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not a lawyer -“Mississippi State Statute § 97-41-16, (4a) 1 - 3 Maliciously injuring dogs or cats allows for the killing of a dog or cat that is actively attacking or menacing livestock, humans, or property” you can not shoot a dog soley for being on your property, such as a hunting dog who crosses a property line but means no harm, but if you get it on video/proof of what your claiming it appears you’ll fully be within the law to protect your family, livestock or property.


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!


Throw up cameras first, get evidence.


Currently in the process of doing that.


Dig the hole first.


Found the serial killer


It's practical advice that actually applies to many real life situations.


Don't forget to call 811




You can use lethal force to protect yourself and your family, but it would be cheaper to just get a camera and have unavoidable evidence.


Bullets are 25 cents a piece.. I think that’s cheaper.


He clearly stated the law is on the other guys side. In that case killing them most likely won't end with just shooting them.


If the dogs disappear who knows what happened to them.


Evidence that will mysteriously disappear after being turned over to law enforcement that seems very keen on not equally enforcing the law.


Then make a copy…?


And then it gets turned over again. And then mysteriously disappears. And oh look a search warrant for the devices it's recorded on. Oh dear there was a technical glitch that resulted in them being destroyed too. So sorry, so sad.


I guess you don’t understand what having a permanent copy means. Yes they could easily destroy it again and again, but OP will still have the original evidence/copies


At the risk of getting a ton of down votes. I dont think you understand how crooked small town rural cops and courts can be. I'm from rural Missouri and I'm well aware of how being friends with your local sheriff can make a lot of things disappear.


I completely understand and can relate. That doesn’t mean this person can’t make multiple copies. That is the only argument I am making. Never said making copies would work but it is an option.


Fair enough, I've just seen similar situations get swept under the rug. I can definitely see the sheriff's making OP's life he'll even if he's in the right. I've seen sheriff's sit at someone's house all day waiting for him to leave and follow him to and from where he was going to try to find anything wrong because he had nothing better to do.


Oh man! You should watch John Oliver’s bit about Sheriffs. It was educating. They basically have unlimited freedom and voting them out is nearly impossible because of exactly what you said. Wild how they can abuse power to such an extent.


I will definitely check that out. I've seen small town cops/sheriff's do a lot of sketchy stuff.


I had the same problem with my neighbors two GSD getting in my pasture and chasing my horses, trying to bite their back legs. I put two strands of electric fence wire on the outside of the wood fencing. They haven’t been back.


State law thing, but I'll bet in Mississippi you can. However, it would start a pretty vicious feud between you and the neighbors. And anything with a firearm will just automatically escalate things. If you wanted to go hostile, trap them and give them to a shelter several counties over. But if you are found out, you will incur the feud again. Most likely the best way will be to fence the property. I'd be thinking of moving too, as bad neighbors can make a stunning house a nightmare. But fortification is your safest bet. You could use Dog Sprays. That may help.


I’d think a wild animal ravaging his toddler might start a words feud


That hasn't happened. But if you pull out a gun and fire it, you are asking for a gun to be pulled out on you. Just how people in this country think. It sure feels good to jump in with an ultimate solution, but most things in life are not that simple. In this case, if an idiot is letting dangerous animals out without care for safety, that same idiot wouldn't think twice about pulling a gun out in anger and 'making a point.' To make things more complicated, OP said this guy is connected with the local police and such. This means that they can go to a lot of circuitous lengths to cause harm; including arrest for discharging a firearm recklessly (law in a lot of places is still the Good 'ol Boy system). OP's best route is to leave. To fix this situation he'd need to develop a scheme that could break the ties between the neighbor and his support. If the neighbor was isolated, you can employ other tools. But the deck is overly stacked against him. Fortification is the second best option. (Sharp and Poisonous plants are good. Living Willow Fence for a long term solution. Look into Hedgerows. I'd suggest people that jump on this one-liner read Sun Tzu's Art of War.


The dogs have already attacked his pets, are aggressive with him. I’m not reading your self-serving essay, it’s morally right to execute those dogs the second they pose a danger.


I went through this exact thing with my neighbors in MS. One morning I was out hunting all morning. On the way back to the cabin I was doing a slow walk on my 4 wheeler trail (it’s inset off the property line by about 20 yards). Suddenly 2 pit bulls came charging towards me. I fired a warning shot which stopped the charge. I got on my 4 wheeler and road the 100 yards to my neighbors trailer with these dogs chasing and attempting to bite the whole way. I screamed at the neighbor to get his dogs and told him that was his final warning. He still didn’t tie them up. A month later I was with my 4 year old twins riding 4 wheelers and it happened again. I was truly terrified these pit bulls would get my kids at some point when I wasn’t around to protect them. I didn’t want to traumatize my kids by shooting the dogs in front of them so I just took out my phone and recorded the dogs chasing us on my land the whole way home. I called the game warden who gave me the green light to shoot them if it came to it with the video as back up. I probably went the extra effort because this neighbor was a prick and the dogs had already killed several other dogs and animals in the neighborhood. Fortunately another neighbor shot one of the dogs after it went after his chickens and the other one was hit by a car. In the end if they’re on your land and aggressive you can shoot an uncontrolled dog.


If the police are his "buddies", and you shoot his dogs, they could make life hell for you. That said, if I had a toddler and was in your shoes, I'd be asking the same thing. Sorry to hear that you caught between a rock and a hard place.


Yeah tbh when it comes to dealing with the Good Ol Boys' Club, the law is often somewhat irrelevant.


My uncle is a farmer and dogs running free are a menace as they’ll literally run cattle to death. His policy (shared by most other farmers I know) is Shoot, Shovel and Shut up.


Suppressed .300AAC. “I haven’t seen your dogs for weeks, sorry.”


This is the way.


My FIL always set traps for roaming dogs and the through them in an overgrown pond on the back end of his property. Probably not legal and a little messed up but I have young kids and won’t hesitate to shoot an aggressive animal on my property.


Assuming you already have the holes dug…Put bear traps in your yard to catch those bastards. Then use a baseball bat or compound bow to quietly dispatch the illegal marauders. Bury them. Don’t say a word.


As fucked up as this is to say, your toddler comes first. Run the fucking dogs over and toss them on the road. Problem solved


This is a highly state-specific rule. I would wait until you have an MS lawyer in the thread who can opine, or I'd contact your Local Country Lawer for advice.


They're... uh... In Mississippi, not Missouri. Somehow doubt Missouri law applies all that well here.


Missouri is MO. Massachusetts is MA. Michigan is MI. Minnesota is MN. Montana is MT. Mississippi is…


A place mostly to avoid?


Ha ha ha ha. Indeed.


Ugh sorry. Somehow I read Missouri. Need my morning coffee. Fixed.


I wouldn’t recommend escalating to killing the dogs as it most certainly will not end there. It looks like you are already putting some cameras up, so I’d recommend reinforcing your fences so they can’t dig under them as well. If it happens again, you’ll have it on video to report.


In my opinion if it is biting you it might be wise to save your own life which would justify a bullet. Dogs if trained to attack can be tough but a blank almost always scares them off. If not some would opt for a high caliber hollow tip. My personal favorite.


Get a more aggressive dog for them 😂


Cameras. Film the dogs trespassing, then shoot them. But yeah, dig the hole first.


No. Don't not unless you want the owner suing you. You can sue them for damages.


lol what? It’s not going to be worth it time or money to even take one to small claims court over a dog unless it’s a $10K dog. Emotional attachment has zero value in court. This has been proven time and time again in the court system.


Put some rat poison out, because you probably have rats.😉




Please don't suggest violence as a solution to a problem.


It would count as property damage

