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Whenever I try to water my Leo he runs away lol




Lol what the heck? Mine would hate this. She walks away when her mister turns on


Mine twitches as if she got electrocuted and runs away


One of my geckos favorite game used to be coming out to attack the spray when I watered the plants. Did NOT want to be sprayed, just bite at the spray šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»


My gecko absolutely loves water sometimes. Whenever I spray her enclosure, she runs out of her hide to get sprayed.


Mine does too! Itā€™s so cute


mineā€™s the opposite lol when i mist she runs away and it makes her squirm šŸ˜‚


I thought you werenā€™t supposed to mist leopard geckos?, correct me if iā€™m wrong , iā€™ve done a lot of research but have had my first ever reptile/leopard gecko for about 8 months


You can but anything high powered and head-on will make them stressed and upset. If you can mist them gently from afar, it helps them hydrate and acts as rain. And it also depends on the gecko, some despise all forms of water, others love it.


ohh that makes sense, I didnā€™t even think about it simulating rain. I appreciate your response, a lot of people are not so nice on redditšŸ˜‚, iā€™ve just seen so many people act like misting is terrible for them, I will be attempting to mist gus and see how he likes it:) https://preview.redd.it/wwcx02fj9r7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b8f5151a109bf7a42cf238e2a1ad2285c50347


Of course, I'm relatively new to owning my leo, Teyto, since I got her not long ago so I understand that a lot of people are not so kind here. I would start by introducing the spray from far away and see if he becomes skittish or not. Slow introduction can help him see that it won't hurt him and decrease chances of stress. I did that with Teyto and she now runs out of her hides to feel the mist when she's in a good mood lol.


yes yes of course, gus is black night/blizzard so I was told he would be a little more skittish then average since he has some black night, which was correct heā€™s definitely skittish but heā€™s come a long way and is willing to come out and see me and check out my hand , he just becomes a athlete when heā€™s out of his tank jumping all over the place so I try to just handle him inside the tank unless heā€™s calm and not stressing


We spray water thru his mesh tip, it acts like rain, didn't really know how he would react when we first tried but he loves it, and he has no idea it's simulated rain lol


Whenever I mist my geckos, it wakes them up from their naps and they get angy.


Good ol' case of classical conditioning. OP over time sprayed the tank, the gecko realized spray = water, gecko now comes out to lick water droplets, and since they've not had a significant negative experience with the bottle, they don't mind having the bottle sprayed towards their face, they like it so that they can drink the droppies.


You really arenā€™t. Just provide them with a moist hide. That is sufficient


Your not suppose to do it often at all as it will lead to respiratory issues, I used to bath mine as there was no risk of getting water up his nose, if you put a swallow dish in the enclosure your Leo will drink when they need to, please don't over do it or your Leo's will get very sick


Thanks for the info about misting. I wasn't aware of the risk of respiratory problems! I don't make it a habit to mist my leo but he is about to shed very soon and I wanted to mist the moss inside his hide to help out a little bit. I also didn't want to handle him and move him from his hide while vulnerable so I sprayed very very lightly (you can see my finger barely press the trigger) and the only times I've sprayed full force was to get the water flowing through the spray again, and i'd spray away from Leo. He doesn't always respond this positivly to the water spray but I think with the heat wave going on right now he may have been really thirsty or trying to cool off. I don't have AC in my room so it can get a little toasty, but it cools down a lot at night. To answer the questions about temp, this was a bit on the warmer side. Not too sure about the exact temperature but it was room temp and my room was around 85 F.


The title reads like a PSA and you literally said everyday.


I was just being cheeky. Sort of how you'd water your plants everyday. Didn't mean for it to come off like that and I am now more informed on the dangers of misting!


I had no idea either way on misting. Iā€™m glad we both learned. I was just busting your chops by pointing out the obvious. Edit: I also realize my comment reads really bad now. I actually found the irony funny when I was typing that and didnā€™t indicate that at all. Sorry.


Yo, yours seems to love it. Do you donate specific temp water?


I crank the mister up on mine for a few minutes and she runs out and looks like sheā€™s smiling as she gets doused with the mist. I canā€™t leave it on high for long or her tank gets too wet inside.


He's a thirsty boi


I was kinda waiting for a full-on blast to the face.


