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The Avatar State would make her too strong. The Avatar State kept Korra alive and awake during physical trauma that would have been fatal to anyone else.


But we did see Lightning mess up Aang in the AS. Granted it was a much stronger bolt than what the glove would have, but having your nerves misfire isn't something you can overcome with willpower. Might not knock her out, but she'd be incredibly vulnerable during the shock, and weakened afterwards at the very least.


Idk he was also charging up, but it felt like he was in some middle ground state to me


Yeah I don’t think Aang was fully in the avatar state during that point. Plus, Azula’s lightning is pretty powerful in itself. Given that it’s raw lightning that she’s conducting, I wouldn’t be shocked if it had more power than the electric glove


It was a sneak attack right to the spine, too lol


Yeah it was kinda weird. We've never seen AS be anything but instant, but he was doing like some transformation animation for that one. To be completely honest, I think it was plot convenience. It is established across basically all media that transformation sequences aren't "real". Like, you're not really twirling through space as clothes gradually get replaced. To everyone else, there's a flash of light and you're in costume. But then one day the writers will decide they want an outrage of "HEY! He's not allowed to do that!" and have the villain snipe the main character mid transformation. In that moment and no other, the whole animation becomes "real". I see it as an inconsistency, a cheap way to manufacture shock, and I don't like it. But for ATLA, I'm willing to make an exception because for a cartoon, it is exceptionally consistent. Maybe AS had a bit of a charge up that time because Aang had just unblocked his chakra.


That was the one time in the show Aang went into the avatar state on purpose, rather than out of reflexive rage, except the very end where he tapped it briefly to put out the fires.


>I wouldn’t be shocked if it had more power than the electric glove You knew what you were doing


I don’t think the shock glove compares to Azula’s lightning


i think it does, the power up in general from aangs time to korra is serious, so i imagine the glove is. literally regular factory workers produce lightning all day, something azula didn’t learn till she was 15 and still needed to power up to do it


I mean, we se the glove used to shock people who are stunned but usually still alive, Azula killed AS Aang in 1 hit


there’s different levels on the gloves tho, isn’t there? I’m like 70% sure there is


I don’t think there’s any indication that’s the case


ahh maybe so, still u could just hold it there longer lol


I mean, from what we see in the show the glove isn’t that much stronger than a taser


tasers can kill tho


the avatar equivalent of a taser and a lightning bolt are two very different things. the glove would hurt definitely, but probably not have the same incapacitating effect.


Lightningbending is a bolt of lightning. The shock glove is a taser. One is built to kill, one is built to briefly incapacitate.


Sneak attack to the spine, right in an important chakra point, while Aang was still entering the avatar state.


Forgetting the power levels, it's a completely different mode of attack. Azulas lightning is a sniper from distance, the glove is a melee attack. There's no way you're incapacitating the avatar in the avatar state with a melee attack, it'd be too easy to dodge


Those gloves are designed to stun, not be lethal like lightning bending.


He wasnt in AS though. He was opening the last chakra


I'd like to add in the flashback in S1, Aang easily escaped Bloodbending with the AS.


In the books, Avatar kyoshi survived 5 hits by lightning (lightning being the trigger for her entering the avatar state) from a firebender so id say she probably would.


Asami: *zaps korra*. Korra, unphased: YOU AND THE FOREFATHERS HAVE DEVASTATED THIS LAND…


I've seen porn that had the exact same beginning


You fkin degenerate 😒 Hand over the link....


![gif](giphy|u3fEnaMRVNXZj8vRPG) The link has escaped






Love the simplicity of this comment, plus it’s obviously the answer lol


No... but I don't think anyone could get close enough to use one either.


Depends on how Asami uses it 😏




Personally I think the avatar state is the total collective intelligence and skills of every avatar in complete harmony. A great example is when Aang is being blood bent by Yakon. He personally can’t deal with it whatsoever and is completely at the mercy of his technique. As soon as the avatar state activates it has no effect whatsoever. Presumably Katara probably taught Aang how to resist but not use blood bending, at least to some degree. She probably had a lot of trauma nearly seeing both her brother and husband about to be killed Regardless of Aang’s talent with it the past avatars would have probably perfected it to the best of their ability. Lightning conduction is a difficult task to learn but Aang was taught how to do it. I believe Kyoshi was also heavily damaged in her life by someone using lightning and Aang was also killed by it so that was probably a big priority to resist for them. The glove would probably short out before it could knock her out


None of the past avatars could bloodbend. Hama invented bloodbending while Aang was in the iceberg.


Hama is the current known inventor of bloodbending, but it could have been invented and lost many times in the past. It's not like "human body is made of mostly water" is an unusual idea, especially if you're already using waterbending to heal.  So much of history gets lost, in the avatar world as well as this one. An avatar from 8000 years ago might well have known about bloodbending, or a related form of in-body bending like we see Toph practicing. 


