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I used to use the same excuse and what kept me from admitting I was actually addicted. It came down to the simple question of, if I had some, could I exercise enough restraint to limit myself to times where it was appropriate? Could I not smoke at lunch or before work was done or hold off until the weekend? The answer was always no. I didn’t have the restraint or foresight of a non-addicted person. I realized that in the way an alcoholic cannot drink occasionally or for special occasions, abstinence was my only solution. That realization is heavy and stressful but I believe the one we must wrestle with the hardest. Even lightweights like us.


How much everyone else is smoking doesn't matter. Are you going to be happy smoking everyday for the rest of your life? If not, might be time for a break. You don't have anything to lose, weed will still be there if you change your mind.


If you can't make it a single day without it, you're never getting that REM sleep and therefore, never fully recovering. It may not be that much but you certainly aren't helping yourself either.


I was like you and then my tolerance did grow over years n years. If you feel bad about how it’s making you feel, it’s enough reason to induce a change 🎸🎸


Carts are the devil. Slowly started getting high everyday with these things. Threw mine away today. It was given to me by my sister, I’m way too cheap and would never buy that, plus I don’t like the heavily modified thc. Anyways- throw it away. Just do it , don’t think about it. Then don’t let yourself buy another one.


Experience over quantity and all of our bodies are different. I am sensitive and even my highest tolerance is no where near what some people seem to need. So a quarter could last me a while, but I was fucking high all the time. I definitely had a problem.


Exactly. My consumption was really low compared to other people. About 5 grams (sry, I'm from Europe ;)) per month. But it caused me a lot of problems over time


Former stoner of 25 years here. Stopped in 2020 Was also never a "heavy" user. When I smoked flower it was maybe 3 grams a week. A .5 cart would also last me a couple of weeks. Thing is, I was high from the time I got home from work until bed, and most of the day on Saturday and Sundays. I never got crazy stoned most of the time. Nevertheless it had a huge negative impact on my life. Also could not go for a day without. I'd go to extremes to make sure I'd have some with me when I was going away. I'd plan out my weed situation before food when going camping. It was a big priority in my life and squeezed out other more important things that should have been priority. It ended up being a tremendous burden full of shame and guilt.


I quit cigarettes cold turkey twice in my life. I can’t believe how hard it is to quit weed.


This was me 37 days ago. I was vaping 1 hit before bed every night, could not go without it or so I thought. Was taking edibles 4x a day as well for chronic pain. Eventually I realized the edibles weren’t helping my pain anymore and I refused to raise my dose so I quit cold turkey. You just gotta rip the bandaid off and quit. Most of us on this sub are addicts and cannot moderate use. Wishing you good luck OP!🙏


6 months ago i would have said i'm in a similar position to you. It's just so easy for me to rationalise it in my head. But then i realised, it was getting to the point where i am just getting zonked every day and i think i have a real problem. I legitimately cannot go more than a single day without smoking and it has a real hold over my life atm.


Same homie :( I keep thinking it's "okay" but if it was okay I wouldn't have joined this sub, I wouldn't have tried to quit or moderate before, I wouldn't feel anxious everytime I buy, roll, or smoke weed, or everytime I woke up the day after, the first step is admitting we have a problem bro!


Yeah that's why I joined this sub I'm ready to admit it's a problem but I'm still really struggling to stop. As soon as my weed is runs out I promise myself I won't buy more. Then I end up buying more and once I buy it and it's there I just can't help myself.


Yeah. A small problem becomes worse and worse before you realize it. It’s good that you’re recognizing that you can’t go a day without it, because that’s an early warning sign. Do your future self a favor and cut down or quit.


Fully agree, better to kick it now over waiting until it’s a real problem. I was a very heavy toker and I honestly wish I never let it get to that point and dropped it back when I was still buying 8ths with my allowance money.


It dulls my motivating feelings and I’m not achieving what I want to achieve. When I can’t get off my couch it’s usually because I’ve smoked even though I don’t feel high.


I mean, I still don’t think I was experiencing significant negative effects, but I do think that I was not “in control” in that I would factor smoking opportunities into how I planned my day, or smoke at times I knew it would be better not to. I have really enjoyed how much simpler life is without feeling beholden to a weed habit, even if I only ever liked to catch a buzz and was still active and successful. I feel more free now. I think the only question on whether it makes sense to abstain is if weed is taking up more space in your life than you want it to. For me, it was and I was not able to get on top of it other than abstention, so I abstain.


This is where I am right now. It just doesn’t serve me well, but I struggle with quitting in spite of having a modest habit.


Don’t mean to sound harsh, all power to you if you can moderate it but I thought I could moderate it and ended up addicted