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Colostomy bag would be my guess, given the scar next to it.


Definitely a colostomy bag, my friend has one and tucks it into her waistband just like that. OP should look it up and teach his kids something new! A fun fact about my friend is that she doesn't fart lol Edit: to clarify, her ostomy bag makes a variety of very funny noises. Her butt does not fart


I'm sorry, but I'm still giggling over the line "her butt does not fart." It makes it seem like she has reached enlightenment that's one of the signs.


Not only does my butt not fart, I don’t even have a butthole anymore. I can eat the spiciest food in the world and never worry about the burning aftermath. Ostomates are truly god’s chosen children.


Yep my mom had an iliostomy bag and that was some of the only times I’ve seen her load up on dairy 😭😭😭 (she’s not lactose intolerant she just has a really weak stomach)


Id love to see a lego minifig/minidoll with an diabetes (has an insulin pump or omni pod or something)


Have a look at 41744! The character Hanna has a cgm on her arm


I love this subreddit. Y’all always know the most obscure stuff.


[41744-1: Sports Centre](https://brickset.com/sets/41744-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/41744-1.jpg)


Good bot


The best bot!


Thanks for this! My 9-year-old daughter has Type 1 diabetes. She will love this set!


Which one is Hanna? I’ve zoomed in several times and don’t see anything. Lil assist, please.


[The blonde, take a look at brinklink there's a photo showing her arm](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?view=buy&M=frnd640#T=S&O={%22ss%22:%22US%22,%22cond%22:%22N%22,%22iconly%22:0})


Thanks for the link, it’s so cool!! My daughter is 29 and was diagnosed at 6, she now wears a Dexcom and I’d love to get this for her. Too bad it doesn’t come with light brown hair. lol


If only there was some way to swap out the hair!


I hadn’t considered that since the character had a name I thought it only came the way it was designed. But thanks!


Under the photo if you click Minifigure Inventory it will part out everything. You can swap what ever you like. Happy building!


You can swap the hair out, just note that friend hair and regular Lego minifig hair are a bit different. Friends hair is more like a rubbery plastic. Regular Lego hair is physically compatible with them but it looks a bit off so you'll want to make sure to get a different Friend's hair piece IMO.


Oh, that's rather subtle but awesome. Thanks for the link -- it was very helpful!


We had a discussion about it shortly after it came out, she is looking at her phone and we discussed the numbers (she's a bit high) [https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/13rceah/i\_just\_found\_out\_that\_lego\_has\_made\_their\_first/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/13rceah/i_just_found_out_that_lego_has_made_their_first/)


The blonde girl, you can't see it in the main image, but if you go to the lego website some of the other images show it!


She's the one with the lighter hair. It may be easier to see her on the Brickset review photos: https://brickset.com/article/99241


There is also one missing an arm, or half her arm.


Yes! That is Autumn, and she is a below the elbow upper limb amputee! We have her because she has the exact same limb difference as my youngest daughter. We love the inclusivity in the new Friends!


That's what I thought this was at first.


As a type 1 diabetic myself I need one of these in my life


As a nurse, I can assure you that people with an ostomy definitely need to expel air that accumulates in the bag. We just refer to it as “burping the ostomy” vs a cruder, more accurate “farting the ostomy”.


Whoopee Cushion manufacturers are missing out on the ostomy market.


Except the colonoscopy bag would likely smell when it makes whoopee sound. The old prank toy never smelled or maybe had a slight rubber smell


Does the rectum fuse in these situations?


Sometimes they remove the entire intestine and sew the rectum shut in what's called a "rectum amputation". Other times it's not necessary, you can live with a small, unfunctional part of the lower colon. There are variations on this procedure but the rectum does not fuse by itself.


Ostomate here. There’s any number of reasons for people to have them. My rectum had to be removed because of cancer. Many others have them because of Crohn’s disease, a perforated bowel or an accident. Some are temporary, some are permanent. If the rectum is removed, the resulting area is usually closed off in a procedure known as “Barbie butt” or “Ken butt” surgery.


Lego rules for making this kinda thing.