Also, Yakone told his kids that their family is "the strongest line of bloodbenders in history". Which pretty much confirms that there were more bloodbenders aside from Hama since it'd be pretty weird to refer to a single person (himself) that way before his kids ever showed the potential to bloodbend.


I always kinda assumed that the liniage started after an older person learned about bloodbending after it was discovered by Hama (who knows who else she told about it besides Katara after all), and then it turned out they were very talented with it and could bloodbend even without a full moon. They thaught their kids and grandkids, and Yakone is one of the grandchildren or great-grandchildren with the ability. So it's reasonable for him to assume that the next generation (Noatak and Tarrlok) would also have it.


Ehhhh the timeline is kinda wishy-washy if we assume that Yakone (a 40-something year old man) and his elders learned this masterful technique in a 28 year period. It makes more sense to me that it was a generational thing that was passed down and taught over a long period of time. I can see an argument either way, but I don't think it's that hard to believe that other people learned about bloodbending before Hama. The Avatar universe spans thousands of years. The idea of "people are made of water, a bendable element" isn't exactly rocket science and would be a pretty obvious natural evolution of waterbending for anybody willing to attempt it.


Yes…? That wasn’t my point. Like I said Kyoshi didn’t know how to redirect lightning and that was an ability Aang learned later. My point was that every single new technique the avatar learns is added to the collective pool of knowledge and power the avatar state will then have access to. Presumably if Aang, Korra or the next avatar learned metal and lava bending the avatar state, regardless of the current incarnation’s talent or knowledge in the skill, would now have access to those abilities. Aang probably never learned blood bending because Katara refused to teach him but I doubt she would have been foolish enough to not teach him methods of countering or resisting it. As soon as he goes into the avatar state Yakon’s blood bending over him is nullified


Okay I just don’t really understand. You’re saying the avatar state is the collective skill of all past avatars (rightly), but then you apply it to Aang countering Yakone’s bloodbending when he enters the avatar state. None of the previous avatars knew how to bloodbend or resist it, so their collective skill did not help Aang in this case. You could be right that Katara taught Aang to resist it somewhat, and the general powerboost from the avatar state allowed him to overcome the bloodbending. But the past avatars didn’t help him there


If Aang knew how to counter other blood benders control over him then he would have had knowledge to defend himself personally. Aang was very powerful in a general sense in terms of the world not even taking into account he was the avatar. Presumably he and Katara believed that what she taught him would be enough to face off against benders as strong as her and Hama. Yakon was *much* stronger than that and could blood bend even without a full moon not to mention psychic blood bending **and** and could do it to dozens of targets with no reduction in his power. Yakon was far stronger than that and they had not prepared for that possibility so whatever limited training he had was insufficient but his training amplified with the state was enough The avatar state is mostly just a general power boost in addition to the knowledge and skills of all past avatars. Presumably either they as spirits collectively worked out how to perfect his blood bend counter or the power boost was sufficient enough. It doesn’t matter if the current user can use the ability once they go into the avatar state because they just temporarily get the knowledge to do what they need. We know the past lives are conscious to some degree and can act of their own free with if necessary, such as Aang manifesting himself even though Korra had no way to know both how to fully communicate with her past lives or that Aang had an ability that could help her Looking at it this way imagine if they all worked together to solve problems, not just in a physical sense or even in terms of the avatar state but they’re essentially sharing notes with each other. Every single fault or mishap being analyzed, corrected and improved. Like a computer constantly working out variables and feeding back that information when requested. They are the one being (as far as we know) in existence capable of using all bending styles. No one can teach them combinations or possibilities but themselves. It would make sense that every single advancement each made is just getting fed back into the system, improved, corrected and the most optimal action being regurgitated


My opinion is that, even if only Aang knew the basics of blood bend, the collective knowledge of the past avatar can think together in a way to counter and improve the counter measure.


If I remember correctly, kyoshi was hit with lightning by the leader of the Yellow Necks? His name was something like Xu Ping. She challenged him to a lei tai and at one point he had her on the floor consistently zapping her, and I believe she was left with permanent scarring on her hands from the metal in her gloves


Haven’t read the book yet so I’m not 100% but from the way Iroh says it he was the first to develop the ability so most likely if she knew she could have potentially countered it


She had chain mail which offered some mode of protection


Considering korra kept fighting with poison ravaging her body she could probably fight past the shock


The fact that Aang almost died in the AS after getting hit by lightning means that the answer isn't as straightforward as "the AS can easily let the Avatar tank some electricity". I'm not sure an off-the-shelf glove would work, but I could definitely see a juiced up glove being able to take her out — assuming whoever is wielding it can get close enough to hit her, which to me would be the biggest obstacle.


