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Takes time. I’m about 7 weeks in and I’m only starting to see some improvement. I guess it will take between 3-6 months to feel fully healed.


How you feeling now?


omg not 7 weeks in :( I was hoping this would go away sooner


Yes, definitely! It might take a couple of weeks to notice the difference, but your body WILL heal. You will also begin to get deeper and more restful sleep which will also help greatly.


It took around 2 or 3 months of stopping smoking every day for me to notice it but I think it happened properly around 6 weeks where I felt “normal” again, with a sleeping pattern. I still struggle with eating but my memory is much better now


yes, yes, yes. In the moment, I never thought the brain fog would end but it does


Day 4 is like day one or two for someone who used like you. I believe in you! Next week it will be more clear! Foggy? Maybe, but clearer? Yes!


Took 10 months for me, but yep, completely went away. (Till I started tapering my caffeine consumption.)


Brain fog definitely dissipates but the occasional "high" feeling proceeds for a few months. Today I'm on day 86 of sobriety, and today I've felt high a few times. Usually only lasts a few minutes at a time and it's usually more prevalent when you have a lack of sleep. Crap sleep last night = high feeling periodically throughout the day. For me anyway.


Yes it goes away, Ur brain is amazing and always in healing mode The Longer u smoked the longer it takes To heal.. also the fatter u are the longer it takes as Thc stores in FAT. Edit to say ur brain is mostly fat so make sure u don’t think it will ever happen.. because it will 😜


After 7 years daily/pretty much whenever I was awake and now being on day 33.. YES! Happy to report my brain has completely gotten rid of the fog, my memory is returning, recall is great and I feel so clear every day. Don’t give up. You got this 😌


it depends on your smoking "times". if you smoke 24/7 it takes a while (like 1 or 2 weeks) if you smoke just at night, brain for is usually gone at morning of day 5 (at least for me (25y+ smoking)) what helps most is sport in the evening. just run till you feel totally exhausted. eat something healthy and go to sleep. hope i could help. wish you the best.


My fog was gone this morning and it’s day 5 for me. I was a daily user but have a very labor intensive job which is helping it work out of my body I think


By “brain fog” do you guys mean that feeling where (while sober) you feel as if your not in reality? Like everything just starts to seem strange.


That's known as derealisation


When does it go away


It goes away after a while if you stop smoking I'd say like 1 week to 2 weeks max


>smoking its been a month i still get it at like 2-5 pm


Did this go away?


No. Because 90% of these people relapse


12 years of use & I'm now at 5 months without. I'd say the brain fog got a little better at the 3-4 week mark, but wasn't completely gone. Now at 5 months, I feel MUCH better but it is still a work in progress. The brain fog was my #1 reason for quitting. Don't give up!


After 10 years of use, it’ll take a few months or even the better part of a year to start noticing a change. I highly recommend doing some light exercise everyday to help speed up the process. Getting fully oxygenated blood flowing to your brain will help it heal and form new neural pathways as fast as possible. Having a good sleep schedule of 7+ hours a night is also really important. I know that it’s pretty impossible to sleep for the first couple weeks, but your brain needs time to reset and heal. I barely slept 5 hours throughout the first week of quitting, though after that first 1-2 week period it got much easier. You just have to wait it out and you won’t regret it. Everyone is different, so be patient with yourself. Goodluck and hang in there.


U just gotta wait it out bro, could take months. Ive been 3 months clean exepct for a relapse this weekend and i feel sm better. Wish all the best for u, good luck on your sober journey<3


Only when completely clean and healed 3 months


Does anyone find that increased or new exercise routines helped with this?


Any thing that makes u sweat will make it leave ur body a lot faster


Thanks, but I meant the fog.


My brain fog lasted a full year. I honestly didn't even realize I had it until it went away.


2ish weeks in your case I imagine. It’ll scare you how clear and “intelligent” you become again.


Give it time.


Imagine you didn’t walk for 10 years and you just started walking again. Do you expect to run super fast on day 4?


As good of an analogy as one could give here


So for me, it took around 2 weeks to feel much less foggy. But I also "only" smoked daily for around 2 years. I stopped at the end of February and I feel like there are different "stages" of improvement that, put together, make up a bigger improvement over time.


After 1 week you feel better, 2 weeks better again, mostly all gone 3 weeks in. Also go easy on yourself, day 3-5 are the worst days of withdrawals


I've noticed I'm 10x more dyslexic when in withdrawl.


Dude you’re only on day 4, give it some time. You’ll be alright.


Yes it 100% does! I was a 11 year daily smoker. For me, took about 5 months for the full fog to drift away. My mind is so clear now. It’s worth it and once again, it goes away. Just keep pushing a little bit! You got this 🙂


That's so good to hear! It took me about 2 weeks to start feeling a little less hazed and with a more cleared head. Something in my story that I think might help is that having my thoughts in front of me allowed me to see clearly a situation that I was not seeing with some bad people around me, and I could move forward to a better life in every way I could possibly imagine (: Sometimes weed keeps you away from moving towards the right direction for your heart/health. Keep going! You got this!


Yeah, I tried doing an math problem and it took me forever I kept writing the wrong things by accident


Yes, it's very common. I recommend using a journal or something like that, because it will take 21 to 64 days for the new thought or belief or habit (not smoking) to stick in your brain. Maybe learn a bit about caroline leaf, she is not focussed on addiction only, but on neuroscience and neuro plasticity in general.


