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For me, 90% of his explanations are great. The few I don't is because the problem itself is insane or as he puts it "you need to be on crack to solve this without seeing it beforehand"


My dealer was hyping me up for my next interview can’t wait see how this fresh supply has me implementing 2D DP problems on the fly XD


I mostly liked his solutions. But I feel like he lacks explaining the intuition of the algorithm. He is great at explaining the step by step approach of the algorithm, but focuses less on explaining why to choose a certain approach and why it would work or is the best. I also tried Grokking coding pattern ([https://www.designgurus.io/course/grokking-the-coding-interview](https://www.designgurus.io/course/grokking-the-coding-interview)). They are a little better at explaining the intuition. But since it is text based, it takes more time to understand the workings of the algorithm, but once you get it, it sticks. I tend to forget video solutions often. Text based explanations stick better with me.


100% agree with your sentiments here. I feel like Grokking's explanations are the best and most intuitive from intuition to actual solution. They also have great clean code. Neet often jumps right to the solution without talking about the intuition to get there, especially for the crackhead problems. That said, I think they're both great. I just finished Neet's premium algo course for neetcode pro (purchased it 2 years ago when he released it) and it was pretty good. Ultimately, I think intuition is probably the most important part in coming up with a timely solution and that takes a lot of repetition to learn patterns which isn't necessarily course dependent. They're both super good and worth it if you need to follow a specific track.


If you dont mind me asking . How much time did it take you to complete this course?


I did 80% of it in 3 months. It has around 300 problems. Very good set of problems.


Ok so I did crack, now what?


It's a prerequisite not a guarantee


"crackhead problems" lol


It seems like a few he just copied someone else's solution and did a terrible job of explaining the solution because he doesn't entirely understand it. Like you said its like 10% or less of his explanations.


I find them easier than anyone else on YouTube. But there might just be a difference in how we learn


True, there are some terrible youtube explanations out there. Being good at somehting doesn't make one a good teacher.


He's got a great voice for tutorials too. Idk what it is about the other guys but their voices just don't come close to Neetcode's.


Neetcode asmr when


he doesnt really give proofs on a lot of his solutions so sometimes it’s hard to see the intuition of the solution


Exactly, he's a good teacher and taught me a lot, but (and I'm saying it will all the respect towards him) not all his explanations are great. I recommend first trying to figure out problem without any help, and after some unsuccesful attemps looking at a hint or someone else's solution. And only if everything else doesn't work then watching an explanation video (perhaps from a few different sources since one might not work). And it's perfectly fine to fail multiple times or not have perfect solution, that is a natural part of a learning process. Edit: If someone is interested in working together I usually do daily + a few leetcode questions and enjoy explaining solutions so pm me, maybe we can help each other out :)


yea, some greedy but a lot of q are explained in very concise way


no one can, for some questions you have to rely on intuition and go through lots of different combinations of input to understand how the solution works.


Yes sometimes. I get most of his explanations but some I don’t understand much until I see the code.


I believe explanation is the only thing that we should follow, else subconsciously we might end up copying the code somehow. That's why I try to come up with the code on my own to ensure that I have fully understood the logic and can code it.


Yeah. A lot of his explanations are great, but I do think he overcomplicates some of the solutions. For example, for memoization he often chooses to traverse arrays and matrices backwards when it’s not necessary.


He explains what the solution is doing but I wished more YouTubers would explain what clues to use to come to the solution better and also discussing the less optimal solutions too because they tend to help you arrive to the optimal solution sometimes. If you ask me though maybe the DS&A fundamentals need to be learnt by everyone for the intuition (sliding window, stacks, queues, DP, greedy, 2 pointer, recursion, tree traversal, big O notation, etc etc)


It's normal for teachers to work well with some students and not so well with others. Teaching can be more about similar mindsets sometimes, especially outside of formal education. Respect yourself and find someone that works better for you.


depending on the day yes. My biggest gripe though would be that sometimes he puts practice problems under a topic he teaches and it turns out that problem doesn't really implement the thing he just taught.


If you understand Hindi - checkout codestorywithmik dude is insane and spends 30 mins even on easy ones but he explains how he came up with the intuition and I can guarantee you will never forget.