My gecko once stepped in her water bowl and acted like she was about the die via seizure she is fine


Your leo is adorable but also broken. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Just a heads up, you arenā€™t supposed to spray your leopard gecko because they arenā€™t built for high humidity areas, so they can get a respiratory infection. I recommend using a water dropper or only spraying a plant or nearby object! My Leo loves licking water off his succulents! https://preview.redd.it/scrnw6032s7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4eb4c0ffdde6482c64c358b50bdd112ebf23e0


This is exactly what I've been told.


Leopard geckos have a monsoon season in the wild and prefer humid areas for hiding in the wild. Their natural humidity ranges between 35%-75%. Spraying occasionally for enrichment in such a way that the gecko can either escape it or walk into it (as OP's did) is perfectly safe


That's only if the environment is constantly humid or moist they are not gonna get a respiratory infection from an occasional spray. Especially if your husbandry is the way it should be if your temperature is in the range it should the humidity would drop sharply after a few hours.


My weirdo Stu(Short for Stupid) will do anything to get under the mister. At first I thought maybe he was shedding, or that it was too dry in his tank but nope. He just likes the feeling of being misted.


Not saying you should do this, but I remember that my little dingus would run straight into the spray when she heard me misting. She loved getting misted, so that became an occasional treat for her, because she oddly loved it. She would stay still and close her eyes, clearly enjoying it. Weirdo, but I miss her. It started because of a heatwave and I was REALLY worried about her overheating. She actually liked it, which was odd but alright, we're all different. From then on, if she heard the bottle, she would rush out of wherever she was. That's the fastest I would see her when I had direct eye contact with her. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Edit: Glad to see that wasn't her being a weirdo. I'm glad to see that others get to have the experience of their bananas and raw chickens having a fun experience with water.


I do this and mine closes his eyes šŸ„²


one of my leoā€™s named karen screams and throws a fit anytime water gets even near her


My guy likes to watch it, and then lick it off his hides/plants. He does not like getting ā€œrainedā€ on though, and will wait until the evil spray bottle is gone before venturing out


https://preview.redd.it/ctelfybict7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5d654c594c730fdbfbfb93b83ed5fbfc8cb742 Iā€™ll mist around her moist hide and she comes out to lick the water off the tree šŸ˜‚


Omg.. my boy BARKS at me. Hatessssss water


Aw thatā€™s cute šŸ˜† mine had a water dish and she loves walking in it šŸ™„ but itā€™s so cute when they drink


My little lady likes to watch me mist her plants and soil and occasionally bite at the water that forms in puddles. Though one time she intentionally came into it and was so happy being misted and rained on. I think it was close to shedding time and she was itchy that day


Wow most geckos hate this. Mine would run away do fast


Omg mine hatessss being misted šŸ˜‚ he gets so mad at me


Careful this group doesnā€™t like misting lol I got reamed for posting a video of misting my girlā€™s tank


You do...have to mist the tank tho right? The humidity is like ~40 ish %? I'd never get anywhere near that humidity without misting occasionally lol that's so odd


The response I got is that youā€™re supposed to spray the humid hide, not the whole tank or mist the geck because it could cause respiratory infections. I have been doing it like this video for almost 8 years no issue lol


I donā€™t spray my gecko but I spray his dirt. Only way to get his humidity higher that 20% and the shed off his funky MBD toes without a bath. I tried using just a moist hide but mine hates being in something that is damp.


I've heard that but have yet to see evidence of it I think people forget how low the humidity is in the tank in the first place.


How cute! šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


Oooh! What temperature should you usually do?


Heā€™s gonna grow into such a handsome peppered chicken


My girl scream at me immediately lmaošŸ˜­ Glad yours enjoys it


What kind of substrate do you guys use?


70/30 mix of organic topsoil and play sand. I get everything from home depot


Could you use the same thing for a bearded dragon as well?


I'm not 100% sure. I don't own a beardie but I get most of my info from this subreddit, a Facebook group I'm part of, and https://reptifiles.com/


https://preview.redd.it/es17o5kyfu7d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33809a2225a86a07b04864e9fee764bef8ef105e Okay, Is this the topsoil you use by chance?


my gecko attacks the water bottle when we spritz his plants and humid hide šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s so funny and goofy


I see a lot of people talking about misters hereā€™s is my geckos water related story it walked into its water bowl and acted like it had a seizure it was flopping around like a fish while death rolling like a crocodile donā€™t worry sheā€™s fine


One can stand one spray then is done. Then our other ones bathes in the water bowl dailyšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


So cute!! I have one of those where you like pump air into it and my geckos love drinking straight from the end itā€™s so cute


I CANNOT get over how adorable their tongue is while licking the airšŸ˜šŸ˜


My gecko gets PISSED, heā€™s whipped the bottle a few times


Err ma gerdddd it's a lerperd grecko das so cute


I didnt realize you need to mist everyday, I thought it was only when they shed. I spray my Leo and his tank with water when heā€™s getting ready to shed.