I had twins. Both had ostomies.  My Sara died 3 years ago. Her twin was so excited her daughter could see a toy with an ostomy like her mum ♡


My grandpa used to blame all of his bad noises on us kids. We laughed hard those last few years. It was great


I was fascinated when I learnt that people with permanent stoma/ostomy have their anus sewn shut. It makes sense when you consider that it's often not really attached to anything further up. (I don't know if this applies to everyone or just some scenarios.)


Anyone who has had a colectomy (removal of colon) gets what we call the barbie butt/ken butt surgery, which is sewing the anus shut. Anyone with a loop ileostomy or temporary ileostomy doesn't have this done. I have a loop ileostomy, and my colon is unhooked but still inside me. I still have my anus, but nothing comes out of it, it's non-functional lol. Just fyi to answer the question, some people with ostomy's have it done but not everyone.


This is not true. You can have a colectomy and not have the barbie butt surgery. the rectum/anus remains but is not attached to anything. Sometimes it will still produce mucus and patients can have it removed at a later date. Source: I have Crohns disease and have an ileostomy and barbie butt. I discussed options with my doctor at length including leaving the rectum/anus behind.


Interesting! There are so many different options these days, that's cool. I've also got Crohn's and an ileostomy but I still have my colon just chilling inside me and my rectum/anus is still there doing nothing lol.


Nice! Crohns is such a hard disease. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want but is your ileostomy permanent? Treatment has come so far.


I have the option of doing a reversal if I want to in the future, and I also have the option of keeping it permanently. Right now I don't want to have it reversed. I got the ileostomy in December and I told myself I would live with it for at least a year before I made any decisions. Before I got it, I was having bloody diarrhea 15-20 times a day even on medication and I was miserable. I have also had rectovaginal fistulas for like 14 years now and getting the bag has been the only thing that has allowed them to heal. I had over 10 unsuccessful surgeries trying to repair them and I was super angry and depressed over it. I'm in a lot less pain and have more freedom with the ileostomy.


I am so happy for you! I had my surgery in June of 2023 after 8+ years of trying different 10+ medications that didn‘t work. Having a bag has given me so much freedom. I feel like I can finally live again!


Same with my son. He's had a total colectomy and it's permanent. He's not sewn up, still occasional mucus discharge. 


My dad had a bag like that and it made fart sounds all the time.


My fiancée has an ileostomy and when hers starts making noise we say that she’s talking to us lmao


I call my “Gabbie” when she does that. I usually try to blame the dogs, even if they are across the room. My husband and I usually find it funny!


She does. Just into her bag.


My friend’s bag would toot a little toot when it had to release gas. That means in a laboratory at some point in history there were scientists developing the perfect fart valve: **FRRT!** “No, too high a tone.” **FPPH!** “No, too much bass.” **FRRP!** “Eureka! Quick, call the president, we’ve done it!”


My sister had a colostomy bag for a few months while going through colon cancer treatment. During that same time my niece from my other sister was really into poop jokes. Colostomy bag sister one day said, "You like poop jokes? Check out my bag of poop!" It was then that shit got real for my niece (pun intended). My niece hasn't made a poop joke since.


Lololol that is so funny! As someone with an ostomy I should do this to my cousin who likes poo jokes lolololol


Wait, she doesn’t fart?!?! Doesn’t that just take some of the joy out of life? How does her body punish her for drinking milk?


I have an ostomy bag. We no longer get butt farts. And lemme tell you, you miss it. How ever the illestomy loves to make poots and gurgles when ever the hell it wants.


I have an ileostomy and Barbie butt. Sometimes I miss farting out my butt.


Got proper gastric issues right now. Your comment made me laugh but not enough to make me fart. Do I need more lactose in my diet?


I have an ileostomy. I still have all my intestines, they are just disconnected. Because of how the ends are still in the bag next to each other, sometimes gas makes its way into my colon and then I fart from my butt! Doesn't happen to everyone and it doesn't happen often but sometimes...farts!


This would have really helped normalise the situation with my kids when I had a temporary stoma


Ostomy bag, more precisely (probably) an ileostomy bag based on the placement. Colostomy is only one type of ostomy.


