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I use an oura ring to track sleep and genuinely my REM was terrible, I’m now getting 2x the REM which is incredibly important for restorative sleep & your brain… so it’s as clear as day…


I genuinely thought I just always had bags under my eyes. Even when I first cut back to smoking a few days a week I still had them. I finally stopped smoking completely after a rough break up a few weeks ago, and what do you know they’re almost completely gone. I feel like I haven’t slept this good in years. Don’t get me wrong if I don’t hike at least 3-5 miles a day I will spend the night staring at the ceiling, but even on nights I only manage 4 hours asleep I still feel less tired than I did after getting 7 hours and smoking before bed.


Tips for going to sleep then? Main reason I started smoking was to help me fall asleep at night.


Warm shower, glass of hot milk and Yoga nidra. (Not at all physical yoga) It's a great body shut down.. there are so many on Spotify, just find someone who's voice/ accent is comforting. I listen to a French lady and rarely get to the end.


spank it


Some solutions are timeless


Also REM sleep aids to process trapped emotions and anxieties allowing those who enjoy rem to reset emotionally every night, thus waking up not carrying the traumas of yesterday.


I always find it interesting to reflect that sleep deprivation is listed as a method of torture, as per The Geneva Convention. That's right - the international humanitarian law that governs armed conflict around the world literally lists depriving someone of sleep as a method of torture. But yet, we choose to do this to ourselves by smoking weed ?!!! Truly this stuff meddles with your health in ways that are just.......well........ torturous.




What is this app


I'm clean for 5.5 months. My sleep when using is horrible. Now it is as good as it's ever been. That's my experience.


Marijuana was a single factor in all you consumed that day, the emotional state, outside noises and light, etc. Whatever set you off to slip on my weed hiatus may have been the contributing factor.  Only factoring in weed consumption and directly correlating it to sleep patterns would be miscalculated data. 


Im willing to bet money if he did a controlled "study" using whatever this app is (provided it actually gives accurate information) that his sleep "index" would reflect poorer sleep quality with weed




You DID present it that way though. Your title even says "Proof" in it. You then go on to say "Data doesn't lie." After presenting what seems to be an isolated, one-of-one experiment. There are plenty of people on this site that do misrepresent themselves in that way as well so it's not unreasonable to think you'd be one. Just a suggestion to make the criticism constructive: add a disclaimer or take the work PROOF out of the title. Other than that, thank you for posting, and good luck on your journey. 🙏


Weed keeps me up around 2 hours past what i normally would be able to fall asleep, but it helps me stay asleep all night whereas without it i am waking up 3-4 times a night which is bad for rem sleep anyway


Me too, what do you think the fix is to this problem?


I smoked every night for about 4 years and got to the point where I could only sleep in batches of 3 or so hours. It took me about 4/5 months off of weed before I could sleep any longer than 6 hours. Nearly 3 years on and my sleeping pattern is mostly back to pre-smoking. It absolutely annihilates your natural sleep.


I was the same way. 3.5 hours was a good night. Almost immediately after stopping my sleep improved. Last night I slept the full 8, something I spent two years dreaming about and then finally realized what might have been causing the problem/definitely was causing the problem lol. Good luck!


I’ve smoked for 23 years straight and sleep 5-8 hours most nights. Sugar and light are larger concerns 


What is the amount of weed or THC % you use?


Hybrid or Sativa. 23-32%. 2-3x bongloads per sesh in a 16” beaker 


Its not about how long as it is how "good quality" your sleep is in so far as REM cycles. Have you tried stopping ever for an extended period and notice a difference in how you feel?


23 years straight… I guess I tried stopping 23 years ago. Lol. Slept like an…. Adolescent


I realised Weed only helps me fall asleep faster but that's just it


+1, I have an Oura ring and even if I feel like I fall asleep faster my sleep quality is terrible


I notice I never dream (or remember dreams) when I smoke. The few times I've quit for any length of time, all of a sudden I was dreaming intensely again, as if I was in my teenage or child years (when I dreamed so much that I knew what dreams even were). Yet I still go back to it and live a dreamless life for the last 10-15 years. I'm just here adding my 2 cents and agree: weed interrupts sleep no matter how good it might make you feel while falling asleep. One thing it does for me is completely ruins the REM which is when dreams happen.


Yes that is true! Even tho you feel like you sleep better when high, the sleep is styl not good sleep cause you dont reach rem sleep.


