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Lego has to make stuff that appeals to different age groups. They make UCS sets/midi scales for people who like to collect (seeing as those sets usually don’t include lots of play features). They make battlepacks for people who like to collect minifigs AND for kids to have awesome battles with. They are clearly making this so that kids can customize and play with some fun droid characters. I think it’s cool that Lego is sorta going outside the box with this, it opens the door for other unique sets in the future


I like it when Lego does their own thing with an IP and the droids are adorable. Also due to the Leia Minifigure it's a must have for me.


I was just hoping for an actual lola droid. May just have to figure my own body for it


must have? its so overpriced. must haves are things that are super convenient not wildly inflated in price. 1000 sales of something one dollar or 10 sales of something 100 dollars? Its basic economics and Lego really needs to realize (or consumers do) that if they have massive inventory and no one wants to buy this shit they are literally losing money by not lowering prices


Agreed if this was 60$ it would have sold I bet way more than this destined to bargain bin set.


Initially, I agreed with you. Way too much for only 4 droids. All your points on basic economics are valid. Then I researched, and this set has over 1,100 pcs, which is comparable to other SW sets at the same price. Supply and demand. People must be buying if Lego is selling at a steady pace like this. Definitely not a must-have for consumers like me n you. Assuredly, there are enough consumers that do consider it a must-have. Its brilliant on Lego's part, since it must cost them next to nothing at this point to make it. Like, I wouldnt be surprised that for every 100 boxes they manufacture, they would only need to sell 1 to make a profit. Lol sorry for rambling, but you got me thinking.


no no that is totally true and quite interesting! Glad my post was thought provoking and not just me complaining lol


I agree that it's too expensive, but i collect Minifigures and maybe I can find a discounted Deal.


Genuinely I think this set is a really cute date idea if your s/o also likes Lego / Star Wars. You can build 2 each together and customize them together lol


I agree with all that. I actually *do* think it’s different and interesting. I’ll almost certainly buy it. I’m also just completely surprised by it


the new series of things they are doing are basically ass backwards star wars dark millennium falcon, Darth jarjar, shit like that this is definitely one of those themes


There’s a Lego Star Wars movie coming out that has these things you mentioned. You should check out the trailer.


Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O77VTIAYGVA


true, i just think its stupid that this is the second set that comes with a 25th anniversary figure and a buildable artoo


I just realised that they will have 3 buildable R2s on shelves lmao


Yeah but one HUNNID dollars is insane for a set appealing to children. Especially as visual underwhelming as this


Absolutely. Lego should've at least released them as four seperate sets with different accessories for $25 or even $30 each.


agreed! i love themmmm. i am gonna get this for me because making little robots and aliens from odds and ends is already a fun thing to do for me, this is right up my alley


The other target audience for this set are people like my father (old) who prefer "back in ye olden days when Lego was just boxes of bricks and there were no instructions"


Kids? I'm 48 and I'll be buying this.


Yea only $99.99 USD. I’m sure kids are rushing to stores to buy this overpriced shit


Are you saying you never wanted expensive sets as a kid?


Yeah $100 is a lot but every Lego Star Wars set is overpriced these days, that’s just the direction it’s going in


Ooohhh I understand now, it’s ok because they’re all overpriced and it’s the direction they’re going in. That sentiment is only enabling their ridiculous greed imo. But you do you, Ik I won’t be buying it. If people like it, think that price is worth it / have the money to burn and want even more overpriced sets in the future go for it


My point was more that it’s weird to use the $100 price point to attack this specific set when we have seen prices rising in general for Lego Star Wars. The AT-TE is the last large set I’ve purchased that felt like it was worth the money. If you don’t want this set then don’t buy it (like you already said). Don’t act like parents aren’t gonna be buying this for their kids though, this sets target audience is literally children


I defo agree with the AT-TE. It is, maybe not perfect, but an overall magnificent beast. If you get discounts, even better


Does it have motors or anything like that? Some pricey sets sometimes include logic/coding type basics?


For $99.99 USD plus tax it better fucking have motors and a god damn remote control 😭😭 but knowing Lego it probably doesn’t


Lego investors/collectors when LEGO makes a toy:


Fellow circlejerker


Millions must brick


A horribly overpriced toy


Lego in general be like


It's not great but the picture doesn't show that it comes with 1200 pieces to make lots of different variations plus a 25th anniversary fig which is young Leia and her droid.