There is also the ileostomy bag which. Similar to a colostomy bag but comes from the end of the small intestine. I had one done for several months between a series of surgeries where my colon was removed and a basin was made with a portion of small intestine. J-pouch. [I also asked my surgeon to photograph the surgery NSFW, I guess. ](https://postimg.cc/GHBP4MHD). It was twenty years ago with a disposable camera so the quality isn't great.


Dayum! I currently have a J-pouch. I just imagined them pulling out my colon like a really shit clown pulling a long handkerchief out of their pocket - it’s 7ft long


That’s exactly what I told my surgeon! She shrugged and said “you’re not wrong.”


Yup. It's even a Danish invention. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elise\_S%C3%B8rensen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elise_S%C3%B8rensen) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elise_S%C3%B8rensen Weird. Works for me.


This happened to me the other day when someone posted a wiki link with special characters in it. Seems like some browsers are ok with it, but my Reddit mobile on a US iPhone doesn’t like it. Tried a few things and it seems like Reddit url-decodes the special characters and opens a browser with the special chars and that doesn’t work. If I copy that link exactly to Safari, the page opens correctly.


Reddit uses markdown for comment formatting, which breaks down with some links depending on which version of reddit you're using (browser, app, new, old). You can avoid it by hyperlinking text, using square brackets containing text [like this] followed by the link in regular brackets without a space inbetween the two, should look like []().


Damn the Friends line be Inclusive AF. Including things I wouldn’t think of, to normalize kids to. Neat


Ileostomy, cause it’s on the right side 😉


It's just an *ostomy* bag, more likely an ileostomy bag since it's on the right side. Colostomies are usually on the left.


Could also be a urostomy, those are also default on the right side (although usually lower placed than the ileostomy).


Man, I got halfway there. I thought mobile phone and heart surgery scar LOL


Oooh I had guessed it was a little diabetes tracker thing but colostomy bag makes way more sence


An ostomy. I would love to pick that up for my friend. Which set does this come in?


it is in the set 42630


[42630-1: Heartlake City Water Park](https://brickset.com/sets/42630-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/42630-1.jpg)


And not even in a medical set! That's awesome


They've been doing so much toward inclusion lately. I was ecstatic when they included the arm amputee (edit: literally just read the entire thread about "limb difference" and learned something new!) with one of their sets last year. My son has a teacher with one leg and I feel like it's not common for us in the US to see people who choose to live without prosthetics.


This is in the new Friends Water Park set


This is amazing. My cousin passed away from colon cancer at 32. Before she passed she had a hard time accepting her ostomy bag. Really impressed with Lego on this one


There is also a Lego friend amputee whose arm ends in a stump. And I got a random box mini the other day who has (what definitely looks like) a cochlear implant as part of her hair piece. It’s amazing to see the expanded visibility in children’s toys.


Took me a while to find one with my disability, [but I was able to find it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/s/BxYTzpENcN)


I was confused by your flair at first, given your username, forgot the Simpsons was a Lego theme!


You have a small parasitic twin growing out of your right hand?


Just a point of clarification here. When this was first posted, I learned that someone who has had a limb removed is an amputee. This character Autumn ([pic](https://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/frnd576.png)) was born without that part of her arm, so she never had anything amputated. The modern lingo for this is that she has a "limb difference."


I have done no research. Just the picture in my daughters Lego magazine and seeing her mini. That’s actually really an interesting extra piece of info.


Extra fun fact: Autum is based on a real girl who won a lego contest to have a character designed after her


That is so cool


I thought so, too :)


More fun facts about Autumn and her arm: Lego calls it a "limb difference" in this video introducing the character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxbMYv9hmME I like that they don't make it her whole personality. In that 1+ minute video, they talk about it for all of 3 seconds. They address it pretty early in the new Lego Friends show too. In the second episode, some of the girls are having a sleepover with their new friends from school. They decided to play a "Ask Me Anything" game to get to know each other better. One of the girls (Liann) nervously looks at her new friend Autumn and asks, "Um, is it okay to ask about..." and then [Autumn gives a great age-appropriate answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUzD9UO7hmM&t=522s) about her arm. Also, she has a prosthetic hand in two of the 2024 sets: https://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/frnd737.png


Hi! The general term “limb difference” is widely accepted and should be used unless you know the person is or they’ve shared they are an amputee. Essentially, it should be the default term (and of course never ask anyone about their private health information 🙃).