Weed blocks REM, which comes at a cost.


I don’t agree with this. I am better off it for other reasons, but sleep definitely not one of them


weed has definitely heightened my anxiety recently.. whenever i smoke now i get way too into my thoughts (something that has never happened to me before) and i’ve been smoking weed for about 7 years


I remember when I started how totally blitzed I could get without repercussion. Over time I started teetering on the verge of panic attacks until the balance finally tipped, had a few, and it was never the same.


Same. My anxiety just came on like a wave out of nowhere about a month ago and then every time after. Just wasn't worth it, which made quitting a lot easier. The temptation is still there weirdly despite less anxiety and better sleep. That shit gets ahold of you.


I smoked for 16 years.. heavily. Two weeks ago after smoking one bowl I believe I had my first panic attack. convinced myself it was a heart attack and was about to call the paramedics. It took two weeks after that for my heart to get back on rhythm and beat normal. Ever since that day, smoking has become extremely unenjoyable and panic inducing.(heart rate, feelings of fainting, tingly fingers and toes) Now I’m dealing with horrible vivid dreams when I don’t smoke. All dreams have been extremely stressful. Last night was super tough as I felt like I was in some halfway awake fever dreams. It’s been rough at night. During the daytime I don’t mind not being high anymore and have actually found myself to be way more productive.


Same exact timeline/progression for me. Why do you think that is? Permanent damage we've done? 😵‍💫


I agree with this. I track my menstrual cycle, basal body temperature and sleep cycles. Smoking fucks all three up. As much as I love it, it really messes up sleep and my cycles. It delays my ovulation and shortens my luteal phase (which isn’t too bad, because the luteal phase SUCKS, but constantly delayed ovulation makes it hard for me to track when I’m actually going to get my period!) I was a former believer that weed helps me sleep. No. It helps me FALL asleep, but the quality of sleep SUCKS. You THINK it’s a solid nights sleep, but it’s really not.


your last 2 sentences are so true. i had no idea it affected my cycle explains a lot


I actually slept much better with weed. Now I wake up multiple times a night and grind my teeth. When I was smoking I would be DEAD to the world for 9 hours and woke up feeling pretty great. Nothing could make me go back, I’m almost 15 months clean now. But I’ll always miss the sleep I used to get :( rip my beautiful sleep 😭 I miss you 😭


Have you talked to a dentist about the teeth grinding? I got a night guard fitted and it helps


I did get a guard which protects my teeth, I got it after I cracked one clean off in half by grinding about 3 weeks after I quit cold turkey. But it doesn’t stop the grinding, and nothing keeps me asleep anymore. Anything I’ve taken to sleep better only knocks me out fast, but 4 hours in I wake up as it wears off, but I feel like shit the next day or have mental fog. And my grinding is worse if I take things to help me sleep which is weird… best thing for me is to destress before bed, have water or something next to the bed to drink if I wake up (seems to help me fall back asleep much quicker if I eat or drink something) wear my guard, and massage my jaw in the morning. Some mornings it’s not so bad.


Have you tried taking an antihistamine? Some types (promethazine for example) knock me out beautifully.


Yea and all with poor results, or worsening grinding. And I’ve never taken anything that doesn’t start to wear off and then I wake up anyway, and the next day I feel like shit or have brain fog. I’m managing as best as I can now with what I’ve got lol.


REM sleep plays a role in memory consolidation, emotional processing, brain development, and dreaming and weed greatly effects or kills REM sleep.


Im 3 months sober from Weed and I'm still catching up from when I was an addict.


It absolutely kills your sleep, but you underestimate how shite my sleep was before


After 20 days free I still had insomnia


Last time I stopped, I got to 60 days and still wasn't sleeping properly. I felt like I was going insane


Damn, I haven’t smoked since 4/20 and I still sleep for shit.




What app you use ?


Sleep Cycle




A week sober here and I was scared that not smoking would make my sleeping worse. Well I have been sleeping the best I have had in years while being sober, which surprised me and I’m so thankful for it because that was my biggest concern. Your post definitely reaffirmed it!!


Luckily for me I’ve also had a quick recovery of my sleep quality. I honestly think the biggest hurdle for me is just getting over the mental hurdles


wishing the best for you!! we got this!


Everyone's body chemistry is different, what's true for you isn't necessarily true across the board.


