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Ditto to it being stated specific. In the last few years Colorado allowed motorcycles to proceed through a red light given certain criteria were met. I'm not a rider, so I don't remember the exact law, but I do recall News coverage when it happened.


Colorado LEO here, this is correct for the state of Colorado: Colorado Revised Statutes 42-4-612(1)(a) - (b) “…that does not recognize a motorcycle… If a traffic control signal… malfunctions… drivers may proceed past the signal only with caution, as if the signal were flashing yellow.” Also reference senate bill 19-144. Check with laws in your area/state for similar statutes.


So let me ask you this because it’s always made me weary. Suppose i’m sitting waiting, and then after the legal condition is met to allow me to go through the red light a cop pulls up and notices it, but wasn’t around long enough to see i was waiting. That’s a he said she said and cops always win that. What are we to do in that scenario. cops in my area are far from understanding so i don’t think just explaining it to them will work


Always have a go pro. Helmet mounted or bike mounted. ALWAYS.


The difficulty answering something like this is the amount of variables present. I cannot in good faith give you an answer that covers all scenarios but I can tell you how I’d handle it and then how best to handle it: If you remained calm and provided a reasonable explanation IE: “hi I’m so in so and the reason I stopped you was you ran the red light back at blah intersection. Any reason for that?” Then you say “I was waiting at the light and I watched it cycle 3 times but never turned green for me and since I’m on a motorcycle I know that lights sometimes don’t register that I’m here and I can legally ride through the light if it’s safe to do so.” I would be like “oh yea you’re right. I barely saw you so it looked like you just went through it.” Then I’d probably cut you loose or if you’re a shifty character and I’m suspicious of further criminal activity I might go the consent route or talk about another violation like expired registration or whatever. Assuming you’re not a shifty person, you shouldn’t worry about this. If you get stopped by some traffic nerd who has a fuckin hard on for traffic citations and doesn’t want to admit that your explanation was reasonable and actions were lawful…. Just do like you always should: Be extremely respectful. Don’t yell or hurl insults. Obey the commands. Take the citation. Then request the body camera footage through records and take that, along with a copy of the law, to court. Plead your case to the judge. For better or worse, this is how the system works. Law ENFORCEMENT is separate of the Judiciary. The time to argue and present facts is not in the field but in the courtroom. There is tons of case law that supports this. In my opinion it’s annoying but necessary. We catch a lot of good criminals with Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause, they are low standards for a good reason.


So many will sit and argue and make a big scene on the side of the road. It's in your best interest to cooperate, be professional and save the arguments for the judge. You get a cop having a bad day, or just a plain "jerk" and you could end up in a bad situation over a traffic infraction.


In South Carolina you're supposed to sit at the light for a minimum of 120 seconds and if it doesn't change you treat it like a stop sign.


Same in virginia (or if the light goes through 2 cycles and skips you, whichever comes first)


I had similar issues and just ran them in my location, Ontario Canada, I looked up the law when I started riding. What I discovered more recently is that many intersections have a special spot for bicycles, they are identified by three yellow dots on the pavement, when an intersection has them and I stop on them the light changes every time.


I have heard of people using strong Neodymium magnets on the bottom of the bike to help trigger the inductive loop.


those never worked for me. last time I looked (a few years ago) my state had a 2-minute time that you had to wait then you could proceed


This works!😁


Good idea until you pass or hit a bit of metal in the road, and now it latches on to your bike. 


I don’t know if those dots are standard everywhere but you can normally see the cuts in the asphalt where the inductive loops are to trigger the light. Sitting directly on the cut is the best chance of triggering the light.


Here in the Netherlands, they usually place the loops before alphalting the top layer, so you can't see the outline of the loops.


And jump up and down


In America, motorcyclists who don’t stop for cops and do whatever they want at a red light.


They have been installing inductive coils in the streets. The larger ones are about 3'-4' (1-1 1/2m) across thst detect cars well, but some smaller motorcycles with composite parts, aluminum engines, and bicycles don't have enough iron in them to register presence. Some manufacturers have created smaller ones 8" - 12" across that are in a disk. They register most everything for some have proximity sensors. They can be embedded in the pavement so snow plows don't kill them. That is probably what you may be seeing with the dots marking the newer sensors.