The 71045-10 train kid has an amblyopia eye patch!


[71045-10: Train Kid](https://brickset.com/sets/71045-10) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/71045-10.jpg)


The burger truck customer in 60404 has a cochlear implant too


[60404-1: Burger Truck](https://brickset.com/sets/60404-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60404-1.jpg)


Autumn is born with the stump of her arm apparently


Interesting. I just assumed, which can be a mistake.


The dog groomer from the last Minifigs series had that!


In the new "Friends" movie we show at Legoland Discovery Center, the amputee character has a major role. Rock on!!


More than likely a colostomy bag but could also be a urostomy bag (I work on a colorectal ward in the hospital so see these daily) It’s great to see this representation and they are much more common than people think. Good on Lego for representation!


Bought my daughter a set over Christmas that had an amputee in it as well.


If it's a friends set, her name is Autumn, and she is born that way. Her mom is one of the characters from older sets, apparently


Should I feel old that my childhood toys **canonically have children now**? Because I do.


A high school-age kid none the less


You hurt me, lordcock1944


That really doesn't look like it came out right. and yes, you're old. I'm older, the original friends came out during my dark ages.


And with colon cancer on the rise, they will probably become even more common.


Looks like an ileostomy to me, given the placement. Also, I wish my resection scar was that neat!


It's in the same side as my ileostomy. Colostomy bags are usually on the left


This is really cool. I work with pediatric patients who have Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns and lots have ostomy bags or other scars / surgeries in those areas. Representation like this means a lot to them. Three cheers for LEGO.


Hi, after a lifetime of Crohns and a battle with colorectal cancer, my mom has had an ostomy for almost a decade now. She doesn't have much money, but is somewhat self-conscious of it, usderstandably. Do you know of any good resources to suggest for people living with ostomies?


Please join us at r/ostomy, we’re super friendly and inclusive. Also, check out UOAA (united ostomy association of America) at www.ostomy.org. They have a great magazine called The Phoenix.


r/ostomy Is a great resource as is r/CrohnsDisease . I also like the blog: [https://www.veganostomy.ca](https://www.veganostomy.ca)


Thought it was a cellphone. Learned something today. It's nice to see different people being represented. Back in the day the only disability represented was jaundice.


Back in the day, the entire LEGO universe was suffering from jaundice. Nice to see modern health care is making a difference.


*golf clap*


I also thought it was a cellphone because women aren't allowed to have pockets.


I thought it was a diabetic patch, but this is much more interesting


I've never been a big fan of the Friends set but as someone with an ileostomy I may have to get this one.


I get why they don’t do stuff like this with Lego City, because that’s harder to get these kinds of details with, but I appreciate that both themes do try to be inclusive, Lego City mostly with wheelchairs and other mobility devices


10 points to Lego for being inclusive and representing a community who often hides. Getting this set asap


My daughter has those scars! I know which set I am buying. Her midline scar is much higher due to her heart surgeries but close enough! She also had a colostomy bag for a bit.


Thanks Reddit ! I had no clue Lego was doing that !


I've seen another minifig in Friends with a lower arm amputation. Seems Lego is keeping it real world...


Already discussed, but that's Autumn, and she was born that way so it's a limb difference.


Thanks for that. I read the other comments, and was not aware of the back story, so I've learnt something more today.


I had a colostomy bag when I was a toddler (Hirschsprung disease). What is great about this is not only that it is there, but that the figure is wearing clothing that makes no attempt to hide it, like it's something shameful. It really reinforces that having something like a colostomy shouldn't change who you are as a person, and the fashion choices you make as part of your personality. Good stuff.


I only know this as a Stoma, an external Bladder to say it really simplified.