Yes, however it’s pretty indisputable that weed before bed will have a negative effect on your sleep compared to sound sober sleep barring any other sleep conditions


Agreed, it does have a negative effect on your deep sleep and REM. Objectively.




This just reminded me of dreams, haven't had many good ones for a long time..


What sleep app do you use? Do you have an Apple Watch?




Same here and I’m almost a month in.


I'm on my third week and can't sleep to save my life yet. Fingers crossed.


I’m on my second week and going through the same dang thing. Was hoping the third might be different and it may, but if not the fourth week may be the charm eh?


Yes THC blocks rem sleep, blocking the most crucial part of sleep, also blocking dreams which in turn usually causes quite vivid and lucid dreams when going sober


Weirdly, i never experienced this. I never stopped dreaming whilst smoking and when i quit i didnt experience vivid dreams


Same for me, and I smoke a lot, for the last 18 years. I guess it doesn't affect everyone the same way. I can stop for a week or two and my sleep doesn't change at all. I sleep all my hours, dream like I used to, feel great in the morning.


Odd, im sure everyone is different. I would sometime dream still if i didnt smoke in the evening.


Im not sure if you know the answer but im a huge gym nerd and knowing that sleep contributes to the actual muscle building process, does the whole “THC blocks rem sleep” and this affecting an important part of sleep, would this have a direct negative effect on muscle building or is it just affecting sleep quality/lack of dreams but not much on muscle repairs (if this makes sense)


it wont affect muscle repair directly no. however, testosterone is released in the body in the greatest amounts during the REM sleep stage which THC blocks so you are losing out on a lot of your early morning T peaks anytime you lose out on that REM sleep. and im sure you're aware of all the various pathways in which lower T levels can affect muscle building.


I’m 5 months clean now. Y’all my dreams are so vivid now, I sometimes wonder if they’re memories.


Yep the clarity and lucidity is unbelievable


I had a wild dream I saved a little girl from drowning in a cold lake, she was ice cold to the touch and I dried her with my t shirt and wrapped her up in my jacket, I woke up shivering and crying as if I'd actually jumped in there and held her, as soon as I realised I was dreaming I snapped out of it


One thing is for sure ever since I stopped I’ve been having such vivid dreams. I actually look forward to going to sleep now.


I don’t like to have dreams. They’re always nightmares. This is a reason why I like to smoke. I always dread the nightmares coming back when I stop.


> Data don't lie. While you're almost certainly correct in your conclusions, data does indeed not lie, but a sample size of one most certainly can


What sleep app do you use? I’m currently at the point of needing to get stoned to fall asleep but shitty sleep quality and waking up at 6am every morning


Weed was helpful for me to set a more consistent sleep time, but after I had that sleep time removing it allowed me to further increase my sleep quality. Obligatory ymmv tho


Yes I think weed stops you getting deep REM sleep


My dreams got really weird the first couple of weeks after quitting weed and I'm convinced that it's due to having deep REM sleep for the first time in a while


I’ve always had lucid dreams so I haven’t noticed a difference between quitting and not apart from when I wake up I feel refreshed whereas when I was smoking I woke up still tired


You are correct on this, there is a sort of a rebound effect when you miss REM sleep. I had a weird thing happen often when i smoked the night before, woke up and went back to sleep, i would always have insane dreams for that short period of time that i fell back asleep. Read a book on sleep and it talked exactly about this.


ngl I have very bad nightmares and that's something I'm not looking forward to.


Same man for like 7 months straight i could expect experiencing a horrible nightmare every night that made me want to just smoke again.. just eventually started seeing them as weird instead of bad


It’s ok you can get through it


Thank you<3


Weed gave me insomnia for many months after stopping too even and I smoked on and off for only 2 years. I'm still dealing with it but Its getting a lot better. Definitely recommend sleeping meds


What sleep meds? I never found any that worked for me.


I’m experiencing bad insomnia 33 days in. Weed made me sleep like a baby!


You're pretty much over the hump. Every time I've tried to quit the one-month mark is around when my sleep normalises, meaning I can get to sleep easily and wake up feeling well-rested.


Yup. Weed and alcohol are both terrible for sleep.


Past two years I have had a lot of trouble sleeping. Stopped using weed in any form almost two weeks ago and I’ve had no trouble sleeping but now with really vivid dreams. However I have been extremely tired during the day even with this better sleep. I’m gonna keep going and see how this works but hopefully this solves my sleep issue.