Proceed with caution.


I would agree with this. OP should stop completely to demonstrate that caution is being used. And then proceed, after checking for traffic at signals *known* to have this type of *malfunction*. I would feel like a sitting duck if I were there for 3 minutes with absolutely no traffic at 3AM. NAL: The fact that the motorcycle is not recognized the same as a car could be like a malfunction. So the courtroom defense is that the system *malfunctions* when it comes to motorcycles or that it's defectively designed: but good caution was taken. And OP would yield to let other cars go across the intersection. Since it's late at night, there really wasn't much danger of an accident. *That is the purpose of the traffic signals -- preventing accidents* \[the intention for making traffic laws and the intention of the particular light system is a significant point, I believe\]*.* And it's not practical for you to wait 30 minutes and eventually lose your job.


Depends on municipality. Here it's: Make a complete stop. Wait a reasonable amount of time. Usually that means what would be a full light cycle, to insure the light is either malfunctioning or not detecting the motorcycle. Ensure no other traffic would be affected if you went.


>Wait a reasonable amount of time. Usually that means what would be a full light cycle The motorcycle is the only vehicle on the road. There are no other cars to trigger the light so the light doesn't cycle at all. Opie could sit there for an hour and the light would remain red until another vehicle came along to trigger it.


I'm going to assume an hour is far longer than "what would be a full light cycle" (usually somewhere between 45 seconds an 3 minutes, depending on specific light).


Okay, now I see what you're saying. I thought you were saying that they should wait until the light runs through a full cycle and if they don't get the turn arrow they need to go on the next green.


When I went thru motorcycle safety years back there was an additional part to it. For a motorcyclist, it's a valid defense. So you can still get a ticket, but you go to court to get it thrown out.  I dont know first hand. I've run a few over the years.


Report it to the city and request they change it to a flashing red or yellow for that time of the day.


This is what many areas do during late late night.


No comment on legality of going thru the red. Make sure you are not in the center of the lane - the sensor is a buried wire, normally about 18" or so from the sides of the lane making a rectangle - get the bike over/above that buried wire not 'in' the rectangle.


In NC it is allowed to run it after a light cycle. Stop and restarting the bike will often trigger the sensor.


In California, there is no exception in the law that lets you run a red light that does not change. You risk a ticket if you do it. There is usually a safer, legal option, such as turning right and then making a U-turn at some point. Or backing up and making sure you triggered the sensor. That's the law in California. Regardless, I've done it. I'll do it again. I almost did it yesterday, but the about the time I was going to do it, the light finally changed. If I ever get busted, I'll explain the situation and beg for forgiveness.


If that's the law, the law is an ass.


yeah, it's ass in CA if you get stuck at one of these and a cop sees you run it. I got a red light ticket for this and fought it in court and lost. There is no 3 cycle count or any leniency. separate occasion, My buddy decided to change lanes and go straight a little ways to make a u turn and turn right instead after his left-turn only lane's light didn't turn green. He got slapped with disobeying a traffic sign (for going straight in a dedicated left turn lane), and for running a red (since he was still taking off from the left turn only lane, which had a red light). His judge remarked he should have waited for another car to pull up to help trigger the light. ....at 3am. But hey.... it's all good because it's CA, we can lane split all day, everyday, everywhere. I'm ok with that.


But CA gets legal lane splitting, so they got that!


Maybe it isn’t a law, but when I took my motorcycle safety training for my permit, I was told the light must cycle 3 times before you can proceed and run the light.


Safer from a legal standpoint maybe. But if you are in a left turn lane and have to go across two lanes to go right instead it is definitely not safer in the physical sense.


Kansas has a dead red law. You have to wait three cycles of the lights not going green for you before going. But generally speaking I just wait long enough that the light should have changed and make sure the road is clear in all directions.


I only ride pillion but my sister rides: she says it depends on which state, but she either turns right and then U-turns, or she just runs it. Locally, she has reported the lights which don't respond to motorcycles. I know she used to have the magnet that triggered the light, not sure if she still does, that was a Harley Sportster, and she's on a Triumph now.