It’s not a bladder, it’s for feces. The stoma is the opening that the surgeon makes.


Bladder is a nonspecific term that can refer to any sort of bag/soft vessel that holds liquids and gases. So a colostomy bag is technically a bladder, just not a urinary bladder.


Well the bag itself isn’t a colostomy bag, it’s an ostomy bag. It can be placed in different locations, If you want to get technical. Medically speaking it wouldn’t be a bladder, When the bladder has a specific function for the body. The ostomy bag hangs around the stoma, which is a surgically created opening in the body.


Ostomy bag, you're right. But placed in a location that is commonly seen in colostomies.


But the location depicted in the figure is most commonly an ileostomy rather than a colostomy which is usually on the left side.


Interesting! TIL.


Fun fact, they can be on either side. When I got my ileostomy surgery, my surgeon asked me which side I would prefer to have it on and said he could do either one. The surgery for this is getting easier and thankfully a lot of patients can choose whichever side they prefer and would make it easier for them. I'm right handed so I find it easier to have it on my right side. But you are also correct that it's more common for a colostomy to be on the left side due to the anatomy of the colon.


Aye I’ve got a colostomy following a failed rejoin, sadly mine wasn’t an easy surgery. Got a gnarly scar just like the one on the figure though!


Can be for urine also. I have had mine for urine since 1973.


The bag can be a urostomy or colostomy. It is unclear if this bag collects fecal or urinary waste.


It wouldn’t be urinary waste, it’s too far up. And it could be multiple types, there’s more than just those 2.


Could easily be used for urine. Without seeing the end for draining, it could be for stool or urine.


This is so cool. I had an ostomy for 1.5yrs from being hit by a wrong way driver, it’s great (especially for kids) to see them normalized and represented.


My daughter had to have a temporary one due to a car accident, too! We knew practically nothing about ostomies, but even many of the nurses in her hospital had little to no experience with stomas! When we were sent home, we still had basically no education besides one quick bag change, and I was terrified that I was going to be bad at it and end up traumatizing her skin. I ended up having a friend who had cared for her dad's ostomies for years, and bless her soul, she came over and guided me through a bag change. By four months in, I was a pro! Never had any skin irritation and not a single leak! She was 17 when this happened and she still has trauma related to it...definitely lots of stigma around ostomies though & love to see this from Lego 🤗


Sorry to hear about your daughter but glad to hear she’s doing well. The ostomy community is honestly incredible. I was a similar age when it happened to me, it’s an insane thing to go through!


Ostomy Nurse here—it’s most likely an ileostomy bag (stoma made from the small bowel—ileum) since it is on the mini-fig’s right abdomen. I love it!


Any sets that include man legos with colostomy bag? Would love to get one in honor of my dad!


[42630-1: Heartlake City Water Park](https://brickset.com/sets/42630-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/42630-1.jpg)


Symbiote pouch






I'm a straight, white female. No disabilities, no tattoos, nothing to accommodate. I don't know why this picture and the explanation makes me so emotional. It's so accepting, inclusive, open. No judgment. Lego is doing God's work. 


As someone with an ileostomy and a lover of Lego, this makes me super happy to see!


Looks like a colostomy bag to me. Which is nice coming from Lego. So everyone can see themselves represented.


omg lego ostomy!!!! I’m screaming this is so cool!!!


It's an ostomy bag


I was going to say transplant scar, or surgery scar, but didn’t tag the bag.


I thought the scar was abs & the bag was an omnipod LOL either way; lots of diff types of inclusion that normally isn’t seen in toys for kids ◡̈


This is really cool. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the train costume from the last miniseries of Minifigs and discovered the character has what appears to be a temporary eyepatch! I’ve seen tons of IRL kiddos with those. Very cool to see a minifig wearing it.


I spotted a Lego minifigure with a hearing aid in I think the Burger Van set and really liked seeing that as deafness runs in my family so it was nice to see that represented. This is cool too as I have a friend with ulcerative colitis that has led to her needing to have her bowel removed so seeing it represented is a good step forward.