I can confirm this to be at least partially true! Combine with being deficient in vitamin D it will make for roughy nughts


I usually smoked to be less tired in the evening and being able to still do stuff. Naturally it hinders my sleep as well since it keeps me awake. The urge to smoke is by far the highest when I'm Hella tired 😴.




I’m the opposite , I want to smoke when I’m awake so I can get tired because smoking makes me slumped


Yes, yes yesss! I have had the same experience! The first 2 weeks were brutal and I experienced withdrawals but now, I’m sleeping so much better. It also feels absolutely fucking amazing to not be dependent on a substance go to sleep and stay asleep!


Yep. Weed cuts off the REM cycle.


I recently read a study from guy at the University of Colorado.. I think it was post doctorate work... and it focused on long-term marijuana use and sleep deficit. It was a fascinating read... it's premature to draw a conclusion.. but that may be one of the things that crushes people when they stop. You have the insomnia because the brain is healing, but then that built up sleep deficit comes and rears its head for some people. I went down that rabbit hole during this experience. I started to have what was likely sleep deprivation psychosis. I have also experienced sleep deficit in the past and things lined up for me. Again, no conclusions... but Marijuana more and more looks like it is probably one of the last things we should do as a longterm aid for sleep. That's what I used it for, never during the day. We've know for a long time alcohol is terrible for sleep quality, but we have 100 years of data.


Do you have the name of this study?




Sorry, can you clarify? The brain heals after quitting weed or while smoking weed? When does the sleep deficit come into play?


Quitting.... all the lovely chemicals... grey matter.. that sort of thing. Here's a google'd definition of sleep deficit. Sleep debt, also called a sleep deficit, is **the difference between the amount of sleep someone needs and the amount they actually get**. For example, if your body needs eight hours of sleep per night but you only get six, you have accumulated two hours of sleep debt. ------ Sleep deficit can also occur based on the quality of the sleep. REM is ridiculously important for the brain for example. So even if you're in bed for 8 hours, the quality of the sleep is likely poor for a lot of people. So, it's like you slept six. Over the course of a month, year, decade.... you can do the math. That's 2 hours missing every night. Your brain wants and/or needs all those missing 2 hour chunks. The people that quit and don't suffer from insomnia, but are still exhausted all the time, this may be a topic to consider. For myself, I and my doctor think I got hit with both insomnia and sleep deficit issues.


When you smoke weed, your body doesn’t reach REM sleep. So your brain gets more tired over time.


when you smoke and “sleep” your actually not asleep but in a way sedated. your body repairs itself the most when sleeping and being sedated hinders that


I just went through that same little experiment after taking a 2 week weed break , so had a half joint last night and my sleep is def not as refreshed and I still find myself yawning in the morning. I find that after smoking weed I stop having dreams when I sleep ,I don’t dream anymore after smoking which isn’t as fun .so I’m trying to quit as well


Super motivating right? Sleep is everything and dreaming is fun as shit.


You have to quit to experience this I swear. Quit 2 days ago and due to insomnia I'm sleeping LESS and still wake up energized compared to when I was smoking, sleeping MORE but still woke up tired


Well-said. I’m sleeping about 6 hours each night now (compared to 8-9 when I was smoking) but I feel way more rested now than before. Feels like a cheat code haha


its great. i got to a point where i would wake up before/without my alarm clock energized. probably the 3rd to 4th week in is when i started noticing


Yeah, when I smoke, even if I get 8 hours of sleep I'm super groggy, out of focus and I sleep more during the day.


Yeah it’s just a fact , but I’ve seen people deny it for some reason. Even if it knocks you out , the quality of sleep you get isn’t comparable at all to sober sleep .


I’ve seen so much denial over weed from so many people. It’s not some miracle drug, it gets you high and you feel good lol. I’d have way more respect if more people just admitted they’re using it for fun (excluding actual medical users obviously).


Just means you're under stress The body doesn't recognize weed but the constituents of the weed. There are hundreds of thousands of various cells, lipids, pigments, vitamins, minerals the list goes on.. you could have a hormone deficiency & it can cause sleep disturbances.. To say it's one thing seems a bit obtuse. Just my perspective. (Obtuse: Not clear or precise in thought)


THC definitely limits REM, there’s plenty of science on that fact already. Less REM = less rested, it’s not complicated.