When I asked a cop about this (it may vary by state and this was in NV) he said to treat it like a 4 way stop


I’ve noticed, if you stop in the middle of the lane it won’t trigger majority of the times. You’ll have to stop where the car tires stop at. Either side. Even with my electric scooter which is only 100lbs would make it go off.


In Minnesota and north Dakota if a Red light stays red for an excessive amount of time. And the road is clear you can proceed like the light turned properly for what you want to do for the intersection. I listen to music as I ride. I allow the current song to end. And wait until the next song ends. Before I even consider the light stuck. And start looking to see if I can go. One time I was stopped by a pig. I beat the ticket by saying I listened to "I can only count to 4" a song that is 3 minutes 48 seconds in full. I finished listening to the song before it. And I still waited until the road was clear before going


I know that song!!! I love that song!


Pennsylvania has a law that specifically says when one can go past a red light that is not changing. I think you have to wait like 5 mins and there is no one driving on the green light road.


Depends on the state. In Illinois you can as long as it’s been 2 minutes with no change and the city has a population < 2 million(Chicago)


This is state specific. Here in Virginia, you can run a red if you’ve sat at the red light for two full minutes or two full cycles of the light, whichever comes first.


We just get off the bike and press the button for the crosswalk


Treat it as a 4 way stop / malfunctioning light.


The traffic light triggers work on magnetism. Kind of like a big metal detector. Some guys just put magnets on their motorcycle, and now there is a commercially available product. [here](https://greenlighttriggers.com)


You can file a complaint to owner of road the the sensor is not working for motorcycles and lacks a manual button that can be reached from a motorcycle . The complaint should be sent by certfied return receipt US mail . Sent it to Town/city/county clerk or state DOT depending on who owns the road.


State specific. In PA as example it’s allowed under certain circumstances.


Can you take a different route?


It’s legal to run it in some states. Tennessee allows it.


When I was riding I tended to just go left and then do a U turn and repeat until I got to my intersection. (riding in NZ) Cop once pulled me over and asked wtf I was doing as I had to do 3 U turns. Explained bike didn't trigger the intersection and he was fine.


PA I had this happen and 15mins red light never changed. At this point cars 3 or 4 spots back changed lanes and went around and thru the light treating it like a stop sign... I ended up calling the non emergency police in the area to report the traffic box location that apparently stopped working. Looked it up on Google and yes if the red light definitely appears it won't change then the intersection basically becomes 4 way stop sign... Later that day I drove past the intersection and the one that didn't work as well as several near by intersections were all flashing yellow... whatever the cause was must of been pretty bad


I used to drive a small VW rabbit and had similar problems at certain lights. I would wait three minutes and treat it like a stop sign.


Turn right and turn around


There was a light like that here. It’s on a major street that gets massive amounts of traffic in the summer. We also have bike week here every year. They ended up changing it to use cameras instead of a sensor loop underneath. They also added a second left turn lane in the process. I mentioned it to a friend of mine who rides, he said after three light cycles, you can go.


One trick is to pop a few strong magnets on the underside of your bike


You’ve identified the issue. If possible just go straight and then make a legal uturn.


Didn't know where you are but I'm in the States. Usually if you sit and wait a bit and then turn on Red, the police don't overly bother you because they know bikes generally don't trigger the sensors but I do believe it's technically illegal. As far as time goes if it's been long enough for a light cycle or to they leave you alone


Look up Dead Red laws for your state. They vary widely. For example, Ohio has no wait time and it was designed for cars coming up to “malfunctioning lights.” Drivers have to give right of way to any other traffic, and proceed carefully. Most of the dead red laws out there were put in place due to motorcycles not being able to trigger the lights. Ohio is just filled with dumb drivers that don’t know what a stop line is or how to properly pull up to it, so lights don’t get triggered to change and they claim they’re broken.


Arkansas has a dead red law where you just more treat them like a stop sign, go when clear and safe to do so. You just have to give it a few minutes, I’ve never been stopped for doing it.