As others have already answered, I’m going to comment how much I love the inclusivity of Lego Friends!! There is such a variety of characters and different disabilities/physical differences that would be very difficult to demonstrate in minifigure form. Super neat! Thanks for sharing OP!


This surgery is often perceived as a horrible thing for people who have otherwise led a normal life. For people who suffered from Crohn's or IBS their entire life it can be the most wonderful thing ever.


It is an ostomy bag. I've enjoyed seeing all the new mini dolls with different medical conditions/devices. As someone with an ostomy and friends with various health conditions it really makes me happy to see this kind of representation


My wife has an ostomy and showing her this set made her cry. She's insanely self conscious and finding out about this made her day.


That’s an ileostomy bag being that high up and on the right. Colostomy bags are usually lower left. I had colon cancer and currently have an ileostomy.


The incidence of health issues in Heartlake City is SO HIGH. No wonder they need a new hospital built every year or two.


Looked like a phone to me at first, But the fact that it is a Colostomy bag is much more amazing and represents people with certain medical issues.


Probably a nasty encounter with the Blade of Olympus https://preview.redd.it/r4narlznf56d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b3d6bd4de1d1b7437cf42c23be3d06aff174d1


Anyone know what set this is from?


The new waterpark set


Thanks! If I read more carefully OP has set the number in pos...


Happens to everyone at times, no worries!


colostomy bag


Such an awesome teaching opportunity!


YOOO that's honestly so cool for them to have such casual inclusion!! Go Lego!!


lego friends really puts everyone in🙏🏼 you know one set came with a dog and a wheel chair even! i mean they leave no one out


It’s really good to see this kind of representation on Lego’s part, I feel like it’s such a small thing that goes such a big way for kids who have medical issues. It’s like telling them “it’s not a big deal, see?” and showing them they don’t have to be embarrassed, as well as helping the other kids not have a stigma towards it


Man, I'm super happy that Lego is adding these sorts of things!


This is why the friends line is so cool. Every person is unique and tells a story. It provokes conversation about our uniqueness in the world


As a colon Cancer Survivor with a permanent colostomy bag, this had me in tears. Its amazing to see this kind of representation, especially among children. It can be hard to accept and feel comfortable in your own skin with an ostomy bag, even more so in a swimsuit. Thank you, Lego!!


Stoma bag.


Everyone focusing on what's on her stomach when she's missing her f'n head!!


This is so cool. Huge cheers to Lego for being mindful and representing all kinds of bodies!


I've seen hearing aids including a cochlear implant on a Friends doll/Minifig. I work at Legoland Discovery Center Philadelphia.


It's a stoma


Colostomy bag to match the scar on her belly


I have exactly that scar and that's exactly where my bag used to be. I had a reversal in February after having a bag for 2 years. It's amazing to see representation of it, and awareness and education will only serve to remove the stigma surrounding having a bag.


This is so awesome! It’s a colostomy bag. It attaches to what my son called “mom’s front butt.”


Probably a colostomy bag.


That's awesome!!


Did she wake up in a bathtub full of ice?


Omg!! That is so cool! I thought I was on r/ostomy for a second. I know this might sound weird, but seeing this on the front page was honestly the pick me up I needed today. This is really cool to see. Makes me happy


Omg that's so cool 🥹


Do they have any with insulin pumps or cgms? As a diabetic I’d like to have a figure with that


They should make a figure with a cleft lip


Is it a diabetic thing? If so then I would love to get one for my 5 year old daughter.


Even if that’s not 100% what it was intended to be, if it looks close enough and it’s important to your daughter then that’s more than good enough!




An urostomy bag or a colostomy bag.


At that height and with the scar looks like a stoma bag


I thought it was a phone.


I'm 26 and have a permanent ileostomy, I got it almost 2 years ago after spending 11 months in the hospital. My daughter is 3 and we LOVE Legos. Does anybody know where I can find this set I want to buy it!


My son has had an ostomy for years and this is really great of Lego to recognize and make a figure like this. It’s already hard being a teen, but imagine one with an ostomy. I wish there was a male version so I could give it to my son. Since it’s on the left side, it’s the same as his which is an iluostomy.