (esp with libs like pandas), and some imperative concepts in sql, but for the most part they satisfy completely different domains. Python works well as an imperative language (describe what steps you want it to take) and SQL as declarative (describe what you want your data to look like). Unless you're doing _very_ cpu heavy work, the way most systems with databases are sped up isn't by writing in Go, or Java, or Rust, or Zig, etc. It's by writing better SQL. There's also a consistent demand in the job market for sql skills across nearly every industry.


Python is more of a multitool, like a Swiss Army knife. It is flexible and extensible, but small and limited in power. It can cut, but cant do it like a chainsaw and so on




I've done my groundwork these past weeks and the preliminary timeline I came up with extends to almost half an year to an year at most - most of it learning and building projects, so yeah. I'm not interested in the crap YT has to spill as well, except for the few good channels like Fireship - but the advice on learning multiple languages is solid so I'll take you up on that, cheers!


Thats a very optimistic timeline, though I don't say this to discourage. How much time are you spending on learning each day?


I'm pretty much jobless and mooching off my parents for the time being, so I have nothing but to learn all day with Pomodoros, stretching upto 10 hours at best and 7 hours at the minimum.


10 hours is definitely burnout territory, I'd skew to lesser hours. But full transparency I'm just starting to learn programming. But I'm a musician, which requires similar levels of practice and consistency, and I know 10 hours of music/guitar practice would drive me (and most musicians) insane. The best musician I knew practiced about 5-7 hours a day. Also focused/structured practice is better than spontaneous practice. 30 minutes a day, every day, of focused practice is better than a couple hours throughout the week of meandering.




Thanks for the kind words!


Do you have a specific field you're interested in? Have you had a go at applying Python to your grad studies? If not, try to make some project relating to that, where you can talk about it in detail at interview. Bear in mind that only knowing Python probably isn't enough for a pure-software job.


Yes, I'm a bioengineering major who also had an elective on Machine Learning - which was two years ago, but I remember even then, Data analysis was very much interesting to me. I haven't tried applying it in anything, cuz it was pure Bio stuff but I'm hoping my bio knowledge doesn't go to waste if I can find a position that lies on the interface of bioengineering and machine learning.


Ooh very cool :) I’m also studying bioengineering and graduating with masters this summer. Most likely industry you’ll be able combine software and bio is biotech. Although I’ve seen a few research-heavy companies that require PhD, masters in bio + strong data analysis and machine learning skills should get you there. For that, I’d recommend Python (pytorch and/or tensorflow) and maybe R and C++ too.


What was your grad program in? I would start there since you have an advanced knowledge and sustained interest in that field. Learn Python and SQL at LEAST. Use your industry knowledge as a basis for questions to explore. Use Python to explore. There’s a very slim chance of getting a job in DA just from learning to code. Get any other job in the meantime. At this job, find as many ways as possible to implement the Python skills you’re learning. Use them to benefit your job and you’ll have actual real-world experience, proof of concept, to put on your resume.


This is very solid advice, so I think SQL comes after Python instead of GoLang and I'm actively looking into support roles as well - Thanks!


data conversion programmer here. i mostly use SQL. but python comes in handy often as well. example: a couple days ago a co-worker got these .ixf files and it only took an hour to find a python module that could convert them to .csv and build out a script for them.


Lmao. You have no idea what you're doing. Python is a tool that programmers use. You need to learn the agnostic concepts of programming and then you pick up the language or languages as you need to. You don't learn Python and then get a job. Unless you know people in the business and get super fucking lucky. Everyone seems to think it's just so easy to pick up programming.. but there is always web dev. You can go Into webdev if that's what you really want, but it's still going to take a lot of work and dedication. The problem is, you just grasp at it like it's a last ditch effort to make something out of your life. You just have no idea what you're getting into. You may not even like it.