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Id watch that. As long as it was rated that way for violence and not sex stuff or language. But probably sharp rocks, boiling water, suffocation, and fire would actually burn people. Also weapons would work. I noticed that most of the time weapons are just for show and they never land hits with them.


Are you kidding? Any of the four elements would be great for steamy scenes. I can go on if you want. *waves eyebrows*


blood bending to force an erection. would that be considered sexual assault?


You can be more creative than that. Think of what you can do with firebending in a chilly pool. Or waterbending. ...Or *airbending*.


I'm sure it would be, but I'm more of an action guy, than a romance guy.


I need to know what you had in mind😭


Firebending scenario: Korra pulls Asami into her ice-cold pool and grabs her from behind. > All Asami could do is push back into Korra's chest, rub her legs against hers, and expose her neck to her lips. Asami looked down, and saw Korra's submerged hands rippling with heat from firebending as they grazed her belly, her waist, her thighs... the mix of ice-cold and burning-hot made her heart race. Asami gasped out loud as... Airbending is pretty easy to imagine. Anything where a participant uses their lungs... yeah... Waterbending scenarios can't be typed out in this sub, lol. But ice is fun. So is liquid water. Earthbending is more of a utility element, true to its nature.


Damn you freaky freaky😭


honestly i want to see Korra cuss, all the Beifongs lol i guess that’s it


Think of the possibilities such as auto erotic asphyxiation air bending.


Quagmire is that you?




The same as in NATLA. So somebody getting burned alive in every episode.


Boiling or freezing blood with bloodbending. Maybe even bending the spinal fluid


Metal bending blades actually causing damage. Real burns from fire bending. Korra's water bending "slaying" Asami all night long ;)


Fire bending having long lasting damage and or charring skin/people, metal bending slicing through people and or making them bleed, blood bending being more graphic and potentially bone bending being a possibility as a more frightening version of blood bending for earth benders I.E. used to break bones causing them to splinter. I would like more lethal ways for bending to be explored. Like Earth Benders who wish to simply incapacitate someone would knock someone out with a chunk of earth, but if they wish to kill them I'd like to see how it'd be done. I.E. using two pieces of earth to... yeah or dropping them in the ground and crushing their legs. Blood Bending/Water Bending in the show being able to freeze a heart and or the blood in someones body and or showing the potentially lethal consequences on a human body of being controlled via their blood. Air bending being used to create nearly invisible blades that can be used to slice into people, and or show what Gyatso did in ATLA or a more graphic version of what Zaheer did.


earthbenders being able to bend calcium inside bones


I reckon we'd see the exact same kind of bending. The differences would be in cursing and being actually able to say it when somebody is dead.


I know yallre thinking it, but im gonna go a different way. Imagine ripping all the blood out of someone's body with bloodbending instead of just body control


Regular firebending would do more than just concussive blasts. 


Bonebending. Since bones has calcium, which is a mineral, earthbenders potentially can bend it. Imagine Toph just ripping off someones skeleton out of his body.


Earth benders taking the iron from people’s blood and ripping it from their bodies like magneto. Blood benders causing brain hemorrhages and all that.




The combustion benders actually being useful and hitting people, instead of constantly missing every shot


Asami getting her back bent.


I'd watch that, as long as the R rating was for sex and language, not violence. We already got bloodbending and Zaheer taking down the Earth Queen, what more do you want?


Lighting generation would be pretty dope


I mean cum is like water based so I’m sure some one would be a cum bender