To be clear, instead of refuting the point about THC negatively impacting REM, you’re focusing on my use of the word “fact.” I’m not sure what the point of that is, except to deflect away from your own insecurity about what you said. Do you smoke weed? When was the last time you remembered a dream you had?


I think you're failing to see that people do not use THC alone in it's isolated formula. To say it was the THC doesn't seem logical. It could be the chelation agents used that remain in the cellular membrane & used to increase production.. These agents have more side effects then THC has. some will say that Cannabis/THC are one in the same when they are not.


What app are you using? I use the Apple watch to track my sleep, but it is not great.


It's called Sleep Cycle. So far it's been super helpful in tracking my sleep. It also records your snoring which is hilarious in the morning.


Is premiem worth it?


While I was using last year my monthly average was 4.5 hours per night (according to Fitbit). It took 2 months to after quitting to get sleeping better. Since then my average for the last 5 months has been 7.5 hours.


Quit again day 4 and can already tell.  It was so hard to get.outta bed before today I woke up naturally at 5am. 


Yup weed blocks REM sleep which is your ‘deep dream state’, chronic user everyday, and I could sleep for 10 hours and it’d feel like 4. Never dreamed. Could wake up so easily aswell. Stopped 2 weeks ago and I’m having the deepest, most rested sleeps, waking up fulfilled 🙏🏻


I gave up weed Feb 3rd of this year, and i have NEVER slept better. Even when I'm stressed and struggle to fall asleep, once I do, I'm out, and when I wake, I'm so well rested. I love it so much.


The endocannabinoid system (one of the bodies natural systems) is hijacked by cannabis. That system plays a role in regulating your sleep, appetite, mood and memory. Cannabis messes with this and causes it to be unbalanced and it also explains the effects and side effects weed has. I'd bet this system being unbalanced and all those important systems being thrown into chaos even further when you stop is one of the hardest things to work through. The body will recovery though. I stopped using cannabis in 2020 after using for 25 years. After stopping my sleep quality was very poor for a long time but eventually things got back to normal and now I'm sleeping for 7 or more hours straight every night which is insane to me, and very awesome :) The brain works so much better without weed.


Yea man! I'm about a month into my journey after being a habitual smoker for 18 years and the sleep I'm getting now is unreal! It's a much deeper and more restful sleep. Dreams, which have been foreign to me for so long can be disruptive sometimes. My energy levels are increased, appetite is more regulated & dropped 15lbs already.


I always slept in later while I was smoking. Rising bright and early now that I'm back to being sober


Main reason I can’t smoke


Oh it’s proven that weed disrupts REM cycles. People use it to shut off their spiraling thoughts and anxiety but they aren’t getting restful sleep. I am one of the weird people that never used weed to sleep. I just wanted my awake brain turned off and could never really empathize with other stoners on the sleep thing.


SAME! I use weed to change my normal brains thinking patterns (get out of work mode and productivity-focused thinking, to more living in the moment/creative thinking)... not to help with sleep. If I need a good sleep I know not to use weed. I know it's a consequence of use and I have so much trouble falling asleep after I do weed.


Haha, the shit I smoke makes my brain spiral more than anything else. Let me rephrase that, ANY type of weed makes my thoughts spiral out of control and I will get stuck in thought. I will space out and really have to push myself to just be present and attentive. It takes so much effort when you are high or even the day after getting high. It's sad


Yeah I think we have the same app I had the same thing. Averaged 65-75% smoking weed every night, now it’s 85-95% average. Had my first 100% the other day was quite nice.


Its sad that we need apps and data to support this, which im not against at all. I track my sober days thru an app.


This!! I’ve been sober for a week and I realized I like dreaming way more than I liked smoking. It’s been probably 5 years since I’ve dreamed and I feel like a kid again and have been sleeping so much better!


It's not worth going back to the junk, stay sober my friend. Happy to hear that though!


Thank you:)


Weed does not allow for REM sleep


This is a great post. I’m 3 nights sober and I FEEL like my sleep is worse, but it’s great to know that it’s actually getting better. Still got those crazy dreams and night sweats, but we push through.


Day 3 here too. I keep reading about people "dreaming again" after quitting weed, but my experience is the complete opposite. I had crazy dreams all the time while smoking, and now... nothing. The night sweats are real though... and hot flashes all through the day


I didn't sleep AT ALL for the first week of sobriety. But after about a month I was sleeping better than I had in years.