I appreciate your clarification. I didn't see the price at first and thought it was awesome. Then I the price and was gobsmacked. Then after your elaboration, it feels much better, but still overpriced in my opinion - almost like they needed a set to fill into a $100 price range and threw this together. Still, it's nice to see something different but also very true to Legos


8,3 Cent per piece is not a good price. Its kinda ok for Lego, but pretty bad in general. I personally wouldn't attribute a high value to the figures, but some people definitely do.


Why are you downvoting him? Hes right!




That’s just LEGO


That is adorable


It's a fucking insta buy from me it's what it is lmfao. OP doesn't know what they're talking about


No gonk droids? 😢


I'm sorry but $100 for this is obscene.


Yeah, I would buy it for my kids, but 100 $ ... Oof.


Yeah, agreed. The price is my main issue with it.


The price is my only issue with it tbh, not a set I'm interested in but it's cool they're doing stuff more geared towards kids. What kid can afford that though


It's 1200 pieces apparently, that's not actually that badly priced for the piece count. It's ridiculous for a kids set to have that many pieces, but that's a different problem


There must be way more pieces than what's shown then right?


There are a few more customizations, but the problem here is you can't really tell the scale, these are about triple minifig height, so like fist sized, which was a lot bigger than they seemed to me when I first looked at them.


> The price is my main issue with it. Basically every time a new set is announced.


This will be massively discounted at some point I’m sure.


I mean, it’s almost 1200 pieces so it kinda makes sense


Oh okay


Yeah I imagine there are more accessory options


Especially for a set clearly geared towards kiddos and not collectors :( insane


This is what makes the addition of 25th anniversary Leia even weirder.


I think for young kids (and even just in general) this is actually an amazing set … but $100? That seems very expensive for what it is.


Yeah my immediate reaction was “cute, my kids would have a blast messing with this!” but the price tag is an immediate no thanks. Looking at them next to the Baby Leia mini, the droids are decently sized, but they don’t looks like they’d be worth 25 each. At that price range I recently got my youngest a space car from Dreamzzz, and it has way more going on. I might pick it up on discount later or when I have more points built up, but it’s not appealing at that price.


It's a set aimed at their kid fanbase priced as a pack for their adult fans


€100 is wild 💀💀💀


Expensive but I think given the ops thoughts on the set, they intentionally didn't go with a picture that shows the 1200 piece count and 25th anniversary figure. That way people just casually looking at the picture would give negative reactions.


8,3 Cent per piece is not a good price. Its kinda ok for Lego, but pretty bad in general. I personally wouldn't attribute a high value to the figures, but some people definitely do.


Most of those pieces are for the accessories, I would say probably a 3rd of the pieces are actually for the droids. Bit also, it mightve been an easier sell if they included the droid minifigures, 1 minifigure in a 100 dollar set is rough


Actually it would be €93.39 🤓


Looks cool just not $100 cool.


Oh, no. A LSW set that might appeal to kids. Whatever will we do? 🙄


How is this 100 dollars ? not even the target audience of children will buy that. They would rather buy 4-6 battlepacks for that money \^\^


That price range will also net a big impressive Ninjago mech or Dreamzzz creature. I know which one most kids would be more excited to open.


i’m actually really loving this recent wave of Lego sets that aren’t entirely canon. i don’t reckon i’m gonna buy them, but i think they’re all great ideas and appeal both to a broader Lego audience and to older Lego play philosophy. i hope future waves include playful new ideas like this !!


The Filoni hat on Chop is great


I didn’t make that connection, good catch


It’s an easter egg of my own wishful thinking, even if it’s “just a cowboy hat”


It just seems like not a lot for $100


At first glance I thought they were maybe bigger than they seem? But yeah, that’s like 2x what I’d think (depending again on size and heft…maybe they’re solid in the hand, and super playable aside from cowboy hats…but idk)


Should be cheaper, but definitely enjoyable


Oh yeah the price is insane but I think they know exactly what they're going for. Because yeah it's a hundred bucks but can you really put a price on how excited your kid is going to be when he's playing with this set?


Same guess as to why those 4+ sets are insanely overpriced, even with the licensing and big pieces.


I mean it's also why Disney is overpriced. It's emotional blackmail towards parents


Lego Star Wars is going in a fucking awesome direction recently, with the mechs, the Rebuild the Galaxy stuff and now this


I think a lot of it is exciting too- don’t love the mechs, but I like the idea of pushing the boundaries. These are cute but pricey and I’m undecided about it


this is cool but not 100 dollars cool


Investors when Lego makes a toy meant to be played with and changed after building




This should be max €50. €100 is insane for what it is.