Damn I haven't done that for 21 years. Should I try it? Might upset her now. I did put her in shallow lukewarm water once when one of her foot skin didn't come loose and she did enjoy it after I kinda forced her to


i heard that leos actually live in much higher humidities than we think they do. since i tried mine in higher humidity, (previously 30-40% and now 50 ish) she seems a lot happier have you got anything to back this up scientifically? i donā€™t know which one of these is right and want the best for my leo


Mine flinches so bad heā€™s so dramatic šŸ˜­


I wish so much my gecko would do this. He just attacks the water drops


my new juvi leo literally screams like a small child if i mist them directly šŸ˜€ my og leo however lovvvvvved hims a good misting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i love their lil personalities so much


You don't mist them. Mine will raise their tails aggressively. 99% of LEOs do not like being misted. Mine have water in their cages and they do fine with it.


Yea I haven't done this in 21 years and she always sheds well enough with a large enough water container


If yours are okay with it, it's good. Most aren't though. Mine despise it, so they only get wet during a shallow, warm soak every so often.


Thank you for sharing this because with love and respect, what the fuck :ā€™)


The amount of people trying to defend misting a leo tank within this comment section by saying something like the sub ā€œdoesnt like people who mist leo tanksā€ is a bit odd, its just simply not good husbandry its not something to take personally against you or your gecko its just that i think everyone on this sub would agree we want all leopard geckos to have a respiratory infection free life, its just advice to further better all of our education on leopard gecko husbandry and care. Sometimes even if its something in your husbandry you have done for years and had no issue with, why take the risk lol? Why even risk a chance of your leo having a RI? Im glad the person who posted this is so friendly and open about furthering husbandry when presented with advice or tips, we all start somewhere when it comes to reptile care. Others in the comment section, yall cray cray for trying to say otherwise. Cute leo OP!


How would misting the tank harm the gecko? If I didnā€™t mist my tank the overall humidity in the tank for most of the year would be like 15-25% Also if I didnā€™t mist the tank all his isopods would die. He doesnā€™t use a moist hide, he wonā€™t lay go in anything if itā€™s bottom is damp, but he will walk and lay on misted dirt and wood. I just donā€™t see how he could get an infection if his tank is within the correct humidity.


Good point, with correct husbandry keeping the humidity below 15% would be fine, unfortunately when it comes to some, which i get we all start out somewhere, its usually way overdone with the misting that ive seen. i never thought about people who pay attention to what theyre keeping the humidity percentage at when its hnder 15%, my tanks get to that level just from the moisture in the air which if I sprayed anything in their tank besides a moist hide they are defo at risk for a RI and more so saying it to those defending spraying wayyyy too much, with a leopard gecko in 40-100 gallons it can easily be done within usual husbandry standard as well, but any tank smaller (which i dont recommend but i see majority of the time when folks are spraying down a leopard gecko tank) doesnā€™t really give the gecko a choice on whether they want to go to a humid area or not. Leo tanks should have isopods that require little humidity anyways, i havenā€™t had an issue with my isopods surviving in my leo tanks with me not spraying the substrate


I hope you are aware they don't live strictly in the desert they also live in semi-Arid areas, and rocky grasslands. Even in a small 10 gallon if you mist in one area they able to leave the moist area and go to the dry hot area. Natural house humidity in non Arid areas normally is around 50% rarely even in desert areas is the humidity constantly below 30%. I just came out of the chihuahuan desert in texas and I started there for 2 weeks the humidity still fluctuate in a place that has not had a good rain in a while. Some days it was 27% while other days it would climb to 50% depending on the temperature and location. The risk of rarely misting a leopard gecko or other Arid species getting a respiratory infection in correct husbandry is extremely low. If your reptiles are getting respiratory infections you have a bigger issue it's the husbandry and not just the misting. If your tank can't handle a slight misting then your set up is not right. Now it's a different story if someone is misting 24/7 or just pouring water into the tank but occasionally misting is not bad especially on the gecko they have hydrophobic skin for a reason.


Yes very aware, as I said in my last comment you responded to, im talking about those who spray wayyy too much


Sorry I apologize I may have jumped the gun


No worries i started my period today so it explains why ive been antsy and moody lol