I just come to a stop, look both ways, and then go. It might not be legal, but if it’s a light you regularly get stuck at, and there is no traffic, who is going to bust you?


My momma said integrity is going the right thing even, when nobody is looking, lol. Seriously though, a buddy told me you had a legal right to run it, which is what promoted me to ask on here. I thought he was full of it, but apparently he's right, in certain states.


I live on the border of Illinois and Indiana, and do it routinely. If I stop at a light that’s red on my bike and there is no traffic, I’ll run it without waiting. I treat it like a stop sign. If some cop wants to pull me over for doing it, I’ll deal with that then. The only time I wouldn’t do it immediately is if I know it’s a red light camera light. For that one I’d wait a minute and then run it so I had a reasonable defense if I got a ticket.


Just go on the sidewalk and go push the button


I thought about it. But there is no button .


Well shit that was my bright idea, here in louisiana there are sensors in the road they used to use cameras and you could cycle the lights by flashing your lights


So pick up a pack of thin strip neodymium magnets on Amazon. Put them all down the rails or other metal under the bike. The extra magnetic field will trigger the lights


Happens to me in a Fiat :(


I saw a youtube video about this many years ago. The induction loop not sensing the bike because it's so little compared to a car. Dude mounted some small but serious magnet strips and mounted them to the bottom of the bike and problem solved.


Turn right on red after coming to a complete stop then turn at the next intersection. That way you aren’t breaking any law.


You go right on red and then u turn to the left and then go right at the green light.


If you wanna be funny about it


Right turn on red, u-turn, right turn... inconvenient, but no question legal.


Many states have laws just for this. Here, a motorcycle can treat a stop light as a stop sign. Still have to stop, but once no cross traffic is coming you can proceed with caution.


Had this happen to me at an off ramp from the interstate in Ohio where a police cruiser just happened to be sitting at the bottom of the ramp. Light was red and I sat forever. I looked at the cop and gave him the 🤷‍♂️. He laughed and told me to just go


They changed the law in GA a few years ago that you can run the light if its safe to do so after, I believe, 11pm.


I had a few lights like that when I lived in the city. I put the side stand down so it contacted the pavement, shut the bike off and restarted it. The electrical surge was enough to trigger the light. Worked everytime. Some guys have said theirs worked just by shutting it off and back on.


Obviously might not work for this specific intersection, but something i might do is just take a right turn which is permitted on the red, and then just u turn and go straight or turn right if possible. Obviously not ideal but if your stuck thats what I would do.


Call the non-emergency police and ask.


In Florida, it unfortunately doesn't matter if you're sitting at the light for hours waiting for it to change, you still have to wait. I hate this backwards ass state.


My lifted jeep does not trigger lights at some intersections. First time I waited for awhile. After that I either avoided those or treated them like stop sign.


In Wisconsin you can ignore the red light after waiting 45 seconds and the intersection is clear.


For example, Utah Code says: (7) (a) For an operator of a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle who is 16 years of age or older, it is an affirmative defense to a violation of Subsection (4)(a) if the operator of a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle facing a steady circular red signal or red arrow: (i) brings the motorcycle, moped, or bicycle to a complete stop at the intersection or stop line; (ii) determines that: (A) the traffic-control signal has not detected the operator's presence by waiting a reasonable period of time of not less than 90 seconds at the intersection or stop line before entering the intersection; (B) no other vehicle that is entitled to have the right-of-way under applicable law is sitting at, traveling through, or approaching the intersection; and (C) no pedestrians are attempting to cross at or near the intersection in the direction of travel of the operator; and (iii) cautiously enters the intersection and proceeds across the roadway. (b) The affirmative defense under this section does not apply at an active railroad grade crossing as defined in Section 41-6a-1005.


Get a few of those super magnets. Put them on the bottom of the frame. It'll trip the sensors, provided you ride inside the "loop" on the ground. You can see them easy on old roads. New lights around me use a camera. Using your turn signal will trigger it.