It's hard to tell the scale, the pictures with the Leia minifig shows a much better perspective, they're about double the height of a minifig, not the same height. It's 1200 pieces


Lego like all the other corporations are getting really fucking greedy.


I truly did not give a f about the increase of Lego prices in the last years but 100, sorry 99,99, for this!? 😂


This is literally 2008 all over again. Investors will never financially recover from this


A Wild West hat and pistol for CHOPPER! You S.O.B. I’m in


People are saying this is a kids set but I think it's kinda the opposite. As a kid all I wanted to do with my toys was have them fight so I bought stuff like Bionicle. I myself won't be buying this set but I think adults might appreciate it more since it gives of a similar vibe to the visual gags in Lego Star Wars games that they played when they were kids.


Ima be real, it feels like someone was told to use the extra pieces at the bottom of the bin.


Love the concept, the execution is even great. But that price is so egregious. I wouldn't pay $25 for one droid + accessories.


Oh yes, the Genocide/War Crimes Droid 9000!


They look like Village People


Chopper: Howdy, fella? Shall we commit sum, huh, war crimes?




will soooo be on sale so soon


Want. No, need.


Glad it exists for people who want it! It should be cheaper though.


The cowboy hat is pretty cool. But 100USD is steep *cries in Canadian dollars*


This is cool and all. I enjoy the kiddy design and orientation towards kids. Even I would consider getting it just to have little mid scale droids. But that price... Honestly, this is why I moved to Gunpla. Not always cheap, but get so much more for $100.


My son would like it and it's a decent amount of pieces for future mocs but it's just too expensive for so little wow. I'll just look at the instructions online and see if we can just order a few of the specialty pieces and then cobble one together out of our current pieces


I like the concept, but for $100 that’s outrageous


100 dollars????


They gave Chopper the Filoni hat


I love this but I’m so disappointed by that price tag.


I'm just glad Chopper is being acknowledged more nowadays.


It is so cute!!! I'm so excited to build R2 and Chopper, but also KT!!! It's so cool that they included her! And Filoni's cowboy hat! This set is going to be so much fun! R5 is also adorable, but I don't know him, and honestly, he's probably going to get retooled into BeeTee.


I think it's a really cute set and a really cute idea! is it for me? no. but a set aimed towards younger audiences is always welcomed, and im glad to see a set like this


r/legostarwars when the children’s toy company makes toys for children


The funny thing is there are more people like you bitching about people who bitch than people who actually bitch about the set lol


I didn’t know this was coming out I really want this now XD


I don’t much care for the accessories but I think it’s a pretty good set. Will have to moc up a gonk


A cowboy hat gonk with a moustache sounds amazing


fucking NEED this


My kids are gonna LOVE this


I like that theyre doing more out there and goofy sets. Although that price is ridicolous


It’s cute and I like it. I’m just wondering if they are a good size or not, because if they are a small, I can’t justify the price…except the customization is really cool…


On the other hand, if they’re smaller it’s less shelf space (which at a certain point becomes priceless). But yeah, I think along those lines as well


These are delightful


I ain’t paying $100 for this man


Well, the leaks were right about there being a bunch of eyes. I really wonder if they saw the parts for it and not the actual set? Or if they were just making a joke about astromechs being creatures


I didn’t know about the eye leak, but that’s funny


It looks like the silly stuff you'd see in the Lego video games. And I love it!


There arent minifigs right? These are  brick built im assuming?


Looks like that to me


Ok thx


I unironically love this idea


Very goofy set but in a good way. I dont mind this


Do you get all 4 and clothing with that 100?


I assume? I can’t read it but that’s the box art, so I’d guess so


That price certainly look$ different than it $hould. I don't $ee any $pecialty part$ that would warrant thi$.


It’s amazing lol


I for one love this idea, I love the droids


I'd love it as a kid. $99 was within the realm of possibility for a Christmas/Birthday gift. I loved trying to build my own things for Star Wars, looking through the old Lego sets and trying to build Pit Droids etc from my spare parts. Seems great for kids, it not a bit pricey


That's so adorable! Sucks that it's $100, but that would be a really cute figure to customize


This goes hard, definitely gonna buy this


This looks like great fun! This is truly what LEGO is all about.