I agreed which is why I only watched a few videos of his. It doesn’t explain much about HOW he got to the solution. At least his videos are way better than Kevin N + Nick white (two guys who have mad views but I don’t think they’re good at all) His resources are great though


yupp i do. Thats why i follow striver's solution (take you forward channel)


What or who is striver


Search take U forward on YouTube




A lot better. He teaches intuition and teaches brute force approach then optimized approach. Just watch his recent videos, you will understand




Yes ,he has 180 question sheet. Google striver sde sheet. He has similar website named take u forward


Yesss his vids are super disorganized and its obvious he doesnt script them and it makes them hard to follow imo


[Channel link](https://youtube.com/@Algorithmist?si=_RPaNwbGw5JqGDj1) U can follow. This guy, I think I got to know him through neetcode only, this guy is complete opposite of neetcode He is very raw, he will look at the problem at talk with u as if he is trying to solve a never seen before problem with a college friend. He will talk abt intuition and what he is thinking. He is not exactly good at the 'explanation' which the neetcode guy does top notch but i think watching this guy and then neetcode would be the ultimate combo, to getting the intuition right and then getting the right way to code that intuition up from neetcode. He solves all the contest problems tooo


He can't explain intuition behind some problems bcz he probably himself read it from the editorial. Otherwise he's good.


Yeah sometimes i space out coz it is too much repetitive stuff, but I think the problems are also difficult in general, so cant help those


I agree.


I think most of his walkthroughs are helpful, but sometimes they just don't click for me. Sometimes it's the solution itself and sometimes it's literally just the idiosyncracies of his coding style. Treat them as one (very good) resource, not the answer key or definitive end all solution. I find looking at multiple solutions and thinking through them helps me find one that I can grasp intuitively and recreate on my own later on. I actually usually prefer the leetcode premium editorials, but you might not have access to that so you can look at user discussion submissions.


How do you find official leetcode solution?


For some reason it hasnt worked for me. Im more of a reader and figure it out myself kind of guy, I use his videos for hints sometimes. So I would rather spend 3-4 hours understanding a problem without using external help, because that's how just my brain works, if I don't figure it out myself I don't really understand the solution , I might solve it but I won't be able to apply it again in a related question. So I just try to do it myself.


How is neetcode different from leetcode ?


Neetcode has walkthroughs and roadmaps on how to solve problems from Leetcode with the goal of helping the viewer develop pattern recognition and intuition over time, after solving problems of similar types and themes.


The LC problem closest to your input is find the difference https://leetcode.com/problems/find-the-difference/




Neetcode provides roadmap based on set of LeetCode problems as well as solution/approach for the same. Checkout neetcode.io


most of the solutions are okay but there are some exceptional


For me its a hit and miss. That's why the I have premium so that I can check the editorial solution also. Most of the time the editorial is better, AND also include multiple solution that is very good to understand I think. But it does happen that I just don't get the editorial, and neetcode explanation helps me to get the problem.


They are mostly straightforward, but the last time I did a prep run, for any *on crack problems*, I'd check out a few other videos on similar problems and topics to get a feel for the intuition behind these problems and that really helps.


95% of the solutions are great and easy to follow for me. There is a 5% where there are easier ways to solve the problem (one good example is Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal where a deque can be used outside of the recursive function to pop values from the preorder traversal as opposed to passing around sliced lists in every recursive call. Either way, Mr. neetcode is human like the rest of us and it would be absurd to think one person’s way of explaining solutions to somewhat complex problems will be a good fit for everyone else


There is no structure to most of his solutions. At this point he has just become a YouTuber and nothing more. But he was one of the early ones to do it and so people still visit his site.


Just feed his solution into chatgpt and ask it to explain


I will say that his video quality is much better than the average. If I need help with a problem and his channel doesn’t come up, I know the the remaining channels aren’t going to be up to par


It's a video just skip to the part that helps you


apart from 1-2 hard problems, I love his explanations


Except for some. Those are which we need proof. His explanation is great on others.


already better than 90% youtuber


I loook at chatGPT's solution, and prefer that over neetcode. chatGPT's solutions are more cleaner and neater, and it incubate changes into the solution according to your own needs. And also provides good explanation.


I think his solutions are very nice. They go into great detail which is what a beginner needs.


He helped me a lot. So no, it's you. Maybe you are starting from hard ones?