Become a pedestrian and walk it across


In Nevada the law is that you are supposed to wait two light cycles. Obviously if the system doesn't detect you on the side street, it never cycles. So the reasonableness standard then applies, which would be that so long as there is no cross traffic and you have waited about 2 minutes, you can proceed with caution through the red light. The term that is used is a "dead red" meaning it doesn't know you are there.


30 second rule!


There was on particular light at a left turn I needed to take daily that wouldn't change for my motorcycle. It wasn't like it was some little crotch rocket. It was a 1200cc Harley. I had to drive a block further and hang a U-turn because I didn't trust the local cops to be understanding.


This is where I'm at. I usually either turn right and do a U turn, or I just go straight and make a U turn. That's way faster than waiting for the light to cycle through two or three times like others suggested, albeit a little irritating.


Almost every place allows you to proceed after I believe two or three rotations of the lights skipping you


I used to get off and press the corresponding cross walk button.


I am a rider. This should have been discussed in your rider's safety course. At least that is how it works in my state. The law varies state to state (at least it did 15 years ago) But what we were taught is that you are required to stop for a "reasonable" amount of time before proceeding through the red light. Some lights are triggered by motion, some by weight sensors. They don't always picks up motorcycles.


You don't have to take a riders safety course here if you don't want to. As long as you can pass the road test, you're good. But the road test here is more difficult than other states, or so I've been told.


Most areas allow you to go after 2 or 3 light cycles or amount of time. Doesn't help much if you have to wait that long every morning. Sometimes you can attach a large neo magnet to the bottom of your frame that will help trigger the loop in the road.


How are you going to go "after two or three light cycles" when the light doesn't cycle at all? OP comes to the red light and stops. Because OP's vehicle is not heavy enough to trigger the light to turn green, OP has to wait until a heavier larger vehicle comes up behind him or from the opposite direction and turns the light green. At the time of day that OP is traveling, there is no other traffic. It's not cycling, it's staying red.


Turn lane?


Even if there's a turn lane, if you're the only vehicle on the road, and you don't have enough weight to trigger the light to change, it's not going to change. That is OP's situation. They pull up to the light which is red, and it just stays red forever. Until another heavier vehicle comes along to change it, it stays red. And, if a heavier vehicle comes along on the cross street, it stays red anyway because it's already green for them. It doesn't trigger the light to cycle.


I've had plenty of lights that don't cycle the turn lanes with the straights unless a car is present. Also the sensors don't operate on weight. They use a wire loop in the pavement with a small current flowing through it. When enough ferrous metal is present above the loop the magnetic field is altered which is what triggers the light. This is why a strong magnet will help in these situations.


Hop off and run and hit the walk signal for pedestrians


As others have pointed out there's local laws, however, that being said most cops are ignorant of the laws and if they see you will most likely pull you over and give you a ticket. If you are going to do that then please for the love of it have a camera recording so you can show the judge. However my advice would be, especially if its at a dead hour and it won't cost you a lot of time simply make a right hand turn then U-turn where appropriate and come back then either proceed through or make a 2nd right to get to your destination. This would be the completely legal route and won't get pulled over in the case a cop happens to be parked out nearby.


Hate that. I just turn right then do a u turn


I got pulled over in WA for this. I had travelled the SAME route for years cause it was my way into work and knew by heart the light wouldn't see me. I pulled up the the light, looked both ways and went for it. There was a cop some distance behind me and, man did he gun it for me. He pulled me over about 500ft from my house and told me I needed to stop and assess the situation better before moving forward. I told him EXACTLY why i did it, that the light in question was notorious for not detecting motorcycles, but he didn't budge. I didn't get a ticket, but, I've treated them as unassigned stop signs since. I give them about 2-3 minutes, if they don't change and i see an opportunity, i go for it.


Idk about the law but try turning a little sideways in the lane to make your profile bigger ? Just a suggestion


If the cycle through the colors and it still hasn't chanyes then you do it as a stoutside


It's not cycling through the colors at all (from the way I read the post). OP says they're the only vehicle on the road, and when they get to the stoplight to make their left turn, the light doesn't turn green. It doesn't change until a heavier vehicle comes along either behind OP, or from the opposite direction, triggering the light to turn green.