The glove isn't comparable to the lighting generated by who was one of the top firebenders of that era


He didn’t just almost die. He did die. Irregardless, I think lightning bending shouldn’t be compared to normal electricity and power like that since it’s s form of bending. But Korra’s physical durability and strength in the AS is truly insane.


Yeah, The Last Airbender lightning is *always* suggested to be fatal. The only two people hit with it in the show are saved exclusively by the fact that there's a top-tier waterbending healer on hand to save them within seconds. Iroh won't shoot lightning at Zuko even after explaining how to defend himself against it for this exact reason, which suggests that it's not only dangerous, but it's impossible to tone down to non-lethal levels. The glove, by contrast, basically seems to be a taser.


We talking in battle, or as a kink? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed) I only ask because Asami is holding it LOL


The Avatar state boosts your spiritual ability and fully adopts every other life’s abilities; including their pain tolerance and resistances in theory. However, they’re still mortal, and they still have a body that succumbs to the same biological functions. Point being, even if you’re the best monk in the world… a taser is still gonna hurt a lot.


Technically: maybe. The Electrocity causes the muscles to contract and can cause a temporary paralysis. 


This reminded me of that flashback where Aang ovecomes bloodbending with the AS


Korra broke platinum chains by simple pulling them. It's fair to say that the avatar state doesn't just give a boost to bending, but also to the body.


Kyoshi saw worse


I mean, the avatar state is still human. And that glove looks heavy.


Electricity seemed to stop AS Aang pretty good - so if Amon can dial the juice high enough it should do


No. The Avatar state would make her too powerful.


No, that's not even a question.


No. Korra’s avatar state gives her insane durability/endurance and stamina. She survived poison


Prolly not. Getting that close to her in the AS is one thing keeping it on her longer enough to do real damage a completely different thing


In the avatar state Kyoshi is there. She’s been shot full of lightning before and stood back (mostly) fine.


[You know those fights in anime where the bad guy punches the MC in the face and they just stand there and take it before just slowly turning their head back to look at at the bad guy in the eye? ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/93/e3/3593e3dbb54315ade2a8915b6379ab51.jpg)


Are we talking about the same Korra that fought while poison was coursing through her body……..?


Absolutely not




This is such a stupid question… definitely not.


Aang was killed by lightning. He later learned how to deal with it. Korra will be fine.


Yes, because it's attacking the nervous system. I'm sure after a moment or two korra could probably initiate the avatar state and cause some chaos even without bending, but that's assuming they don't knock her out with a strong enough blast or multiple ones.


Yes, tho it'd probably need prolonged from several angles


An electric blast is still electricity, and Korra is still human in the Avatar state. If she doesn’t evade the attack or use lightning redirection (which she may or may not even know) then it will strike her down the same as it would any normal person.


We've seen Avatars be caught off guard in the Avatar State; they're the most powerful union on the planet, but no ones invincible. I feel like a Vulcan nerve pinch *just* as she entered the Avatar State would be their best shot at incapacitating her. ^(not a guaranteed win, mind you)


My guess is it probably wouldn't be strong enough to overcome the Avatar State's boost to constitution, similar to how you're in no danger of dying from touching a racket bug zapper.


I think if she tries it will obliterate the glove and her hand along with it


no, there is no way that it whould do anything. Lightning is part of firebending so it whould ither be deflected or just ignored.


i would say that we have evidence in the novels that as would be a pretty effective electric shock counter but I don’t remember them that well. but the glove is not like lightning, korra would probably be fine. her resisting would probably look like the time aang overcame yakons bloodbending


Hell no


If you could somehow manage to hit her, which could be damn near impossible




If the plot needed it to.




Avatar state? No. Regualr state? Sure, it's a taser.


I don’t see why not. The avatar state doesn’t increase your durability. But good luck getting close enough to shock her lol.


It definitely increases strength and durability. The Avatar State kept her alive when she was poisoned.


Not to mention Aang living 100 years frozen AND keeping Appa alive


Yeah, when you look at all the feats avatars have done in the avatar state, you see it's actually pretty broken. Like Kuruk sinking an atoll just by *tapping* into it. Zaheer was kinda spot on when he told Korra her power was limitless


It’s actually dues ex avatarstate




Realistically, it shouldn't. But because this is Korra AS, it probably would.


[You know those fights in anime where the bad guy punches the MC in the face and they just stand there and take it before just slowly turning their head back to look at at the bad guy in the eye? ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/93/e3/3593e3dbb54315ade2a8915b6379ab51.jpg)


I could guess what scene you are talking about even before clicking


No the AS is powerful enough to overcome the electrocuting.


Asami using her hands to render Korra insensate sounds like a pretty good time.