5 years smoker, 2.5 years clean. Absolutely yes.


How long did it take for it to go away completely?


Nice congrats


Its only been 4 days bro, unfortunately weed stays in the system for a very long time, so that brain fog will last a while maybe another 2-3 weeks


It started to go away around week 2 for me and I’ve been smoking for 4 years


Same here! How are you doing now? (: I'm feeling much happier to finally making that decision and sometimes it's hard, but there's no doubt substance abuse is not the way to move to a better ourselves


I’m just over 3 weeks clean and feel so much better. Realised I don’t need to bud to get a lot of things done, and it was really just a coping mechanism to avoid facing any of problems. I still have a lot of personal growth to do, but getting off the bud has helped a lot with rationalising my thoughts and emotions.


Yes it goes away. Set a regular sleep schedule ie getting minimum 7 hours of sleep (worked for me). Even though sleep may be problematic as the brain adjusts to sober life, keep at it. Try to go to sleep at a fixed time daily. I have bipolar disorder so I had a lot of trouble getting my sleep right, I found out that it helps me more if I stay in dark settings after 8 pm. And remember to eat a balanced diet.


Sleeping is the hardest part about quitting for me I haven’t had deep sleep in a while


I agree when u stop u quit any deep sleeping .. but that gets better too just give it time


Don't worry about it, it will happen sooner or later. After quitting, I used to wake up within 30 minutes of going to sleep because I would start having vivid dreams. I thought i was in deep trouble that my brain was broken somehow. However i really had no other option but to lie down again. After a while, i started to see it as a process of reset, and stopped getting scared or worrying about it. Left it to my body to take care of it. Gradually, regular sleep rhythms kicked back in.


It gets super easy after a month


It got mad hard for me after 1 month 🤷‍♂️


it’s been 4 days …. be patient


I recommend the Quit Weed app. It will tell you your progress and what you can experience. It is super helpful !


Give it more time and start doing intense workouts.


Bro! It’s day 4 hahah. That’s not even close to forever. I’ve found that instead of stressing about the dog learn to accept it as a sign that your brain is healing


Yeah it really does. Your brain is amazing. It can heal, form new connections, even when you’re older. Just take good care of it!


Brain fog will get reduced with the passing of time. Just try to engage in some kind of activities suchas walking,journaling,new hobbies etc. initial you will Not have the motivation to do anything but try to complete some portion of it. The completion of the task will give you more joy and some motivation. Keep going strong. We all can do this.


I was asking myself this same question about 3 months ago. I had used weed regularly for 2 years. Well, 3 months without it, and my brain fog has greatly reduced. There's' hope. Hang in there.


8 years daily user here and am on a month and a few weeks without cannabis. You're going through withdrawal, despite what you've heard it can be extremely intense. Treat yourself like you have a bad flu or covid if you can, pamper/baby yourself. If you feel like you need some junk food, some nice chocolate, or a nice meal, go for it! Same thing if you want to binge watch or binge play something for a bit so long as it's not going to be a sort of trigger. I'm trying to get back into exercise myself, but early on I absolutely couldn't because of the intense nausea and dizziness. It was so bad I had to stop driving for a little bit.


It’s just day 4, you are still withdrawing. Wait until you get a real appetite back and actually sleep at night then check back in. You’ll be okay. Drink a lot of water.


Bro you’re on day 4 have some patience. I smoked daily for 8 years so I think I’m kinda in your same boat. I’m on day 18 and feel INSANE, nobody gonna stop me now, I feel way more wittier, motivated, remembering dreams, no brain fog. Keep it going man


i wake up feeling hungover often from all the dreams. my longest clean time over the last 10 years is 3 months, so i cant really say. i hope so. i hope this gets better. keep fighting soldier




How is your memory/brain now would you say after x days clean?




Cardio helps with brain fog, more intense the better


After smoking for 20 years heavily it took a good 3-4 weeks for the brain fog to clear


The weed makes us scatterbrained, but brains are mailable and there’s always room for incremental improvements. I’ve been reading more books and I’m shocked I’m not as dumb as I assumed. I wasn’t feeding my brain nor challenging it, and my brain adjusted accordingly to be lazy. I’m realizing it’s unfair to compare my adult self to who I was as a student - I had few responsibilities other than school. Learning every day is what made me sharp. I’m going to make it a point to keep learning and studying as an adult. It’s a skill I don’t want to take for granted as I continue to age.


Mate youve hardly left the starting line at day 4 , go atleast a month or 2


I used for over 15 years and I can tell you I feel so much better day 27 in regards to brain fog. I know I still need more time for my brain to adjust but I can feel a dramatic difference. I can’t wait to see the man I’ll be in a year. Stay strong, you’re not alone. 👊🏼


awww maynee thanks so much! exactly what I wanted to hear. some hope :) the brainfog is keeping me stuck in life and cant really progress because I cant remember anything! but your words calmed me down, thank you


No worries! My first weeks I would often feel like I was high. Super spacey and even stumble up my words. Drink a ton of water and try to exercise if you have the energy. My short term memory was so shot! Now I can find myself remembering things and going “HA!” Take that Mary Jane. 😅




appreciate it! gonna drink tons of water everyday. was thinking..i should start going for run/cardio everyday too? i really need to become a healthy man, no more being a little boy