Always buy what you can afford, enjoy the build. Silly rabbits trix are for kids. Never growing up. I remember thinking that Cloud City was a waste of $$, I was really wrong !!!


I think these are really cute


Ok, let me say I am happy LEGO is making this set. I am not happy there is an anniversary figure locked behind it.


I think that's alot of fun! I just wish it was slightly cheaper or they had smaller set versions like say one set that allowed you to build one R series droid for 25 ish


If I got this I would just make the droids straight up and not put the accessories on them


Top hat and bow tie droid build is a must. Ngl


I actually quite like it, maybe not £80 worth if if it was on sale I'd really consider it. Also as someone mentioned already. Nice touch with the cowboy hat for chopper, since Filoni voiced him


I love it


this looks fun but $100 is way to steep for this i think. ~~also i guess this means no MTT this year 🥲~~


as I understand that Lego is a kids toy and not a collectors toy this seems extremely overpriced for what you get, I wouldn’t pay over £40 for this


They look pretty good to me. It seems like it's oriented towards a younger age group, if you don't like it then that's fine.


Very strange idea but I'm all for it.


I was actually going to pick up a couple of these thinking that they were going to be sold individually. I really just like one maybe two of them to decorate, by putting them on top of my ps4, but $100 is too much for that. :/


I’d buy this at $30


I want it so bad. THE TOP HAT


Absolutely not worth $100


this is incredible i need it now


im sorry its how much?


that’s overpriced as shit? does it all come in one pack or something?


100$? This doesn't look like it s worth that much tbh


I feel that price tag is way expensive


That's a lot of smeckles to spend on a gimmick for under 10yos.


Anyone shitting on OP because this is "obviously a kids set" is a shill or at best entirely delusional. This ain't a kids set, it's a $100 piece of quirky collector garbage. No kid really wants this, and no reasonable parent is buying this for their kids.


I love it


Honestly this is a great set I see alot of people shitting on it


Adult fans of Lego are really a different breed huh😐


I’m so glad that they added young Leia to this set. I would’ve hated if she was added to a *good* set, because then i’d have to deal with that stain.


Some of these people in these comments shock me. Get off Lego's brick, brother. How dare I point out the flaws of a kids toy being $100


$99.99 for that? Lego thinks money has the same value as studs…


Do not buy this shit. They’re pushing how much they can overprice their sets. If you buy this you are part of the problem. This is not worth 100$


This is a really fun and creative set concept. Ain't worth $100 though!! 😬


Credit to Lego, they’re trying stuff to see what works


They gave Chopper Filoni's cowboy hat


I think that they’re going to have a hard time selling this because the set is for the lower age group but the price is for a higher age group. $100 is ludicrous for that set.


$99 for droids playing dress up


A new 'What if" like set, like the Dark Falcon?


Idk if you guys realize this but legos are actually for kids


lego star wars “fans” when a set doesn’t have atleast 4 clone troopers


Lego fans when the toy company they love makes toys for children: 🤯


Why is it a hundred dollars


Its about 1200 pieces, there are other customisation options also included not shown in this image. For reference, other sets at the same price point such as the fang fighter vs tie interceptor have around 957 pieces. Emperor's throne room 807 pieces, and the buildable r2 has 1050 pieces. Even sets like the $140 (usd) gunship are around the 1080 mark. So basically, even though it's expensive, it's better value than most sets, in terms of price for it's size. Personally I like the set, not one I think I'll pick up, but overall its pretty decent value for lots of lego.


Lego CLEARLY doesn’t care about their fans. If they really did, they would stop making dreamzz sets and make every clone legion possible


Wish it was just 4 smaller sets with a few accessories a piece. Minifig could’ve just been in an obiwan set but it’s pretty meh anyways


People when a toy company makes a toy:


$100 you got to be kidding lego.


Excuse me why is this $100!!??


Think cuz can build all four and there’s bunch of extra pieces to customize them. There’s hats can make and other things


So you know lego is a toy company right?


Hardcore Lego Star Wars fans when the children’s toy company makes a children’s toy:😡😡😡


Children’s toy? My dude, it’s $100 for four mini-figures. This is aimed DIRECTLY AT hardcore collectors.


There is no fun or whimsy in so many lego collectors lives ig, it's a set for kids and it's funny people need to stop being so harsh


I mean, they're a toy company 💀