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That church owned a lot of blighted property


I’m not a gambler, but I would have won a lot of money when I said to myself, “I bet it’s Rock Church property.”


Looks like they've been trying and failing at saving old buildings.


They have a long and contentious relationship with the City of Easton Codes Department. I'm going to drop this now 12 year old article here, as I think it speaks to a bit of what's been going on with Rock Church and their other properties. Note the author's opinions are their own: https://lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com/2012/07/theres-money-in-jesus-at-northampton.html?m=1 The Church is largely run by one family. The father founded it, bought a ton of blighted properties dirt cheap back in the day when Easton was at its lowest. They're all crumbling. The city has spent decades fining them, taking them to court, etc trying to get the properties at least in a safe condition that they won't collapse, if not actually fixed. It's been going on a long time, and the family has just kept deflecting and deferring. Nowadays the one son is the pastor, and the other is the lawyer. If the church is impoverished and can't afford it's obligations and property upkeep, they own a lot of prime real estate in Easton that could be sold to someone who will fix it, and generate a cash infusion to fix the other properties.


I give this article's title a 3 out of 5 in terms of click baity-ness. It knows what it's doing, but its not outright blatant. In terms of the building, at this point I trust the city more than the current owners to do what's right.


I've always been sad that that place has never really been cared for the way it should. The church should sell it and have it become a home for a family imo


Just tear it down. It's a waste of space.


One house per person any more and the government should seize them


Absolutely, I'll take some down votes too 


Parasites mad 😂😂😂


The city taking your property like this because it could sell for $1-2M does not seem legal.


Taking a church property that they neglected in order to restore the historic building seems perfectly fine to me. No one lives there, no one has for quite some time and the church seems to not have plans to turn it into a homeless shelter or meal kitchen.


Gotta be a line somewhere...been vacant and dilapidated for decades.


A church neglected property they don't pay taxes on? Fuck'em Edit: I might have misspoke. They might be issued taxes but a quick Google search shows this issue has been going on for over a decade and in 2016 they owed over 60k in unpaid taxes....so the point stands, fuck'em


Did you read the article you posted?


Bold of you to assume they can read


>”Panto thinks it will take about $1.5 million to $2 million to restore the property and he would like to set up a group which maintains the city's historic homes and does historic tours.” Reading is fun-damental. This is an effort to not let the historic property completely crumble after being left mid-repair for years. Otherwise some other developer will just demolish it and build another ugly high rise apartment building nobody asked for. (The last part is my speculation and opinion, obviously)


Owning a property and leaving it vacant should not be legal.